[qet] [GIT] qet/qet.git branch master updated. 0.8.rc-95-g8111508

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This is an automated email from git. It was generated because a ref
change was pushed to the "qet/qet.git" repository.

The branch, master has been updated
       via  811150809093f525880c2dc436444acee886631a (commit)
      from  0deb58a3ffc8c8b390a4ee9adfa2e71da8da4e2f (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 811150809093f525880c2dc436444acee886631a
Author: artgg7300 <gubanyig@xxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Jan 14 20:40:34 2021 +0100

    translated hungarian element names


Summary of changes:
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-10-0101.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-10-0111.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-10-0121.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-10-0151.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-10-0211.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-10-0501.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-10-0502.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-10-0901.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-20-0001.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-20-0002.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-20-0011.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-20-0012.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-20-0013.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-21-0001.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-21-0011.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-21-0012.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-21-0013.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-30-0001.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-30-0010.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-30-0011.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/90-30-0101.elmt                        | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/cable.elmt                             | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/qet_directory                          | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/repartiteur.elmt                       | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/terminal_12g1.elmt                     | 4 ++--
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/terminal_19g1.elmt                     | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/terminal_3g1.elmt                      | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/terminal_4g1.elmt                      | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/terminal_5g1.elmt                      | 1 +
 .../90_terminal_strips_diagram/terminal_7g1.elmt                      | 1 +
 30 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


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