Re: [proaudio] any MIDIbox user ?

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It will be a MIDIbox SID (I have a 6581 and will get a C64 tommorrow
for a 2nd SID, the power supply and the C64 as box, the rest will be
sold for the pieces). I have all the components now, and will begin
the soldering today.

And maybe a SEQ later.


Dubphil <dubphil@xxxxxxx> a écrit :

Hi Xavier !

yes I'am :)

I have midified an old JL Cooper CS 10.... And you what is your project ?

The MIOS studio is working well on gentoo out of the box.
Nevertheless it is a good idea to make it available in portage.

Thanks !


Le 09/12/2013 12:59, Xavier Miller a écrit :
Hello list,

Are there any MIDIbox[1] user? Are there some ebuilds for MIOS Studio?
If not, I will create an ebuild in the coming weeks.

Kind regards,
Xavier Miller/



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