[qet] [4544] Remove the flag Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint of the splash screen

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Revision: 4544
Author:   blacksun
Date:     2016-06-06 21:15:31 +0200 (Mon, 06 Jun 2016)
Log Message:
Remove the flag Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint of the splash screen

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/sources/qetapp.cpp
--- trunk/sources/qetapp.cpp	2016-06-06 19:07:13 UTC (rev 4543)
+++ trunk/sources/qetapp.cpp	2016-06-06 19:15:31 UTC (rev 4544)
@@ -1316,7 +1316,7 @@
 void QETApp::initSplashScreen() {
 	if (non_interactive_execution_) return;
-	splash_screen_ = new QSplashScreen(QPixmap(":/ico/splash.png"), Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint);
+	splash_screen_ = new QSplashScreen(QPixmap(":/ico/splash.png"));
 	splash_screen_ -> show();
 	setSplashScreenStep(tr("Chargement...", "splash screen caption"));

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