Re: [proaudio] media-sound/mixxx-9999 UPDATE!

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Great! Just a few things before this can be committed?

Why has the fidlib dependency been bumped to a nonexistent revision? [1]

Why is the CFLAGS patch not applied? Has it been fixed upstream or is it broken?

What is the thought behind this line?

[1] $ emerge =mixxx-9999
emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy ">media-libs/fidlib-0.9.10-r1".
(dependency required by "media-sound/mixxx-9999::proaudio" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "=mixxx-9999" [argument])


2014-12-20 17:57 GMT+01:00 Alex Barker <alex@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> Attached are all of the mixxx 9999 ebuild and patches.  I am not sure which
> files need to be updated.  I don't believe several previous revisions were
> added to version control.
> Thanks!

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