Re: [proaudio] media-sound/lmms-9999-r1 installation fix (github pull request)

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Well this all gets a bit confusing to me.

We have

* a SVN repo
* a github repo
* a gitlab repo.

I've pushed to the gitlab repo for the last 6 month (or so). But I've
also seen some action on the SVN, but I was never aware there is a
github repo.
I think we have to do some action now. I would love to bring the
proaudio project to live again,

- update the wiki-page (so people see there is something going on).
- get rid of mantis issue system (and replace it with the github or
gitlab issue system)
- remove old and broken packages.
- use GIT instead of SVN of course.

I don't know how this all works here (because it is not written somewhere),
but I'm willing to spend time on get things done. Is there somebody else
who want to push proaudio forward?

For that I need an admin/moderator/editor account for Wikipedia thou.

Hope this thread is not ignored by anybody and makes it possible to
bring proaudio alive again.

On 10/26/2016 07:18 PM, Miroslav Šulc wrote:
> hi,
> some time ago i created pull request at
> (the feature is
> supported there so i thought it's monitored and used). the patch fixes
> lmms installation.
> m.

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