[qet] [MSVR 54188] QElectroTech v0.70 (windows) Invalid Pointer read results in DoS CRM:0461117338

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This is Sharon from Microsoft Vulnerability Research (MSVR), and we wish to report a security vulnerability for QElectroTech version 0.70.  I am looking for a security contact within your organization to disclose the reported vulnerability. Please let me know if this is the correct contact so I can send the full vulnerability report to you.


In addition, Microsoft supports encryption to protect vulnerability information that is sent in email. Please let me know if you would like the report to be encrypted. Microsoft Vulnerability Research supports PGP and has published PGP public keys on the Microsoft.com website at: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/msrc/pgp-key-msrc?rtc=1


Thank you for your assistance.





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