[qet] [2304] minor change

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Revision: 2304
Author:   scorpio810
Date:     2013-06-20 05:55:07 +0200 (Thu, 20 Jun 2013)
Log Message:
minor change

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/sources/qet.h
--- trunk/sources/qet.h	2013-06-20 03:51:54 UTC (rev 2303)
+++ trunk/sources/qet.h	2013-06-20 03:55:07 UTC (rev 2304)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 	/// QElectroTech version (as string, used to mark projects and elements XML documents)
 	const QString version = "0.3";
 	/// QElectroTech displayed version
-	const QString displayedVersion = "0.3b;
+	const QString displayedVersion = "0.3b";
 	QString license();
 	/// Orientation (used for electrical elements and their terminals)
 	enum Orientation {North, East, South, West};

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