[qet] qet/qet: [5801] Replace deprecated QMatrix by QTransform

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Revision: 5801
Author:   blacksun
Date:     2019-03-18 21:14:36 +0100 (Mon, 18 Mar 2019)
Log Message:
Replace deprecated QMatrix by QTransform

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/sources/editor/graphicspart/partdynamictextfield.cpp
--- trunk/sources/editor/graphicspart/partdynamictextfield.cpp	2019-03-18 19:49:12 UTC (rev 5800)
+++ trunk/sources/editor/graphicspart/partdynamictextfield.cpp	2019-03-18 20:14:36 UTC (rev 5801)
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
 #include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
 #include <QFont>
 #include <QColor>
-#include <QMatrix>
 PartDynamicTextField::PartDynamicTextField(QETElementEditor *editor, QGraphicsItem *parent) :
@@ -240,16 +239,16 @@
 	//the origin transformation point of PartDynamicTextField is the top left corner, no matter the font size
 	//The origin transformation point of PartTextField is the middle of left edge, and so by definition, change with the size of the font
-	//We need to use a QMatrix to find the pos of this text from the saved pos of text item 
-	QMatrix matrix;
+	//We need to use a QTransform to find the pos of this text from the saved pos of text item
+	QTransform transform;
 	//First make the rotation
-	matrix.rotate(dom_element.attribute("rotation", "0").toDouble());
-	QPointF pos = matrix.map(QPointF(0, -boundingRect().height()/2));
-	matrix.reset();
+	transform.rotate(dom_element.attribute("rotation", "0").toDouble());
+	QPointF pos = transform.map(QPointF(0, -boundingRect().height()/2));
+	transform.reset();
 	//Second translate to the pos
-	matrix.translate(dom_element.attribute("x", QString::number(0)).toDouble(),
+	transform.translate(dom_element.attribute("x", QString::number(0)).toDouble(),
 					 dom_element.attribute("y", QString::number(0)).toDouble());
-	QGraphicsTextItem::setPos(matrix.map(pos));
+	QGraphicsTextItem::setPos(transform.map(pos));

Modified: trunk/sources/qetgraphicsitem/element.cpp
--- trunk/sources/qetgraphicsitem/element.cpp	2019-03-18 19:49:12 UTC (rev 5800)
+++ trunk/sources/qetgraphicsitem/element.cpp	2019-03-18 20:14:36 UTC (rev 5801)
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 #include "diagram.h"
 #include "conductor.h"
 #include "diagramcommands.h"
-#include <QtDebug>
 #include <utility>
 #include "elementprovider.h"
 #include "diagramposition.h"
@@ -524,17 +523,17 @@
 			//the origin transformation point of PartDynamicTextField is the top left corner, no matter the font size
 			//The origin transformation point of ElementTextItem is the middle of left edge, and so by definition, change with the size of the font
-			//We need to use a QMatrix to find the pos of this text from the saved pos of text item 
-		QMatrix matrix;
+			//We need to use a QTransform to find the pos of this text from the saved pos of text item
+		QTransform transform;
 			//First make the rotation
-		matrix.rotate(dom_element.attribute("rotation", "0").toDouble());
-		QPointF pos = matrix.map(QPointF(0, -deti->boundingRect().height()/2));
-		matrix.reset();
+		transform.rotate(dom_element.attribute("rotation", "0").toDouble());
+		QPointF pos = transform.map(QPointF(0, -deti->boundingRect().height()/2));
+		transform.reset();
 			//Second translate to the pos
 		QPointF p(dom_element.attribute("x", QString::number(0)).toDouble(),
 				  dom_element.attribute("y", QString::number(0)).toDouble());
-		matrix.translate(p.x(), p.y());
-		deti->setPos(matrix.map(pos));
+		transform.translate(p.x(), p.y());
+		deti->setPos(transform.map(pos));
 		m_converted_text_from_xml_description.insert(deti, p);
 		return true;
@@ -790,19 +789,19 @@
 					//the origin transformation point of PartDynamicTextField is the top left corner, no matter the font size
 					//The origin transformation point of PartTextField is the middle of left edge, and so by definition, change with the size of the font
-					//We need to use a QMatrix to find the pos of this text from the saved pos of text item
+					//We need to use a QTransform to find the pos of this text from the saved pos of text item
-				QMatrix matrix;
+				QTransform transform;
 					//First make the rotation
-				matrix.rotate(rotation);
-				QPointF pos = matrix.map(QPointF(0, -deti->boundingRect().height()/2));
-				matrix.reset();
+				transform.rotate(rotation);
+				QPointF pos = transform.map(QPointF(0, -deti->boundingRect().height()/2));
+				transform.reset();
 					//Second translate to the pos
-				matrix.translate(xml_pos.x(), xml_pos.y());
-				deti->setPos(matrix.map(pos));
+				transform.translate(xml_pos.x(), xml_pos.y());
+				deti->setPos(transform.map(pos));
 					//dom_input and deti matched we remove the dom_input from @inputs list,
 					//to avoid unnecessary checking made below

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