[qet] [1132] Changed every occurence in the code of the "inset" term to " title block".

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Revision: 1132
Author:   xavier
Date:     2010-12-20 03:45:36 +0100 (Mon, 20 Dec 2010)
Log Message:
Changed every occurence in the code of the "inset" term to "title block".

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: branches/0.3/qelectrotech.qrc
--- branches/0.3/qelectrotech.qrc	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/qelectrotech.qrc	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
-	<file>insets/default.inset</file>
+	<file>titleblocks/default.titleblock</file>

Deleted: branches/0.3/sources/borderinset.cpp
--- branches/0.3/sources/borderinset.cpp	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/borderinset.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
-	Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Guerrin
-	This file is part of QElectroTech.
-	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-	(at your option) any later version.
-	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-	GNU General Public License for more details.
-	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QPainter>
-#include "insettemplate.h"
-#include "insettemplaterenderer.h"
-#include "diagramcontext.h"
-#include "borderinset.h"
-#include "diagramposition.h"
-#include "qetapp.h"
-#include "math.h"
-	Constructeur simple : construit une bordure en recuperant les dimensions
-	dans la configuration de l'application.
-	@param parent QObject parent de ce BorderInset
-BorderInset::BorderInset(QObject *parent) :
-	QObject(parent)
-	// at first, the internal inset template renderer uses the default inset template
-	inset_template_renderer = new InsetTemplateRenderer(this);
-	inset_template_renderer -> setInsetTemplate(QETApp::defaultInsetTemplate());
-	// dimensions par defaut du schema
-	importBorder(BorderProperties());
-	// contenu par defaut du cartouche
-	importInset(InsetProperties());
-	display_inset         = true;
-	display_border        = true;
-	setFolioData(1, 1);
-	updateRectangles();
-	Destructeur - ne fait rien
-BorderInset::~BorderInset() {
-	@return la hauteur du cartouche
-qreal BorderInset::insetHeight() const {
-	return(inset_template_renderer -> height());
-	@return Le nombre minimum de colonnes qu'un schema doit comporter
-int BorderInset::minNbColumns() {
-	return(3);
-	@return la largeur minimale d'une colonne de schema
-qreal BorderInset::minColumnsWidth() {
-	return(5.0);
-	@return Le nombre minimum de lignes qu'un schema doit comporter
-int BorderInset::minNbRows() {
-	return(2);
-	@return la hauteur minimale d'une ligne de schema
-qreal BorderInset::minRowsHeight() {
-	return(5.0);
-	@return les proprietes du cartouches
-InsetProperties BorderInset::exportInset() {
-	InsetProperties ip;
-	ip.author = bi_author;
-	ip.date = bi_date;
-	ip.title = bi_title;
-	ip.folio = bi_folio;
-	ip.filename = bi_filename;
-	return(ip);
-	@param ip les nouvelles proprietes du cartouche
-void BorderInset::importInset(const InsetProperties &ip) {
-	bi_author = ip.author;
-	bi_date = ip.date;
-	setTitle(ip.title);
-	bi_folio = ip.folio;
-	bi_filename = ip.filename;
-	updateDiagramContextForInset();
-	emit(needFolioData());
-	@return les proprietes de la bordure
-BorderProperties BorderInset::exportBorder() {
-	BorderProperties bp;
-	bp.columns_count = nbColumns();
-	bp.columns_width = columnsWidth();
-	bp.columns_header_height = columnsHeaderHeight();
-	bp.display_columns = columnsAreDisplayed();
-	bp.rows_count = nbRows();
-	bp.rows_height = rowsHeight();
-	bp.rows_header_width = rowsHeaderWidth();
-	bp.display_rows = rowsAreDisplayed();
-	return(bp);
-	@param bp les nouvelles proprietes de la bordure
-void BorderInset::importBorder(const BorderProperties &bp) {
-	setColumnsHeaderHeight(bp.columns_header_height);
-	setNbColumns(bp.columns_count);
-	setColumnsWidth(bp.columns_width);
-	displayColumns(bp.display_columns);
-	setRowsHeaderWidth(bp.rows_header_width);
-	setNbRows(bp.rows_count);
-	setRowsHeight(bp.rows_height);
-	displayRows(bp.display_rows);
-	@return the inset template used to render the inset
-	@see InsetTemplateRenderer::insetTemplate()
-const InsetTemplate *BorderInset::insetTemplate() {
-	return(inset_template_renderer -> insetTemplate());
-	@param inset_template The new inset template to use to render the inset
-	@see InsetTemplateRenderer::setInsetTemplate()
-void BorderInset::setInsetTemplate(const InsetTemplate *inset_template) {
-	inset_template_renderer -> setInsetTemplate(inset_template);
-	@param di true pour afficher le cartouche, false sinon
-void BorderInset::displayInset(bool di) {
-	bool change = (di != display_inset);
-	display_inset = di;
-	if (change) emit(displayChanged());
-	@param dc true pour afficher les entetes des colonnes, false sinon
-void BorderInset::displayColumns(bool dc) {
-	bool change = (dc != display_columns);
-	display_columns = dc;
-	if (change) emit(displayChanged());
-	@param dr true pour afficher les entetes des lignes, false sinon
-void BorderInset::displayRows(bool dr) {
-	bool change = (dr != display_rows);
-	display_rows = dr;
-	if (change) emit(displayChanged());
-	@param db true pour afficher la bordure du schema, false sinon
-	Note : si l'affichage de la bordure est ainsi desactivee, les lignes et
-	colonnes ne seront pas dessinees.
-void BorderInset::displayBorder(bool db) {
-	bool change = (db != display_border);
-	display_border  = db;
-	if (change) emit(displayChanged());
-	Methode recalculant les rectangles composant le cadre et le cartouche en
-	fonction des attributs de taille
-void BorderInset::updateRectangles() {
-	// rectangle delimitant le schema
-	QRectF previous_diagram = diagram;
-	diagram = QRectF(0, 0, diagramWidth(), diagramHeight());
-	if (diagram != previous_diagram) emit(borderChanged(previous_diagram, diagram));
-	// rectangles relatifs au cartouche
-	inset = QRectF(diagram.bottomLeft().x(), diagram.bottomLeft().y(), insetWidth(), insetHeight());
-	Dessine le cadre et le cartouche
-	@param qp QPainter a utiliser pour dessiner le cadre et le cartouche
-	@param x  Abscisse du cadre
-	@param y  Ordonnee du cadre
-void BorderInset::draw(QPainter *qp, qreal x, qreal y) {
-	// translate tous les rectangles
-	diagram     .translate(x, y);
-	inset       .translate(x, y);
-	// prepare le QPainter
-	qp -> save();
-	qp -> setPen(Qt::black);
-	qp -> setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
-	// dessine le cadre
-	if (display_border) qp -> drawRect(diagram);
-	qp -> setFont(QETApp::diagramTextsFont());
-	// dessine la case vide qui apparait des qu'il y a un entete
-	if (display_border && (display_columns || display_rows)) {
-		qp -> setBrush(Qt::white);
-		QRectF first_rectangle(
-			diagram.topLeft().x(),
-			diagram.topLeft().y(),
-			rows_header_width,
-			columns_header_height
-		);
-		qp -> drawRect(first_rectangle);
-	}
-	// dessine la numerotation des colonnes
-	if (display_border && display_columns) {
-		for (int i = 1 ; i <= nb_columns ; ++ i) {
-			QRectF numbered_rectangle = QRectF(
-				diagram.topLeft().x() + (rows_header_width + ((i - 1) * columns_width)),
-				diagram.topLeft().y(),
-				columns_width,
-				columns_header_height
-			);
-			qp -> drawRect(numbered_rectangle);
-			qp -> drawText(numbered_rectangle, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignCenter, QString("%1").arg(i));
-		}
-	}
-	// dessine la numerotation des lignes
-	if (display_border && display_rows) {
-		QString row_string("A");
-		for (int i = 1 ; i <= nb_rows ; ++ i) {
-			QRectF lettered_rectangle = QRectF(
-				diagram.topLeft().x(),
-				diagram.topLeft().y() + (columns_header_height + ((i - 1) * rows_height)),
-				rows_header_width,
-				rows_height
-			);
-			qp -> drawRect(lettered_rectangle);
-			qp -> drawText(lettered_rectangle, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignCenter, row_string);
-			row_string = incrementLetters(row_string);
-		}
-	}
-	// render the inset, using the InsetTemplate object
-	if (display_inset) {
-		qp -> translate(inset.topLeft());
-		inset_template_renderer -> render(qp, inset.width());
-		qp -> translate(-inset.topLeft());
-	}
-	qp -> restore();
-	// annule la translation des rectangles
-	diagram     .translate(-x, -y);
-	inset       .translate(-x, -y);
-	Ajoute une colonne.
-void BorderInset::addColumn() {
-	setNbColumns(nbColumns() + 1);
-	Enleve une colonne sans passer sous le minimum requis.
-	@see minNbColumns()
-void BorderInset::removeColumn() {
-	setNbColumns(nbColumns() - 1);
-	Ajoute une ligne.
-void BorderInset::addRow() {
-	setNbRows(nbRows() + 1);
-	Enleve une ligne sans passer sous le minimum requis.
-	@see minNbRows()
-void BorderInset::removeRow() {
-	setNbRows(nbRows() - 1);
-	Permet de changer le nombre de colonnes.
-	Si ce nombre de colonnes est inferieur au minimum requis, c'est ce minimum
-	qui est utilise.
-	@param nb_c nouveau nombre de colonnes
-	@see minNbColumns()
-void BorderInset::setNbColumns(int nb_c) {
-	if (nb_c == nbColumns()) return;
-	nb_columns = qMax(minNbColumns(), nb_c);
-	setInsetWidth(diagramWidth());
-	Change la largeur des colonnes.
-	Si la largeur indiquee est inferieure au minimum requis, c'est ce minimum
-	qui est utilise.
-	@param new_cw nouvelle largeur des colonnes
-	@see minColumnsWidth()
-void BorderInset::setColumnsWidth(const qreal &new_cw) {
-	if (new_cw == columnsWidth()) return;
-	columns_width = qMax(minColumnsWidth(), new_cw);
-	setInsetWidth(diagramWidth());
-	Change la hauteur des en-tetes contenant les numeros de colonnes. Celle-ci
-	doit rester comprise entre 5 et 50 px.
-	@param new_chh nouvelle hauteur des en-tetes de colonnes
-void BorderInset::setColumnsHeaderHeight(const qreal &new_chh) {
-	columns_header_height = qBound(qreal(5.0), new_chh, qreal(50.0));
-	updateRectangles();
-	Permet de changer le nombre de lignes.
-	Si ce nombre de lignes est inferieur au minimum requis, cette fonction ne
-	fait rien
-	@param nb_r nouveau nombre de lignes
-	@see minNbRows()
-void BorderInset::setNbRows(int nb_r) {
-	if (nb_r == nbRows()) return;
-	nb_rows = qMax(minNbRows(), nb_r);
-	setInsetWidth(diagramWidth());
-	updateRectangles();
-	Change la hauteur des lignes.
-	Si la hauteur indiquee est inferieure au minimum requis, c'est ce minimum
-	qui est utilise.
-	@param new_rh nouvelle hauteur des lignes
-	@see minRowsHeight()
-void BorderInset::setRowsHeight(const qreal &new_rh) {
-	if (new_rh == rowsHeight()) return;
-	rows_height = qMax(minRowsHeight(), new_rh);
-	updateRectangles();
-	Change la largeur des en-tetes contenant les numeros de lignes. Celle-ci
-	doit rester comprise entre 5 et 50 px.
-	@param new_rhw nouvelle largeur des en-tetes des lignes
-void BorderInset::setRowsHeaderWidth(const qreal &new_rhw) {
-	rows_header_width = qBound(qreal(5.0), new_rhw, qreal(50.0));
-	updateRectangles();
-	Cette methode essaye de se rapprocher le plus possible de la hauteur donnee
-	en parametre en modifiant le nombre de lignes en cours.
-void BorderInset::setDiagramHeight(const qreal &height) {
-	// taille des lignes a utiliser = rows_height
-	setNbRows(qRound(ceil(height / rows_height)));
-	Change la largeur du cartouche. Cette largeur sera restreinte a celle du
-	schema.
-void BorderInset::setInsetWidth(const qreal &new_iw) {
-	inset_width = qMin(diagramWidth(), new_iw);
-	updateRectangles();
-	Ajuste la largeur du cartouche de facon a ce que celui-ci soit aussi large
-	que le schema
-void BorderInset::adjustInsetToColumns() {
-	setInsetWidth(diagramWidth());
-	@param pos Position cartesienne (ex : 10.3, 45.2) a transformer en position
-	dans la grille (ex : B2)
-	@return la position dans la grille correspondant a pos
-DiagramPosition BorderInset::convertPosition(const QPointF &pos) {
-	// recupere le rectangle quadrille par les en-tetes
-	QRectF grid_rect(
-		rowsHeaderWidth(),
-		columnsHeaderHeight(),
-		diagramWidth(),
-		diagramHeight()
-	);
-	if (!grid_rect.contains(pos)) {
-		return(DiagramPosition("", 0));
-	}
-	QPointF relative_pos = pos - grid_rect.topLeft();
-	int row_number    = int(ceil(relative_pos.x() / columnsWidth()));
-	int column_number = int(ceil(relative_pos.y() / rowsHeight()));
-	QString letter = "A";
-	for (int i = 1 ; i < column_number ; ++ i) {
-		letter = incrementLetters(letter);
-	}
-	return(DiagramPosition(letter, row_number));
-	Update the informations given to the inset template by regenerating a
-	DiagramContext object.
-void BorderInset::updateDiagramContextForInset() {
-	DiagramContext context;
-	context.addValue("author",      bi_author);
-	context.addValue("date",        bi_date.toString("dd/MM/yyyy"));
-	context.addValue("title",       bi_title);
-	context.addValue("filename",    bi_filename);
-	context.addValue("folio",       bi_final_folio);
-	context.addValue("folio-id",    folio_index_);
-	context.addValue("folio-total", folio_total_);
-	inset_template_renderer -> setContext(context);
-QString BorderInset::incrementLetters(const QString &string) {
-	if (string.isEmpty()) {
-		return("A");
-	} else {
-		// separe les digits precedents du dernier digit
-		QString first_digits(string.left(string.count() - 1));
-		QChar last_digit(string.at(string.count() - 1));
-		if (last_digit != 'Z') {
-			// incremente le dernier digit
-			last_digit = last_digit.toAscii() + 1;
-			return(first_digits + QString(last_digit));
-		} else {
-			return(incrementLetters(first_digits) + "A");
-		}
-	}
-	@param index numero du schema (de 1 a total)
-	@param total nombre total de schemas dans le projet
-void BorderInset::setFolioData(int index, int total) {
-	if (index < 1 || total < 1 || index > total) return;
-	// memorise les informations
-	folio_index_ = index;
-	folio_total_ = total;
-	// regenere le contenu du champ folio
-	bi_final_folio = bi_folio;
-	bi_final_folio.replace("%id",    QString::number(folio_index_));
-	bi_final_folio.replace("%total", QString::number(folio_total_));
-	updateDiagramContextForInset();

Deleted: branches/0.3/sources/borderinset.h
--- branches/0.3/sources/borderinset.h	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/borderinset.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-	Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Guerrin
-	This file is part of QElectroTech.
-	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-	(at your option) any later version.
-	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-	GNU General Public License for more details.
-	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include "insetproperties.h"
-#include "borderproperties.h"
-#include <QObject>
-#include <QRectF>
-#include <QDate>
-class QPainter;
-class DiagramPosition;
-class InsetTemplate;
-class InsetTemplateRenderer;
-	Cette classe represente l'ensemble bordure + cartouche qui encadre le
-	schema electrique.
-class BorderInset : public QObject {
-	// constructeurs, destructeur
-	public:
-	BorderInset(QObject * = 0);
-	virtual ~BorderInset();
-	private:
-	BorderInset(const BorderInset &);
-	// methodes
-	public:
-	static int   minNbColumns();
-	static qreal minColumnsWidth();
-	static int   minNbRows();
-	static qreal minRowsHeight();
-	void draw(QPainter *, qreal = 0.0, qreal = 0.0);
-	// methodes d'acces en lecture aux dimensions
-	// colonnes
-	/// @return le nombre de colonnes du schema
-	int   nbColumns()           const { return(nb_columns);                    }
-	/// @return la largeur des colonnes en pixels
-	qreal columnsWidth()        const { return(columns_width);                 }
-	/// @return la taille de l'ensemble des colonnes, en-tete des lignes non inclus
-	qreal columnsTotalWidth()   const { return(nb_columns * columns_width);    }
-	/// @return la hauteur, en pixels, des en-tetes des colonnes
-	qreal columnsHeaderHeight() const { return(columns_header_height);         }
-	// lignes
-	/// @return le nombre de lignes du schema
-	int   nbRows()              const { return(nb_rows);                       }
-	/// @return la hauteur des lignes en pixels
-	qreal rowsHeight()          const { return(rows_height);                   }
-	/// @return la taille de l'ensemble des lignes, en-tete des colonnes non inclus
-	qreal rowsTotalHeight()     const { return(nb_rows * rows_height);         }
-	/// @return la largeur, en pixels, des en-tetes des lignes
-	qreal rowsHeaderWidth()     const { return(rows_header_width);             }
-	// cadre sans le cartouche = schema
-	/// @return la largeur du schema, c'est-a-dire du cadre sans le cartouche
-	qreal diagramWidth()        const { return(columnsTotalWidth() + rowsHeaderWidth());    }
-	/// @return la hauteurdu schema, c'est-a-dire du cadre sans le cartouche
-	qreal diagramHeight()       const { return(rowsTotalHeight() + columnsHeaderHeight());  }
-	// cartouche
-	/// @return la largeur du cartouche
-	qreal   insetWidth()          const { return(inset_width);                 }
-	qreal   insetHeight()         const;
-	// cadre avec le cartouche
-	/// @return la hauteur de la bordure
-	qreal   borderWidth()        const { return(diagramWidth());                  }
-	/// @return la hauteur de la bordure
-	qreal   borderHeight()       const { return(diagramHeight() + insetHeight()); }
-	// methodes d'acces en lecture aux informations du cartouche
-	/// @return le champ "Auteur" du cartouche
-	QString author()              const { return(bi_author);             }
-	/// @return le champ "Date" du cartouche
-	QDate   date()                const { return(bi_date);               }
-	/// @return le champ "Titre" du cartouche
-	QString title()               const { return(bi_title);              }
-	/// @return le champ "Folio" du cartouche
-	QString folio()               const { return(bi_folio);              }
-	/// @return le champ "Fichier" du cartouche
-	QString fileName()            const { return(bi_filename);           }
-	// methodes d'acces en lecture aux options
-	/// @return true si le cartouche est affiche, false sinon
-	bool    insetIsDisplayed()    const { return(display_inset);         }
-	/// @return true si les entetes des colonnes sont affiches, false sinon
-	bool    columnsAreDisplayed() const { return(display_columns);       }
-	/// @return true si les entetes des lignes sont affiches, false sinon
-	bool    rowsAreDisplayed()    const { return(display_rows);          }
-	/// @return true si la bordure est affichee, false sinon
-	bool    borderIsDisplayed()   const { return(display_border);        }
-	// methodes d'acces en ecriture aux dimensions
-	void addColumn             ();
-	void addRow                ();
-	void removeColumn          ();
-	void removeRow             ();
-	void setNbColumns          (int);
-	void setNbRows             (int);
-	void setColumnsWidth       (const qreal &);
-	void setRowsHeight         (const qreal &);
-	void setColumnsHeaderHeight(const qreal &);
-	void setRowsHeaderWidth    (const qreal &);
-	void setDiagramHeight      (const qreal &);
-	void setInsetWidth         (const qreal &);
-	void adjustInsetToColumns  ();
-	DiagramPosition convertPosition(const QPointF &);
-	// methodes d'acces en ecriture aux informations du cartouche
-	/// @param author le nouveau contenu du champ "Auteur"
-	void setAuthor             (const QString &author)   { bi_author       = author;   }
-	/// @param date le nouveau contenu du champ "Date"
-	void setDate               (const QDate   &date)     { bi_date         = date;     }
-	/// @param title le nouveau contenu du champ "Titre"
-	void setTitle              (const QString &title) {
-		if (bi_title != title) {
-			bi_title = title;
-			emit(diagramTitleChanged(title));
-		}
-	}
-	/// @param folio le nouveau contenu du champ "Folio"
-	void setFolio              (const QString &folio)    { bi_folio        = folio;    }
-	void setFolioData(int, int);
-	/// @param filename le nouveau contenu du champ "Fichier"
-	void setFileName           (const QString &filename) { bi_filename     = filename; }
-	InsetProperties exportInset();
-	void importInset(const InsetProperties &);
-	BorderProperties exportBorder();
-	void importBorder(const BorderProperties &);
-	const InsetTemplate *insetTemplate();
-	void setInsetTemplate(const InsetTemplate *);
-	// methodes d'acces en ecriture aux options
-	void displayInset(bool);
-	void displayColumns(bool);
-	void displayRows(bool);
-	void displayBorder(bool);
-	private:
-	void updateRectangles();
-	void updateDiagramContextForInset();
-	QString incrementLetters(const QString &);
-	// signaux
-	signals:
-	/**
-		Signal emis lorsque la bordure change
-		@param old_border Ancienne bordure
-		@param new_border Nouvelle bordure
-	*/
-	void borderChanged(QRectF old_border, QRectF new_border);
-	/**
-		Signal emise lorsque des options d'affichage change
-	*/
-	void displayChanged();
-	/**
-		Signal emis lorsque le titre du schema change
-	*/
-	void diagramTitleChanged(const QString &);
-	/**
-		Signal emis lorsque le cartouche requiert une mise a jour des donnees
-		utilisees pour generer le folio.
-	*/
-	void needFolioData();
-	// attributs
-	private:
-	// informations du cartouche
-	QString bi_author;
-	QDate   bi_date;
-	QString bi_title;
-	QString bi_folio;
-	QString bi_final_folio;
-	int folio_index_;
-	int folio_total_;
-	QString bi_filename;
-	// dimensions du cadre (lignes et colonnes)
-	// colonnes : nombres et dimensions
-	int    nb_columns;
-	qreal  columns_width;
-	qreal  columns_header_height;
-	// lignes : nombres et dimensions
-	int    nb_rows;
-	qreal  rows_height;
-	qreal  rows_header_width;
-	// dimensions du cartouche
-	qreal  inset_width;
-	qreal  inset_height;
-	// rectangles utilises pour le dessin
-	QRectF  diagram;
-	QRectF  inset;
-	// booleens pour les options de dessin
-	bool display_inset;
-	bool display_columns;
-	bool display_rows;
-	bool display_border;
-	InsetTemplateRenderer *inset_template_renderer;

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/borderpropertieswidget.cpp
--- branches/0.3/sources/borderpropertieswidget.cpp	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/borderpropertieswidget.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "borderpropertieswidget.h"
 #include <QtGui>
 #include "qetapp.h"
-#include "borderinset.h"
+#include "bordertitleblock.h"
@@ -99,11 +99,11 @@
 	QLabel *ds1 = new QLabel(tr("Colonnes :"));
 	columns_count = new QSpinBox(diagram_size_box);
-	columns_count -> setMinimum(BorderInset::minNbColumns());
+	columns_count -> setMinimum(BorderTitleBlock::minNbColumns());
 	columns_count -> setMaximum(10000); // valeur arbitraire
 	columns_width = new QSpinBox(diagram_size_box);
-	columns_width -> setMinimum(qRound(BorderInset::minColumnsWidth()));
+	columns_width -> setMinimum(qRound(BorderTitleBlock::minColumnsWidth()));
 	columns_width -> setSingleStep(10);
 	columns_width -> setPrefix(tr("\327", "multiplication symbol"));
 	columns_width -> setSuffix(tr("px",   "unit for cols width"));
@@ -114,11 +114,11 @@
 	QLabel *ds2 = new QLabel(tr("Lignes :"));
 	rows_count = new QSpinBox(diagram_size_box);
-	rows_count -> setMinimum(BorderInset::minNbRows());
+	rows_count -> setMinimum(BorderTitleBlock::minNbRows());
 	rows_count -> setMaximum(10000); // valeur arbitraire
 	rows_height  = new QSpinBox(diagram_size_box);
-	rows_height -> setMinimum(qRound(BorderInset::minRowsHeight()));
+	rows_height -> setMinimum(qRound(BorderTitleBlock::minRowsHeight()));
 	rows_height -> setSingleStep(10);
 	rows_height -> setPrefix(tr("\327", "multiplication symbol"));
 	rows_height -> setSuffix(tr("px",   "unit for rows height"));

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/borderpropertieswidget.h
--- branches/0.3/sources/borderpropertieswidget.h	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/borderpropertieswidget.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 	Cette classe represente un widget permettant d'editer les dimensions et les
 	options d'affichage d'un schema, cartouche non inclus.
-	@see InsetPropertiesWidget
+	@see TitleBlockPropertiesWidget
 class BorderPropertiesWidget : public QWidget {

Copied: branches/0.3/sources/bordertitleblock.cpp (from rev 1131, branches/0.3/sources/borderinset.cpp)
--- branches/0.3/sources/bordertitleblock.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/bordertitleblock.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+	Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Guerrin
+	This file is part of QElectroTech.
+	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+	(at your option) any later version.
+	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+	GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <QPainter>
+#include "titleblocktemplate.h"
+#include "titleblocktemplaterenderer.h"
+#include "diagramcontext.h"
+#include "bordertitleblock.h"
+#include "diagramposition.h"
+#include "qetapp.h"
+#include "math.h"
+	Constructeur simple : construit une bordure en recuperant les dimensions
+	dans la configuration de l'application.
+	@param parent QObject parent de ce BorderTitleBlock
+BorderTitleBlock::BorderTitleBlock(QObject *parent) :
+	QObject(parent)
+	// at first, the internal titleblock template renderer uses the default titleblock template
+	titleblock_template_renderer = new TitleBlockTemplateRenderer(this);
+	titleblock_template_renderer -> setTitleBlockTemplate(QETApp::defaultTitleBlockTemplate());
+	// dimensions par defaut du schema
+	importBorder(BorderProperties());
+	// contenu par defaut du cartouche
+	importTitleBlock(TitleBlockProperties());
+	display_titleblock         = true;
+	display_border        = true;
+	setFolioData(1, 1);
+	updateRectangles();
+	Destructeur - ne fait rien
+BorderTitleBlock::~BorderTitleBlock() {
+	@return la hauteur du cartouche
+qreal BorderTitleBlock::titleBlockHeight() const {
+	return(titleblock_template_renderer -> height());
+	@return Le nombre minimum de colonnes qu'un schema doit comporter
+int BorderTitleBlock::minNbColumns() {
+	return(3);
+	@return la largeur minimale d'une colonne de schema
+qreal BorderTitleBlock::minColumnsWidth() {
+	return(5.0);
+	@return Le nombre minimum de lignes qu'un schema doit comporter
+int BorderTitleBlock::minNbRows() {
+	return(2);
+	@return la hauteur minimale d'une ligne de schema
+qreal BorderTitleBlock::minRowsHeight() {
+	return(5.0);
+	@return les proprietes du cartouches
+TitleBlockProperties BorderTitleBlock::exportTitleBlock() {
+	TitleBlockProperties ip;
+	ip.author = bi_author;
+	ip.date = bi_date;
+	ip.title = bi_title;
+	ip.folio = bi_folio;
+	ip.filename = bi_filename;
+	return(ip);
+	@param ip les nouvelles proprietes du cartouche
+void BorderTitleBlock::importTitleBlock(const TitleBlockProperties &ip) {
+	bi_author = ip.author;
+	bi_date = ip.date;
+	setTitle(ip.title);
+	bi_folio = ip.folio;
+	bi_filename = ip.filename;
+	updateDiagramContextForTitleBlock();
+	emit(needFolioData());
+	@return les proprietes de la bordure
+BorderProperties BorderTitleBlock::exportBorder() {
+	BorderProperties bp;
+	bp.columns_count = nbColumns();
+	bp.columns_width = columnsWidth();
+	bp.columns_header_height = columnsHeaderHeight();
+	bp.display_columns = columnsAreDisplayed();
+	bp.rows_count = nbRows();
+	bp.rows_height = rowsHeight();
+	bp.rows_header_width = rowsHeaderWidth();
+	bp.display_rows = rowsAreDisplayed();
+	return(bp);
+	@param bp les nouvelles proprietes de la bordure
+void BorderTitleBlock::importBorder(const BorderProperties &bp) {
+	setColumnsHeaderHeight(bp.columns_header_height);
+	setNbColumns(bp.columns_count);
+	setColumnsWidth(bp.columns_width);
+	displayColumns(bp.display_columns);
+	setRowsHeaderWidth(bp.rows_header_width);
+	setNbRows(bp.rows_count);
+	setRowsHeight(bp.rows_height);
+	displayRows(bp.display_rows);
+	@return the titleblock template used to render the titleblock
+	@see TitleBlockTemplateRenderer::titleBlockTemplate()
+const TitleBlockTemplate *BorderTitleBlock::titleBlockTemplate() {
+	return(titleblock_template_renderer -> titleBlockTemplate());
+	@param titleblock_template The new titleblock template to use to render the titleblock
+	@see TitleBlockTemplateRenderer::setTitleBlockTemplate()
+void BorderTitleBlock::setTitleBlockTemplate(const TitleBlockTemplate *titleblock_template) {
+	titleblock_template_renderer -> setTitleBlockTemplate(titleblock_template);
+	@param di true pour afficher le cartouche, false sinon
+void BorderTitleBlock::displayTitleBlock(bool di) {
+	bool change = (di != display_titleblock);
+	display_titleblock = di;
+	if (change) emit(displayChanged());
+	@param dc true pour afficher les entetes des colonnes, false sinon
+void BorderTitleBlock::displayColumns(bool dc) {
+	bool change = (dc != display_columns);
+	display_columns = dc;
+	if (change) emit(displayChanged());
+	@param dr true pour afficher les entetes des lignes, false sinon
+void BorderTitleBlock::displayRows(bool dr) {
+	bool change = (dr != display_rows);
+	display_rows = dr;
+	if (change) emit(displayChanged());
+	@param db true pour afficher la bordure du schema, false sinon
+	Note : si l'affichage de la bordure est ainsi desactivee, les lignes et
+	colonnes ne seront pas dessinees.
+void BorderTitleBlock::displayBorder(bool db) {
+	bool change = (db != display_border);
+	display_border  = db;
+	if (change) emit(displayChanged());
+	Methode recalculant les rectangles composant le cadre et le cartouche en
+	fonction des attributs de taille
+void BorderTitleBlock::updateRectangles() {
+	// rectangle delimitant le schema
+	QRectF previous_diagram = diagram;
+	diagram = QRectF(0, 0, diagramWidth(), diagramHeight());
+	if (diagram != previous_diagram) emit(borderChanged(previous_diagram, diagram));
+	// rectangles relatifs au cartouche
+	titleblock = QRectF(diagram.bottomLeft().x(), diagram.bottomLeft().y(), titleBlockWidth(), titleBlockHeight());
+	Dessine le cadre et le cartouche
+	@param qp QPainter a utiliser pour dessiner le cadre et le cartouche
+	@param x  Abscisse du cadre
+	@param y  Ordonnee du cadre
+void BorderTitleBlock::draw(QPainter *qp, qreal x, qreal y) {
+	// translate tous les rectangles
+	diagram     .translate(x, y);
+	titleblock       .translate(x, y);
+	// prepare le QPainter
+	qp -> save();
+	qp -> setPen(Qt::black);
+	qp -> setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+	// dessine le cadre
+	if (display_border) qp -> drawRect(diagram);
+	qp -> setFont(QETApp::diagramTextsFont());
+	// dessine la case vide qui apparait des qu'il y a un entete
+	if (display_border && (display_columns || display_rows)) {
+		qp -> setBrush(Qt::white);
+		QRectF first_rectangle(
+			diagram.topLeft().x(),
+			diagram.topLeft().y(),
+			rows_header_width,
+			columns_header_height
+		);
+		qp -> drawRect(first_rectangle);
+	}
+	// dessine la numerotation des colonnes
+	if (display_border && display_columns) {
+		for (int i = 1 ; i <= nb_columns ; ++ i) {
+			QRectF numbered_rectangle = QRectF(
+				diagram.topLeft().x() + (rows_header_width + ((i - 1) * columns_width)),
+				diagram.topLeft().y(),
+				columns_width,
+				columns_header_height
+			);
+			qp -> drawRect(numbered_rectangle);
+			qp -> drawText(numbered_rectangle, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignCenter, QString("%1").arg(i));
+		}
+	}
+	// dessine la numerotation des lignes
+	if (display_border && display_rows) {
+		QString row_string("A");
+		for (int i = 1 ; i <= nb_rows ; ++ i) {
+			QRectF lettered_rectangle = QRectF(
+				diagram.topLeft().x(),
+				diagram.topLeft().y() + (columns_header_height + ((i - 1) * rows_height)),
+				rows_header_width,
+				rows_height
+			);
+			qp -> drawRect(lettered_rectangle);
+			qp -> drawText(lettered_rectangle, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignCenter, row_string);
+			row_string = incrementLetters(row_string);
+		}
+	}
+	// render the titleblock, using the TitleBlockTemplate object
+	if (display_titleblock) {
+		qp -> translate(titleblock.topLeft());
+		titleblock_template_renderer -> render(qp, titleblock.width());
+		qp -> translate(-titleblock.topLeft());
+	}
+	qp -> restore();
+	// annule la translation des rectangles
+	diagram     .translate(-x, -y);
+	titleblock       .translate(-x, -y);
+	Ajoute une colonne.
+void BorderTitleBlock::addColumn() {
+	setNbColumns(nbColumns() + 1);
+	Enleve une colonne sans passer sous le minimum requis.
+	@see minNbColumns()
+void BorderTitleBlock::removeColumn() {
+	setNbColumns(nbColumns() - 1);
+	Ajoute une ligne.
+void BorderTitleBlock::addRow() {
+	setNbRows(nbRows() + 1);
+	Enleve une ligne sans passer sous le minimum requis.
+	@see minNbRows()
+void BorderTitleBlock::removeRow() {
+	setNbRows(nbRows() - 1);
+	Permet de changer le nombre de colonnes.
+	Si ce nombre de colonnes est inferieur au minimum requis, c'est ce minimum
+	qui est utilise.
+	@param nb_c nouveau nombre de colonnes
+	@see minNbColumns()
+void BorderTitleBlock::setNbColumns(int nb_c) {
+	if (nb_c == nbColumns()) return;
+	nb_columns = qMax(minNbColumns(), nb_c);
+	setTitleBlockWidth(diagramWidth());
+	Change la largeur des colonnes.
+	Si la largeur indiquee est inferieure au minimum requis, c'est ce minimum
+	qui est utilise.
+	@param new_cw nouvelle largeur des colonnes
+	@see minColumnsWidth()
+void BorderTitleBlock::setColumnsWidth(const qreal &new_cw) {
+	if (new_cw == columnsWidth()) return;
+	columns_width = qMax(minColumnsWidth(), new_cw);
+	setTitleBlockWidth(diagramWidth());
+	Change la hauteur des en-tetes contenant les numeros de colonnes. Celle-ci
+	doit rester comprise entre 5 et 50 px.
+	@param new_chh nouvelle hauteur des en-tetes de colonnes
+void BorderTitleBlock::setColumnsHeaderHeight(const qreal &new_chh) {
+	columns_header_height = qBound(qreal(5.0), new_chh, qreal(50.0));
+	updateRectangles();
+	Permet de changer le nombre de lignes.
+	Si ce nombre de lignes est inferieur au minimum requis, cette fonction ne
+	fait rien
+	@param nb_r nouveau nombre de lignes
+	@see minNbRows()
+void BorderTitleBlock::setNbRows(int nb_r) {
+	if (nb_r == nbRows()) return;
+	nb_rows = qMax(minNbRows(), nb_r);
+	setTitleBlockWidth(diagramWidth());
+	updateRectangles();
+	Change la hauteur des lignes.
+	Si la hauteur indiquee est inferieure au minimum requis, c'est ce minimum
+	qui est utilise.
+	@param new_rh nouvelle hauteur des lignes
+	@see minRowsHeight()
+void BorderTitleBlock::setRowsHeight(const qreal &new_rh) {
+	if (new_rh == rowsHeight()) return;
+	rows_height = qMax(minRowsHeight(), new_rh);
+	updateRectangles();
+	Change la largeur des en-tetes contenant les numeros de lignes. Celle-ci
+	doit rester comprise entre 5 et 50 px.
+	@param new_rhw nouvelle largeur des en-tetes des lignes
+void BorderTitleBlock::setRowsHeaderWidth(const qreal &new_rhw) {
+	rows_header_width = qBound(qreal(5.0), new_rhw, qreal(50.0));
+	updateRectangles();
+	Cette methode essaye de se rapprocher le plus possible de la hauteur donnee
+	en parametre en modifiant le nombre de lignes en cours.
+void BorderTitleBlock::setDiagramHeight(const qreal &height) {
+	// taille des lignes a utiliser = rows_height
+	setNbRows(qRound(ceil(height / rows_height)));
+	Change la largeur du cartouche. Cette largeur sera restreinte a celle du
+	schema.
+void BorderTitleBlock::setTitleBlockWidth(const qreal &new_iw) {
+	titleblock_width = qMin(diagramWidth(), new_iw);
+	updateRectangles();
+	Ajuste la largeur du cartouche de facon a ce que celui-ci soit aussi large
+	que le schema
+void BorderTitleBlock::adjustTitleBlockToColumns() {
+	setTitleBlockWidth(diagramWidth());
+	@param pos Position cartesienne (ex : 10.3, 45.2) a transformer en position
+	dans la grille (ex : B2)
+	@return la position dans la grille correspondant a pos
+DiagramPosition BorderTitleBlock::convertPosition(const QPointF &pos) {
+	// recupere le rectangle quadrille par les en-tetes
+	QRectF grid_rect(
+		rowsHeaderWidth(),
+		columnsHeaderHeight(),
+		diagramWidth(),
+		diagramHeight()
+	);
+	if (!grid_rect.contains(pos)) {
+		return(DiagramPosition("", 0));
+	}
+	QPointF relative_pos = pos - grid_rect.topLeft();
+	int row_number    = int(ceil(relative_pos.x() / columnsWidth()));
+	int column_number = int(ceil(relative_pos.y() / rowsHeight()));
+	QString letter = "A";
+	for (int i = 1 ; i < column_number ; ++ i) {
+		letter = incrementLetters(letter);
+	}
+	return(DiagramPosition(letter, row_number));
+	Update the informations given to the titleblock template by regenerating a
+	DiagramContext object.
+void BorderTitleBlock::updateDiagramContextForTitleBlock() {
+	DiagramContext context;
+	context.addValue("author",      bi_author);
+	context.addValue("date",        bi_date.toString("dd/MM/yyyy"));
+	context.addValue("title",       bi_title);
+	context.addValue("filename",    bi_filename);
+	context.addValue("folio",       bi_final_folio);
+	context.addValue("folio-id",    folio_index_);
+	context.addValue("folio-total", folio_total_);
+	titleblock_template_renderer -> setContext(context);
+QString BorderTitleBlock::incrementLetters(const QString &string) {
+	if (string.isEmpty()) {
+		return("A");
+	} else {
+		// separe les digits precedents du dernier digit
+		QString first_digits(string.left(string.count() - 1));
+		QChar last_digit(string.at(string.count() - 1));
+		if (last_digit != 'Z') {
+			// incremente le dernier digit
+			last_digit = last_digit.toAscii() + 1;
+			return(first_digits + QString(last_digit));
+		} else {
+			return(incrementLetters(first_digits) + "A");
+		}
+	}
+	@param index numero du schema (de 1 a total)
+	@param total nombre total de schemas dans le projet
+void BorderTitleBlock::setFolioData(int index, int total) {
+	if (index < 1 || total < 1 || index > total) return;
+	// memorise les informations
+	folio_index_ = index;
+	folio_total_ = total;
+	// regenere le contenu du champ folio
+	bi_final_folio = bi_folio;
+	bi_final_folio.replace("%id",    QString::number(folio_index_));
+	bi_final_folio.replace("%total", QString::number(folio_total_));
+	updateDiagramContextForTitleBlock();

Copied: branches/0.3/sources/bordertitleblock.h (from rev 1131, branches/0.3/sources/borderinset.h)
--- branches/0.3/sources/bordertitleblock.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/bordertitleblock.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+	Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Guerrin
+	This file is part of QElectroTech.
+	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+	(at your option) any later version.
+	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+	GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "titleblockproperties.h"
+#include "borderproperties.h"
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QRectF>
+#include <QDate>
+class QPainter;
+class DiagramPosition;
+class TitleBlockTemplate;
+class TitleBlockTemplateRenderer;
+	Cette classe represente l'ensemble bordure + cartouche qui encadre le
+	schema electrique.
+class BorderTitleBlock : public QObject {
+	// constructeurs, destructeur
+	public:
+	BorderTitleBlock(QObject * = 0);
+	virtual ~BorderTitleBlock();
+	private:
+	BorderTitleBlock(const BorderTitleBlock &);
+	// methodes
+	public:
+	static int   minNbColumns();
+	static qreal minColumnsWidth();
+	static int   minNbRows();
+	static qreal minRowsHeight();
+	void draw(QPainter *, qreal = 0.0, qreal = 0.0);
+	// methodes d'acces en lecture aux dimensions
+	// colonnes
+	/// @return le nombre de colonnes du schema
+	int   nbColumns()           const { return(nb_columns);                    }
+	/// @return la largeur des colonnes en pixels
+	qreal columnsWidth()        const { return(columns_width);                 }
+	/// @return la taille de l'ensemble des colonnes, en-tete des lignes non inclus
+	qreal columnsTotalWidth()   const { return(nb_columns * columns_width);    }
+	/// @return la hauteur, en pixels, des en-tetes des colonnes
+	qreal columnsHeaderHeight() const { return(columns_header_height);         }
+	// lignes
+	/// @return le nombre de lignes du schema
+	int   nbRows()              const { return(nb_rows);                       }
+	/// @return la hauteur des lignes en pixels
+	qreal rowsHeight()          const { return(rows_height);                   }
+	/// @return la taille de l'ensemble des lignes, en-tete des colonnes non inclus
+	qreal rowsTotalHeight()     const { return(nb_rows * rows_height);         }
+	/// @return la largeur, en pixels, des en-tetes des lignes
+	qreal rowsHeaderWidth()     const { return(rows_header_width);             }
+	// cadre sans le cartouche = schema
+	/// @return la largeur du schema, c'est-a-dire du cadre sans le cartouche
+	qreal diagramWidth()        const { return(columnsTotalWidth() + rowsHeaderWidth());    }
+	/// @return la hauteurdu schema, c'est-a-dire du cadre sans le cartouche
+	qreal diagramHeight()       const { return(rowsTotalHeight() + columnsHeaderHeight());  }
+	// cartouche
+	/// @return la largeur du cartouche
+	qreal   titleBlockWidth()          const { return(titleblock_width);                 }
+	qreal   titleBlockHeight()         const;
+	// cadre avec le cartouche
+	/// @return la hauteur de la bordure
+	qreal   borderWidth()        const { return(diagramWidth());                  }
+	/// @return la hauteur de la bordure
+	qreal   borderHeight()       const { return(diagramHeight() + titleBlockHeight()); }
+	// methodes d'acces en lecture aux informations du cartouche
+	/// @return le champ "Auteur" du cartouche
+	QString author()              const { return(bi_author);             }
+	/// @return le champ "Date" du cartouche
+	QDate   date()                const { return(bi_date);               }
+	/// @return le champ "Titre" du cartouche
+	QString title()               const { return(bi_title);              }
+	/// @return le champ "Folio" du cartouche
+	QString folio()               const { return(bi_folio);              }
+	/// @return le champ "Fichier" du cartouche
+	QString fileName()            const { return(bi_filename);           }
+	// methodes d'acces en lecture aux options
+	/// @return true si le cartouche est affiche, false sinon
+	bool    titleBlockIsDisplayed()    const { return(display_titleblock);         }
+	/// @return true si les entetes des colonnes sont affiches, false sinon
+	bool    columnsAreDisplayed() const { return(display_columns);       }
+	/// @return true si les entetes des lignes sont affiches, false sinon
+	bool    rowsAreDisplayed()    const { return(display_rows);          }
+	/// @return true si la bordure est affichee, false sinon
+	bool    borderIsDisplayed()   const { return(display_border);        }
+	// methodes d'acces en ecriture aux dimensions
+	void addColumn             ();
+	void addRow                ();
+	void removeColumn          ();
+	void removeRow             ();
+	void setNbColumns          (int);
+	void setNbRows             (int);
+	void setColumnsWidth       (const qreal &);
+	void setRowsHeight         (const qreal &);
+	void setColumnsHeaderHeight(const qreal &);
+	void setRowsHeaderWidth    (const qreal &);
+	void setDiagramHeight      (const qreal &);
+	void setTitleBlockWidth         (const qreal &);
+	void adjustTitleBlockToColumns  ();
+	DiagramPosition convertPosition(const QPointF &);
+	// methodes d'acces en ecriture aux informations du cartouche
+	/// @param author le nouveau contenu du champ "Auteur"
+	void setAuthor             (const QString &author)   { bi_author       = author;   }
+	/// @param date le nouveau contenu du champ "Date"
+	void setDate               (const QDate   &date)     { bi_date         = date;     }
+	/// @param title le nouveau contenu du champ "Titre"
+	void setTitle              (const QString &title) {
+		if (bi_title != title) {
+			bi_title = title;
+			emit(diagramTitleChanged(title));
+		}
+	}
+	/// @param folio le nouveau contenu du champ "Folio"
+	void setFolio              (const QString &folio)    { bi_folio        = folio;    }
+	void setFolioData(int, int);
+	/// @param filename le nouveau contenu du champ "Fichier"
+	void setFileName           (const QString &filename) { bi_filename     = filename; }
+	TitleBlockProperties exportTitleBlock();
+	void importTitleBlock(const TitleBlockProperties &);
+	BorderProperties exportBorder();
+	void importBorder(const BorderProperties &);
+	const TitleBlockTemplate *titleBlockTemplate();
+	void setTitleBlockTemplate(const TitleBlockTemplate *);
+	// methodes d'acces en ecriture aux options
+	void displayTitleBlock(bool);
+	void displayColumns(bool);
+	void displayRows(bool);
+	void displayBorder(bool);
+	private:
+	void updateRectangles();
+	void updateDiagramContextForTitleBlock();
+	QString incrementLetters(const QString &);
+	// signaux
+	signals:
+	/**
+		Signal emis lorsque la bordure change
+		@param old_border Ancienne bordure
+		@param new_border Nouvelle bordure
+	*/
+	void borderChanged(QRectF old_border, QRectF new_border);
+	/**
+		Signal emise lorsque des options d'affichage change
+	*/
+	void displayChanged();
+	/**
+		Signal emis lorsque le titre du schema change
+	*/
+	void diagramTitleChanged(const QString &);
+	/**
+		Signal emis lorsque le cartouche requiert une mise a jour des donnees
+		utilisees pour generer le folio.
+	*/
+	void needFolioData();
+	// attributs
+	private:
+	// informations du cartouche
+	QString bi_author;
+	QDate   bi_date;
+	QString bi_title;
+	QString bi_folio;
+	QString bi_final_folio;
+	int folio_index_;
+	int folio_total_;
+	QString bi_filename;
+	// dimensions du cadre (lignes et colonnes)
+	// colonnes : nombres et dimensions
+	int    nb_columns;
+	qreal  columns_width;
+	qreal  columns_header_height;
+	// lignes : nombres et dimensions
+	int    nb_rows;
+	qreal  rows_height;
+	qreal  rows_header_width;
+	// dimensions du cartouche
+	qreal  titleblock_width;
+	qreal  titleblock_height;
+	// rectangles utilises pour le dessin
+	QRectF  diagram;
+	QRectF  titleblock;
+	// booleens pour les options de dessin
+	bool display_titleblock;
+	bool display_columns;
+	bool display_rows;
+	bool display_border;
+	TitleBlockTemplateRenderer *titleblock_template_renderer;

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/configpages.cpp
--- branches/0.3/sources/configpages.cpp	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/configpages.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
 #include "configpages.h"
 #include "borderpropertieswidget.h"
 #include "conductorpropertieswidget.h"
-#include "insetpropertieswidget.h"
+#include "titleblockpropertieswidget.h"
 #include "qetapp.h"
 #include "qetdiagrameditor.h"
-#include "borderinset.h"
+#include "bordertitleblock.h"
 #include "qeticons.h"
 #include "exportpropertieswidget.h"
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 	bpw = new BorderPropertiesWidget(QETDiagramEditor::defaultBorderProperties());
 	// proprietes par defaut d'un cartouche
-	ipw = new InsetPropertiesWidget(QETDiagramEditor::defaultInsetProperties(), true);
+	ipw = new TitleBlockPropertiesWidget(QETDiagramEditor::defaultTitleBlockProperties(), true);
 	// proprietes par defaut des conducteurs
 	cpw = new ConductorPropertiesWidget(QETDiagramEditor::defaultConductorProperties());
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 	bpw -> borderProperties().toSettings(settings, "diagrameditor/default");
 	// proprietes du cartouche
-	ipw-> insetProperties().toSettings(settings, "diagrameditor/default");
+	ipw-> titleBlockProperties().toSettings(settings, "diagrameditor/default");
 	// proprietes par defaut des conducteurs
 	cpw -> conductorProperties().toSettings(settings, "diagrameditor/defaultconductor");

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/configpages.h
--- branches/0.3/sources/configpages.h	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/configpages.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include <QtGui>
 class BorderPropertiesWidget;
 class ConductorPropertiesWidget;
-class InsetPropertiesWidget;
+class TitleBlockPropertiesWidget;
 class ExportPropertiesWidget;
 	Cette classe abstraite contient les methodes que toutes les pages de
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 	// attributs
 	BorderPropertiesWidget *bpw;    ///< Widget d'edition des dimensions du schema
-	InsetPropertiesWidget *ipw;     ///< Widget d'edition des proprietes par defaut du cartouche
+	TitleBlockPropertiesWidget *ipw;     ///< Widget d'edition des proprietes par defaut du cartouche
 	ConductorPropertiesWidget *cpw; ///< Widget d'edition des proprietes par defaut des conducteurs

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/diagram.cpp
--- branches/0.3/sources/diagram.cpp	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/diagram.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 		p -> drawPoints(points);
-	if (use_border) border_and_inset.draw(p, margin, margin);
+	if (use_border) border_and_titleblock.draw(p, margin, margin);
 	p -> restore();
@@ -190,8 +190,8 @@
 		source_area = QRectF(
-			border_and_inset.borderWidth () + 2.0 * margin,
-			border_and_inset.borderHeight() + 2.0 * margin
+			border_and_titleblock.borderWidth () + 2.0 * margin,
+			border_and_titleblock.borderHeight() + 2.0 * margin
@@ -233,8 +233,8 @@
 		image_width  = items_rect.width();
 		image_height = items_rect.height();
 	} else {
-		image_width  = border_and_inset.borderWidth();
-		image_height = border_and_inset.borderHeight();
+		image_width  = border_and_titleblock.borderWidth();
+		image_height = border_and_titleblock.borderHeight();
 	image_width  += 2.0 * margin;
@@ -267,21 +267,21 @@
 	// proprietes du schema
 	if (whole_content) {
-		if (!border_and_inset.author().isNull())    racine.setAttribute("author",   border_and_inset.author());
-		if (!border_and_inset.date().isNull())      racine.setAttribute("date",     border_and_inset.date().toString("yyyyMMdd"));
-		if (!border_and_inset.title().isNull())     racine.setAttribute("title",    border_and_inset.title());
-		if (!border_and_inset.fileName().isNull())  racine.setAttribute("filename", border_and_inset.fileName());
-		if (!border_and_inset.folio().isNull())     racine.setAttribute("folio",    border_and_inset.folio());
-		racine.setAttribute("cols",    border_and_inset.nbColumns());
-		racine.setAttribute("colsize", QString("%1").arg(border_and_inset.columnsWidth()));
-		racine.setAttribute("rows",    border_and_inset.nbRows());
-		racine.setAttribute("rowsize", QString("%1").arg(border_and_inset.rowsHeight()));
+		if (!border_and_titleblock.author().isNull())    racine.setAttribute("author",   border_and_titleblock.author());
+		if (!border_and_titleblock.date().isNull())      racine.setAttribute("date",     border_and_titleblock.date().toString("yyyyMMdd"));
+		if (!border_and_titleblock.title().isNull())     racine.setAttribute("title",    border_and_titleblock.title());
+		if (!border_and_titleblock.fileName().isNull())  racine.setAttribute("filename", border_and_titleblock.fileName());
+		if (!border_and_titleblock.folio().isNull())     racine.setAttribute("folio",    border_and_titleblock.folio());
+		racine.setAttribute("cols",    border_and_titleblock.nbColumns());
+		racine.setAttribute("colsize", QString("%1").arg(border_and_titleblock.columnsWidth()));
+		racine.setAttribute("rows",    border_and_titleblock.nbRows());
+		racine.setAttribute("rowsize", QString("%1").arg(border_and_titleblock.rowsHeight()));
 		// attribut datant de la version 0.1 - laisse pour retrocompatibilite
-		racine.setAttribute("height",  QString("%1").arg(border_and_inset.diagramHeight()));
-		racine.setAttribute("displaycols", border_and_inset.columnsAreDisplayed() ? "true" : "false");
-		racine.setAttribute("displayrows", border_and_inset.rowsAreDisplayed()    ? "true" : "false");
-		if (!inset_template_name_.isEmpty()) {
-			racine.setAttribute("insettemplate", inset_template_name_);
+		racine.setAttribute("height",  QString("%1").arg(border_and_titleblock.diagramHeight()));
+		racine.setAttribute("displaycols", border_and_titleblock.columnsAreDisplayed() ? "true" : "false");
+		racine.setAttribute("displayrows", border_and_titleblock.rowsAreDisplayed()    ? "true" : "false");
+		if (!titleblock_template_name_.isEmpty()) {
+			racine.setAttribute("titleblocktemplate", titleblock_template_name_);
 		// type de conducteur par defaut
@@ -417,49 +417,49 @@
 	// lecture des attributs de ce schema
 	if (consider_informations) {
-		border_and_inset.setAuthor(root.attribute("author"));
-		border_and_inset.setTitle(root.attribute("title"));
-		border_and_inset.setDate(QDate::fromString(root.attribute("date"), "yyyyMMdd"));
-		border_and_inset.setFileName(root.attribute("filename"));
-		border_and_inset.setFolio(root.attribute("folio"));
-		if (root.hasAttribute("insettemplate") && project_) {
-			QString inset_template_name = root.attribute("insettemplate");
-			const InsetTemplate *inset_template = project_ -> getTemplateByName(inset_template_name);
-			if (inset_template) {
-				inset_template_name_ = inset_template_name;
-				border_and_inset.setInsetTemplate(inset_template);
+		border_and_titleblock.setAuthor(root.attribute("author"));
+		border_and_titleblock.setTitle(root.attribute("title"));
+		border_and_titleblock.setDate(QDate::fromString(root.attribute("date"), "yyyyMMdd"));
+		border_and_titleblock.setFileName(root.attribute("filename"));
+		border_and_titleblock.setFolio(root.attribute("folio"));
+		if (root.hasAttribute("titleblocktemplate") && project_) {
+			QString titleblock_template_name = root.attribute("titleblocktemplate");
+			const TitleBlockTemplate *titleblock_template = project_ -> getTemplateByName(titleblock_template_name);
+			if (titleblock_template) {
+				titleblock_template_name_ = titleblock_template_name;
+				border_and_titleblock.setTitleBlockTemplate(titleblock_template);
 		bool ok;
 		// nombre de colonnes
 		int nb_cols = root.attribute("cols").toInt(&ok);
-		if (ok) border_and_inset.setNbColumns(nb_cols);
+		if (ok) border_and_titleblock.setNbColumns(nb_cols);
 		// taille des colonnes
 		double col_size = root.attribute("colsize").toDouble(&ok);
-		if (ok) border_and_inset.setColumnsWidth(col_size);
+		if (ok) border_and_titleblock.setColumnsWidth(col_size);
 		// retrocompatibilite : les schemas enregistres avec la 0.1 ont un attribut "height"
 		if (root.hasAttribute("rows") && root.hasAttribute("rowsize")) {
 			// nombre de lignes
 			int nb_rows = root.attribute("rows").toInt(&ok);
-			if (ok) border_and_inset.setNbRows(nb_rows);
+			if (ok) border_and_titleblock.setNbRows(nb_rows);
 			// taille des lignes
 			double row_size = root.attribute("rowsize").toDouble(&ok);
-			if (ok) border_and_inset.setRowsHeight(row_size);
+			if (ok) border_and_titleblock.setRowsHeight(row_size);
 		} else {
 			// hauteur du schema
 			double height = root.attribute("height").toDouble(&ok);
-			if (ok) border_and_inset.setDiagramHeight(height);
+			if (ok) border_and_titleblock.setDiagramHeight(height);
 		// affichage des lignes et colonnes
-		border_and_inset.displayColumns(root.attribute("displaycols") != "false");
-		border_and_inset.displayRows(root.attribute("displayrows") != "false");
+		border_and_titleblock.displayColumns(root.attribute("displaycols") != "false");
+		border_and_titleblock.displayRows(root.attribute("displayrows") != "false");
-		border_and_inset.adjustInsetToColumns();
+		border_and_titleblock.adjustTitleBlockToColumns();
 		// repere le permier element "defaultconductor"
 		for (QDomNode node = root.firstChild() ; !node.isNull() ; node = node.nextSibling()) {
@@ -806,8 +806,8 @@
-			border_and_inset.borderWidth(),
-			border_and_inset.borderHeight()
+			border_and_titleblock.borderWidth(),
+			border_and_titleblock.borderHeight()
@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@
 	@return le titre du cartouche
 QString Diagram::title() const {
-	return(border_and_inset.title());
+	return(border_and_titleblock.title());
@@ -912,8 +912,8 @@
 	// exporte les options de rendu en cours
 	ExportProperties old_properties;
 	old_properties.draw_grid               = displayGrid();
-	old_properties.draw_border             = border_and_inset.borderIsDisplayed();
-	old_properties.draw_inset              = border_and_inset.insetIsDisplayed();
+	old_properties.draw_border             = border_and_titleblock.borderIsDisplayed();
+	old_properties.draw_titleblock              = border_and_titleblock.titleBlockIsDisplayed();
 	old_properties.draw_terminals          = drawTerminals();
 	old_properties.draw_colored_conductors = drawColoredConductors();
 	old_properties.exported_area           = useBorder() ? QET::BorderArea : QET::ElementsArea;
@@ -923,8 +923,8 @@
 	setDrawTerminals              (new_properties.draw_terminals);
 	setDrawColoredConductors      (new_properties.draw_colored_conductors);
 	setDisplayGrid                (new_properties.draw_grid);
-	border_and_inset.displayBorder(new_properties.draw_border);
-	border_and_inset.displayInset (new_properties.draw_inset);
+	border_and_titleblock.displayBorder(new_properties.draw_border);
+	border_and_titleblock.displayTitleBlock (new_properties.draw_titleblock);
 	// retourne les anciennes options de rendu
@@ -939,8 +939,8 @@
 	// decale la position pour prendre en compte les marges en haut a gauche du schema
 	QPointF final_pos = pos - QPointF(margin, margin);
-	// delegue le calcul au BorderInset
-	DiagramPosition diagram_position = border_and_inset.convertPosition(final_pos);
+	// delegue le calcul au BorderTitleBlock
+	DiagramPosition diagram_position = border_and_titleblock.convertPosition(final_pos);
 	// embarque la position cartesienne

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/diagram.h
--- branches/0.3/sources/diagram.h	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/diagram.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #define DIAGRAM_H
 #include <QtGui>
 #include <QtXml>
-#include "borderinset.h"
+#include "bordertitleblock.h"
 #include "conductorproperties.h"
 #include "exportproperties.h"
 #include "qgimanager.h"
@@ -57,14 +57,14 @@
 		Represente les options possibles pour l'affichage du schema :
 		 * EmptyBorder : N'afficher que la bordure
-		 * Inset : Afficher le cartouche
+		 * TitleBlock : Afficher le cartouche
 		 * Columns : Afficher les colonnes
-	enum BorderOptions { EmptyBorder, Inset, Columns };
+	enum BorderOptions { EmptyBorder, TitleBlock, Columns };
 	/// Proprietes par defaut des nouveaux conducteurs
 	ConductorProperties defaultConductorProperties;
 	/// Dimensions et cartouches du schema
-	BorderInset border_and_inset;
+	BorderTitleBlock border_and_titleblock;
 	/// taille de la grille en abscisse
 	static const int xGrid;
 	/// taille de la grille en ordonnee
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
 	QDomDocument xml_document;
 	QETProject *project_;
 	bool read_only_;
-	QString inset_template_name_;
+	QString titleblock_template_name_;
 	// methodes
@@ -249,9 +249,9 @@
 	@see BorderOptions
 inline void Diagram::setBorderOptions(Diagram::BorderOptions bo) {
-	border_and_inset.displayBorder(!(bo & EmptyBorder));
-	border_and_inset.displayColumns(bo & Columns);
-	border_and_inset.displayInset(bo & Inset);
+	border_and_titleblock.displayBorder(!(bo & EmptyBorder));
+	border_and_titleblock.displayColumns(bo & Columns);
+	border_and_titleblock.displayTitleBlock(bo & TitleBlock);
@@ -261,8 +261,8 @@
 inline Diagram::BorderOptions Diagram::borderOptions() {
 	BorderOptions retour = EmptyBorder;
-	if (border_and_inset.insetIsDisplayed()) retour = (BorderOptions)(retour|Inset);
-	if (border_and_inset.columnsAreDisplayed()) retour = (BorderOptions)(retour|Columns);
+	if (border_and_titleblock.titleBlockIsDisplayed()) retour = (BorderOptions)(retour|TitleBlock);
+	if (border_and_titleblock.columnsAreDisplayed()) retour = (BorderOptions)(retour|Columns);

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/diagramcommands.cpp
--- branches/0.3/sources/diagramcommands.cpp	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/diagramcommands.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -828,32 +828,32 @@
 	@param new_ip Nouvelles proprietes du cartouche
 	@param parent QUndoCommand parent
 	Diagram *d,
-	const InsetProperties &old_ip,
-	const InsetProperties &new_ip,
+	const TitleBlockProperties &old_ip,
+	const TitleBlockProperties &new_ip,
 	QUndoCommand *parent
 ) :
 	QUndoCommand(QObject::tr("modifier le cartouche", "undo caption"), parent),
-	old_inset(old_ip),
-	new_inset(new_ip)
+	old_titleblock(old_ip),
+	new_titleblock(new_ip)
 /// Destructeur
-ChangeInsetCommand::~ChangeInsetCommand() {
+ChangeTitleBlockCommand::~ChangeTitleBlockCommand() {
 /// Annule la modification de cartouche
-void ChangeInsetCommand::undo() {
-	diagram -> border_and_inset.importInset(old_inset);
+void ChangeTitleBlockCommand::undo() {
+	diagram -> border_and_titleblock.importTitleBlock(old_titleblock);
 	diagram -> invalidate(diagram -> border());
 /// Refait la modification de cartouche
-void ChangeInsetCommand::redo() {
-	diagram -> border_and_inset.importInset(new_inset);
+void ChangeTitleBlockCommand::redo() {
+	diagram -> border_and_titleblock.importTitleBlock(new_titleblock);
 	diagram -> invalidate(diagram -> border());
@@ -878,12 +878,12 @@
 /// Annule les changements apportes au schema
 void ChangeBorderCommand::undo() {
-	diagram -> border_and_inset.importBorder(old_properties);
+	diagram -> border_and_titleblock.importBorder(old_properties);
 /// Refait les changements apportes au schema
 void ChangeBorderCommand::redo() {
-	diagram -> border_and_inset.importBorder(new_properties);
+	diagram -> border_and_titleblock.importBorder(new_properties);

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/diagramcommands.h
--- branches/0.3/sources/diagramcommands.h	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/diagramcommands.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 #include "conductor.h"
 #include "conductorproperties.h"
 #include "diagramcontent.h"
-#include "insetproperties.h"
+#include "titleblockproperties.h"
 #include "qet.h"
 class Diagram;
 class DiagramTextItem;
@@ -419,13 +419,13 @@
 	Cette classe represente l'action de modifier les informations du cartouche d'un schema
-class ChangeInsetCommand : public QUndoCommand {
+class ChangeTitleBlockCommand : public QUndoCommand {
 	// constructeurs, destructeur
-	ChangeInsetCommand(Diagram *, const InsetProperties &, const InsetProperties &, QUndoCommand * = 0);
-	virtual ~ChangeInsetCommand();
+	ChangeTitleBlockCommand(Diagram *, const TitleBlockProperties &, const TitleBlockProperties &, QUndoCommand * = 0);
+	virtual ~ChangeTitleBlockCommand();
-	ChangeInsetCommand(const ChangeInsetCommand &);
+	ChangeTitleBlockCommand(const ChangeTitleBlockCommand &);
 	// methodes
@@ -437,9 +437,9 @@
 	/// schema modifie
 	Diagram *diagram;
 	/// proprietes avant changement
-	InsetProperties old_inset;
+	TitleBlockProperties old_titleblock;
 	/// proprietes apres changement
-	InsetProperties new_inset;
+	TitleBlockProperties new_titleblock;

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/diagramcontext.h
--- branches/0.3/sources/diagramcontext.h	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/diagramcontext.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 #include <QVariant>
 	This class represents a diagram context, i.e. the data (a list of key/value
-	pairs) of a diagram at a given time. It is notably used by inset templates
+	pairs) of a diagram at a given time. It is notably used by titleblock templates
 	to fetch the informations they need to do their rendering.
 class DiagramContext {

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/diagramview.cpp
--- branches/0.3/sources/diagramview.cpp	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/diagramview.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 #include "conductortextitem.h"
 #include "elementtextitem.h"
 #include "independenttextitem.h"
-#include "insetpropertieswidget.h"
+#include "titleblockpropertieswidget.h"
 #include "qetapp.h"
 #include "qetproject.h"
 #include "borderpropertieswidget.h"
@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@
 	connect(scene, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()));
 	connect(scene, SIGNAL(readOnlyChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(applyReadOnly()));
-	connect(&(scene -> border_and_inset), SIGNAL(borderChanged(QRectF, QRectF)), this, SLOT(adjustSceneRect()));
-	connect(&(scene -> border_and_inset), SIGNAL(displayChanged()),              this, SLOT(adjustSceneRect()));
-	connect(&(scene -> border_and_inset), SIGNAL(diagramTitleChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(updateWindowTitle()));
+	connect(&(scene -> border_and_titleblock), SIGNAL(borderChanged(QRectF, QRectF)), this, SLOT(adjustSceneRect()));
+	connect(&(scene -> border_and_titleblock), SIGNAL(displayChanged()),              this, SLOT(adjustSceneRect()));
+	connect(&(scene -> border_and_titleblock), SIGNAL(diagramTitleChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(updateWindowTitle()));
 	connect(&(scene -> undoStack()), SIGNAL(cleanChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(updateWindowTitle()));
 	connect(this, SIGNAL(aboutToAddElement()), this, SLOT(addDroppedElement()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
@@ -412,8 +412,8 @@
 	bool diagram_is_read_only = scene -> isReadOnly();
 	// recupere le cartouche et les dimensions du schema
-	InsetProperties  inset  = scene -> border_and_inset.exportInset();
-	BorderProperties border = scene -> border_and_inset.exportBorder();
+	TitleBlockProperties  titleblock  = scene -> border_and_titleblock.exportTitleBlock();
+	BorderProperties border = scene -> border_and_titleblock.exportBorder();
 	// construit le dialogue
 	QDialog popup(diagramEditor());
@@ -426,8 +426,8 @@
 	BorderPropertiesWidget *border_infos = new BorderPropertiesWidget(border, &popup);
 	border_infos -> setReadOnly(diagram_is_read_only);
-	InsetPropertiesWidget  *inset_infos  = new InsetPropertiesWidget(inset, false, &popup);
-	inset_infos -> setReadOnly(diagram_is_read_only);
+	TitleBlockPropertiesWidget  *titleblock_infos  = new TitleBlockPropertiesWidget(titleblock, false, &popup);
+	titleblock_infos -> setReadOnly(diagram_is_read_only);
 	// boutons
 	QDialogButtonBox boutons(diagram_is_read_only ? QDialogButtonBox::Ok : QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel);
@@ -437,16 +437,16 @@
 	// ajout dans une disposition verticale
 	QVBoxLayout layout_v(&popup);
-	layout_v.addWidget(inset_infos);
+	layout_v.addWidget(titleblock_infos);
 	// si le dialogue est accepte
 	if (popup.exec() == QDialog::Accepted && !diagram_is_read_only) {
-		InsetProperties new_inset   = inset_infos  -> insetProperties();
+		TitleBlockProperties new_titleblock   = titleblock_infos  -> titleBlockProperties();
 		BorderProperties new_border = border_infos -> borderProperties();
 		// s'il y a des modifications au cartouche
-		if (new_inset != inset) {
-			scene -> undoStack().push(new ChangeInsetCommand(scene, inset, new_inset));
+		if (new_titleblock != titleblock) {
+			scene -> undoStack().push(new ChangeTitleBlockCommand(scene, titleblock, new_titleblock));
 		// s'il y a des modifications aux dimensions du schema
@@ -501,8 +501,8 @@
 void DiagramView::addColumn() {
 	if (scene -> isReadOnly()) return;
-	BorderProperties old_bp = scene -> border_and_inset.exportBorder();
-	BorderProperties new_bp = scene -> border_and_inset.exportBorder();
+	BorderProperties old_bp = scene -> border_and_titleblock.exportBorder();
+	BorderProperties new_bp = scene -> border_and_titleblock.exportBorder();
 	new_bp.columns_count += 1;
 	scene -> undoStack().push(new ChangeBorderCommand(scene, old_bp, new_bp));
@@ -512,8 +512,8 @@
 void DiagramView::removeColumn() {
 	if (scene -> isReadOnly()) return;
-	BorderProperties old_bp = scene -> border_and_inset.exportBorder();
-	BorderProperties new_bp = scene -> border_and_inset.exportBorder();
+	BorderProperties old_bp = scene -> border_and_titleblock.exportBorder();
+	BorderProperties new_bp = scene -> border_and_titleblock.exportBorder();
 	new_bp.columns_count -= 1;
 	scene -> undoStack().push(new ChangeBorderCommand(scene, old_bp, new_bp));
@@ -523,8 +523,8 @@
 void DiagramView::addRow() {
 	if (scene -> isReadOnly()) return;
-	BorderProperties old_bp = scene -> border_and_inset.exportBorder();
-	BorderProperties new_bp = scene -> border_and_inset.exportBorder();
+	BorderProperties old_bp = scene -> border_and_titleblock.exportBorder();
+	BorderProperties new_bp = scene -> border_and_titleblock.exportBorder();
 	new_bp.rows_count += 1;
 	scene -> undoStack().push(new ChangeBorderCommand(scene, old_bp, new_bp));
@@ -534,8 +534,8 @@
 void DiagramView::removeRow() {
 	if (scene -> isReadOnly()) return;
-	BorderProperties old_bp = scene -> border_and_inset.exportBorder();
-	BorderProperties new_bp = scene -> border_and_inset.exportBorder();
+	BorderProperties old_bp = scene -> border_and_titleblock.exportBorder();
+	BorderProperties new_bp = scene -> border_and_titleblock.exportBorder();
 	new_bp.rows_count -= 1;
 	scene -> undoStack().push(new ChangeBorderCommand(scene, old_bp, new_bp));
@@ -987,14 +987,14 @@
 	Gere les double-clics sur le schema
 void DiagramView::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
-	BorderInset &bi = scene -> border_and_inset;
+	BorderTitleBlock &bi = scene -> border_and_titleblock;
 	// recupere le rectangle corespondant au cartouche
-	QRectF inset_rect(
+	QRectF titleblock_rect(
 		Diagram::margin + bi.diagramHeight(),
-		bi.insetWidth(),
-		bi.insetHeight()
+		bi.titleBlockWidth(),
+		bi.titleBlockHeight()
 	// recupere le rectangle correspondant aux en-tetes des colonnes
@@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@
 		} else {
-	} else if (inset_rect.contains(click_pos) || columns_rect.contains(click_pos) || rows_rect.contains(click_pos)) {
+	} else if (titleblock_rect.contains(click_pos) || columns_rect.contains(click_pos) || rows_rect.contains(click_pos)) {
 		// edite les proprietes du schema
 	} else {

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/exportproperties.cpp
--- branches/0.3/sources/exportproperties.cpp	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/exportproperties.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
-	draw_inset(true),
+	draw_titleblock(true),
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 	settings.setValue(prefix + "format",                format);
 	settings.setValue(prefix + "drawgrid",              draw_grid);
 	settings.setValue(prefix + "drawborder",            draw_border);
-	settings.setValue(prefix + "drawinset",             draw_inset);
+	settings.setValue(prefix + "drawtitleblock",             draw_titleblock);
 	settings.setValue(prefix + "drawterminals",         draw_terminals);
 	settings.setValue(prefix + "drawcoloredconductors", draw_colored_conductors);
 	settings.setValue(prefix + "area",                  QET::diagramAreaToString(exported_area));
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 	draw_grid               = settings.value(prefix + "drawgrid",              false).toBool();
 	draw_border             = settings.value(prefix + "drawborder",            true ).toBool();
-	draw_inset              = settings.value(prefix + "drawinset",             true ).toBool();
+	draw_titleblock              = settings.value(prefix + "drawtitleblock",             true ).toBool();
 	draw_terminals          = settings.value(prefix + "drawterminals",         false).toBool();
 	draw_colored_conductors = settings.value(prefix + "drawcoloredconductors", true ).toBool();

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/exportproperties.h
--- branches/0.3/sources/exportproperties.h	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/exportproperties.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 	QString format;                 ///< Quel format d'image faut-il utiliser ?
 	bool draw_grid;                 ///< Faut-il dessiner la grille ?
 	bool draw_border;               ///< Faut-il dessiner le cadre ?
-	bool draw_inset;                ///< Faut-il dessiner le cartouche ?
+	bool draw_titleblock;                ///< Faut-il dessiner le cartouche ?
 	bool draw_terminals;            ///< Faut-il dessiner les bornes ?
 	bool draw_colored_conductors;   ///< Faut-il respecter les couleurs des conducteurs ?
 	QET::DiagramArea exported_area; ///< Zone du schema a exporter

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/exportpropertieswidget.cpp
--- branches/0.3/sources/exportpropertieswidget.cpp	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/exportpropertieswidget.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 	export_properties.format                  = format -> itemData(format -> currentIndex()).toString();
 	export_properties.draw_grid               = draw_grid      -> isChecked();
 	export_properties.draw_border             = draw_border    -> isChecked();
-	export_properties.draw_inset              = draw_inset     -> isChecked();
+	export_properties.draw_titleblock              = draw_titleblock     -> isChecked();
 	export_properties.draw_terminals          = draw_terminals -> isChecked();
 	export_properties.draw_colored_conductors = draw_colored_conductors -> isChecked();
 	export_properties.exported_area           = export_border -> isChecked() ? QET::BorderArea : QET::ElementsArea;
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
 	draw_grid               -> setChecked(export_properties.draw_grid);
 	draw_border             -> setChecked(export_properties.draw_border);
-	draw_inset              -> setChecked(export_properties.draw_inset);
+	draw_titleblock              -> setChecked(export_properties.draw_titleblock);
 	draw_terminals          -> setChecked(export_properties.draw_terminals);
 	draw_colored_conductors -> setChecked(export_properties.draw_colored_conductors);
@@ -169,8 +169,8 @@
 	optionshlayout -> addWidget(draw_border, 1, 0);
 	// dessiner le cartouche
-	draw_inset = new QCheckBox(tr("Dessiner le cartouche"), groupbox_options);
-	optionshlayout -> addWidget(draw_inset, 2, 0);
+	draw_titleblock = new QCheckBox(tr("Dessiner le cartouche"), groupbox_options);
+	optionshlayout -> addWidget(draw_titleblock, 2, 0);
 	// dessiner les bornes
 	draw_terminals = new QCheckBox(tr("Dessiner les bornes"), groupbox_options);
@@ -190,8 +190,8 @@
 	setTabOrder(format, export_border);
 	setTabOrder(export_border, draw_border);
 	setTabOrder(draw_border, draw_grid);
-	setTabOrder(draw_grid, draw_inset);
-	setTabOrder(draw_inset, draw_terminals);
+	setTabOrder(draw_grid, draw_titleblock);
+	setTabOrder(draw_titleblock, draw_terminals);
 	setTabOrder(draw_terminals, draw_colored_conductors);
 	// connexion du bouton permettant le choix du repertoire
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
 	connect(exported_content_choices, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(QAbstractButton *)), this, SIGNAL(exportedAreaChanged()));
 	connect(draw_grid,                SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),                   this, SIGNAL(optionChanged()));
 	connect(draw_border,              SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),                   this, SIGNAL(optionChanged()));
-	connect(draw_inset,               SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),                   this, SIGNAL(optionChanged()));
+	connect(draw_titleblock,               SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),                   this, SIGNAL(optionChanged()));
 	connect(draw_terminals,           SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),                   this, SIGNAL(optionChanged()));
 	connect(draw_colored_conductors,  SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),                   this, SIGNAL(optionChanged()));

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/exportpropertieswidget.h
--- branches/0.3/sources/exportpropertieswidget.h	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/exportpropertieswidget.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 	QComboBox *format;
 	QCheckBox *draw_grid;
 	QCheckBox *draw_border;
-	QCheckBox *draw_inset;
+	QCheckBox *draw_titleblock;
 	QCheckBox *draw_terminals;
 	QCheckBox *draw_colored_conductors;
 	QRadioButton *export_border;

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/hotspoteditor.cpp
--- branches/0.3/sources/hotspoteditor.cpp	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/hotspoteditor.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -53,17 +53,17 @@
 	sb_hotspot_y -> setSingleStep(10);
 	diagram_scene = new Diagram();
-	diagram_scene -> border_and_inset.setColumnsWidth(50.0);
-	diagram_scene -> border_and_inset.setNbColumns(3);
-	diagram_scene -> border_and_inset.setRowsHeight(60.0);
-	diagram_scene -> border_and_inset.setNbRows(2);
-	diagram_scene -> border_and_inset.displayRows(false);
-	diagram_scene -> border_and_inset.displayInset(false);
+	diagram_scene -> border_and_titleblock.setColumnsWidth(50.0);
+	diagram_scene -> border_and_titleblock.setNbColumns(3);
+	diagram_scene -> border_and_titleblock.setRowsHeight(60.0);
+	diagram_scene -> border_and_titleblock.setNbRows(2);
+	diagram_scene -> border_and_titleblock.displayRows(false);
+	diagram_scene -> border_and_titleblock.displayTitleBlock(false);
 	diagram_view = new QGraphicsView(diagram_scene);
 	diagram_view -> setMinimumSize(
-		qRound(diagram_scene -> border_and_inset.diagramWidth()  + (3 * Diagram::margin)),
-		qRound(diagram_scene -> border_and_inset.diagramHeight() + (3 * Diagram::margin))
+		qRound(diagram_scene -> border_and_titleblock.diagramWidth()  + (3 * Diagram::margin)),
+		qRound(diagram_scene -> border_and_titleblock.diagramHeight() + (3 * Diagram::margin))
 	diagram_view -> setTransformationAnchor(QGraphicsView::AnchorUnderMouse);
 	diagram_view -> setResizeAnchor(QGraphicsView::AnchorUnderMouse);

Deleted: branches/0.3/sources/insetcell.h
--- branches/0.3/sources/insetcell.h	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/insetcell.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-	Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Guerrin
-	This file is part of QElectroTech.
-	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-	(at your option) any later version.
-	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-	GNU General Public License for more details.
-	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#ifndef INSET_CELL_H
-#define INSET_CELL_H
-	This class is a container for the various parameters of an inset cell
-	@see InsetColumnLength 
-class InsetCell {
-	public:
-	InsetCell();
-	QString toString() const;
-	bool is_null;
-	int num_row;
-	int num_col;
-	int row_span;
-	int col_span;
-	InsetCell *spanner_cell;
-	QString value_name;
-	QString value;
-	QString label;
-	bool display_label;
-	int alignment;
-	QString logo_reference;

Deleted: branches/0.3/sources/insetproperties.cpp
--- branches/0.3/sources/insetproperties.cpp	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/insetproperties.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-	Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Guerrin
-	This file is part of QElectroTech.
-	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-	(at your option) any later version.
-	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-	GNU General Public License for more details.
-	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include "insetproperties.h"
-	Constructeur. Initialise un objet InsetProperties avec tous les champs
-	vides (date vide + useDate a UseDateValue).
-InsetProperties::InsetProperties() :
-	date(),
-	useDate(UseDateValue)
-	Destructeur
-InsetProperties::~InsetProperties() {
-	@param ip autre conteneur InsetProperties
-	@return true si ip et ce conteneur sont identiques, false sinon
-bool InsetProperties::operator==(const InsetProperties &ip) {
-	return(
-		ip.title == title &&\
-		ip.author == author &&\
-		ip.date == date &&\
-		ip.filename == filename &&\
-		ip.folio == folio
-	);
-	@param ip autre conteneur InsetProperties
-	@return false si ip et ce conteneur sont identiques, true sinon
-bool InsetProperties::operator!=(const InsetProperties &ip) {
-	return(!(*this == ip));
-	Exporte le cartouche sous formes d'attributs XML ajoutes a l'element e.
-	@param e Element XML auquel seront ajoutes des attributs
-void InsetProperties::toXml(QDomElement &e) const {
-	e.setAttribute("author",   author);
-	e.setAttribute("title",    title);
-	e.setAttribute("filename", filename);
-	e.setAttribute("folio",    folio);
-	e.setAttribute("date",     exportDate());
-	Importe le cartouche a partir des attributs XML de l'element e
-	@param e Element XML dont les attributs seront lus
-void InsetProperties::fromXml(QDomElement &e) {
-	if (e.hasAttribute("author"))      author   = e.attribute("author");
-	if (e.hasAttribute("title"))       title    = e.attribute("title");
-	if (e.hasAttribute("filename"))    filename = e.attribute("filename");
-	if (e.hasAttribute("folio"))       folio    = e.attribute("folio");
-	if (e.hasAttribute("date"))        setDateFromString(e.attribute("date"));
-	Exporte le cartouche dans une configuration.
-	@param settings Parametres a ecrire
-	@param prefix prefixe a ajouter devant les noms des parametres
-void InsetProperties::toSettings(QSettings &settings, const QString &prefix) const {
-	settings.setValue(prefix + "title",    title);
-	settings.setValue(prefix + "author",   author);
-	settings.setValue(prefix + "filename", filename);
-	settings.setValue(prefix + "folio",    folio);
-	settings.setValue(prefix + "date",     exportDate());
-	Importe le cartouche depuis une configuration.
-	@param settings Parametres a lire
-	@param prefix prefixe a ajouter devant les noms des parametres
-void InsetProperties::fromSettings(QSettings &settings, const QString &prefix) {
-	title    = settings.value(prefix + "title").toString();
-	author   = settings.value(prefix + "author").toString();
-	filename = settings.value(prefix + "filename").toString();
-	folio    = settings.value(prefix + "folio", "%id/%total").toString();
-	setDateFromString(settings.value(prefix + "date").toString());
-	@return La date a utiliser
-QDate InsetProperties::finalDate() const {
-	if (useDate == UseDateValue) {
-		return(date);
-	} else {
-		return(QDate::currentDate());
-	}
-	@return une chaine de caracteres decrivant comment gerer la date dans le
-	cartouche : la chaine peut valoir :
-	  * null pour ne pas afficher de date
-	  * now pour afficher la date courante (a la creation du schema)
-	  * une date au format yyyyMMdd pour utiliser une date fixe
-QString InsetProperties::exportDate() const {
-	QString date_setting_value;
-	if (useDate == UseDateValue) {
-		if (date.isNull()) date_setting_value = "null";
-		else date_setting_value = date.toString("yyyyMMdd");
-	} else {
-		date_setting_value = "now";
-	}
-	return(date_setting_value);
-	Charge les attributs date et useDate a partir d'une chaine de caracteres.
-	@param date_string Chaine de caracteres a analyser
-	@see exportDate
-void InsetProperties::setDateFromString(const QString &date_string) {
-	if (date_string == "now") {
-		date = QDate::currentDate();
-		useDate = CurrentDate;
-	} else if (date_string.isEmpty() || date_string == "null") {
-		date = QDate();
-		useDate = UseDateValue;
-	} else {
-		date = QDate::fromString(date_string, "yyyyMMdd");
-		useDate = UseDateValue;
-	}

Deleted: branches/0.3/sources/insetproperties.h
--- branches/0.3/sources/insetproperties.h	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/insetproperties.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-	Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Guerrin
-	This file is part of QElectroTech.
-	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-	(at your option) any later version.
-	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-	GNU General Public License for more details.
-	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QtCore>
-#include <QtXml>
-	Cette classe est un conteneur pour les proprietes d'un cartouche de schema
-	: titre, auteur, date, nom de fichier et folio
-class InsetProperties {
-	public:
-	InsetProperties();
-	virtual ~InsetProperties();
-	/// Specifie comment gerer la date
-	enum DateManagement {
-		UseDateValue, ///< utilise l'attribut date
-		CurrentDate   ///< utilise la date courante
-	};
-	bool operator==(const InsetProperties &);
-	bool operator!=(const InsetProperties &);
-	void toXml(QDomElement &) const;
-	void fromXml(QDomElement &);
-	void toSettings(QSettings &, const QString & = QString()) const;
-	void fromSettings(QSettings &, const QString & = QString());
-	QDate finalDate() const ;
-	// attributs
-	QString title;            ///< Titre affiche par le cartouche
-	QString author;           ///< Auteur affiche par le cartouche
-	QDate date;               ///< Date affichee par le cartouche ; si la date est nulle, le champ reste vide
-	QString filename;         ///< Nom de fichier affiche par le cartouche
-	QString folio;            ///< Folio affiche par le cartouche
-	DateManagement useDate;   ///< Indique s'il faut utiliser ou non l'attribut date
-	private:
-	QString exportDate() const;
-	void setDateFromString(const QString &);

Deleted: branches/0.3/sources/insetpropertieswidget.cpp
--- branches/0.3/sources/insetpropertieswidget.cpp	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/insetpropertieswidget.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-	Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Guerrin
-	This file is part of QElectroTech.
-	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-	(at your option) any later version.
-	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-	GNU General Public License for more details.
-	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include "insetpropertieswidget.h"
-#include "qetapp.h"
-	Constructeur
-	@param inset InsetProperties a afficher
-	@param current true pour afficher l'option "Date courante"
-	@param parent QWidget parent
-InsetPropertiesWidget::InsetPropertiesWidget(const InsetProperties &inset, bool current, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), display_current_date(false) {
-	QVBoxLayout *this_layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
-	this_layout -> setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-	QGroupBox *inset_infos = new QGroupBox(tr("Informations du cartouche"), this);
-	inset_infos -> setMinimumSize(300, 330);
-	this_layout -> addWidget(inset_infos);
-	inset_title = new QLineEdit(this);
-	inset_author = new QLineEdit(this);
-	QButtonGroup *date_policy_group = new QButtonGroup(this);
-	inset_no_date = new QRadioButton(tr("Pas de date"), this);
-	inset_current_date = new QRadioButton(tr("Date courante"), this);
-	inset_fixed_date = new QRadioButton(tr("Date fixe : "), this);
-	date_policy_group -> addButton(inset_no_date);
-	date_policy_group -> addButton(inset_current_date);
-	date_policy_group -> addButton(inset_fixed_date);
-	inset_date = new QDateEdit(QDate::currentDate(), this);
-	inset_date -> setEnabled(inset_fixed_date -> isChecked());
-	inset_current_date -> setVisible(display_current_date);
-	connect(inset_fixed_date, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), inset_date, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
-	inset_date -> setCalendarPopup(true);
-	QGridLayout *layout_date = new QGridLayout();
-	layout_date -> addWidget(inset_no_date,      0, 0);
-	layout_date -> addWidget(inset_current_date, 1, 0);
-	layout_date -> addWidget(inset_fixed_date,   2, 0);
-	layout_date -> addWidget(inset_date,         2, 1);
-	layout_date -> setColumnStretch(0, 1);
-	layout_date -> setColumnStretch(1, 500);
-	inset_filename = new QLineEdit(this);
-	inset_folio = new QLineEdit(this);
-	QLabel *folio_tip = new QLabel(
-		tr(
-			"Les variables suivantes sont utilisables dans le champ Folio :\n"
-			"  - %id : num\351ro du sch\351ma courant dans le projet\n"
-			"  - %total : nombre total de sch\351mas dans le projet"
-		)
-	);
-	folio_tip -> setWordWrap(true);
-	QGridLayout *layout_champs = new QGridLayout(inset_infos);
-	layout_champs -> addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Titre : ")),   0, 0);
-	layout_champs -> addWidget(inset_title,                  0, 1);
-	layout_champs -> addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Auteur : ")),  1, 0);
-	layout_champs -> addWidget(inset_author,                 1, 1);
-	layout_champs -> addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Date : ")),    2, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
-	layout_champs -> addLayout(layout_date,                  2, 1);
-	layout_champs -> addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Fichier : ")), 3, 0);
-	layout_champs -> addWidget(inset_filename,               3, 1);
-	layout_champs -> addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Folio : ")),   4, 0);
-	layout_champs -> addWidget(inset_folio,                  4, 1);
-	layout_champs -> addWidget(folio_tip,                    5, 1, Qt::AlignTop);
-	layout_champs -> setRowStretch(5, 500);
-	inset_current_date -> setVisible(display_current_date = current);
-	setInsetProperties(inset);
-	setLayout(this_layout);
-/// Destructeur
-InsetPropertiesWidget::~InsetPropertiesWidget() {
-	@return Les proprietes affichees par le widget
-InsetProperties InsetPropertiesWidget::insetProperties() const {
-	InsetProperties prop;
-	prop.title    = inset_title -> text();
-	prop.author   = inset_author -> text();
-	prop.filename = inset_filename -> text();
-	prop.folio    = inset_folio -> text();
-	if (inset_no_date -> isChecked()) {
-		prop.useDate = InsetProperties::UseDateValue;
-		prop.date = QDate();
-	} else if (inset_fixed_date -> isChecked()) {
-		prop.useDate = InsetProperties::UseDateValue;
-		prop.date = inset_date -> date();
-	} else if (display_current_date && inset_current_date -> isChecked()) {
-		prop.useDate = InsetProperties::CurrentDate;
-		prop.date = QDate::currentDate();
-	}
-	return(prop);
-	Specifie les proprietes que le widget doit afficher
-	@param inset nouvelles proprietes affichees par le widget
-void InsetPropertiesWidget::setInsetProperties(const InsetProperties &inset) {
-	inset_title    -> setText(inset.title);
-	inset_author   -> setText(inset.author);
-	inset_filename -> setText(inset.filename);
-	inset_folio    -> setText(inset.folio);
-	if (display_current_date) {
-		if (inset.useDate == InsetProperties::CurrentDate) {
-			inset_current_date -> setChecked(true);
-		} else {
-			if (inset.date.isNull()) {
-				inset_no_date -> setChecked(true);
-			} else {
-				inset_fixed_date -> setChecked(true);
-				inset_date -> setDate(inset.date);
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		if (inset.useDate == InsetProperties::CurrentDate) {
-			inset_fixed_date -> setChecked(true);
-			inset_date -> setDate(QDate::currentDate());
-		} else {
-			if (inset.date.isNull()) {
-				inset_no_date -> setChecked(true);
-			} else {
-				inset_fixed_date -> setChecked(true);
-				inset_date -> setDate(inset.date);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	@return true si le widget affiche la proposition "Date courante", false sinon
-bool InsetPropertiesWidget::displayCurrentDate() const {
-	return(display_current_date);
-	@return true si ce widget est en lecture seule, false sinon
-bool InsetPropertiesWidget::isReadOnly() const {
-	return(inset_title -> isReadOnly());
-	@param ro true pour passer ce widget en lecture seule, false sinon
-void InsetPropertiesWidget::setReadOnly(bool ro) {
-	inset_title        -> setReadOnly(ro);
-	inset_author       -> setReadOnly(ro);
-	inset_date         -> setReadOnly(ro);
-	inset_filename     -> setReadOnly(ro);
-	inset_folio        -> setReadOnly(ro);
-	inset_no_date      -> setDisabled(ro);
-	inset_current_date -> setDisabled(ro);
-	inset_fixed_date   -> setDisabled(ro);

Deleted: branches/0.3/sources/insetpropertieswidget.h
--- branches/0.3/sources/insetpropertieswidget.h	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/insetpropertieswidget.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-	Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Guerrin
-	This file is part of QElectroTech.
-	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-	(at your option) any later version.
-	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-	GNU General Public License for more details.
-	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QtGui>
-#include "insetproperties.h"
-	Ce widget permet d'editer un objet InsetProperties, c'est-a-dire les
-	valeurs affichees par le cartouche d'un schema.
-class InsetPropertiesWidget : public QWidget {
-	// constructeurs, destructeur
-	public:
-	InsetPropertiesWidget(const InsetProperties &inset = InsetProperties(), bool = false, QWidget * = 0);
-	virtual ~InsetPropertiesWidget();
-	private:
-	InsetPropertiesWidget(const InsetPropertiesWidget &);
-	// methodes
-	public:
-	InsetProperties insetProperties() const;
-	void setInsetProperties(const InsetProperties &);
-	bool displayCurrentDate() const;
-	bool isReadOnly() const;
-	void setReadOnly(bool);
-	// attributs
-	private:
-	QLineEdit    *inset_title;
-	QLineEdit    *inset_author;
-	QDateEdit    *inset_date;
-	QLineEdit    *inset_filename;
-	QLineEdit    *inset_folio;
-	QRadioButton *inset_no_date;
-	QRadioButton *inset_current_date;
-	QRadioButton *inset_fixed_date;
-	bool display_current_date;

Deleted: branches/0.3/sources/insettemplate.cpp
--- branches/0.3/sources/insettemplate.cpp	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/insettemplate.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -1,580 +0,0 @@
-	Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Guerrin
-	This file is part of QElectroTech.
-	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-	(at your option) any later version.
-	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-	GNU General Public License for more details.
-	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include "insettemplate.h"
-#include "qet.h"
-#include "qetapp.h"
-	Constructor
-	@param parent parent QObject
-InsetTemplate::InsetTemplate(QObject *parent) :
-	QObject(parent)
-	Destructor
-InsetTemplate::~InsetTemplate() {
-	loadLogos(QDomElement(), true);
-	@param filepath A file path to read the template from.
-	@return true if the reading succeeds, false otherwise.
-bool InsetTemplate::loadFromXmlFile(const QString &filepath) {
-	// opens the file
-	QFile template_file(filepath);
-	if (!template_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
-	    return(false);
-	}
-	// parses its content as XML
-	bool xml_parsing = xml_description_.setContent(&template_file);
-	if (!xml_parsing) {
-		return(false);
-	}
-	qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << filepath << "opened";
-	return(loadFromXmlElement(xml_description_.documentElement()));
-	@param xml_element An XML document to read the template from.
-	@return true if the reading succeeds, false otherwise.
-bool InsetTemplate::loadFromXmlElement(const QDomElement &xml_element) {
-	// we expect the XML element to be an <insettemplate>
-	if (xml_element.tagName() != "insettemplate") {
-		return(false);
-	}
-	loadLogos(xml_element, true);
-	loadGrid(xml_element);
-	return(true);
-	Imports the logos from a given XML inset template.
-	@param xml_element An XML element representing an inset template.
-	@param reset true to delete all previously known logos before, false
-	otherwise.
-	@return true if the reading succeeds, false otherwise.
-bool InsetTemplate::loadLogos(const QDomElement &xml_element, bool reset) {
-	if (reset) {
-		qDeleteAll(vector_logos_.begin(), vector_logos_.end());
-		vector_logos_.clear();
-		qDeleteAll(bitmap_logos_.begin(), bitmap_logos_.end());
-		bitmap_logos_.clear();
-	}
-	// we look for //logos/logo elements
-	for (QDomNode n = xml_element.firstChild() ; !n.isNull() ; n = n.nextSibling()) {
-		if (n.isElement() && n.toElement().tagName() == "logos") {
-			for (QDomNode p = n.firstChild() ; !p.isNull() ; p = p.nextSibling()) {
-				if (p.isElement() && p.toElement().tagName() == "logo") {
-					loadLogo(p.toElement());
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return(true);
-	Imports the logo from a given XML logo description.
-	@param xml_element An XML element representing a logo within an inset
-	template.
-	@return true if the reading succeeds, false otherwise.
-bool InsetTemplate::loadLogo(const QDomElement &xml_element) {
-	// we require a name
-	if (!xml_element.hasAttribute("name")) {
-		return(false);
-	}
-	QString logo_name    = xml_element.attribute("name");
-	QString logo_type    = xml_element.attribute("type", "png");
-	QString logo_storage = xml_element.attribute("storage", "base64");
-	// Both QSvgRenderer and QPixmap read their data from a QByteArray, so
-	// we convert the available data to that format.
-	QByteArray logo_data;
-	if (logo_storage == "xml") {
-		// only svg uses xml storage
-		QDomNodeList svg_nodes = xml_element.elementsByTagName("svg");
-		if (svg_nodes.isEmpty()) {
-			return(false);
-		}
-		QDomElement svg_element = svg_nodes.at(0).toElement();
-		QTextStream xml_to_byte_array(&logo_data);
-		svg_element.save(xml_to_byte_array, 0);
-	} else if (logo_storage == "base64") {
-		logo_data = QByteArray::fromBase64(xml_element.text().toAscii());
-	} else {
-		return(false);
-	}
-	// we can now create our image object from the byte array
-	if (logo_type == "svg") {
-		// SVG format is handled by the QSvgRenderer class
-		QSvgRenderer *svg = new QSvgRenderer(logo_data);
-		vector_logos_.insert(logo_name, svg);
-		/*QSvgWidget *test_svgwidget = new QSvgWidget();
-		test_svgwidget -> load(logo_data);
-		test_svgwidget -> show();*/
-	} else {
-		// bitmap formats are handled by the QPixmap class
-		QPixmap *logo_pixmap = new QPixmap();
-		logo_pixmap -> loadFromData(logo_data);
-		if (!logo_pixmap -> width() || !logo_pixmap -> height()) {
-			return(false);
-		}
-		bitmap_logos_.insert(logo_name, logo_pixmap);
-		/*QLabel *test_label = new QLabel();
-		test_label -> setPixmap(*logo_pixmap);
-		test_label -> show();*/
-	}
-	return(true);
-	Imports the grid from a given XML inset template.
-	@param xml_element An XML element representing an inset template.
-	@return true if the reading succeeds, false otherwise.
-bool InsetTemplate::loadGrid(const QDomElement &xml_element) {
-	// we parse the first available "grid" XML element
-	QDomElement grid_element;
-	for (QDomNode n = xml_element.firstChild() ; !n.isNull() ; n = n.nextSibling()) {
-		if (n.isElement() && n.toElement().tagName() == "grid") {
-			grid_element = n.toElement();
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (!grid_element.hasAttribute("rows") || !grid_element.hasAttribute("cols")) {
-		return(false);
-	}
-	parseRows(grid_element.attribute("rows"));
-	parseColumns(grid_element.attribute("cols"));
-	loadCells(grid_element);
-	return(true);
-	Parses the rows heights
-	@param rows_string A string describing the rows heights of the inset
-void InsetTemplate::parseRows(const QString &rows_string) {
-	rows_heights_.clear();
-	// parse the rows attribute: we expect a serie of absolute heights
-	QRegExp row_size_format("^([0-9]+)(?:px)?$", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
-	bool conv_ok;
-	QStringList rows_descriptions = rows_string.split(QChar(';'), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
-	foreach (QString rows_description, rows_descriptions) {
-		if (row_size_format.exactMatch(rows_description)) {
-			int row_size = row_size_format.capturedTexts().at(1).toInt(&conv_ok);
-			if (conv_ok) rows_heights_ << row_size;
-		}
-	}
-	qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Rows heights:" << rows_heights_;
-	Parses the columns widths
-	@param cols_string A string describing the columns widths of the inset
-void InsetTemplate::parseColumns(const QString &cols_string) {
-	columns_width_.clear();
-	// parse the cols attribute: we expect a serie of absolute or relative widths
-	QRegExp abs_col_size_format("^([0-9]+)(?:px)?$", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
-	QRegExp rel_col_size_format("^([rt])([0-9]+)%$", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
-	bool conv_ok;
-	QStringList cols_descriptions = cols_string.split(QChar(';'), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
-	foreach (QString cols_description, cols_descriptions) {
-		if (abs_col_size_format.exactMatch(cols_description)) {
-			int col_size = abs_col_size_format.capturedTexts().at(1).toInt(&conv_ok);
-			if (conv_ok) columns_width_ << InsetColDimension(col_size, QET::Absolute);
-		} else if (rel_col_size_format.exactMatch(cols_description)) {
-			int col_size = rel_col_size_format.capturedTexts().at(2).toInt(&conv_ok);
-			QET::InsetColumnLength col_type = rel_col_size_format.capturedTexts().at(1) == "t" ? QET::RelativeToTotalLength : QET::RelativeToRemainingLength;
-			if (conv_ok) columns_width_ << InsetColDimension(col_size, col_type );
-		}
-	}
-	foreach (InsetColDimension icd, columns_width_) {
-		qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << QString("%1 [%2]").arg(icd.value).arg(QET::insetColumnLengthToString(icd.type));
-	}
-	Analyze an XML element, looking for grid cells. The grid cells are checked
-	and stored in this object.
-	@param xml_element XML element to analyze
-bool InsetTemplate::loadCells(const QDomElement &xml_element) {
-	initCells();
-	// we are interested by the "logo" and "field" elements
-	QDomElement grid_element;
-	for (QDomNode n = xml_element.firstChild() ; !n.isNull() ; n = n.nextSibling()) {
-		if (!n.isElement()) continue;
-		QDomElement cell_element = n.toElement();
-		if (cell_element.tagName() == "field" || cell_element.tagName() == "logo") {
-			InsetCell *loaded_cell;
-			if (!checkCell(cell_element, &loaded_cell)) continue;
-			if (cell_element.tagName() == "logo") {
-				if (cell_element.hasAttribute("resource") && !cell_element.attribute("resource").isEmpty()) {
-					loaded_cell -> logo_reference = cell_element.attribute("resource");
-				}
-			} else if (cell_element.tagName() == "field") {
-				if (cell_element.hasAttribute("name") && !cell_element.attribute("name").isEmpty()) {
-					loaded_cell -> value_name = cell_element.attribute("name");
-				}
-				if (cell_element.hasAttribute("value") && !cell_element.attribute("value").isEmpty()) {
-					loaded_cell -> value = cell_element.attribute("value");
-				}
-				if (cell_element.hasAttribute("label") && !cell_element.attribute("label").isEmpty()) {
-					loaded_cell -> label = cell_element.attribute("label");
-				}
-				if (cell_element.hasAttribute("displaylabel") && cell_element.attribute("displaylabel").compare("false", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
-					loaded_cell -> display_label = false;
-				}
-				// horiwontal and vertical alignments
-				loaded_cell -> alignment = 0;
-				QString halignment = cell_element.attribute("align", "left");
-				if (halignment == "right") loaded_cell -> alignment |= Qt::AlignRight;
-				else if (halignment == "center") loaded_cell -> alignment |= Qt::AlignHCenter;
-				else loaded_cell -> alignment |= Qt::AlignLeft;
-				QString valignment = cell_element.attribute("valign", "center");
-				if (halignment == "bottom") loaded_cell -> alignment |= Qt::AlignBottom;
-				else if (halignment == "top") loaded_cell -> alignment |= Qt::AlignTop;
-				else loaded_cell -> alignment |= Qt::AlignVCenter;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return(true);
-	@param xml_element XML element representing a cell, i.e. either an inset
-	logo or an inset field.
-	@param inset_cell_ptr Pointer to an InsetCell object pointer - if non-zero and if
-	this method returns true, will be filled with the created InsetCell
-	@return TRUE if the cell appears to be ok, FALSE otherwise
-bool InsetTemplate::checkCell(const QDomElement &xml_element, InsetCell **inset_cell_ptr) {
-	int col_count = columns_width_.count(), row_count = rows_heights_.count();
-	qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "begin" << row_count << col_count;
-	int row_num, col_num, row_span, col_span;
-	bool has_row_span = false;
-	bool has_col_span = false;
-	row_num = col_num = -1;
-	row_span = col_span = 0;
-	// parse the row and col attributes
-	if (!QET::attributeIsAnInteger(xml_element, "row", &row_num) || row_num < 0 || row_num >= row_count) {
-		return(false);
-	}
-	if (!QET::attributeIsAnInteger(xml_element, "col", &col_num) || col_num < 0 || col_num >= col_count) {
-		return(false);
-	}
-	// check whether the target cell can be used or not
-	qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "cell access" << col_num << row_num;
-	InsetCell *cell_ptr = &(cells_[col_num][row_num]);
-	if (!cell_ptr -> is_null || cell_ptr -> spanner_cell) {
-		return(false);
-	}
-	// parse the rowspan and colspan attributes
-	if (QET::attributeIsAnInteger(xml_element, "rowspan", &row_span) && row_span > 0) {
-		if (row_num + row_span >= row_count) row_span = row_count - 1 - row_num;
-		has_row_span = true;
-	}
-	if (QET::attributeIsAnInteger(xml_element, "colspan", &col_span) && col_span > 0) {
-		if (col_num + col_span >= col_count) col_span = col_count - 1 - col_num;
-		has_col_span = true;
-	}
-	// check if we can span on the required area
-	if (has_row_span || has_col_span) {
-		for (int i = col_num ; i <= col_num + col_span ; ++ i) {
-			for (int j = row_num ; j <= row_num + row_span ; ++ j) {
-				if (i == col_num && j == row_num) continue;
-				qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "span check" << i << j;
-				InsetCell *current_cell = &(cells_[i][j]);
-				if (!current_cell -> is_null || current_cell -> spanner_cell) {
-					return(false);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// at this point, the cell is ok - we fill the adequate cells in the matrix
-	qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "cell writing";
-	cell_ptr -> num_row = row_num;
-	cell_ptr -> num_col = col_num;
-	if (has_row_span) cell_ptr -> row_span = row_span;
-	if (has_col_span) cell_ptr -> col_span = col_span;
-	cell_ptr -> is_null = false;
-	if (inset_cell_ptr) *inset_cell_ptr = cell_ptr;
-	if (has_row_span || has_col_span) {
-		for (int i = col_num ; i <= col_num + col_span ; ++ i) {
-			for (int j = row_num ; j <= row_num + row_span ; ++ j) {
-				if (i == col_num && j == row_num) continue;
-				qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "span cells writing" << i << j;
-				InsetCell *current_cell = &(cells_[i][j]);
-				current_cell -> num_row = j;
-				current_cell -> num_col = i;
-				current_cell -> is_null = false;
-				current_cell -> spanner_cell = cell_ptr;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return(true);
-	Initializes the internal cells grid with the row and column counts.
-	Note that this method does nothing if one of the internal lists
-	columns_width_ and rows_heights_ is empty.
-void InsetTemplate::initCells() {
-	if (columns_width_.count() < 1 || rows_heights_.count() < 1) return;
-	cells_.resize(columns_width_.count());
-	int row_count = rows_heights_.count();
-	for (int i = 0 ; i < columns_width_.count() ; ++ i) {
-		cells_[i].resize(row_count);
-		// ensure every cell is a null cell
-		for (int j = 0 ; j < row_count ; ++ j) {
-			cells_[i][j] = InsetCell();
-		}
-	}
-	qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << toString();
-	@return A string representing the inset template
-	@see InsetCell::toString()
-QString InsetTemplate::toString() const {
-	QString str = "\n";
-	for (int j = 0 ; j < rows_heights_.count() ; ++ j) {
-		for (int i = 0 ; i < columns_width_.count() ; ++ i) {
-			str += cells_[i][j].toString() + "    ";
-		}
-		str += "\n";
-	}
-	return(str);
-	@param total_width The total width of the inset to render
-	@return the list of the columns widths for this rendering
-QList<int> InsetTemplate::columnsWidth(int total_width) const {
-	if (total_width < 0) return(QList<int>());
-	// we first iter to determine the absolute and total-width-related widths
-	QVector<int> final_widths(columns_width_.count());
-	int abs_widths_sum = 0;
-	for (int i = 0 ; i < columns_width_.count() ; ++ i) {
-		InsetColDimension icd = columns_width_.at(i);
-		if (icd.type == QET::Absolute) {
-			abs_widths_sum += icd.value;
-			final_widths[i] = icd.value;
-		} else if (icd.type == QET::RelativeToTotalLength) {
-			int abs_value = int(total_width * icd.value / 100);
-			abs_widths_sum += abs_value;
-			final_widths[i] = abs_value;
-		}
-	}
-	// we can now deduce the remaining width
-	int remaining_width = total_width - abs_widths_sum;
-	// we do a second iteration to build the final widths list
-	for (int i = 0 ; i < columns_width_.count() ; ++ i) {
-		InsetColDimension icd = columns_width_.at(i);
-		if (icd.type == QET::RelativeToRemainingLength) {
-			final_widths[i] = int(remaining_width * icd.value / 100);
-		}
-	}
-	return(final_widths.toList());
-int InsetTemplate::height() const {
-	int height = 0;
-	foreach(int row_height, rows_heights_) {
-		height += row_height;
-	}
-	return(height);
-	Render the inset.
-	@param painter Painter to use to render the inset
-	@param diagram_context Diagram context to use to generate the inset strings
-	@param inset_width Width of the inset to render
-void InsetTemplate::render(QPainter &painter, const DiagramContext &diagram_context, int inset_width) const {
-	QList<int> widths = columnsWidth(inset_width);
-	int inset_height = height();
-	// prepare the QPainter
-	painter.setPen(Qt::black);
-	painter.setBrush(Qt::white);
-	painter.setFont(QETApp::diagramTextsFont());
-	// draw the inset border
-	painter.drawRect(QRect(0, 0, inset_width, inset_height));
-	// run through each inidividual cell
-	for (int j = 0 ; j < rows_heights_.count() ; ++ j) {
-		for (int i = 0 ; i < columns_width_.count() ; ++ i) {
-			if (cells_[i][j].spanner_cell) continue;
-			// calculate the border rect of the current cell
-			int x = lengthRange(0, cells_[i][j].num_col, widths); 
-			int y = lengthRange(0, cells_[i][j].num_row, rows_heights_);
-			int w = lengthRange(cells_[i][j].num_col, cells_[i][j].num_col + 1 + cells_[i][j].col_span, widths);
-			int h = lengthRange(cells_[i][j].num_row, cells_[i][j].num_row + 1 + cells_[i][j].row_span, rows_heights_);
-			QRect cell_rect(x, y, w, h);
-			// draw the border rect of the current cell
-			painter.drawRect(cell_rect);
-			// render the inner content of the current cell
-			if (!cells_[i][j].logo_reference.isEmpty()) {
-				// the current cell appear to be a logo - we first look for the
-				// logo reference in our vector logos list, since they offer a
-				// potentially better (or, at least, not resolution-limited) rendering
-				if (vector_logos_.contains(cells_[i][j].logo_reference)) {
-					vector_logos_[cells_[i][j].logo_reference] -> render(&painter, cell_rect);
-				} else if (bitmap_logos_.contains(cells_[i][j].logo_reference)) {
-					painter.drawPixmap(cell_rect, *(bitmap_logos_[cells_[i][j].logo_reference]));
-				}
-			} else {
-				painter.drawText(cell_rect, cells_[i][j].alignment, finalTextForCell(cells_[i][j], diagram_context));
-			}
-			// draw again the border rect of the current cell, without the brush this time
-			painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
-			painter.drawRect(cell_rect);
-		}
-	}
-	@param cell A cell from this template
-	@param diagram_context Diagram context to use to generate the final text for the given cell
-	@return the final text that has to be drawn in the given cell
-QString InsetTemplate::finalTextForCell(const InsetCell &cell, const DiagramContext &diagram_context) const {
-	QString cell_text = cell.value;
-	foreach (QString key, diagram_context.keys()) {
-		cell_text.replace("%{" + key + "}", diagram_context[key].toString());
-		cell_text.replace("%" + key,        diagram_context[key].toString());
-	}
-	if (cell.display_label && !cell.label.isEmpty()) {
-		cell_text = QString(tr(" %1 : %2", "inset content - please let the blank space at the beginning")).arg(cell.label).arg(cell_text);
-	} else {
-		cell_text = QString(tr(" %1")).arg(cell_text);
-	}
-	return(cell_text);
-	@return the width between two borders
-	@param start start border number
-	@param end end border number
-int InsetTemplate::lengthRange(int start, int end, const QList<int> &lengths_list) const {
-	if (start > end || start >= lengths_list.count() || end > lengths_list.count()) {
-		qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "wont use" << start << "and" << end;
-		return(0);
-	}
-	int length = 0;
-	for (int i = start ; i < end ; ++i) {
-		length += lengths_list[i];
-	}
-	return(length);
-	Constructor
-InsetCell::InsetCell() {
-	num_row = num_col = -1;
-	row_span = col_span = 0;
-	display_label = is_null = true;
-	spanner_cell = 0;
-	@return A string representing the inset cell
-QString InsetCell::toString() const {
-	if (is_null) return("InsetCell{null}");
-	QString span_desc = (row_span > 0 || col_span > 0) ? QString("+%3,%4").arg(row_span).arg(col_span) : QET::pointerString(spanner_cell);
-	QString base_desc = QString("InsetCell{ [%1, %2] %3 }").arg(num_row).arg(num_col).arg(span_desc);
-	return(base_desc);

Deleted: branches/0.3/sources/insettemplate.h
--- branches/0.3/sources/insettemplate.h	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/insettemplate.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-	Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Guerrin
-	This file is part of QElectroTech.
-	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-	(at your option) any later version.
-	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-	GNU General Public License for more details.
-	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QtXml>
-#include <QtSvg>
-#include "diagramcontext.h"
-#include "insetcell.h"
-#include "qet.h"
-	This struct is a simple container associating a length with its type.
-	@see InsetColumnLength 
-struct InsetColDimension {
-	InsetColDimension(int v, QET::InsetColumnLength t = QET::Absolute) {
-		value = v;
-		type = t;
-	}
-	QET::InsetColumnLength type;
-	int value;
-	This class represents an inset templ)ate for an electric diagram.
-	It can read from an XML document the layout of the table that graphically
-	represents the inset, and can produce a graphical rendering of it from a
-	diagram context (object embedding the informations of the diagram we want to
-	represent the inset.
-class InsetTemplate : public QObject {
-	// constructeurs, destructeur
-	public:
-	InsetTemplate(QObject * = 0);
-	virtual ~InsetTemplate();
-	private:
-	InsetTemplate(const InsetTemplate &);
-	// methodes
-	public:
-	bool loadFromXmlFile(const QString &);
-	bool loadFromXmlElement(const QDomElement &);
-	void setContext(const DiagramContext &);
-	QList<int> columnsWidth(int) const;
-	int height() const;
-	void render(QPainter &, const DiagramContext &, int) const;
-	QString toString() const;
-	protected:
-	bool loadLogos(const QDomElement &, bool = false);
-	bool loadLogo(const QDomElement &);
-	bool loadGrid(const QDomElement &);
-	bool loadCells(const QDomElement &);
-	private:
-	void parseRows(const QString &);
-	void parseColumns(const QString &);
-	bool checkCell(const QDomElement &, InsetCell ** = 0);
-	void flushCells();
-	void initCells();
-	int lengthRange(int, int, const QList<int> &) const;
-	QString finalTextForCell(const InsetCell &, const DiagramContext &) const;
-	// attributs
-	private:
-	QDomDocument xml_description_;
-	QHash<QString, QSvgRenderer *> vector_logos_;
-	QHash<QString, QPixmap *>      bitmap_logos_;
-	QList<int> rows_heights_;
-	QList<InsetColDimension> columns_width_;
-	QVector< QVector<InsetCell> > cells_;

Deleted: branches/0.3/sources/insettemplaterenderer.cpp
--- branches/0.3/sources/insettemplaterenderer.cpp	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/insettemplaterenderer.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-#include "insettemplaterenderer.h"
-#include "insettemplate.h"
-	Constructor
-	@param parnet Parent QObject of this renderer
-InsetTemplateRenderer::InsetTemplateRenderer(QObject *parent) :
-	QObject(parent),
-	inset_template_(0),
-	last_known_inset_width_(-1)
-	Destructor
-InsetTemplateRenderer::~InsetTemplateRenderer() {
-	@return the inset template used for the rendering
-const InsetTemplate *InsetTemplateRenderer::insetTemplate() const {
-	return(inset_template_);
-	@param inset_template Inset template to render.
-void InsetTemplateRenderer::setInsetTemplate(const InsetTemplate *inset_template) {
-	if (inset_template != inset_template_) {
-		inset_template_ = inset_template;
-		invalidateRenderedTemplate();
-	}
-	@param context Diagram Context to use when rendering the inset
-void InsetTemplateRenderer::setContext(const DiagramContext &context) {
-	context_ = context;
-	invalidateRenderedTemplate();
-	@return the height of the rendered template, or -1 if no template has been
-	set for this renderer.
-	@see InsetTemplate::height()
-int InsetTemplateRenderer::height() const {
-	if (!inset_template_) return(-1);
-	return(inset_template_ -> height());
-	Render the inset.
-	@param provided_painter QPainter to use to render the inset.
-	@param inset_width The total width of the inset to render
-void InsetTemplateRenderer::render(QPainter *provided_painter, int inset_width) {
-	if (!inset_template_) return;
-	// Do we really need to calculate all this again?
-	if (inset_width != last_known_inset_width_ || rendered_template_.isNull()) {
-		renderToQPicture(inset_width);
-	}
-	provided_painter -> save();
-	rendered_template_.play(provided_painter);
-	provided_painter -> restore();
-	Renders the inset to the internal QPicture
-	@param inset_width Width of the inset to render
-void InsetTemplateRenderer::renderToQPicture(int inset_width) {
-	if (!inset_template_) return;
-	// we render the template on our internal QPicture
-	QPainter painter(&rendered_template_);
-	inset_template_ -> render(painter, context_, inset_width);
-	// memorize the last known width
-	last_known_inset_width_ = inset_width;
-	Invalidates the previous rendering of the template by resetting the internal
-	QPicture.
-void InsetTemplateRenderer::invalidateRenderedTemplate() {
-	rendered_template_ = QPicture();

Deleted: branches/0.3/sources/insettemplaterenderer.h
--- branches/0.3/sources/insettemplaterenderer.h	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/insettemplaterenderer.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-	Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Guerrin
-	This file is part of QElectroTech.
-	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-	(at your option) any later version.
-	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-	GNU General Public License for more details.
-	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QPicture>
-#include "diagramcontext.h"
-class InsetTemplate;
-class InsetTemplateRenderer : public QObject {
-	public:
-	InsetTemplateRenderer(QObject * = 0);
-	virtual ~InsetTemplateRenderer();
-	const InsetTemplate *insetTemplate() const;
-	void setInsetTemplate(const InsetTemplate *);
-	void setContext(const DiagramContext &context);
-	int height() const;
-	void render(QPainter *, int);
-	private:
-	void renderToQPicture(int);
-	void invalidateRenderedTemplate();
-	private:
-	const InsetTemplate *inset_template_;
-	QPicture rendered_template_;
-	DiagramContext context_;
-	int last_known_inset_width_;

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/projectview.cpp
--- branches/0.3/sources/projectview.cpp	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/projectview.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 #include "qetelementeditor.h"
 #include "interactivemoveelementshandler.h"
 #include "borderpropertieswidget.h"
-#include "insetpropertieswidget.h"
+#include "titleblockpropertieswidget.h"
 #include "conductorpropertieswidget.h"
 #include "qeticons.h"
 #include "qetmessagebox.h"
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
 	bpw -> setReadOnly(project_is_read_only);
 	// proprietes par defaut d'un cartouche
-	InsetPropertiesWidget *ipw = new InsetPropertiesWidget(project_ -> defaultInsetProperties(), true);
+	TitleBlockPropertiesWidget *ipw = new TitleBlockPropertiesWidget(project_ -> defaultTitleBlockProperties(), true);
 	ipw -> setReadOnly(project_is_read_only);
 	// proprietes par defaut des conducteurs
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@
 	if (properties_dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted && !project_is_read_only) {
 		project_ -> setTitle(title_field -> text());
 		project_ -> setDefaultBorderProperties(bpw -> borderProperties());
-		project_ -> setDefaultInsetProperties(ipw -> insetProperties());
+		project_ -> setDefaultTitleBlockProperties(ipw -> titleBlockProperties());
 		project_ -> setDefaultConductorProperties(cpw -> conductorProperties());

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/qet.cpp
--- branches/0.3/sources/qet.cpp	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/qet.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -517,11 +517,11 @@
-	@param icl an InsetColumnLength object
-	@see InsetColumnLength
-	@return a string describing the type of this InsetColumnLength object
+	@param icl an TitleBlockColumnLength object
+	@see TitleBlockColumnLength
+	@return a string describing the type of this TitleBlockColumnLength object
-QString QET::insetColumnLengthToString(const InsetColumnLength  &icl) {
+QString QET::titleBlockColumnLengthToString(const TitleBlockColumnLength  &icl) {
 	QString type_str;
 	if (icl== Absolute) type_str = "absolute";
 	else if (icl == RelativeToTotalLength) type_str = "relative to total";

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/qet.h
--- branches/0.3/sources/qet.h	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/qet.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
 	/// enum used to specify the type of a length
-	enum InsetColumnLength {
+	enum TitleBlockColumnLength {
 		Absolute,                   ///< the length is absolute and should be applied as is
 		RelativeToTotalLength,      ///< the length is just a fraction of the total available length
 		RelativeToRemainingLength   ///< the length is just a fraction of the length that is still available when other types of lengths have been removed
@@ -132,6 +132,6 @@
 	QString pointerString(void *);
 	qreal correctAngle(const qreal &);
 	bool compareCanonicalFilePaths(const QString &, const QString &);
-	QString insetColumnLengthToString(const InsetColumnLength  &);
+	QString titleBlockColumnLengthToString(const TitleBlockColumnLength  &);

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/qetapp.cpp
--- branches/0.3/sources/qetapp.cpp	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/qetapp.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 #include "qetelementeditor.h"
 #include "elementscollectionitem.h"
 #include "fileelementscollection.h"
-#include "insettemplate.h"
+#include "titleblocktemplate.h"
 #include "qetproject.h"
 #include "qtextorientationspinboxwidget.h"
 #include "recentfiles.h"
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 RecentFiles *QETApp::projects_recent_files_ = 0;
 RecentFiles *QETApp::elements_recent_files_ = 0;
 AboutQET *QETApp::about_dialog_ = 0;
-InsetTemplate *QETApp::default_inset_template_ = 0;
+TitleBlockTemplate *QETApp::default_titleblock_template_ = 0;
@@ -531,16 +531,16 @@
-	@return the default inset template for diagrams
+	@return the default titleblock template for diagrams
-InsetTemplate *QETApp::defaultInsetTemplate() {
-	if (!QETApp::default_inset_template_) {
-		InsetTemplate *inset_template = new InsetTemplate(QETApp::instance());
-		if (inset_template -> loadFromXmlFile(":/insets/default.inset")) {
-			QETApp::default_inset_template_ = inset_template;
+TitleBlockTemplate *QETApp::defaultTitleBlockTemplate() {
+	if (!QETApp::default_titleblock_template_) {
+		TitleBlockTemplate *titleblock_template = new TitleBlockTemplate(QETApp::instance());
+		if (titleblock_template -> loadFromXmlFile(":/titleblocks/default.titleblock")) {
+			QETApp::default_titleblock_template_ = titleblock_template;
-	return(default_inset_template_);
+	return(default_titleblock_template_);

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/qetapp.h
--- branches/0.3/sources/qetapp.h	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/qetapp.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 class FileElementsCollection;
 class ElementsCategory;
 class ElementDefinition;
-class InsetTemplate;
+class TitleBlockTemplate;
 class QETProject;
 class QTextOrientationSpinBoxWidget;
 class RecentFiles;
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
 	static QList<QETElementEditor *> elementEditors();
 	static QList<QETElementEditor *> elementEditors(QETProject *);
 	static QTextOrientationSpinBoxWidget *createTextOrientationSpinBoxWidget();
-	static InsetTemplate *defaultInsetTemplate();
+	static TitleBlockTemplate *defaultTitleBlockTemplate();
 #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
 	static RecentFiles *projects_recent_files_;
 	static RecentFiles *elements_recent_files_;
 	static AboutQET *about_dialog_;
-	static InsetTemplate *default_inset_template_;
+	static TitleBlockTemplate *default_titleblock_template_;
 	public slots:
 	void systray(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason);

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/qetdiagrameditor.cpp
--- branches/0.3/sources/qetdiagrameditor.cpp	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/qetdiagrameditor.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@
 	// transmet les proprietes par defaut des nouveaux schemas
 	new_project -> setDefaultBorderProperties(defaultBorderProperties());
 	new_project -> setDefaultConductorProperties(defaultConductorProperties());
-	new_project -> setDefaultInsetProperties(defaultInsetProperties());
+	new_project -> setDefaultTitleBlockProperties(defaultTitleBlockProperties());
 	// ajoute un schema au projet
 	new_project -> addNewDiagram();
@@ -1780,11 +1780,11 @@
 	@return Les proprietes par defaut pour le cartouche d'un schema
-InsetProperties QETDiagramEditor::defaultInsetProperties() {
+TitleBlockProperties QETDiagramEditor::defaultTitleBlockProperties() {
 	// accede a la configuration de l'application
 	QSettings &settings = QETApp::settings();
-	InsetProperties def;
+	TitleBlockProperties def;
 	// lit le cartouche par defaut dans la configuration
 	def.fromSettings(settings, "diagrameditor/default");

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/qetdiagrameditor.h
--- branches/0.3/sources/qetdiagrameditor.h	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/qetdiagrameditor.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include <QtGui>
 #include "borderproperties.h"
 #include "conductorproperties.h"
-#include "insetproperties.h"
+#include "titleblockproperties.h"
 #include "exportproperties.h"
 class QETProject;
 class ProjectView;
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 	QList<DiagramView *> projectViews() const;
 	QList<QString> editedFiles() const;
 	ProjectView *viewForFile(const QString &) const;
-	static InsetProperties     defaultInsetProperties();
+	static TitleBlockProperties     defaultTitleBlockProperties();
 	static BorderProperties    defaultBorderProperties();
 	static ConductorProperties defaultConductorProperties();
 	static ExportProperties    defaultExportProperties();

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/qetproject.cpp
--- branches/0.3/sources/qetproject.cpp	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/qetproject.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 #include "integrationmoveelementshandler.h"
 #include "basicmoveelementshandler.h"
 #include "qetmessagebox.h"
-#include "insettemplate.h"
+#include "titleblocktemplate.h"
 QString QETProject::integration_category_name = "import";
@@ -268,10 +268,10 @@
-	@return the list of the inset templates embedded within this project 
+	@return the list of the titleblock templates embedded within this project 
-QList<QString> QETProject::embeddedInsetTemplates() const {
-	return(inset_templates_xml_.keys());
+QList<QString> QETProject::embeddedTitleBlockTemplates() const {
+	return(titleblock_templates_xml_.keys());
@@ -279,22 +279,22 @@
 	@return the requested template, or 0 if there is no vltaid template of this
 	name within the project
-const InsetTemplate *QETProject::getTemplateByName(const QString &template_name) {
+const TitleBlockTemplate *QETProject::getTemplateByName(const QString &template_name) {
 	// Do we have already loaded this template?
-	if (inset_templates_.contains(template_name)) {
-		return(inset_templates_[template_name]);
+	if (titleblock_templates_.contains(template_name)) {
+		return(titleblock_templates_[template_name]);
 	// No? Do we even know of it?
-	if (!inset_templates_xml_.contains(template_name)) {
+	if (!titleblock_templates_xml_.contains(template_name)) {
-	// Ok, we have its XML description, we have to generate an InsetTemplate object
-	InsetTemplate *inset_template = new InsetTemplate(this);
-	if (inset_template -> loadFromXmlElement(inset_templates_xml_[template_name])) {
-		inset_templates_.insert(template_name, inset_template);
-		return(inset_template);
+	// Ok, we have its XML description, we have to generate an TitleBlockTemplate object
+	TitleBlockTemplate *titleblock_template = new TitleBlockTemplate(this);
+	if (titleblock_template -> loadFromXmlElement(titleblock_templates_xml_[template_name])) {
+		titleblock_templates_.insert(template_name, titleblock_template);
+		return(titleblock_template);
 	} else {
@@ -303,11 +303,11 @@
 	@param template_name Name of the requested template
 	@return the XML description of the requested template, or a null QDomElement
-	if the project does not have such an inset template
+	if the project does not have such an titleblock template
 QDomElement QETProject::getTemplateXmlDescriptionByName(const QString &template_name) {
-	if (inset_templates_xml_.contains(template_name)) {
-		return(inset_templates_xml_[template_name]);
+	if (titleblock_templates_xml_.contains(template_name)) {
+		return(titleblock_templates_xml_[template_name]);
@@ -333,17 +333,17 @@
 	@return le cartouche par defaut utilise lors de la creation d'un
 	nouveau schema dans ce projet.
-InsetProperties QETProject::defaultInsetProperties() const {
-	return(default_inset_properties_);
+TitleBlockProperties QETProject::defaultTitleBlockProperties() const {
+	return(default_titleblock_properties_);
 	Permet de specifier le cartouche par defaut utilise lors de la creation
 	d'un nouveau schema dans ce projet.
-	@param inset Cartouche d'un schema
+	@param titleblock Cartouche d'un schema
-void QETProject::setDefaultInsetProperties(const InsetProperties &inset) {
-	default_inset_properties_ = inset;
+void QETProject::setDefaultTitleBlockProperties(const TitleBlockProperties &titleblock) {
+	default_titleblock_properties_ = titleblock;
@@ -373,14 +373,14 @@
 	project_root.setAttribute("title", project_title_);
-	// inset templates, if any
-	if (inset_templates_xml_.count()) {
-		qDebug() << qPrintable(QString("QETProject::toXml() : exporting %1 inset templates").arg(inset_templates_xml_.count()));
-		QDomElement insettemplates_elmt = xml_doc.createElement("insettemplates");
-		foreach (QDomElement e, inset_templates_xml_) {
-			insettemplates_elmt.appendChild(e);
+	// titleblock templates, if any
+	if (titleblock_templates_xml_.count()) {
+		qDebug() << qPrintable(QString("QETProject::toXml() : exporting %1 titleblock templates").arg(titleblock_templates_xml_.count()));
+		QDomElement titleblocktemplates_elmt = xml_doc.createElement("titleblocktemplates");
+		foreach (QDomElement e, titleblock_templates_xml_) {
+			titleblocktemplates_elmt.appendChild(e);
-		project_root.appendChild(insettemplates_elmt);
+		project_root.appendChild(titleblocktemplates_elmt);
 	// proprietes pour les nouveaux schemas
@@ -696,8 +696,8 @@
 	Diagram *diagram = new Diagram();
 	// lui transmet les parametres par defaut
-	diagram -> border_and_inset.importBorder(defaultBorderProperties());
-	diagram -> border_and_inset.importInset(defaultInsetProperties());
+	diagram -> border_and_titleblock.importBorder(defaultBorderProperties());
+	diagram -> border_and_titleblock.importTitleBlock(defaultTitleBlockProperties());
 	diagram -> defaultConductorProperties = defaultConductorProperties();
@@ -790,7 +790,7 @@
 	// charge les proprietes par defaut pour les nouveaux schemas
-	// load the embedded inset templates
+	// load the embedded titleblock templates
 	// charge la collection embarquee
@@ -839,17 +839,17 @@
 	Loads the embedded template from the XML description of the project
 void QETProject::readEmbeddedTemplatesXml() {
-	foreach (QDomElement e, QET::findInDomElement(document_root_.documentElement(), "insettemplates", "insettemplate")) {
-		// each inset template must have a name
+	foreach (QDomElement e, QET::findInDomElement(document_root_.documentElement(), "titleblocktemplates", "titleblocktemplate")) {
+		// each titleblock template must have a name
 		if (!e.hasAttribute("name")) continue;
-		QString inset_template_name = e.attribute("name");
+		QString titleblock_template_name = e.attribute("name");
 		// if several templates have the same name, we keep the first one encountered
-		if (inset_templates_xml_.contains(inset_template_name)) continue;
+		if (titleblock_templates_xml_.contains(titleblock_template_name)) continue;
-		// we simply store the XML element describing the inset template,
+		// we simply store the XML element describing the titleblock template,
 		// without any further analysis for the moment
-		inset_templates_xml_.insert(inset_template_name, e);
+		titleblock_templates_xml_.insert(titleblock_template_name, e);
@@ -893,11 +893,11 @@
 	// par defaut, les valeurs sont celles de la configuration QElectroTech
 	default_border_properties_    = QETDiagramEditor::defaultBorderProperties();
-	default_inset_properties_     = QETDiagramEditor::defaultInsetProperties();
+	default_titleblock_properties_     = QETDiagramEditor::defaultTitleBlockProperties();
 	default_conductor_properties_ = QETDiagramEditor::defaultConductorProperties();
 	// lecture des valeurs indiquees dans le projet
-	QDomElement border_elmt, inset_elmt, conductors_elmt;
+	QDomElement border_elmt, titleblock_elmt, conductors_elmt;
 	// recherche des elements XML concernant les dimensions, le cartouche et les conducteurs
 	for (QDomNode child = newdiagrams_elmt.firstChild() ; !child.isNull() ; child = child.nextSibling()) {
@@ -906,7 +906,7 @@
 		if (child_elmt.tagName() == "border") {
 			border_elmt = child_elmt;
 		} else if (child_elmt.tagName() == "inset") {
-			inset_elmt = child_elmt;
+			titleblock_elmt = child_elmt;
 		} else if (child_elmt.tagName() == "conductors") {
 			conductors_elmt = child_elmt;
@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@
 	// dimensions, cartouche, et conducteurs
 	if (!border_elmt.isNull())     default_border_properties_.fromXml(border_elmt);
-	if (!inset_elmt.isNull())      default_inset_properties_.fromXml(inset_elmt);
+	if (!titleblock_elmt.isNull())      default_titleblock_properties_.fromXml(titleblock_elmt);
 	if (!conductors_elmt.isNull()) default_conductor_properties_.fromXml(conductors_elmt);
@@ -935,9 +935,9 @@
 	// exporte le contenu du cartouche
-	QDomElement inset_elmt = xml_document.createElement("inset");
-	default_inset_properties_.toXml(inset_elmt);
-	xml_element.appendChild(inset_elmt);
+	QDomElement titleblock_elmt = xml_document.createElement("inset");
+	default_titleblock_properties_.toXml(titleblock_elmt);
+	xml_element.appendChild(titleblock_elmt);
 	// exporte le type de conducteur par defaut
 	QDomElement conductor_elmt = xml_document.createElement("conductors");
@@ -958,7 +958,7 @@
 	// si le schema est ecrit, alors il faut reecrire le fichier projet
 	connect(diagram, SIGNAL(written()), this, SLOT(componentWritten()));
-		&(diagram -> border_and_inset),
+		&(diagram -> border_and_titleblock),
@@ -1059,7 +1059,7 @@
 void QETProject::updateDiagramsFolioData() {
 	int total_folio = diagrams_.count();
 	for (int i = 0 ; i < total_folio ; ++ i) {
-		diagrams_[i] -> border_and_inset.setFolioData(i + 1, total_folio);
+		diagrams_[i] -> border_and_titleblock.setFolioData(i + 1, total_folio);

Modified: branches/0.3/sources/qetproject.h
--- branches/0.3/sources/qetproject.h	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/qetproject.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
 #include "elementslocation.h"
 #include "borderproperties.h"
 #include "conductorproperties.h"
-#include "insetproperties.h"
+#include "titleblockproperties.h"
 class Diagram;
 class ElementsCollection;
 class ElementsCategory;
 class ElementDefinition;
 class ElementsLocation;
-class InsetTemplate;
+class TitleBlockTemplate;
 class XmlElementsCollection;
 class MoveElementsHandler;
@@ -80,13 +80,13 @@
 	QString title() const;
 	qreal declaredQElectroTechVersion();
 	void setTitle(const QString &);
-	QList<QString> embeddedInsetTemplates() const;
-	const InsetTemplate *getTemplateByName(const QString &template_name);
+	QList<QString> embeddedTitleBlockTemplates() const;
+	const TitleBlockTemplate *getTemplateByName(const QString &template_name);
 	QDomElement getTemplateXmlDescriptionByName(const QString &);
 	BorderProperties defaultBorderProperties() const;
 	void setDefaultBorderProperties(const BorderProperties &);
-	InsetProperties defaultInsetProperties() const;
-	void setDefaultInsetProperties(const InsetProperties &);
+	TitleBlockProperties defaultTitleBlockProperties() const;
+	void setDefaultTitleBlockProperties(const TitleBlockProperties &);
 	ConductorProperties defaultConductorProperties() const;
 	void setDefaultConductorProperties(const ConductorProperties &);
 	QDomDocument toXml();
@@ -162,10 +162,10 @@
 	/// Proprietes par defaut des conducteurs pour les nouveaux schemas dans ce projet
 	ConductorProperties default_conductor_properties_;
 	/// Proprietes par defaut du cartouche pour les nouveaux schemas dans ce projet
-	InsetProperties default_inset_properties_;
-	/// XML descriptions of embedded inset templates
-	QHash<QString, QDomElement> inset_templates_xml_;
-	/// Already parsed embedded inset templates
-	QHash<QString, InsetTemplate *> inset_templates_;
+	TitleBlockProperties default_titleblock_properties_;
+	/// XML descriptions of embedded titleblock templates
+	QHash<QString, QDomElement> titleblock_templates_xml_;
+	/// Already parsed embedded titleblock templates
+	QHash<QString, TitleBlockTemplate *> titleblock_templates_;

Copied: branches/0.3/sources/titleblockcell.h (from rev 1131, branches/0.3/sources/insetcell.h)
--- branches/0.3/sources/titleblockcell.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/titleblockcell.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+	Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Guerrin
+	This file is part of QElectroTech.
+	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+	(at your option) any later version.
+	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+	GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+	This class is a container for the various parameters of an titleblock cell
+	@see TitleBlockColumnLength 
+class TitleBlockCell {
+	public:
+	TitleBlockCell();
+	QString toString() const;
+	bool is_null;
+	int num_row;
+	int num_col;
+	int row_span;
+	int col_span;
+	TitleBlockCell *spanner_cell;
+	QString value_name;
+	QString value;
+	QString label;
+	bool display_label;
+	int alignment;
+	QString logo_reference;

Copied: branches/0.3/sources/titleblockproperties.cpp (from rev 1131, branches/0.3/sources/insetproperties.cpp)
--- branches/0.3/sources/titleblockproperties.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/titleblockproperties.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+	Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Guerrin
+	This file is part of QElectroTech.
+	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+	(at your option) any later version.
+	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+	GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "titleblockproperties.h"
+	Constructeur. Initialise un objet TitleBlockProperties avec tous les champs
+	vides (date vide + useDate a UseDateValue).
+TitleBlockProperties::TitleBlockProperties() :
+	date(),
+	useDate(UseDateValue)
+	Destructeur
+TitleBlockProperties::~TitleBlockProperties() {
+	@param ip autre conteneur TitleBlockProperties
+	@return true si ip et ce conteneur sont identiques, false sinon
+bool TitleBlockProperties::operator==(const TitleBlockProperties &ip) {
+	return(
+		ip.title == title &&\
+		ip.author == author &&\
+		ip.date == date &&\
+		ip.filename == filename &&\
+		ip.folio == folio
+	);
+	@param ip autre conteneur TitleBlockProperties
+	@return false si ip et ce conteneur sont identiques, true sinon
+bool TitleBlockProperties::operator!=(const TitleBlockProperties &ip) {
+	return(!(*this == ip));
+	Exporte le cartouche sous formes d'attributs XML ajoutes a l'element e.
+	@param e Element XML auquel seront ajoutes des attributs
+void TitleBlockProperties::toXml(QDomElement &e) const {
+	e.setAttribute("author",   author);
+	e.setAttribute("title",    title);
+	e.setAttribute("filename", filename);
+	e.setAttribute("folio",    folio);
+	e.setAttribute("date",     exportDate());
+	Importe le cartouche a partir des attributs XML de l'element e
+	@param e Element XML dont les attributs seront lus
+void TitleBlockProperties::fromXml(QDomElement &e) {
+	if (e.hasAttribute("author"))      author   = e.attribute("author");
+	if (e.hasAttribute("title"))       title    = e.attribute("title");
+	if (e.hasAttribute("filename"))    filename = e.attribute("filename");
+	if (e.hasAttribute("folio"))       folio    = e.attribute("folio");
+	if (e.hasAttribute("date"))        setDateFromString(e.attribute("date"));
+	Exporte le cartouche dans une configuration.
+	@param settings Parametres a ecrire
+	@param prefix prefixe a ajouter devant les noms des parametres
+void TitleBlockProperties::toSettings(QSettings &settings, const QString &prefix) const {
+	settings.setValue(prefix + "title",    title);
+	settings.setValue(prefix + "author",   author);
+	settings.setValue(prefix + "filename", filename);
+	settings.setValue(prefix + "folio",    folio);
+	settings.setValue(prefix + "date",     exportDate());
+	Importe le cartouche depuis une configuration.
+	@param settings Parametres a lire
+	@param prefix prefixe a ajouter devant les noms des parametres
+void TitleBlockProperties::fromSettings(QSettings &settings, const QString &prefix) {
+	title    = settings.value(prefix + "title").toString();
+	author   = settings.value(prefix + "author").toString();
+	filename = settings.value(prefix + "filename").toString();
+	folio    = settings.value(prefix + "folio", "%id/%total").toString();
+	setDateFromString(settings.value(prefix + "date").toString());
+	@return La date a utiliser
+QDate TitleBlockProperties::finalDate() const {
+	if (useDate == UseDateValue) {
+		return(date);
+	} else {
+		return(QDate::currentDate());
+	}
+	@return une chaine de caracteres decrivant comment gerer la date dans le
+	cartouche : la chaine peut valoir :
+	  * null pour ne pas afficher de date
+	  * now pour afficher la date courante (a la creation du schema)
+	  * une date au format yyyyMMdd pour utiliser une date fixe
+QString TitleBlockProperties::exportDate() const {
+	QString date_setting_value;
+	if (useDate == UseDateValue) {
+		if (date.isNull()) date_setting_value = "null";
+		else date_setting_value = date.toString("yyyyMMdd");
+	} else {
+		date_setting_value = "now";
+	}
+	return(date_setting_value);
+	Charge les attributs date et useDate a partir d'une chaine de caracteres.
+	@param date_string Chaine de caracteres a analyser
+	@see exportDate
+void TitleBlockProperties::setDateFromString(const QString &date_string) {
+	if (date_string == "now") {
+		date = QDate::currentDate();
+		useDate = CurrentDate;
+	} else if (date_string.isEmpty() || date_string == "null") {
+		date = QDate();
+		useDate = UseDateValue;
+	} else {
+		date = QDate::fromString(date_string, "yyyyMMdd");
+		useDate = UseDateValue;
+	}

Copied: branches/0.3/sources/titleblockproperties.h (from rev 1131, branches/0.3/sources/insetproperties.h)
--- branches/0.3/sources/titleblockproperties.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/titleblockproperties.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+	Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Guerrin
+	This file is part of QElectroTech.
+	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+	(at your option) any later version.
+	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+	GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <QtCore>
+#include <QtXml>
+	Cette classe est un conteneur pour les proprietes d'un cartouche de schema
+	: titre, auteur, date, nom de fichier et folio
+class TitleBlockProperties {
+	public:
+	TitleBlockProperties();
+	virtual ~TitleBlockProperties();
+	/// Specifie comment gerer la date
+	enum DateManagement {
+		UseDateValue, ///< utilise l'attribut date
+		CurrentDate   ///< utilise la date courante
+	};
+	bool operator==(const TitleBlockProperties &);
+	bool operator!=(const TitleBlockProperties &);
+	void toXml(QDomElement &) const;
+	void fromXml(QDomElement &);
+	void toSettings(QSettings &, const QString & = QString()) const;
+	void fromSettings(QSettings &, const QString & = QString());
+	QDate finalDate() const ;
+	// attributs
+	QString title;            ///< Titre affiche par le cartouche
+	QString author;           ///< Auteur affiche par le cartouche
+	QDate date;               ///< Date affichee par le cartouche ; si la date est nulle, le champ reste vide
+	QString filename;         ///< Nom de fichier affiche par le cartouche
+	QString folio;            ///< Folio affiche par le cartouche
+	DateManagement useDate;   ///< Indique s'il faut utiliser ou non l'attribut date
+	private:
+	QString exportDate() const;
+	void setDateFromString(const QString &);

Copied: branches/0.3/sources/titleblockpropertieswidget.cpp (from rev 1131, branches/0.3/sources/insetpropertieswidget.cpp)
--- branches/0.3/sources/titleblockpropertieswidget.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/titleblockpropertieswidget.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+	Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Guerrin
+	This file is part of QElectroTech.
+	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+	(at your option) any later version.
+	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+	GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "titleblockpropertieswidget.h"
+#include "qetapp.h"
+	Constructeur
+	@param titleblock TitleBlockProperties a afficher
+	@param current true pour afficher l'option "Date courante"
+	@param parent QWidget parent
+TitleBlockPropertiesWidget::TitleBlockPropertiesWidget(const TitleBlockProperties &titleblock, bool current, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), display_current_date(false) {
+	QVBoxLayout *this_layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
+	this_layout -> setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+	QGroupBox *titleblock_infos = new QGroupBox(tr("Informations du cartouche"), this);
+	titleblock_infos -> setMinimumSize(300, 330);
+	this_layout -> addWidget(titleblock_infos);
+	titleblock_title = new QLineEdit(this);
+	titleblock_author = new QLineEdit(this);
+	QButtonGroup *date_policy_group = new QButtonGroup(this);
+	titleblock_no_date = new QRadioButton(tr("Pas de date"), this);
+	titleblock_current_date = new QRadioButton(tr("Date courante"), this);
+	titleblock_fixed_date = new QRadioButton(tr("Date fixe : "), this);
+	date_policy_group -> addButton(titleblock_no_date);
+	date_policy_group -> addButton(titleblock_current_date);
+	date_policy_group -> addButton(titleblock_fixed_date);
+	titleblock_date = new QDateEdit(QDate::currentDate(), this);
+	titleblock_date -> setEnabled(titleblock_fixed_date -> isChecked());
+	titleblock_current_date -> setVisible(display_current_date);
+	connect(titleblock_fixed_date, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), titleblock_date, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	titleblock_date -> setCalendarPopup(true);
+	QGridLayout *layout_date = new QGridLayout();
+	layout_date -> addWidget(titleblock_no_date,      0, 0);
+	layout_date -> addWidget(titleblock_current_date, 1, 0);
+	layout_date -> addWidget(titleblock_fixed_date,   2, 0);
+	layout_date -> addWidget(titleblock_date,         2, 1);
+	layout_date -> setColumnStretch(0, 1);
+	layout_date -> setColumnStretch(1, 500);
+	titleblock_filename = new QLineEdit(this);
+	titleblock_folio = new QLineEdit(this);
+	QLabel *folio_tip = new QLabel(
+		tr(
+			"Les variables suivantes sont utilisables dans le champ Folio :\n"
+			"  - %id : num\351ro du sch\351ma courant dans le projet\n"
+			"  - %total : nombre total de sch\351mas dans le projet"
+		)
+	);
+	folio_tip -> setWordWrap(true);
+	QGridLayout *layout_champs = new QGridLayout(titleblock_infos);
+	layout_champs -> addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Titre : ")),   0, 0);
+	layout_champs -> addWidget(titleblock_title,                  0, 1);
+	layout_champs -> addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Auteur : ")),  1, 0);
+	layout_champs -> addWidget(titleblock_author,                 1, 1);
+	layout_champs -> addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Date : ")),    2, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
+	layout_champs -> addLayout(layout_date,                  2, 1);
+	layout_champs -> addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Fichier : ")), 3, 0);
+	layout_champs -> addWidget(titleblock_filename,               3, 1);
+	layout_champs -> addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Folio : ")),   4, 0);
+	layout_champs -> addWidget(titleblock_folio,                  4, 1);
+	layout_champs -> addWidget(folio_tip,                    5, 1, Qt::AlignTop);
+	layout_champs -> setRowStretch(5, 500);
+	titleblock_current_date -> setVisible(display_current_date = current);
+	setTitleBlockProperties(titleblock);
+	setLayout(this_layout);
+/// Destructeur
+TitleBlockPropertiesWidget::~TitleBlockPropertiesWidget() {
+	@return Les proprietes affichees par le widget
+TitleBlockProperties TitleBlockPropertiesWidget::titleBlockProperties() const {
+	TitleBlockProperties prop;
+	prop.title    = titleblock_title -> text();
+	prop.author   = titleblock_author -> text();
+	prop.filename = titleblock_filename -> text();
+	prop.folio    = titleblock_folio -> text();
+	if (titleblock_no_date -> isChecked()) {
+		prop.useDate = TitleBlockProperties::UseDateValue;
+		prop.date = QDate();
+	} else if (titleblock_fixed_date -> isChecked()) {
+		prop.useDate = TitleBlockProperties::UseDateValue;
+		prop.date = titleblock_date -> date();
+	} else if (display_current_date && titleblock_current_date -> isChecked()) {
+		prop.useDate = TitleBlockProperties::CurrentDate;
+		prop.date = QDate::currentDate();
+	}
+	return(prop);
+	Specifie les proprietes que le widget doit afficher
+	@param titleblock nouvelles proprietes affichees par le widget
+void TitleBlockPropertiesWidget::setTitleBlockProperties(const TitleBlockProperties &titleblock) {
+	titleblock_title    -> setText(titleblock.title);
+	titleblock_author   -> setText(titleblock.author);
+	titleblock_filename -> setText(titleblock.filename);
+	titleblock_folio    -> setText(titleblock.folio);
+	if (display_current_date) {
+		if (titleblock.useDate == TitleBlockProperties::CurrentDate) {
+			titleblock_current_date -> setChecked(true);
+		} else {
+			if (titleblock.date.isNull()) {
+				titleblock_no_date -> setChecked(true);
+			} else {
+				titleblock_fixed_date -> setChecked(true);
+				titleblock_date -> setDate(titleblock.date);
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if (titleblock.useDate == TitleBlockProperties::CurrentDate) {
+			titleblock_fixed_date -> setChecked(true);
+			titleblock_date -> setDate(QDate::currentDate());
+		} else {
+			if (titleblock.date.isNull()) {
+				titleblock_no_date -> setChecked(true);
+			} else {
+				titleblock_fixed_date -> setChecked(true);
+				titleblock_date -> setDate(titleblock.date);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	@return true si le widget affiche la proposition "Date courante", false sinon
+bool TitleBlockPropertiesWidget::displayCurrentDate() const {
+	return(display_current_date);
+	@return true si ce widget est en lecture seule, false sinon
+bool TitleBlockPropertiesWidget::isReadOnly() const {
+	return(titleblock_title -> isReadOnly());
+	@param ro true pour passer ce widget en lecture seule, false sinon
+void TitleBlockPropertiesWidget::setReadOnly(bool ro) {
+	titleblock_title        -> setReadOnly(ro);
+	titleblock_author       -> setReadOnly(ro);
+	titleblock_date         -> setReadOnly(ro);
+	titleblock_filename     -> setReadOnly(ro);
+	titleblock_folio        -> setReadOnly(ro);
+	titleblock_no_date      -> setDisabled(ro);
+	titleblock_current_date -> setDisabled(ro);
+	titleblock_fixed_date   -> setDisabled(ro);

Copied: branches/0.3/sources/titleblockpropertieswidget.h (from rev 1131, branches/0.3/sources/insetpropertieswidget.h)
--- branches/0.3/sources/titleblockpropertieswidget.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/titleblockpropertieswidget.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+	Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Guerrin
+	This file is part of QElectroTech.
+	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+	(at your option) any later version.
+	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+	GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <QtGui>
+#include "titleblockproperties.h"
+	Ce widget permet d'editer un objet TitleBlockProperties, c'est-a-dire les
+	valeurs affichees par le cartouche d'un schema.
+class TitleBlockPropertiesWidget : public QWidget {
+	// constructeurs, destructeur
+	public:
+	TitleBlockPropertiesWidget(const TitleBlockProperties &titleblock = TitleBlockProperties(), bool = false, QWidget * = 0);
+	virtual ~TitleBlockPropertiesWidget();
+	private:
+	TitleBlockPropertiesWidget(const TitleBlockPropertiesWidget &);
+	// methodes
+	public:
+	TitleBlockProperties titleBlockProperties() const;
+	void setTitleBlockProperties(const TitleBlockProperties &);
+	bool displayCurrentDate() const;
+	bool isReadOnly() const;
+	void setReadOnly(bool);
+	// attributs
+	private:
+	QLineEdit    *titleblock_title;
+	QLineEdit    *titleblock_author;
+	QDateEdit    *titleblock_date;
+	QLineEdit    *titleblock_filename;
+	QLineEdit    *titleblock_folio;
+	QRadioButton *titleblock_no_date;
+	QRadioButton *titleblock_current_date;
+	QRadioButton *titleblock_fixed_date;
+	bool display_current_date;

Copied: branches/0.3/sources/titleblocktemplate.cpp (from rev 1131, branches/0.3/sources/insettemplate.cpp)
--- branches/0.3/sources/titleblocktemplate.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/titleblocktemplate.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+	Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Guerrin
+	This file is part of QElectroTech.
+	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+	(at your option) any later version.
+	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+	GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "titleblocktemplate.h"
+#include "qet.h"
+#include "qetapp.h"
+	Constructor
+	@param parent parent QObject
+TitleBlockTemplate::TitleBlockTemplate(QObject *parent) :
+	QObject(parent)
+	Destructor
+TitleBlockTemplate::~TitleBlockTemplate() {
+	loadLogos(QDomElement(), true);
+	@param filepath A file path to read the template from.
+	@return true if the reading succeeds, false otherwise.
+bool TitleBlockTemplate::loadFromXmlFile(const QString &filepath) {
+	// opens the file
+	QFile template_file(filepath);
+	if (!template_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
+	    return(false);
+	}
+	// parses its content as XML
+	bool xml_parsing = xml_description_.setContent(&template_file);
+	if (!xml_parsing) {
+		return(false);
+	}
+	qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << filepath << "opened";
+	return(loadFromXmlElement(xml_description_.documentElement()));
+	@param xml_element An XML document to read the template from.
+	@return true if the reading succeeds, false otherwise.
+bool TitleBlockTemplate::loadFromXmlElement(const QDomElement &xml_element) {
+	// we expect the XML element to be an <titleblocktemplate>
+	if (xml_element.tagName() != "titleblocktemplate") {
+		return(false);
+	}
+	loadLogos(xml_element, true);
+	loadGrid(xml_element);
+	return(true);
+	Imports the logos from a given XML titleblock template.
+	@param xml_element An XML element representing an titleblock template.
+	@param reset true to delete all previously known logos before, false
+	otherwise.
+	@return true if the reading succeeds, false otherwise.
+bool TitleBlockTemplate::loadLogos(const QDomElement &xml_element, bool reset) {
+	if (reset) {
+		qDeleteAll(vector_logos_.begin(), vector_logos_.end());
+		vector_logos_.clear();
+		qDeleteAll(bitmap_logos_.begin(), bitmap_logos_.end());
+		bitmap_logos_.clear();
+	}
+	// we look for //logos/logo elements
+	for (QDomNode n = xml_element.firstChild() ; !n.isNull() ; n = n.nextSibling()) {
+		if (n.isElement() && n.toElement().tagName() == "logos") {
+			for (QDomNode p = n.firstChild() ; !p.isNull() ; p = p.nextSibling()) {
+				if (p.isElement() && p.toElement().tagName() == "logo") {
+					loadLogo(p.toElement());
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return(true);
+	Imports the logo from a given XML logo description.
+	@param xml_element An XML element representing a logo within an titleblock
+	template.
+	@return true if the reading succeeds, false otherwise.
+bool TitleBlockTemplate::loadLogo(const QDomElement &xml_element) {
+	// we require a name
+	if (!xml_element.hasAttribute("name")) {
+		return(false);
+	}
+	QString logo_name    = xml_element.attribute("name");
+	QString logo_type    = xml_element.attribute("type", "png");
+	QString logo_storage = xml_element.attribute("storage", "base64");
+	// Both QSvgRenderer and QPixmap read their data from a QByteArray, so
+	// we convert the available data to that format.
+	QByteArray logo_data;
+	if (logo_storage == "xml") {
+		// only svg uses xml storage
+		QDomNodeList svg_nodes = xml_element.elementsByTagName("svg");
+		if (svg_nodes.isEmpty()) {
+			return(false);
+		}
+		QDomElement svg_element = svg_nodes.at(0).toElement();
+		QTextStream xml_to_byte_array(&logo_data);
+		svg_element.save(xml_to_byte_array, 0);
+	} else if (logo_storage == "base64") {
+		logo_data = QByteArray::fromBase64(xml_element.text().toAscii());
+	} else {
+		return(false);
+	}
+	// we can now create our image object from the byte array
+	if (logo_type == "svg") {
+		// SVG format is handled by the QSvgRenderer class
+		QSvgRenderer *svg = new QSvgRenderer(logo_data);
+		vector_logos_.insert(logo_name, svg);
+		/*QSvgWidget *test_svgwidget = new QSvgWidget();
+		test_svgwidget -> load(logo_data);
+		test_svgwidget -> show();*/
+	} else {
+		// bitmap formats are handled by the QPixmap class
+		QPixmap *logo_pixmap = new QPixmap();
+		logo_pixmap -> loadFromData(logo_data);
+		if (!logo_pixmap -> width() || !logo_pixmap -> height()) {
+			return(false);
+		}
+		bitmap_logos_.insert(logo_name, logo_pixmap);
+		/*QLabel *test_label = new QLabel();
+		test_label -> setPixmap(*logo_pixmap);
+		test_label -> show();*/
+	}
+	return(true);
+	Imports the grid from a given XML titleblock template.
+	@param xml_element An XML element representing an titleblock template.
+	@return true if the reading succeeds, false otherwise.
+bool TitleBlockTemplate::loadGrid(const QDomElement &xml_element) {
+	// we parse the first available "grid" XML element
+	QDomElement grid_element;
+	for (QDomNode n = xml_element.firstChild() ; !n.isNull() ; n = n.nextSibling()) {
+		if (n.isElement() && n.toElement().tagName() == "grid") {
+			grid_element = n.toElement();
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (!grid_element.hasAttribute("rows") || !grid_element.hasAttribute("cols")) {
+		return(false);
+	}
+	parseRows(grid_element.attribute("rows"));
+	parseColumns(grid_element.attribute("cols"));
+	loadCells(grid_element);
+	return(true);
+	Parses the rows heights
+	@param rows_string A string describing the rows heights of the titleblock
+void TitleBlockTemplate::parseRows(const QString &rows_string) {
+	rows_heights_.clear();
+	// parse the rows attribute: we expect a serie of absolute heights
+	QRegExp row_size_format("^([0-9]+)(?:px)?$", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+	bool conv_ok;
+	QStringList rows_descriptions = rows_string.split(QChar(';'), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+	foreach (QString rows_description, rows_descriptions) {
+		if (row_size_format.exactMatch(rows_description)) {
+			int row_size = row_size_format.capturedTexts().at(1).toInt(&conv_ok);
+			if (conv_ok) rows_heights_ << row_size;
+		}
+	}
+	qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Rows heights:" << rows_heights_;
+	Parses the columns widths
+	@param cols_string A string describing the columns widths of the titleblock
+void TitleBlockTemplate::parseColumns(const QString &cols_string) {
+	columns_width_.clear();
+	// parse the cols attribute: we expect a serie of absolute or relative widths
+	QRegExp abs_col_size_format("^([0-9]+)(?:px)?$", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+	QRegExp rel_col_size_format("^([rt])([0-9]+)%$", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+	bool conv_ok;
+	QStringList cols_descriptions = cols_string.split(QChar(';'), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+	foreach (QString cols_description, cols_descriptions) {
+		if (abs_col_size_format.exactMatch(cols_description)) {
+			int col_size = abs_col_size_format.capturedTexts().at(1).toInt(&conv_ok);
+			if (conv_ok) columns_width_ << TitleBlockColDimension(col_size, QET::Absolute);
+		} else if (rel_col_size_format.exactMatch(cols_description)) {
+			int col_size = rel_col_size_format.capturedTexts().at(2).toInt(&conv_ok);
+			QET::TitleBlockColumnLength col_type = rel_col_size_format.capturedTexts().at(1) == "t" ? QET::RelativeToTotalLength : QET::RelativeToRemainingLength;
+			if (conv_ok) columns_width_ << TitleBlockColDimension(col_size, col_type );
+		}
+	}
+	foreach (TitleBlockColDimension icd, columns_width_) {
+		qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << QString("%1 [%2]").arg(icd.value).arg(QET::titleBlockColumnLengthToString(icd.type));
+	}
+	Analyze an XML element, looking for grid cells. The grid cells are checked
+	and stored in this object.
+	@param xml_element XML element to analyze
+bool TitleBlockTemplate::loadCells(const QDomElement &xml_element) {
+	initCells();
+	// we are interested by the "logo" and "field" elements
+	QDomElement grid_element;
+	for (QDomNode n = xml_element.firstChild() ; !n.isNull() ; n = n.nextSibling()) {
+		if (!n.isElement()) continue;
+		QDomElement cell_element = n.toElement();
+		if (cell_element.tagName() == "field" || cell_element.tagName() == "logo") {
+			TitleBlockCell *loaded_cell;
+			if (!checkCell(cell_element, &loaded_cell)) continue;
+			if (cell_element.tagName() == "logo") {
+				if (cell_element.hasAttribute("resource") && !cell_element.attribute("resource").isEmpty()) {
+					loaded_cell -> logo_reference = cell_element.attribute("resource");
+				}
+			} else if (cell_element.tagName() == "field") {
+				if (cell_element.hasAttribute("name") && !cell_element.attribute("name").isEmpty()) {
+					loaded_cell -> value_name = cell_element.attribute("name");
+				}
+				if (cell_element.hasAttribute("value") && !cell_element.attribute("value").isEmpty()) {
+					loaded_cell -> value = cell_element.attribute("value");
+				}
+				if (cell_element.hasAttribute("label") && !cell_element.attribute("label").isEmpty()) {
+					loaded_cell -> label = cell_element.attribute("label");
+				}
+				if (cell_element.hasAttribute("displaylabel") && cell_element.attribute("displaylabel").compare("false", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
+					loaded_cell -> display_label = false;
+				}
+				// horiwontal and vertical alignments
+				loaded_cell -> alignment = 0;
+				QString halignment = cell_element.attribute("align", "left");
+				if (halignment == "right") loaded_cell -> alignment |= Qt::AlignRight;
+				else if (halignment == "center") loaded_cell -> alignment |= Qt::AlignHCenter;
+				else loaded_cell -> alignment |= Qt::AlignLeft;
+				QString valignment = cell_element.attribute("valign", "center");
+				if (halignment == "bottom") loaded_cell -> alignment |= Qt::AlignBottom;
+				else if (halignment == "top") loaded_cell -> alignment |= Qt::AlignTop;
+				else loaded_cell -> alignment |= Qt::AlignVCenter;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return(true);
+	@param xml_element XML element representing a cell, i.e. either an titleblock
+	logo or an titleblock field.
+	@param titleblock_cell_ptr Pointer to an TitleBlockCell object pointer - if non-zero and if
+	this method returns true, will be filled with the created TitleBlockCell
+	@return TRUE if the cell appears to be ok, FALSE otherwise
+bool TitleBlockTemplate::checkCell(const QDomElement &xml_element, TitleBlockCell **titleblock_cell_ptr) {
+	int col_count = columns_width_.count(), row_count = rows_heights_.count();
+	qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "begin" << row_count << col_count;
+	int row_num, col_num, row_span, col_span;
+	bool has_row_span = false;
+	bool has_col_span = false;
+	row_num = col_num = -1;
+	row_span = col_span = 0;
+	// parse the row and col attributes
+	if (!QET::attributeIsAnInteger(xml_element, "row", &row_num) || row_num < 0 || row_num >= row_count) {
+		return(false);
+	}
+	if (!QET::attributeIsAnInteger(xml_element, "col", &col_num) || col_num < 0 || col_num >= col_count) {
+		return(false);
+	}
+	// check whether the target cell can be used or not
+	qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "cell access" << col_num << row_num;
+	TitleBlockCell *cell_ptr = &(cells_[col_num][row_num]);
+	if (!cell_ptr -> is_null || cell_ptr -> spanner_cell) {
+		return(false);
+	}
+	// parse the rowspan and colspan attributes
+	if (QET::attributeIsAnInteger(xml_element, "rowspan", &row_span) && row_span > 0) {
+		if (row_num + row_span >= row_count) row_span = row_count - 1 - row_num;
+		has_row_span = true;
+	}
+	if (QET::attributeIsAnInteger(xml_element, "colspan", &col_span) && col_span > 0) {
+		if (col_num + col_span >= col_count) col_span = col_count - 1 - col_num;
+		has_col_span = true;
+	}
+	// check if we can span on the required area
+	if (has_row_span || has_col_span) {
+		for (int i = col_num ; i <= col_num + col_span ; ++ i) {
+			for (int j = row_num ; j <= row_num + row_span ; ++ j) {
+				if (i == col_num && j == row_num) continue;
+				qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "span check" << i << j;
+				TitleBlockCell *current_cell = &(cells_[i][j]);
+				if (!current_cell -> is_null || current_cell -> spanner_cell) {
+					return(false);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// at this point, the cell is ok - we fill the adequate cells in the matrix
+	qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "cell writing";
+	cell_ptr -> num_row = row_num;
+	cell_ptr -> num_col = col_num;
+	if (has_row_span) cell_ptr -> row_span = row_span;
+	if (has_col_span) cell_ptr -> col_span = col_span;
+	cell_ptr -> is_null = false;
+	if (titleblock_cell_ptr) *titleblock_cell_ptr = cell_ptr;
+	if (has_row_span || has_col_span) {
+		for (int i = col_num ; i <= col_num + col_span ; ++ i) {
+			for (int j = row_num ; j <= row_num + row_span ; ++ j) {
+				if (i == col_num && j == row_num) continue;
+				qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "span cells writing" << i << j;
+				TitleBlockCell *current_cell = &(cells_[i][j]);
+				current_cell -> num_row = j;
+				current_cell -> num_col = i;
+				current_cell -> is_null = false;
+				current_cell -> spanner_cell = cell_ptr;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return(true);
+	Initializes the internal cells grid with the row and column counts.
+	Note that this method does nothing if one of the internal lists
+	columns_width_ and rows_heights_ is empty.
+void TitleBlockTemplate::initCells() {
+	if (columns_width_.count() < 1 || rows_heights_.count() < 1) return;
+	cells_.resize(columns_width_.count());
+	int row_count = rows_heights_.count();
+	for (int i = 0 ; i < columns_width_.count() ; ++ i) {
+		cells_[i].resize(row_count);
+		// ensure every cell is a null cell
+		for (int j = 0 ; j < row_count ; ++ j) {
+			cells_[i][j] = TitleBlockCell();
+		}
+	}
+	qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << toString();
+	@return A string representing the titleblock template
+	@see TitleBlockCell::toString()
+QString TitleBlockTemplate::toString() const {
+	QString str = "\n";
+	for (int j = 0 ; j < rows_heights_.count() ; ++ j) {
+		for (int i = 0 ; i < columns_width_.count() ; ++ i) {
+			str += cells_[i][j].toString() + "    ";
+		}
+		str += "\n";
+	}
+	return(str);
+	@param total_width The total width of the titleblock to render
+	@return the list of the columns widths for this rendering
+QList<int> TitleBlockTemplate::columnsWidth(int total_width) const {
+	if (total_width < 0) return(QList<int>());
+	// we first iter to determine the absolute and total-width-related widths
+	QVector<int> final_widths(columns_width_.count());
+	int abs_widths_sum = 0;
+	for (int i = 0 ; i < columns_width_.count() ; ++ i) {
+		TitleBlockColDimension icd = columns_width_.at(i);
+		if (icd.type == QET::Absolute) {
+			abs_widths_sum += icd.value;
+			final_widths[i] = icd.value;
+		} else if (icd.type == QET::RelativeToTotalLength) {
+			int abs_value = int(total_width * icd.value / 100);
+			abs_widths_sum += abs_value;
+			final_widths[i] = abs_value;
+		}
+	}
+	// we can now deduce the remaining width
+	int remaining_width = total_width - abs_widths_sum;
+	// we do a second iteration to build the final widths list
+	for (int i = 0 ; i < columns_width_.count() ; ++ i) {
+		TitleBlockColDimension icd = columns_width_.at(i);
+		if (icd.type == QET::RelativeToRemainingLength) {
+			final_widths[i] = int(remaining_width * icd.value / 100);
+		}
+	}
+	return(final_widths.toList());
+int TitleBlockTemplate::height() const {
+	int height = 0;
+	foreach(int row_height, rows_heights_) {
+		height += row_height;
+	}
+	return(height);
+	Render the titleblock.
+	@param painter Painter to use to render the titleblock
+	@param diagram_context Diagram context to use to generate the titleblock strings
+	@param titleblock_width Width of the titleblock to render
+void TitleBlockTemplate::render(QPainter &painter, const DiagramContext &diagram_context, int titleblock_width) const {
+	QList<int> widths = columnsWidth(titleblock_width);
+	int titleblock_height = height();
+	// prepare the QPainter
+	painter.setPen(Qt::black);
+	painter.setBrush(Qt::white);
+	painter.setFont(QETApp::diagramTextsFont());
+	// draw the titleblock border
+	painter.drawRect(QRect(0, 0, titleblock_width, titleblock_height));
+	// run through each inidividual cell
+	for (int j = 0 ; j < rows_heights_.count() ; ++ j) {
+		for (int i = 0 ; i < columns_width_.count() ; ++ i) {
+			if (cells_[i][j].spanner_cell) continue;
+			// calculate the border rect of the current cell
+			int x = lengthRange(0, cells_[i][j].num_col, widths); 
+			int y = lengthRange(0, cells_[i][j].num_row, rows_heights_);
+			int w = lengthRange(cells_[i][j].num_col, cells_[i][j].num_col + 1 + cells_[i][j].col_span, widths);
+			int h = lengthRange(cells_[i][j].num_row, cells_[i][j].num_row + 1 + cells_[i][j].row_span, rows_heights_);
+			QRect cell_rect(x, y, w, h);
+			// draw the border rect of the current cell
+			painter.drawRect(cell_rect);
+			// render the inner content of the current cell
+			if (!cells_[i][j].logo_reference.isEmpty()) {
+				// the current cell appear to be a logo - we first look for the
+				// logo reference in our vector logos list, since they offer a
+				// potentially better (or, at least, not resolution-limited) rendering
+				if (vector_logos_.contains(cells_[i][j].logo_reference)) {
+					vector_logos_[cells_[i][j].logo_reference] -> render(&painter, cell_rect);
+				} else if (bitmap_logos_.contains(cells_[i][j].logo_reference)) {
+					painter.drawPixmap(cell_rect, *(bitmap_logos_[cells_[i][j].logo_reference]));
+				}
+			} else {
+				painter.drawText(cell_rect, cells_[i][j].alignment, finalTextForCell(cells_[i][j], diagram_context));
+			}
+			// draw again the border rect of the current cell, without the brush this time
+			painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+			painter.drawRect(cell_rect);
+		}
+	}
+	@param cell A cell from this template
+	@param diagram_context Diagram context to use to generate the final text for the given cell
+	@return the final text that has to be drawn in the given cell
+QString TitleBlockTemplate::finalTextForCell(const TitleBlockCell &cell, const DiagramContext &diagram_context) const {
+	QString cell_text = cell.value;
+	foreach (QString key, diagram_context.keys()) {
+		cell_text.replace("%{" + key + "}", diagram_context[key].toString());
+		cell_text.replace("%" + key,        diagram_context[key].toString());
+	}
+	if (cell.display_label && !cell.label.isEmpty()) {
+		cell_text = QString(tr(" %1 : %2", "titleblock content - please let the blank space at the beginning")).arg(cell.label).arg(cell_text);
+	} else {
+		cell_text = QString(tr(" %1")).arg(cell_text);
+	}
+	return(cell_text);
+	@return the width between two borders
+	@param start start border number
+	@param end end border number
+int TitleBlockTemplate::lengthRange(int start, int end, const QList<int> &lengths_list) const {
+	if (start > end || start >= lengths_list.count() || end > lengths_list.count()) {
+		qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "wont use" << start << "and" << end;
+		return(0);
+	}
+	int length = 0;
+	for (int i = start ; i < end ; ++i) {
+		length += lengths_list[i];
+	}
+	return(length);
+	Constructor
+TitleBlockCell::TitleBlockCell() {
+	num_row = num_col = -1;
+	row_span = col_span = 0;
+	display_label = is_null = true;
+	spanner_cell = 0;
+	@return A string representing the titleblock cell
+QString TitleBlockCell::toString() const {
+	if (is_null) return("TitleBlockCell{null}");
+	QString span_desc = (row_span > 0 || col_span > 0) ? QString("+%3,%4").arg(row_span).arg(col_span) : QET::pointerString(spanner_cell);
+	QString base_desc = QString("TitleBlockCell{ [%1, %2] %3 }").arg(num_row).arg(num_col).arg(span_desc);
+	return(base_desc);

Copied: branches/0.3/sources/titleblocktemplate.h (from rev 1131, branches/0.3/sources/insettemplate.h)
--- branches/0.3/sources/titleblocktemplate.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/titleblocktemplate.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+	Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Guerrin
+	This file is part of QElectroTech.
+	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+	(at your option) any later version.
+	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+	GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <QtXml>
+#include <QtSvg>
+#include "diagramcontext.h"
+#include "titleblockcell.h"
+#include "qet.h"
+	This struct is a simple container associating a length with its type.
+	@see TitleBlockColumnLength 
+struct TitleBlockColDimension {
+	TitleBlockColDimension(int v, QET::TitleBlockColumnLength t = QET::Absolute) {
+		value = v;
+		type = t;
+	}
+	QET::TitleBlockColumnLength type;
+	int value;
+	This class represents an titleblock templ)ate for an electric diagram.
+	It can read from an XML document the layout of the table that graphically
+	represents the titleblock, and can produce a graphical rendering of it from a
+	diagram context (object embedding the informations of the diagram we want to
+	represent the titleblock.
+class TitleBlockTemplate : public QObject {
+	// constructeurs, destructeur
+	public:
+	TitleBlockTemplate(QObject * = 0);
+	virtual ~TitleBlockTemplate();
+	private:
+	TitleBlockTemplate(const TitleBlockTemplate &);
+	// methodes
+	public:
+	bool loadFromXmlFile(const QString &);
+	bool loadFromXmlElement(const QDomElement &);
+	void setContext(const DiagramContext &);
+	QList<int> columnsWidth(int) const;
+	int height() const;
+	void render(QPainter &, const DiagramContext &, int) const;
+	QString toString() const;
+	protected:
+	bool loadLogos(const QDomElement &, bool = false);
+	bool loadLogo(const QDomElement &);
+	bool loadGrid(const QDomElement &);
+	bool loadCells(const QDomElement &);
+	private:
+	void parseRows(const QString &);
+	void parseColumns(const QString &);
+	bool checkCell(const QDomElement &, TitleBlockCell ** = 0);
+	void flushCells();
+	void initCells();
+	int lengthRange(int, int, const QList<int> &) const;
+	QString finalTextForCell(const TitleBlockCell &, const DiagramContext &) const;
+	// attributs
+	private:
+	QDomDocument xml_description_;
+	QHash<QString, QSvgRenderer *> vector_logos_;
+	QHash<QString, QPixmap *>      bitmap_logos_;
+	QList<int> rows_heights_;
+	QList<TitleBlockColDimension> columns_width_;
+	QVector< QVector<TitleBlockCell> > cells_;

Copied: branches/0.3/sources/titleblocktemplaterenderer.cpp (from rev 1131, branches/0.3/sources/insettemplaterenderer.cpp)
--- branches/0.3/sources/titleblocktemplaterenderer.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/titleblocktemplaterenderer.cpp	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#include "titleblocktemplaterenderer.h"
+#include "titleblocktemplate.h"
+	Constructor
+	@param parnet Parent QObject of this renderer
+TitleBlockTemplateRenderer::TitleBlockTemplateRenderer(QObject *parent) :
+	QObject(parent),
+	titleblock_template_(0),
+	last_known_titleblock_width_(-1)
+	Destructor
+TitleBlockTemplateRenderer::~TitleBlockTemplateRenderer() {
+	@return the titleblock template used for the rendering
+const TitleBlockTemplate *TitleBlockTemplateRenderer::titleBlockTemplate() const {
+	return(titleblock_template_);
+	@param titleblock_template TitleBlock template to render.
+void TitleBlockTemplateRenderer::setTitleBlockTemplate(const TitleBlockTemplate *titleblock_template) {
+	if (titleblock_template != titleblock_template_) {
+		titleblock_template_ = titleblock_template;
+		invalidateRenderedTemplate();
+	}
+	@param context Diagram Context to use when rendering the titleblock
+void TitleBlockTemplateRenderer::setContext(const DiagramContext &context) {
+	context_ = context;
+	invalidateRenderedTemplate();
+	@return the height of the rendered template, or -1 if no template has been
+	set for this renderer.
+	@see TitleBlockTemplate::height()
+int TitleBlockTemplateRenderer::height() const {
+	if (!titleblock_template_) return(-1);
+	return(titleblock_template_ -> height());
+	Render the titleblock.
+	@param provided_painter QPainter to use to render the titleblock.
+	@param titleblock_width The total width of the titleblock to render
+void TitleBlockTemplateRenderer::render(QPainter *provided_painter, int titleblock_width) {
+	if (!titleblock_template_) return;
+	// Do we really need to calculate all this again?
+	if (titleblock_width != last_known_titleblock_width_ || rendered_template_.isNull()) {
+		renderToQPicture(titleblock_width);
+	}
+	provided_painter -> save();
+	rendered_template_.play(provided_painter);
+	provided_painter -> restore();
+	Renders the titleblock to the internal QPicture
+	@param titleblock_width Width of the titleblock to render
+void TitleBlockTemplateRenderer::renderToQPicture(int titleblock_width) {
+	if (!titleblock_template_) return;
+	// we render the template on our internal QPicture
+	QPainter painter(&rendered_template_);
+	titleblock_template_ -> render(painter, context_, titleblock_width);
+	// memorize the last known width
+	last_known_titleblock_width_ = titleblock_width;
+	Invalidates the previous rendering of the template by resetting the internal
+	QPicture.
+void TitleBlockTemplateRenderer::invalidateRenderedTemplate() {
+	rendered_template_ = QPicture();

Copied: branches/0.3/sources/titleblocktemplaterenderer.h (from rev 1131, branches/0.3/sources/insettemplaterenderer.h)
--- branches/0.3/sources/titleblocktemplaterenderer.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/0.3/sources/titleblocktemplaterenderer.h	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+	Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Guerrin
+	This file is part of QElectroTech.
+	QElectroTech is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+	(at your option) any later version.
+	QElectroTech is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+	GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+	along with QElectroTech.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <QPicture>
+#include "diagramcontext.h"
+class TitleBlockTemplate;
+class TitleBlockTemplateRenderer : public QObject {
+	public:
+	TitleBlockTemplateRenderer(QObject * = 0);
+	virtual ~TitleBlockTemplateRenderer();
+	const TitleBlockTemplate *titleBlockTemplate() const;
+	void setTitleBlockTemplate(const TitleBlockTemplate *);
+	void setContext(const DiagramContext &context);
+	int height() const;
+	void render(QPainter *, int);
+	private:
+	void renderToQPicture(int);
+	void invalidateRenderedTemplate();
+	private:
+	const TitleBlockTemplate *titleblock_template_;
+	QPicture rendered_template_;
+	DiagramContext context_;
+	int last_known_titleblock_width_;

Deleted: branches/0.3/titleblocks/default.inset
--- branches/0.3/insets/default.inset	2010-12-19 18:14:05 UTC (rev 1131)
+++ branches/0.3/titleblocks/default.inset	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<insettemplate name="default">
-    <informations>Author: The QElectroTech team
-License: see http://qelectrotech.org/wiki/doc/elements_license</informations>
-  <grid rows="25px;25px" cols="t22%;r100%;t22%">
-    <field row="0" col="0" name="author"  label="Auteur"  displaylabel="true"  align="left"   rowspan="0" value="%author" />
-    <field row="1" col="0" name="date"    label="Date"    displaylabel="true"  align="left"   rowspan="0" value="%date" />
-    <field row="0" col="1" name="title"   label="Titre"   displaylabel="false" align="center" rowspan="1" value="%title" />
-    <field row="0" col="2" name="file"    label="Fichier" displaylabel="true"  align="left"   rowspan="0" value="%filename" />
-    <field row="1" col="2" name="folio"   label="Folio"   displaylabel="true"  align="left"   rowspan="0" value="%{folio-id}/%{folio-total}" />
-  </grid>

Copied: branches/0.3/titleblocks/default.titleblock (from rev 1131, branches/0.3/insets/default.inset)
--- branches/0.3/titleblocks/default.titleblock	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/0.3/titleblocks/default.titleblock	2010-12-20 02:45:36 UTC (rev 1132)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<titleblocktemplate name="default">
+    <informations>Author: The QElectroTech team
+License: see http://qelectrotech.org/wiki/doc/elements_license</informations>
+  <grid rows="25px;25px" cols="t22%;r100%;t22%">
+    <field row="0" col="0" name="author"  label="Auteur"  displaylabel="true"  align="left"   rowspan="0" value="%author" />
+    <field row="1" col="0" name="date"    label="Date"    displaylabel="true"  align="left"   rowspan="0" value="%date" />
+    <field row="0" col="1" name="title"   label="Titre"   displaylabel="false" align="center" rowspan="1" value="%title" />
+    <field row="0" col="2" name="file"    label="Fichier" displaylabel="true"  align="left"   rowspan="0" value="%filename" />
+    <field row="1" col="2" name="folio"   label="Folio"   displaylabel="true"  align="left"   rowspan="0" value="%{folio-id}/%{folio-total}" />
+  </grid>

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