[qet] [4582] Remove unused class

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Revision: 4582
Author:   blacksun
Date:     2016-07-19 16:37:08 +0200 (Tue, 19 Jul 2016)
Log Message:
Remove unused class

Modified Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/sources/editor/qetelementeditor.h
--- trunk/sources/editor/qetelementeditor.h	2016-07-18 17:37:02 UTC (rev 4581)
+++ trunk/sources/editor/qetelementeditor.h	2016-07-19 14:37:08 UTC (rev 4582)
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 #include "qetmainwindow.h"
 #include "qet.h"
 #include "elementscene.h"
-#include "orientationset.h"
 #include "elementslocation.h"
@@ -94,7 +93,6 @@
 	// methods
 	void setNames(const NamesList &);
-	OrientationSet orientations() const;
 	void setLocation(const ElementsLocation &);
 	ElementsLocation location() const;
 	void setFileName(const QString &);

Deleted: trunk/sources/orientationset.cpp
--- trunk/sources/orientationset.cpp	2016-07-18 17:37:02 UTC (rev 4581)
+++ trunk/sources/orientationset.cpp	2016-07-19 14:37:08 UTC (rev 4582)
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-	Copyright 2006-2016 The QElectroTech Team
-	This file is part of QElectroTech.
-	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-	(at your option) any later version.
-	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-	GNU General Public License for more details.
-	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include "orientationset.h"
-	Constructeur
-	Par defaut, toutes les orientations sont autorisees. L'orientation courante
-	vaut l'orientation par defaut, c'est-a-dire Nord.
-OrientationSet::OrientationSet() :
-	north_ori(true),
-	east_ori(true),
-	south_ori(true),
-	west_ori(true),
-	default_ori(Qet::North),
-	current_ori(Qet::North)
-	@param ori true pour autoriser l'orientation vers le Nord, false pour l'interdire
-	@return true si le changement d'autorisation a reussi, false sinon
-bool OrientationSet::setNorth (bool ori) {
-	// pour desactiver une orientation, il doit y avoir au moins une autre orientation possible
-	bool can_set_ori = ori ? true : east_ori || south_ori || west_ori;
-	if (can_set_ori) {
-		north_ori = ori;
-		// en cas de desactivation d'une orientation, il faut verifier voire corriger les orientations courante et par defaut 
-		if (!ori) {
-			if (default_ori == Qet::North) default_ori = next();
-			if (current_ori == Qet::North) current_ori = next();
-		}
-	}
-	return(can_set_ori);
-	@param ori true pour autoriser l'orientation vers l'Est, false pour l'interdire
-	@return true si le changement d'autorisation a reussi, false sinon
-bool OrientationSet::setEast (bool ori) {
-	// pour desactiver une orientation, il doit y avoir au moins une autre orientation possible
-	bool can_set_ori = ori ? true : south_ori || west_ori || north_ori;
-	if (can_set_ori) {
-		east_ori = ori;
-		// en cas de desactivation d'une orientation, il faut verifier voire corriger les orientations courante et par defaut 
-		if (!ori) {
-			if (default_ori == Qet::East) default_ori = next();
-			if (current_ori == Qet::East) current_ori = next();
-		}
-	}
-	return(can_set_ori);
-	@param ori true pour autoriser l'orientation vers le Sud, false pour l'interdire
-	@return true si le changement d'autorisation a reussi, false sinon
-bool OrientationSet::setSouth (bool ori) {
-	// pour desactiver une orientation, il doit y avoir au moins une autre orientation possible
-	bool can_set_ori = ori ? true : west_ori || north_ori || east_ori;
-		if (can_set_ori) {
-		south_ori = ori;
-		// en cas de desactivation d'une orientation, il faut verifier voire corriger les orientations courante et par defaut 
-		if (!ori) {
-			if (default_ori == Qet::South) default_ori = next();
-			if (current_ori == Qet::South) current_ori = next();
-		}
-	}
-	return(can_set_ori);
-	@param ori true pour autoriser l'orientation vers l'Ouest, false pour l'interdire
-	@return true si le changement d'autorisation a reussi, false sinon
-bool OrientationSet::setWest (bool ori) {
-	// pour desactiver une orientation, il doit y avoir au moins une autre orientation possible
-	bool can_set_ori = ori ? true : north_ori || east_ori || south_ori;
-	if (can_set_ori) {
-		west_ori = ori;
-		// en cas de desactivation d'une orientation, il faut verifier voire corriger les orientations courante et par defaut 
-		if (!ori) {
-			if (default_ori == Qet::West) default_ori = next();
-			if (current_ori == Qet::West) current_ori = next();
-		}
-	}
-	return(can_set_ori);
-	Definit l'orientation courante
-	@param ori nouvelle orientation courante
-	@return true si le changement d'orientation a reussi, false sinon
-bool OrientationSet::setCurrent(Qet::Orientation ori) {
-	bool can_set_ori = accept(ori);
-	if (can_set_ori) current_ori = ori;
-	return(can_set_ori);
-	@return l'orientation suivant l'orientation courante
-Qet::Orientation OrientationSet::next() const {
-	Qet::Orientation result = current_ori;
-	do result = Qet::nextOrientation(result); while (!accept(result));
-	return(result);
-	@return l'orientation precedant l'orientation courante
-Qet::Orientation OrientationSet::previous() const {
-	Qet::Orientation result = current_ori;
-	do result = Qet::previousOrientation(result); while (!accept(result));
-	return(result);
-	Equivaut a setNext()
-	@return l'OrientationSet precedent
-const OrientationSet OrientationSet::operator++(int) {
-	OrientationSet before(*this);
-	setNext();
-	return(before);
-	Equivaut a setPrevious()
-	@return l'OrientationSet precedent
-const OrientationSet OrientationSet::operator--(int) {
-	OrientationSet before(*this);
-	setPrevious();
-	return(before);
-	Permet de savoir si une orientation donnee peut etre utilisee.
-	@param ori L'orientation en question
-	@return true si l'orientation est utilisable, false sinon
-bool OrientationSet::accept(Qet::Orientation ori) const {
-	bool accepted_ori = false;
-	switch(ori) {
-		case Qet::North: accepted_ori = north_ori; break;
-		case Qet::East : accepted_ori = east_ori;  break;
-		case Qet::South: accepted_ori = south_ori; break;
-		case Qet::West : accepted_ori = west_ori;  break;
-	}
-	return(accepted_ori);
-	Definit l'orientation suivante comme etant l'orientation courante
-	@return la nouvelle orientation courante
-Qet::Orientation OrientationSet::setNext() {
-	setCurrent(next());
-	return(current_ori);
-	Definit l'orientation precedente comme etant l'orientation courante
-	@return la nouvelle orientation courante
-Qet::Orientation OrientationSet::setPrevious() {
-	setCurrent(previous());
-	return(current_ori);
-	Equivaut a setNext()
-	@return l'OrientationSet courant
-const OrientationSet OrientationSet::operator++() {
-	setNext();
-	return(*this);
-	Equivaut a setPrevious()
-	@return l'OrientationSet courant
-const OrientationSet OrientationSet::operator--() {
-	setPrevious();
-	return(*this);
-	@param os autre OrientationSet
-	@return true si os et cet OrientationSet sont identiques, false sinon
-bool OrientationSet::operator==(const OrientationSet &os) const {
-	if (north_ori   != os.north_ori)   return(false);
-	if (east_ori    != os.east_ori)    return(false);
-	if (south_ori   != os.south_ori)   return(false);
-	if (west_ori    != os.west_ori)    return(false);
-	if (default_ori != os.default_ori) return(false);
-	if (current_ori != os.current_ori) return(false);
-	return(true);
-	@param os autre OrientationSet
-	@return false si os et cet OrientationSet sont identiques, true sinon
-bool OrientationSet::operator!=(const OrientationSet &os) const {
-	return(!(this -> operator==(os)));
-	Charge l'orientationSet depuis une chaine de caractere.
-	Cette chaine doit faire 4 caracteres, representant respectivement
-	le Nord, l'Est, le Sud et l'Ouest. Le caractere y indique que l'orientation
-	est autorisee, le caractere n indique que l'orientation est interdite et le
-	caractere d designe l'orientation par defaut. L'orientation courante est
-	celle par defaut.
-	@param str Chaine de caracteres a analyser et charger
-	@return true si l'analyse a reussie, false sinon
-bool OrientationSet::fromString(const QString &str) {
-	QRegExp osv("^([dyn])([dyn])([dyn])([dyn])$");	// osv : Orientation String Validator
-	if (osv.indexIn(str) == -1) return(false);
-	QStringList matches = osv.capturedTexts();
-	// il doit y avoir exactement UN d dans les 4 lettres capturees
-	if (matches.count("d") != 1) return(false);
-	bool *ori_pointers[4] = { &north_ori, &east_ori, &south_ori, &west_ori };
-	Qet::Orientation ori_ints[4] = { Qet::North, Qet::East, Qet::South, Qet::West };
-	for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++ i) {
-		QString current = matches.at(i + 1);
-		if (current == "d") {
-			current_ori = default_ori = ori_ints[i];
-			current = "y";
-		}
-		*(ori_pointers[i]) = (current == "y");
-	}
-	return(true);
-	@return Une chaine de caracteres representant cet OrientationSet.
-	@see fromString
-QString OrientationSet::toString() const {
-	bool ori_pointers[4] = { north_ori, east_ori, south_ori, west_ori };
-	Qet::Orientation ori_ints[4] = { Qet::North, Qet::East, Qet::South, Qet::West };
-	QString result("");
-	for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++ i) {
-		if (default_ori == ori_ints[i]) result += "d";
-		else result += (ori_pointers[i] ? "y" : "n");
-	}
-	return(result);

Deleted: trunk/sources/orientationset.h
--- trunk/sources/orientationset.h	2016-07-18 17:37:02 UTC (rev 4581)
+++ trunk/sources/orientationset.h	2016-07-19 14:37:08 UTC (rev 4582)
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-	Copyright 2006-2016 The QElectroTech Team
-	This file is part of QElectroTech.
-	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-	(at your option) any later version.
-	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-	GNU General Public License for more details.
-	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include "qet.h"
-	This class provides a container for element orientations, i.e. a data
-	structure that stores, for a particular element:
-	  - its default orientation,
-	  - its current orientation,
-	  - whether the North, East, South and West orientations are allowed.
-class OrientationSet {
-	// constructors, destructor
-	public:
-	OrientationSet();
-	virtual ~OrientationSet() {};
-	// attributes
-	private:
-	bool north_ori;
-	bool east_ori;
-	bool south_ori;
-	bool west_ori;
-	Qet::Orientation default_ori;
-	Qet::Orientation current_ori;
-	// methods
-	public:
-	bool north() const;
-	bool east() const;
-	bool south() const;
-	bool west() const;
-	bool setNorth(bool);
-	bool setEast(bool);
-	bool setSouth(bool);
-	bool setWest(bool);
-	Qet::Orientation defaultOrientation() const;
-	void setDefaultOrientation(const Qet::Orientation &);
-	Qet::Orientation current() const;
-	bool setCurrent(Qet::Orientation);
-	Qet::Orientation next() const;
-	Qet::Orientation previous() const;
-	Qet::Orientation setNext();
-	Qet::Orientation setPrevious();
-	bool accept(Qet::Orientation) const;
-	const OrientationSet operator++(int);
-	const OrientationSet operator--(int);
-	const OrientationSet operator++();
-	const OrientationSet operator--();
-	bool operator==(const OrientationSet &) const;
-	bool operator!=(const OrientationSet &) const;
-	bool fromString(const QString &);
-	QString toString() const;
-	@return whether the Northern orientation is allowed
-inline bool OrientationSet::north() const {
-	return(north_ori);
-	@return whether the Eastern orientation is allowed
-inline bool OrientationSet::east() const {
-	return(east_ori);
-	@return whether the Southern orientation is allowed
-inline bool OrientationSet::south() const {
-	return(south_ori);
-	@return whether the Western orientation is allowed
-inline bool OrientationSet::west() const {
-	return(west_ori);
-	@param new_default_orientation The new default orientation
-inline void OrientationSet::setDefaultOrientation(const Qet::Orientation& new_default_orientation) {
-	default_ori = new_default_orientation;
-	@return the default orientation
-inline Qet::Orientation OrientationSet::defaultOrientation() const {
-	return(default_ori);
-	@return the current orientation
-inline Qet::Orientation OrientationSet::current() const {
-	return(current_ori);

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