Re: [proaudio] [2883] fvwm-xdg-menu: a xdg application menu with full support for the additional freedesktop categories

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Le Wed, 23 Apr 2014 21:17:08 +0200,
subversion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx a écrit :

> fvwm-xdg-menu: a xdg application menu with full support for the
> additional freedesktop categories

It is done with fvwm and fvwm-menu-directory in mind, but should work
with any window manager or desktop that have xdg support.

It provide an application menu with full support for the additional
freedesktop categories. As example, the Multimedia menu is divided into
3 main categories: Audio, Video and AudioVideo, and each of them have
full support for their respective additional categories.

In the Audio menu, this is not as good for us than fvwm-crystal's
application menu, but it is already better than what is provided by
default by any other wm/desktop.

Currently, about 90% of the menu is implemented (until Engineering)
and it is already very usable:
For a complete list of these categories:

It is translated in English and French. Any other translation will be
very welcome. 

Also, you may want to contribute some artwork (icons for the
categories), but I want to finish the menu structure first.


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