Re: [proaudio] ac3jack ebuild (to satify "one ebuild - one message" rule)

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В письме от 15 декабря 2013 13:38:06 пользователь Karl Lindén написал:

> This is fixed in revision 2823. Thanks!



> 2013/11/30 Zlobin Nikita <nick87720z@xxxxxxxxx>


> > Ebuild is in older message:

> >>

> > failed to build due to some changes in boost, and previous patch missed

> > some headers. There is newer patch, replacing older.

Works too. Forgot to change keyword from ~* to **, so it silently tried to build older version with failure :).


If it may be criteria to add more keywords, my arch is amd64. Builds and runs without problems, but did not even try ac3 in real action.

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