Re: [proaudio] Current jack-audio-connection-kit::proaudio incompatible with ABI flags?

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Am 30.10.2013 23:12, schrieb Karl Lindén:
Well, there are some ebuilds in the overlay but they are under package.mask because all dependencies are not yet migrated to multilib eclasses.
Ah, yes, I see them. Emerge didn’t take them because of the masking.

The packages that are not yet migrated are sys-apps/dbus [1]
That is very unfortunate, because that’s the whole reason I want to migrate to jack2. PulseAudio needs the DBus interfaces, to automatically toggle re-routing through jack when it detects jack being started.

The masked ebuilds will refuse to build if you are on amd with ABI="32" and USE="dbus"
And thone emul-* libs require the former, while I require the latter. :(

I think this situation is highly suboptimal but the background is that the main tree has a fully migrated media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit ebuild because the tree version does not depend on sys-apps/dbus.
And because it isn’t jack2, which makes it not working with modern versions of PulseAudio. (Because it requires that old manual method of re-routing, which isn’t available in modern PulseAudio anymore, and replaced by the automatic detector.)

I will fix the jack ebuilds and file a bug for dev-libs/dbus-c++ as soon as [1] is resolved, but [1] is the big bad blocker right now.
Thanks. :) At least I can add myself to that bug and stay up to date, so I can get back to it when the bug is fixed.

P.S.: If Steam becomes a proper gaming platform on Linux, pro music production becomes the last bastion that keeps me stuck on Windows. (Ok, apart from getting a design suite that is not GIMPed, but that’s more other people. ) Hence you guys are seriously properly important. So thank you for all the work. I’m already working on being able to give back work to the community. :)

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