Re: [proaudio] ebuild: gjacktransport 0.6.1 (fixed)

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Le Tue, 24 Dec 2013 01:32:55 +0600,
Zlobin Nikita <nick87720z@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> I just found, that appart 
> license forgot to implement 
> configuration with use flags.

Thank you.

The ebuild look good. I added an src_install phase in order to be able
to add 2 desktop files. I like when all my apps appear into the
application menu of my desktop.

It is explained at

The main issue is the category. I use fvwm-crystal which have full
support for the additional categories. It is not many of them into the
spec for Audio. But it is good anyway to use them when possible. I
choose AudioVideo;Audio;Engineering;

That way the apps will appear in Multimedia->Audio->Engineering if your
desktop have full support for the additional categories.

One think I am not 100% sure.
configure check for >=perl-5.8
Is it part of system? I am in the way to add that depend into the
ebuild, but if it is part of system, it is no need to do it.


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