[proaudio] [2356] media-sound/seq24: version bump 0.9.2-r1, cleanup, updated EAPI

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Revision: 2356
Author:   lilrc
Date:     2012-12-13 21:26:52 +0100 (Thu, 13 Dec 2012)
Log Message:
media-sound/seq24: version bump 0.9.2-r1, cleanup, updated EAPI

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/ChangeLog
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/ChangeLog	2012-12-13 19:13:21 UTC (rev 2355)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/ChangeLog	2012-12-13 20:26:52 UTC (rev 2356)
@@ -2,6 +2,13 @@
 # Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
 # $Header: $
+  13 Dec 2012; Karl Lindén <lilrc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+  +seq24-0.9.2-r1.ebuild, seq24-0.9.2.ebuild, seq24-0.8.7.ebuild:
+  version bump
+  replaced dependency on media-sound/liblash with virtual/liblash
+  cleanup, updated EAPI
   24 Aug 2012; Gavin Pryke (gavlee) <gavinlee303@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
   +files/seq24.xpm, -files/seq24.png, seq24-0.8.7.ebuild:
   replace png with xpm in FILESDIR

Modified: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/Manifest
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/Manifest	2012-12-13 19:13:21 UTC (rev 2355)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/Manifest	2012-12-13 20:26:52 UTC (rev 2356)
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
 AUX seq24-0.8.7-sams.patch 17299 SHA256 409f2eb48ec9859e2c2b2a8216f45c4def324417197af4bc899f3a6b599d6180 SHA512 40109414d3c65ea6de1e6b6b47e0994936e4ec7232ef74d26813b5b54feca5d5585cfb1adfb2a1281a5b6ed79f8075da2416a7b5e512e773256634de475b1d67 WHIRLPOOL 3953d7aefb08f0d4bf7cc741fb954fe21f0599a2561e0e9e398dd9830300e929589caea904f96db2b9a38e3faa2972ab118077098db9cbc060cd8d680f2da563
 AUX seq24-0.8.7-sigc22_fix.patch 36808 SHA256 2bdd95d4abec0d6f646a162bf53c65f05a399000b1631488e183b646cf9eb2b0 SHA512 8489ea121b997d44e46c79d657db8c86dc675d03b190dacbb205ebfb2fe681a396f1409f32d7e2045487995785bed0a4fd253e380e4934f2ac9fb8af9e545b3e WHIRLPOOL 0ba00489fa0a71b4ae4629783098a522b92fd2ee77962122f70512bc6d6f414bdf0ca6dd11ec4449e7340bb55981dd9b54ead2f24c2048d2517ef23a2d4e3597
 AUX seq24-0.8.7.olivier.patch 30802 SHA256 eca19d6d017fdad07e8870ac9001125172b794eb2f321c85647a584c09879c98 SHA512 0932116a500123062b2183f9d96fc45a5aaafcf5f5505cbba71e9fe0cdcaec962dae66ba6699abf072eb083eec37e4b579c1038bb6af397dd3b0860481f638af WHIRLPOOL 93f1b55405705f2803e3a6c5c644fac42c249c9e5c7a4ba1a551afe11a4baf9c17b5ee7e0ec3d82c2a9f6b95c2e2801377af22be2a38eeada63aca105faa7b7b
-AUX seq24-0.8.7.olivier2.patch 47109 SHA256 50f39e209be96091e59b00f97243123d629a669ac04c1dbb64baa4ce0719f0b4 SHA512 cc441a56d128f7892d57b21e1d6018f263710e54a0bafe97f8011dcbba6ba10208a564c9f5fe18e9365db6e38d3ee2dc4cf091e4f2113cda9f963cac4a2a2669 WHIRLPOOL 2172581579441b64151b6bc198028d7dc89a64168c5dc83810f444c8c51c7e830d96c17e51fa93c9ea51b5df1518df0b2803a504c3f425a3169151867ea641d8
 AUX seq24-0.8.7.prio.diff 3013 SHA256 b801e9256bfc17b3995f846c74f2b672c6d4a7ee1b71def16d1a070a45bf0310 SHA512 c8d76d9f96af523c02115bd662d14b4a41877fbdd5076573421147e3c35ae1768f0624058aca56b406929d89823b8852002e2d30dd346ddc9652ffc41f2d1824 WHIRLPOOL 698fb51ad19d7c80bd1b6ec8acda9c8fe08077c6e803630b64eb18da6f64ca854d37a03277c88bf49696c82f1fc0e69fbdb83054cb9f44f1b0c275e646bd56df
 AUX seq24-0.9.2-lash-fix.diff 6491 SHA256 4f16164b7856b24bc711faa287cb8d4e8e79b23c6a0220218ac3ccdb840b49fa SHA512 5f2a86a2a4399e9108bc5ef7e209d6562c665f5f3110c8d45a9c4022af48a3aae5877c1574495c65fa934084bb6d8b3e564440034bdd48c64ff85ef67a16d266 WHIRLPOOL f17b6a3c9930b44df6951cf377802f2d577d3ef739881dccaf0e119ba225f03a832ec365f76fabed23b2d79ad27225ad8b55d1585d940a28e1eb7f7a1128c9b9
 AUX seq24.xpm 1287 SHA256 42800bd4f892a27d42a3d1e60a5a60bca9249fbb8c404326a82eb98b8241ebd9 SHA512 da1e401cd259f0301ae79d79b24aae4c88ab5664d59fa3342b1e64b3d4d609e91d1aa23ead06303587360e78e16251bb9c34bfb9bf2fc075edbaa1ff12122f3c WHIRLPOOL 2461f8dfcbcfdfc3f27032e45f855e4a5f0d3f0fe403def651297ff3242aa0937ec65e44bea636572d0474b8d2d8a08ffd1f66a657da5f6b57de3be6a9193519
 DIST seq24-0.8.7.tar.gz 194461 SHA256 fba9c547999c2fa68c993bf2e367087343ec2948cd1172d447e008e1fa52b3ee SHA512 d3769da7a5a6ab04b9547369074c5bc220f4a57f01f9496c430322b8173c6d217a3fa21f0f6f36a05ab62b8670672e4bc50dc33e49dcb804c8dd54633043351e WHIRLPOOL 685f4f7e3ef0283693f0f32b9b6a28b60b5ea4d6c88f761f90ffeaa693ef0c6d635bc872b9f13aba69150d4994134d34c886641bc29784a0b877175286a4f8e9
 DIST seq24-0.9.2.tar.bz2 213059 SHA256 dbcfd18b7744ae739717588dd71a9923e5c08cf8fe1d3e71c897515cab875b0a SHA512 31e57c7fafbccf85a69229674d3bcfb86e2fa9b2f095b50fd59a44673896edc5c4f9dd97585923cee9129bc8619ac6eb33274241271cdcc56732c920d4106ec8 WHIRLPOOL b2f80410abb372c89f040409b3c0dd1a614da337d35bfa4b2507c276e4d47f853856d1a485e8ddcab6ccbacfed4c03238bae53739621da8ea5a5a7b6d728b43d
-EBUILD seq24-0.8.7.ebuild 1673 SHA256 453a8b67be57cd1b1680865dafd1b6c87d817bf02d6b19e56ced6ee6a6545742 SHA512 fb2dd13adf3489f068eef5264e1d0894a137e7d33bca6b35a4cf44962d319da96f683c2f5316c5f1771d23d98db456817e66fd5463a391bb2c85965646897c82 WHIRLPOOL 02241bf8b79dfa9fad8e60a742e87c59a19737afca24c7c2443ec0d624f430215155bf6f6276bb87062b1ce751dd0a24ef03308c578c8debc959e5dca432c5d5
-EBUILD seq24-0.9.2.ebuild 1129 SHA256 9048c50d67e6add688ebdb6ab9f6205435f852503bb1138e8bd2fadbbf979d51 SHA512 3a393fe6acc2c408fb87bbf5025b2393487b3d715004779640cc19d558256c69458564399336dcbd65acc05eaff9689a28841062b658fb0d959e56706068a4e0 WHIRLPOOL f6a42c3d410bb944d1c07eeb796a6318d543bbb8d7c4362bee9a2d9de95b6bc681ee1bb958dec1d3ce9542c5feede0cb63a68dc9583e6eafaf27794c127c7cf0
-MISC ChangeLog 1251 SHA256 93fdfbdc46af882e2e2f1b3a6cef280d06534e2d06c22958c4662b3bce49e170 SHA512 85bbfe5936c32f0b7606b9f379fdc7f2d992cbaf279d203a6240d480ab6cf6d24c41b5d02334f248b8172f69f304973b1761fa8312c9073348faa02233753f89 WHIRLPOOL de7599cbea92b4153f52769ff4d7c7d5e28e3c4028ae4fc613320236cb454981ef380c7678d89f83911a3ce18d9685cf5af1d6e221588bf1d6616987b1f476b8
-MISC metadata.xml 268 SHA256 96629b266b743f566c29158d4498edeeb1cd6b1f0cd9629e42d4f10b4da82f89 SHA512 3d709a016692f887d642d19b2644c10a09f666133f1f035b8a4c10e5772fbb39fa84a856a496d392594ccf850739fbf46ffa78ecc74214e8342ee97676b375e9 WHIRLPOOL 17c886c5b97925bd9223c0210170a63e55a2c2a238ae81ebf8efa14109d790406f45d0773d63bea825c1e40b058bd9e20a5d9c264da4db7c8fd2e556ecd83b2a
+EBUILD seq24-0.8.7.ebuild 1389 SHA256 fbeeb25103368ba039a8af48e13faea7509635cef80b9235144bf79f09ce9016 SHA512 73146b3e5fce9b85953d0ac086b4fd6f888e8b6f09e215afa60a5be26c00f32d8adf27f135771bb3339efb8afff0f0f6a967fef6e88f33621feb4ecf1f073905 WHIRLPOOL 2a4a835a64c4d0f6048557bcf7d4ed47442881b2756b8f92e7bce340596487a3fe673af4fa4049444e37ebaa8bd0cd9366892b078cd0d7b58965056f16c18510
+EBUILD seq24-0.9.2-r1.ebuild 1020 SHA256 022213e8054e8e5e3e672caead3e0150c0c2d35d7fa5e4e63863acd97823172b SHA512 da35ba471d12b83d7b9d907728d1f6f92f84856d89e4822ae4d30fe268f23a4d919ab07593c567b7d380a9c6667968e34017ac9c42d083d316850ec25c1e7f1a WHIRLPOOL 0ea55bf593d8de1b75c0d1704c605391885997d38e0652a7eded34b76595c956065107df848c7ac1f700f73cf909f330e471c04720b16b71a721dede15b9d693
+EBUILD seq24-0.9.2.ebuild 1020 SHA256 022213e8054e8e5e3e672caead3e0150c0c2d35d7fa5e4e63863acd97823172b SHA512 da35ba471d12b83d7b9d907728d1f6f92f84856d89e4822ae4d30fe268f23a4d919ab07593c567b7d380a9c6667968e34017ac9c42d083d316850ec25c1e7f1a WHIRLPOOL 0ea55bf593d8de1b75c0d1704c605391885997d38e0652a7eded34b76595c956065107df848c7ac1f700f73cf909f330e471c04720b16b71a721dede15b9d693
+MISC ChangeLog 1484 SHA256 caec7cd2edd68593441aa304ff52871da0a8a590c2d24386f486b40a1e4f9d93 SHA512 979de471d78ba70709374acc11f0249702a72d4422918a25b927efe090579a8bd41d50fee9bbb2267634f5cb9c39b896f0c5f17be2f6cf5032c03f3de2bfb30f WHIRLPOOL c88399e8a6200427ada0c68e09e9c8d46a033f5667fbd715e5806847e30d03d0447664303497c4dce2df3eca5257a372cfd06b10637096a1fe047c36d6de295a
+MISC metadata.xml 246 SHA256 f32f31abe9dcc1f9a5dc9b6a36996d773abd006d92c13c4df48f8d7d1061060f SHA512 327022589c637a14219eb603a62050fbb93b980f4693960c0ac4117b6b483d9f0d9fe1366d8e18227b34373a399aef339f49c16df8ca57b9ec870568a4d394f4 WHIRLPOOL e55381a9a9fd1d0efbe87da1c3aa302efdcf4734827f56273faeb55b17361c529518fcf16ac0946102e26165e8eedba81ab0cd07c7b08ce6bad001e944e43a0f

Deleted: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/files/seq24-0.8.7.olivier2.patch
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/files/seq24-0.8.7.olivier2.patch	2012-12-13 19:13:21 UTC (rev 2355)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/files/seq24-0.8.7.olivier2.patch	2012-12-13 20:26:52 UTC (rev 2356)
@@ -1,1715 +0,0 @@
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/globals.h seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/globals.h
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/globals.h	2006-05-30 15:42:18.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/globals.h	2007-07-01 10:39:42.000000000 +0200
-@@ -27,10 +27,12 @@
- #include <gtkmm/main.h>
- #include <gtkmm/drawingarea.h>
-+#define printstack(f)  printf("DEBUG: %s(%d)->%s\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,f)
- using namespace std;
- /* 16 per screen */
--const int c_mainwnd_rows = 4;
-+const int c_mainwnd_rows = 5;
- const int c_mainwnd_cols = 8;
- const int c_seqs_in_set = c_mainwnd_rows * c_mainwnd_cols;
- const int c_max_sets = 32;
-@@ -55,7 +57,8 @@
- const int c_seqarea_x = c_text_x * 15;
- const int c_seqarea_y =  c_text_y * 5;
--const int c_mainwid_border = 0;
-+const int c_mainwid_border = 2;
-+const int c_mainwid_activator = 16;
- const int c_mainwid_spacing = 2;
- const int c_control_height = 0;
-@@ -63,7 +66,7 @@
- const int c_mainwid_x = ((c_seqarea_x + c_mainwid_spacing ) 
- 			 * c_mainwnd_cols - c_mainwid_spacing
--			 +  c_mainwid_border * 2 );
-+			 +  c_mainwid_border * 2 + c_mainwid_activator);
- const int c_mainwid_y = ((c_seqarea_y  + c_mainwid_spacing ) 
- 			 * c_mainwnd_rows
- 			 +  c_mainwid_border * 2 
-@@ -149,7 +152,7 @@
- const int c_paste  = 2;
- /* redraw when recording ms */
--const int c_redraw_ms = 40;
-+const int c_redraw_ms = 100;
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/mainwid.cpp seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/mainwid.cpp
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/mainwid.cpp	2006-05-18 03:31:23.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/mainwid.cpp	2007-07-04 23:37:24.000000000 +0200
-@@ -70,7 +70,14 @@
-     m_button_down = false;
-     m_moving = false;
-+    // init queued play (0==off, 1==on, -1==nothing)
-+    for (int i=0;i<(c_mainwnd_rows *  c_mainwnd_cols);i++)
-+      m_queued_to_play[i]=-1;
-     set_double_buffered( false );
-+    m_cursor_move=Gdk::Cursor(get_display (), Gdk::HAND1);
- } 
-@@ -97,8 +104,9 @@
-                                    -1 );
-     fill_background_window();
-+    draw_activator_on_pixmap();
-     draw_sequences_on_pixmap();
- }
-@@ -115,6 +123,44 @@
- }
-+    int base_y;
-+  	for (int i=0;i<c_mainwnd_rows;i++){
-+  	  base_y = (c_mainwid_border + (c_seqarea_y + c_mainwid_spacing) * i);  	
-+    	m_gc->set_foreground(m_black);
-+      m_pixmap->draw_rectangle(m_gc, true, 
-+                                        m_window_x-c_mainwid_activator, 
-+                                        c_mainwid_border+base_y-2, 
-+                                        c_mainwid_activator-2, c_seqarea_y-1);
-+    	m_gc->set_foreground((m_lines_activator[i])?m_black:m_white);
-+      m_pixmap->draw_rectangle(m_gc, true, 
-+                                        m_window_x-c_mainwid_activator+1, 
-+                                        c_mainwid_border+base_y-1, 
-+                                        c_mainwid_activator-4, c_seqarea_y-3);
-+    }
-+mainwid::draw_activator_pixmap_on_window( int act )
-+    int base_y = (c_mainwid_border +
-+                  (c_seqarea_y + c_mainwid_spacing) * act);
-+    m_window->draw_drawable(m_gc, 
-+                            m_pixmap, 
-+                            m_window_x-c_mainwid_activator,
-+                            base_y,
-+                            m_window_x-c_mainwid_activator,
-+                            base_y,
-+                            c_mainwid_activator,
-+                            c_seqarea_y );    
- // updates background 
- void 
- mainwid::fill_background_window()
-@@ -168,17 +214,16 @@
- 	    if ( seq->get_playing() ){
- 	      m_last_playing[a_seq] = true;
--	      m_background = m_black;
-+	      m_background = (m_queued_to_play[a_seq]!=-1)?m_grey:m_black;
- 	      m_foreground = m_white;
--	    } else {
-+	    } else{
- 	      m_last_playing[a_seq] = false;
- 	      m_background = m_white;
--	      m_foreground = m_black;
-+	      m_foreground = (m_queued_to_play[a_seq]!=-1)?m_grey:m_black;
- 	    }
--            m_gc->set_foreground(m_background);
-+      m_gc->set_foreground(m_background);
- 	    m_pixmap->draw_rectangle(m_gc,true,
- 				    base_x + 1,
- 				    base_y + 1,
-@@ -186,6 +231,7 @@
- 				    c_seqarea_y - 2 );
-+//	    m_gc->set_background(m_background);
- 	    m_gc->set_foreground(m_foreground);
- 	    char name[20];
- 	    sprintf( name, "%.13s", seq->get_name() );
-@@ -193,10 +239,10 @@
-         font::Color col = font::BLACK;;
--        if ( m_foreground == m_black ){
-+        if ( m_foreground == m_black){
-             col = font::BLACK;
-         }
--        if ( m_foreground == m_white ){
-+        if ( m_foreground == m_white && m_background != m_grey){
-             col = font::WHITE;
-         }
-@@ -310,6 +356,9 @@
-     }
- }
- void
- mainwid::draw_sequence_pixmap_on_window( int a_seq )
- {
-@@ -331,10 +380,8 @@
-                                 base_x,
-                                 base_y,
-                                 c_seqarea_x,
--                                c_seqarea_y );    }
-+                                c_seqarea_y );    
-+    }
- }
- void
-@@ -435,7 +482,7 @@
- void 
- mainwid::draw_pixmap_on_window()
- {
--    queue_draw();
-+   queue_draw();
- }
-@@ -454,9 +501,32 @@
-     return true;
- }
-+// Translates XY corridinates to a activator number
-+mainwid::activator_from_xy( int a_x, int a_y ){
-+    /* adjust for border */
-+    int x = a_x - c_mainwid_border;
-+    int y = a_y - c_mainwid_border;
-+    if (!m_mainperf->is_running())
-+      return -1;
-+    if (x>m_window_x-c_mainwid_activator && x<= m_window_x){
-+      y /= (c_seqarea_y + c_mainwid_spacing);
-+      m_lines_activator[y]=!m_lines_activator[y];
-+      draw_activator_on_pixmap();
-+      draw_activator_pixmap_on_window(y);
-+      return y;
-+    }
-+    return -1;
- // Translates XY corridinates to a sequence number
-+// I splitted sequence on two part, one small on the top
-+// to get a fast access to the editor, and one part to toggle the play
-+// it's really ugly but it works ;)
- int 
--mainwid::seq_from_xy( int a_x, int a_y )
-+mainwid::seq_from_xy( int a_x, int a_y , bool& top)
- {
-     /* adjust for border */
-     int x = a_x - c_mainwid_border;
-@@ -476,11 +546,11 @@
-     int box_test_y = y % (c_seqarea_y + c_mainwid_spacing);
-     /* right inactive side of area */
--    if ( box_test_x > c_seqarea_x 
--	 || box_test_y > c_seqarea_y ){
--	return -1;
-+    if ( box_test_x > c_seqarea_x || box_test_y > c_seqarea_y ){
-+    	return -1;
-     }
-+    /* top area of seq (in fact for edit action) */
-+    top =( box_test_y <= (c_text_y+4));
-     x /= (c_seqarea_x + c_mainwid_spacing);
-     y /= (c_seqarea_y + c_mainwid_spacing);
-@@ -499,64 +569,97 @@
- mainwid::on_button_press_event(GdkEventButton* a_p0)
- {
-     grab_focus();
-+    bool top=false;
--    m_current_seq = seq_from_xy( (int) a_p0->x, (int) a_p0->y );
-+    m_current_seq = seq_from_xy( (int) a_p0->x, (int) a_p0->y ,top);
-     if ( m_current_seq != -1  && a_p0->button == 1 ){
- 	m_button_down = true;
-     }
-     return true;
- }
-+    for (int i=0;i<c_mainwnd_cols*c_mainwnd_rows;i++){
-+      if (m_queued_to_play[i]==1)
-+        m_mainperf->sequence_playing_on(i);
-+      else if (m_queued_to_play[i]==0)
-+        m_mainperf->sequence_playing_off(i);
-+      if (m_queued_to_play[i]!=-1){
-+        draw_sequence_on_pixmap(  i);
-+        draw_sequence_pixmap_on_window( i);
-+      }
-+      m_queued_to_play[i]=-1;
-+    }
- bool
- mainwid::on_button_release_event(GdkEventButton* a_p0)
- {
--    m_current_seq = seq_from_xy( (int) a_p0->x, (int) a_p0->y );
-+    bool top=false;
-+    m_current_seq = seq_from_xy( (int) a_p0->x, (int) a_p0->y , top);
-     m_button_down = false;
-+    int act_line=activator_from_xy( (int) a_p0->x, (int) a_p0->y );
-+    if (act_line!=-1 && a_p0->button == 1 && !m_moving){
-+      for (int i=0;i<c_mainwnd_cols;i++){
-+        if (m_mainperf->is_active( i*c_mainwnd_rows+act_line )){
-+            m_queued_to_play[i*c_mainwnd_rows+act_line]=m_lines_activator[act_line];
-+            if (m_lines_activator[act_line])
-+              m_queued_to_play[ i*c_mainwnd_rows+act_line ]=1;
-+            else
-+              m_queued_to_play[ i*c_mainwnd_rows+act_line ]=0;
-+            draw_sequence_on_pixmap(  i*c_mainwnd_rows+act_line );
-+            draw_sequence_pixmap_on_window( i*c_mainwnd_rows+act_line);
-+        }
-+      }
-+    }else if ( m_current_seq != -1 && top && a_p0->button == 1 && 
-+              !m_moving && m_mainperf->is_active(m_current_seq)){
-     /* it hit a sequence ? */
--    // toggle play mode of sequence (left button)
-+    // fast edit access
-+      seq_edit();
--    if ( m_current_seq != -1  && a_p0->button == 1 && !m_moving ){
-+    }else if ( m_current_seq != -1  && a_p0->button == 1 && !m_moving ){
-+    /* it hit a sequence ? */
-+    // toggle play mode of sequence (left button)
-         if ( m_mainperf->is_active( m_current_seq )){
--            //sequence *seq = m_mainperf->get_sequence(  m_current_seq );
--            //seq->set_playing( !seq->get_playing() );
--            m_mainperf->sequence_playing_toggle( m_current_seq );
-+            sequence *seq = m_mainperf->get_sequence(  m_current_seq );
-+            if (!m_mainperf->is_running())
-+              m_mainperf->sequence_playing_toggle( m_current_seq );
-+            else
-+              m_queued_to_play[m_current_seq]=(seq->get_playing())?0:1;
-             draw_sequence_on_pixmap(  m_current_seq );
-             draw_sequence_pixmap_on_window( m_current_seq);
-         }
-     }
-     if ( a_p0->button == 1 && m_moving ){
-+        get_window()->set_cursor();
-         m_moving = false;
--        if ( ! m_mainperf->is_active( m_current_seq ) && m_current_seq != -1
--                && !m_mainperf->is_sequence_in_edit( m_current_seq )  ){
--            m_mainperf->new_sequence( m_current_seq  );
--            *(m_mainperf->get_sequence( m_current_seq )) = m_moving_seq;
-+        if ( ! m_mainperf->is_active( m_current_seq ) && m_current_seq != -1){
-+            m_mainperf->mov_sequence(m_old_seq,m_current_seq);
-+            draw_sequence_on_pixmap( m_old_seq  );
-+            draw_sequence_pixmap_on_window( m_old_seq );
-             draw_sequence_on_pixmap( m_current_seq  );
-             draw_sequence_pixmap_on_window( m_current_seq );
--        } else {
--            m_mainperf->new_sequence( m_old_seq  );
--            *(m_mainperf->get_sequence( m_old_seq )) = m_moving_seq;
--            draw_sequence_on_pixmap( m_old_seq  );
--            draw_sequence_pixmap_on_window( m_old_seq );
--        }
-+        } 
-     }
-@@ -572,24 +675,20 @@
- bool
- mainwid::on_motion_notify_event(GdkEventMotion* a_p0)
- {
--    int seq = seq_from_xy( (int) a_p0->x, (int) a_p0->y );
-+    bool top=false;
-+    int seq = seq_from_xy( (int) a_p0->x, (int) a_p0->y ,top);
-     if ( m_button_down ){
-+    	if ( seq != m_current_seq && !m_moving ){
--	if ( seq != m_current_seq && !m_moving &&  
--		 !m_mainperf->is_sequence_in_edit( m_current_seq ) ){
--	    if ( m_mainperf->is_active( m_current_seq )){
-+    	    if ( m_mainperf->is_active( m_current_seq )){
--		m_old_seq = m_current_seq;
--		m_moving = true;
--		m_moving_seq = *(m_mainperf->get_sequence( m_current_seq ));
--		m_mainperf->delete_sequence( m_current_seq );
--		draw_sequence_on_pixmap( m_current_seq  );
--		draw_sequence_pixmap_on_window( m_current_seq );
--	    }
--	}
-+        		m_old_seq = m_current_seq;
-+        		m_moving = true;
-+            get_window()->set_cursor(m_cursor_move);
-+    	    }
-+    	}
-     }
-     return true;
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/mainwid.h seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/mainwid.h
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/mainwid.h	2006-03-28 06:36:59.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/mainwid.h	2007-07-04 23:34:30.000000000 +0200
-@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
- #include <gtkmm/table.h>
- #include <gtkmm/drawingarea.h>
- #include <gtkmm/widget.h>
-+#include <gdkmm/cursor.h> 
- #include <gtkmm/style.h> 
-@@ -68,6 +69,8 @@
-     GdkRectangle m_old;
-     GdkRectangle m_selected;
-+    int          m_lines_activator[c_mainwnd_rows];
-     int          m_screenset;
-     perform      *m_mainperf;
-@@ -81,6 +84,7 @@
-     bool         m_button_down;
-     bool         m_moving;
-+    Gdk::Cursor  m_cursor_move;
-     /* when highlighting a bunch of events */
-     /* where the dragging started */
-@@ -90,6 +94,8 @@
-     int m_current_y;
-     int m_old_seq;
-+    int m_queued_to_play[c_mainwnd_rows *  c_mainwnd_cols];
-     long m_last_tick_x[c_max_sequence];
-     bool m_last_playing[c_max_sequence];
-@@ -109,9 +115,12 @@
-     void fill_background_window();
-     void draw_pixmap_on_window();
-+    void draw_activator_on_pixmap();
-+    void draw_activator_pixmap_on_window(int act);
-     void draw_sequence_pixmap_on_window( int a_seq );
--    int seq_from_xy( int a_x, int a_y );
-+    int activator_from_xy( int a_x, int a_y );
-+    int seq_from_xy( int a_x, int a_y ,bool&);
-     int timeout( void );
-@@ -132,6 +141,7 @@
-     void update_markers( int a_ticks );
-     void draw_marker_on_sequence( int a_seq, int a_tick );
-+    void toggle_queued_sequences();
- };
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/mainwnd.cpp seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/mainwnd.cpp
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/mainwnd.cpp	2006-08-13 22:44:32.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/mainwnd.cpp	2007-07-04 21:50:27.000000000 +0200
-@@ -21,14 +21,52 @@
- #include "perform.h"
- #include "midifile.h"
- #include "perfedit.h"
-+#include "seqedit.h"
- #include "play2.xpm"
- #include "stop.xpm"
- #include "perfedit.xpm"
- #include "seq24.xpm"
-+#include <gtkmm/stock.h>
-+#include "gtkmm/expander.h"
-+static mainwnd* __mainwnd=NULL;
-+mainwnd* mainwnd::get_instance(){
-+  return __mainwnd;
-+mainwnd::display_sequence(seqedit* seq){
-+   int nb_seq=m_notebook_seq->page_num(*seq);
-+   if (nb_seq==-1){
-+     m_notebook_seq->append_page(* ((seq)), seq->get_sequence()->get_name());
-+     nb_seq=m_notebook_seq->get_n_pages()-1;
-+     seq->link_to_notebook(m_notebook_seq);
-+   }
-+   m_notebook_seq->set_current_page(nb_seq);
-+mainwnd::dispose_sequedit(sequence *seq){
-+  seqedit* m_seqedit;
-+  for (int i=0;i<m_notebook_seq->get_n_pages();i++){
-+    m_seqedit=(seqedit*)m_notebook_seq->get_nth_page(i);
-+    if(m_seqedit->get_sequence()==seq){
-+        m_notebook_seq->remove_page(i);
-+        seq->set_editing(false);
-+        printstack("FIXME:dispose_sequedit() Segmentation fault when delete m_seqedit ");
-+    }
-+  }
- mainwnd::mainwnd(perform *a_p)
- {
-+    __mainwnd=this;
-     /* set the performance */
-@@ -40,6 +78,11 @@
-     m_main_wid = manage( new mainwid(  m_mainperf ));
-     m_main_time = manage( new maintime( ));
-+    m_notebook_seq = manage(new Notebook());
-+    m_notebook_seq->set_border_width(0);
-+    m_notebook_seq->set_show_tabs(false);
-     m_menubar   = manage(new MenuBar());
-     m_menu_file = manage(new Menu());
-     m_menu_control = manage( new Menu());
-@@ -106,24 +149,38 @@
-     hbox->pack_start( *m_entry_notes, true, true );
-     /* 2nd hbox */
--    HBox *hbox2 = manage( new HBox( false, 0 ) );
--    hbox2->pack_start( *manage(  new Image(Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_xpm_data( seq24_xpm ))), false, false );
--    hbox2->pack_end( *m_main_time, false, false );
-+    HBox *hbox_top = manage( new HBox( false, 0 ) );
-+    hbox_top->pack_start( *manage(  new Image(Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_xpm_data( seq24_xpm ))), false, false );
-+    hbox_top->pack_end( *m_main_time, false, false );
-     /* set up a vbox, put the menu in it, and add it */
-     VBox *vbox = new VBox();
-+    m_expand_seqedit=manage(new  Expander("View sequences"));
-+    m_expand_seqedit->set_expanded(true);
-+    m_expand_seqedit->property_expanded().signal_changed().connect(
-+      sigc::mem_fun(*this, &mainwnd::on_expander_changed)
-+    );
-+    m_expand_seqedit->add(*m_notebook_seq);
-     vbox->set_border_width( 10 );
--    vbox->pack_start(*hbox2, false, false );
-+    vbox->pack_start(*hbox_top, false, false);
-     vbox->pack_start(*m_main_wid, true, true, 10 );
--    vbox->pack_start(*hbox, false, false ); 
-+    vbox->pack_start(*m_expand_seqedit, false, true, 10 );
-+    /* put all in vertical scrollwindow*/
-+    ScrolledWindow* vscroll=manage(new ScrolledWindow());
-+    vscroll->set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_NEVER,Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
-+    vscroll->add (*vbox);
-+    vscroll->set_size_request(c_mainwid_x+40, c_mainwid_y+180); //border+the size of empty expander
-     VBox *ovbox = new VBox();
-     ovbox->pack_start(*m_menubar, false, false );
--    ovbox->pack_start( *vbox );
-+    ovbox->pack_start( *vscroll );
-+    ovbox->pack_start(*hbox, false, false ); 
-     /* add box */
-     this->add (*ovbox);
-     /* show everything */
-@@ -133,7 +190,7 @@
-     m_entry_notes->set_text( * m_mainperf->get_screen_set_notepad(  m_mainperf->get_screenset() )); 
--    m_timeout_connect = Glib::signal_timeout().connect(mem_fun(*this,&mainwnd::timer_callback), 25);
-+    m_timeout_connect = Glib::signal_timeout().connect(mem_fun(*this,&mainwnd::timer_callback), 10);
-     m_quit = false;
-@@ -142,6 +199,16 @@
- }
-+  static int  w=0,h=0;
-+  resize_children ();     	
-+  if(!m_expand_seqedit->get_expanded())
-+//    resize (w,h);
-+//  else
-+    get_size(w,h);
- mainwnd::~mainwnd()
- {
-@@ -161,7 +228,13 @@
-     m_main_time->idle_progress( ticks );
-     m_main_wid->update_markers( ticks );
-+    if (!ticks || ((ticks+5) % (c_ppqn*4))>6){
-+	    return true;
-+    }
-+    m_main_wid->toggle_queued_sequences();
-+//    printf("auto start seqs on(%d)\n",(ticks % c_ppqn)) ;
-     if ( m_adjust_bpm->get_value() != m_mainperf->get_bpm()){
-         m_adjust_bpm->set_value( m_mainperf->get_bpm());
-     }
-@@ -273,12 +346,14 @@
-     }
- }
- void 
- mainwnd::file_saveas_dialog( void )
- {
--    FileSelection dialog( "Save As..." );
-+//    FileSelection dialog( "Save As..." );
-+    FileChooserDialog dialog( "Save As..." , FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE);
-+    dialog.add_button(Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL);
-+    dialog.add_button("Save", Gtk::RESPONSE_OK);    
-     int result = dialog.run();
-     //Handle the response:
-@@ -323,7 +398,10 @@
- void 
- mainwnd::file_open_dialog( void )
- {
--    FileSelection dialog( "Open..." );
-+//    FileSelection dialog( "Open..." );
-+    FileChooserDialog dialog( "Open..." , FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN);
-+    dialog.add_button(Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL);
-+    dialog.add_button("Select", Gtk::RESPONSE_OK);    
-     int result = dialog.run();
-     //Handle the response:
-@@ -374,10 +452,12 @@
- mainwnd::file_import_dialog( void )
- {
--   FileSelection dialog( "Import..." );
-+//   FileSelection dialog( "Import..." );
-+   FileChooserDialog dialog( "Import..." , FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN);
-+   dialog.add_button(Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL);
-+   dialog.add_button("Select", Gtk::RESPONSE_OK);    
--   HBox *abox = dialog.get_action_area(); 
-+   HBox *abox = (HBox *)dialog.get_action_area(); 
-    HBox hbox( false, 2 );
-    m_adjust_load_offset = manage( new Adjustment( 0, -(c_max_sets - 1) , c_max_sets - 1, 1 ));
-@@ -566,79 +646,73 @@
- bool
- mainwnd::on_key_press_event(GdkEventKey* a_ev)
- {
-+    if(Gtk::Window::on_key_press_event(a_ev))
-+      return true;
--    if( m_entry_notes->has_focus()){
--        m_entry_notes->event( (GdkEvent*) a_ev );
--        return false;
--    }
--    else
--    {
--        if ( a_ev->type == GDK_KEY_PRESS ){
-+    if ( a_ev->type == GDK_KEY_PRESS ){
--            if ( global_print_keys ){
--                printf( "key_press[%d]\n", a_ev->keyval ); 
--            }
--            if ( a_ev->keyval == m_mainperf->m_key_bpm_dn ){
--                m_mainperf->set_bpm( m_mainperf->get_bpm() - 1 );  
--                m_adjust_bpm->set_value(  m_mainperf->get_bpm() );
--            }
--            if ( a_ev->keyval ==  m_mainperf->m_key_bpm_up ){
--                m_mainperf->set_bpm( m_mainperf->get_bpm() + 1 );   
--                m_adjust_bpm->set_value(  m_mainperf->get_bpm() );
--            }
--            if ( a_ev->keyval == m_mainperf->m_key_replace )
--            {
--                m_mainperf->set_sequence_control_status( c_status_replace );
--            }
--            if (a_ev->keyval ==  m_mainperf->m_key_queue )
--            {
--                m_mainperf->set_sequence_control_status( c_status_queue );
--            }
--            if ( a_ev->keyval == m_mainperf->m_key_snapshot_1 ||
--                 a_ev->keyval == m_mainperf->m_key_snapshot_2 )
--            {
--                m_mainperf->set_sequence_control_status( c_status_snapshot );
--            }
--            if ( a_ev->keyval == m_mainperf->m_key_screenset_dn ){
-+        if ( global_print_keys ){
-+            printf( "key_press[%d]\n", a_ev->keyval ); 
-+        }
-+        if ( a_ev->keyval == m_mainperf->m_key_bpm_dn ){
-+            m_mainperf->set_bpm( m_mainperf->get_bpm() - 1 );  
-+            m_adjust_bpm->set_value(  m_mainperf->get_bpm() );
-+        }
-+        if ( a_ev->keyval ==  m_mainperf->m_key_bpm_up ){
-+            m_mainperf->set_bpm( m_mainperf->get_bpm() + 1 );   
-+            m_adjust_bpm->set_value(  m_mainperf->get_bpm() );
-+        }
-+        if ( a_ev->keyval == m_mainperf->m_key_replace )
-+        {
-+            m_mainperf->set_sequence_control_status( c_status_replace );
-+        }
-+        if (a_ev->keyval ==  m_mainperf->m_key_queue )
-+        {
-+            m_mainperf->set_sequence_control_status( c_status_queue );
-+        }
-+        if ( a_ev->keyval == m_mainperf->m_key_snapshot_1 ||
-+              a_ev->keyval == m_mainperf->m_key_snapshot_2 )
-+        {
-+            m_mainperf->set_sequence_control_status( c_status_snapshot );
-+        }
-+        if ( a_ev->keyval == m_mainperf->m_key_screenset_dn ){
--                m_mainperf->set_screenset(  m_mainperf->get_screenset() - 1 );  
--                m_main_wid->set_screenset(  m_mainperf->get_screenset() );  
--                m_adjust_ss->set_value( m_mainperf->get_screenset()  );	
--                m_entry_notes->set_text( * m_mainperf->get_screen_set_notepad(m_mainperf->get_screenset()  )); 
--            }
--            if ( a_ev->keyval == m_mainperf->m_key_screenset_up ){
-+            m_mainperf->set_screenset(  m_mainperf->get_screenset() - 1 );  
-+            m_main_wid->set_screenset(  m_mainperf->get_screenset() );  
-+            m_adjust_ss->set_value( m_mainperf->get_screenset()  );	
-+            m_entry_notes->set_text( * m_mainperf->get_screen_set_notepad(m_mainperf->get_screenset()  )); 
-+        }
-+        if ( a_ev->keyval == m_mainperf->m_key_screenset_up ){
--                m_mainperf->set_screenset(  m_mainperf->get_screenset() + 1 );  
--                m_main_wid->set_screenset(  m_mainperf->get_screenset() );  
--                m_adjust_ss->set_value( m_mainperf->get_screenset()  );	
--                m_entry_notes->set_text( * m_mainperf->get_screen_set_notepad(m_mainperf->get_screenset()  )); 
--            }
--            if ( a_ev->keyval == m_mainperf->m_key_start )
--            {
--                start_playing();            
--            }
-+            m_mainperf->set_screenset(  m_mainperf->get_screenset() + 1 );  
-+            m_main_wid->set_screenset(  m_mainperf->get_screenset() );  
-+            m_adjust_ss->set_value( m_mainperf->get_screenset()  );	
-+            m_entry_notes->set_text( * m_mainperf->get_screen_set_notepad(m_mainperf->get_screenset()  )); 
-+        }
-+        if ( a_ev->keyval == m_mainperf->m_key_start )
-+        {
-+            start_playing();            
-+        }
--            if ( a_ev->keyval == m_mainperf->m_key_stop )
--            {
--                stop_playing();            
--            }
-+        if ( a_ev->keyval == m_mainperf->m_key_stop )
-+        {
-+            stop_playing();            
-+        }
--            if( m_mainperf->get_key_events()->count( a_ev->keyval) != 0 ){
--                sequence_key(  (*m_mainperf->get_key_events())[a_ev->keyval] );
--            }
-+        if( m_mainperf->get_key_events()->count( a_ev->keyval) != 0 ){
-+            sequence_key(  (*m_mainperf->get_key_events())[a_ev->keyval] );
-         }
-     }
-     return false;
- }
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/mainwnd.h seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/mainwnd.h
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/mainwnd.h	2006-03-28 06:36:59.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/mainwnd.h	2007-07-04 16:45:05.000000000 +0200
-@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
- #include <gtkmm/drawingarea.h>
- #include <gtkmm/label.h>
- #include <gtkmm/viewport.h> 
--#include <gtkmm/fileselection.h>
-+#include <gtkmm/filechooserdialog.h>
- #include <gtkmm/dialog.h>
- #include <gtkmm/messagedialog.h>
- #include <gtkmm/textview.h>
-@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@
- #include <gtkmm/spinbutton.h>
- #include <gtkmm/progressbar.h>
- #include <gtkmm/dialog.h>
-+#include <gtkmm/notebook.h>
-+#include <gtkmm/expander.h>
- #include <gtkmm/label.h>
- #include <gdkmm/cursor.h>
- #include <gtkmm/image.h>
-@@ -69,6 +71,7 @@
- using namespace Menu_Helpers;
-+class maintime;
- class mainwnd : public Gtk::Window
- {
-@@ -106,6 +109,10 @@
-     SpinButton  *m_spinbutton_load_offset;
-     Adjustment  *m_adjust_load_offset;
-+    Notebook    *m_notebook_seq;
-+    Expander    *m_expand_seqedit;
-     Entry       *m_entry_notes;
-@@ -138,6 +145,7 @@
-     void sequence_key( int a_seq );
-     void set_window_title_filename( std::string a_file );
-+    void on_expander_changed();
-  public:
-@@ -147,6 +155,9 @@
-     bool on_delete_event(GdkEventAny *a_e);
-     bool on_key_press_event(GdkEventKey* a_ev);
-     bool on_key_release_event(GdkEventKey* a_ev);
-+    void display_sequence(seqedit*);
-+    void dispose_sequedit(sequence *seq);
-+    static mainwnd* get_instance();
- };
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/perform.cpp seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/perform.cpp
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/perform.cpp	2006-08-13 22:42:38.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/perform.cpp	2007-07-04 23:05:34.000000000 +0200
-@@ -536,6 +536,13 @@
- }
-+perform::mov_sequence( int seq_ori, int seq_dest ){
-+	set_active(seq_ori, false);
-+  m_seqs[ seq_dest ]=m_seqs[ seq_ori ];m_seqs[ seq_ori ]=NULL;
-+	set_active(seq_dest, true);
- bool 
- perform::is_sequence_in_edit( int a_num )
- {
-@@ -554,6 +561,7 @@
- }
- midi_control *
- perform::get_midi_control_toggle( unsigned int a_seq )
- {
-@@ -865,6 +873,7 @@
- }
- void
- perform::inner_start( bool a_state )
- {
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/perform.h seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/perform.h
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/perform.h	2006-08-13 22:37:42.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/perform.h	2007-07-04 15:03:34.000000000 +0200
-@@ -107,7 +107,6 @@
-     long m_tick;
-     void set_running( bool a_running );
--    bool is_running();
-     void set_playback_mode( bool a_playback_mode );
-@@ -216,6 +215,7 @@
-     void start_jack();
-     void stop_jack();
-     void position_jack( bool a_state );
-+    bool is_running();
-     void off_sequences( void );
-@@ -228,6 +228,7 @@
-     bool is_dirty_names (int a_sequence);
-     void new_sequence( int a_sequence );
-+    void mov_sequence( int seq_ori, int seq_dest );
-     /* plays all notes to Curent tick */
-     void play( long a_tick );
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/q_rec.xpm seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/q_rec.xpm
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/q_rec.xpm	2007-07-01 21:49:59.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/q_rec.xpm	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
--/* XPM */
--static char * q_rec_xpm[] = {
--"36 14 7 1",
--" 	c None",
--".	c #000000",
--"+	c #FFFFFF",
--"@	c #9E9E9E",
--"#	c #FFBABA",
--"$	c #FF5454",
--"%	c #B51E1E",
--"    ......                          ",
--"  ...+..+...                        ",
--" ..+++@@+++..       .        ....   ",
--" .++++++++++.       ..      ..  ..  ",
--"..++++++++++..      .#.    ..    .. ",
--".++++++++++++. ......#$.   ..    .. ",
--".+..++++++..+. .#####$$$.  ..    .. ",
--".+@.++++++.@+. .$$$$$$$%.  ..    .. ",
--".++++++++++++. ......$%.   ..    .. ",
--"..+..++++..+..      .%.    ..  . .. ",
--" .+@.+..+.@+.       ..      .. ...  ",
--" ..+++..+++..       .        .....  ",
--"  ...++++...                      . ",
--"    ......                          "};
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/quanize.xpm seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/quanize.xpm
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/quanize.xpm	2007-07-01 21:49:59.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/quanize.xpm	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
--/* XPM */
--static char * quanize_xpm[] = {
--"16 14 2 1",
--" 	c None",
--".	c #000000",
--"                ",
--"                ",
--"      ....      ",
--"     ..  ..     ",
--"    ..    ..    ",
--"    ..    ..    ",
--"    ..    ..    ",
--"    ..    ..    ",
--"    ..    ..    ",
--"    ..  . ..    ",
--"     .. ...     ",
--"      .....     ",
--"           .    ",
--"                "};
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/seqdata.cpp seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqdata.cpp
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/seqdata.cpp	2006-05-18 06:40:15.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqdata.cpp	2007-07-01 10:51:27.000000000 +0200
-@@ -58,12 +58,14 @@
-     m_scroll_offset_ticks = 0;
-     m_scroll_offset_x = 0;
- } 
- void 
- seqdata::update_sizes()
- {   
--    if( is_realized() ) {
-+    if(is_realized() && check_is_drawable() ) {
-         /* create pixmaps with window dimentions */
-         m_pixmap = Gdk::Pixmap::create( m_window,
-@@ -84,9 +86,12 @@
- }
- void 
- seqdata::redraw()
- {
-+    if (!check_is_drawable())
-+      return;
-     update_pixmap();
-     queue_draw();
- }
-@@ -177,6 +182,9 @@
- void 
- seqdata::draw_events_on(  Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Drawable> a_draw  )
- {   
-+    if(!check_is_drawable())
-+      return;  
-     long tick;
-     unsigned char d0,d1;
-@@ -189,9 +197,8 @@
-     int start_tick = m_scroll_offset_ticks ;
-     int end_tick = (m_window_x * m_zoom) + m_scroll_offset_ticks;
--    //printf( "draw_events_on\n" );
-     m_gc->set_foreground( m_white );
-     a_draw->draw_rectangle(m_gc,true,
-                            0,
-@@ -267,17 +274,19 @@
- int 
- seqdata::idle_redraw()
- {
--    /* no flicker, redraw */
--    if ( !m_dragging ){
--	draw_events_on( m_window );
--	draw_events_on( m_pixmap );
--    }
-+  /* no flicker, redraw */
-+  if ( !m_dragging ){
-+  	draw_events_on( m_window );
-+  	draw_events_on( m_pixmap );
-+  }
- 	return true;
- }
- bool
- seqdata::on_expose_event(GdkEventExpose* a_e)
- {
-+  if(!check_is_drawable())
-+    return true;
-     m_window->draw_drawable(m_gc, 
-                             m_pixmap, 
-                             a_e->area.x,
-@@ -462,6 +471,9 @@
- seqdata::draw_line_on_window( void )
- {
-     int x,y,w,h;
-+  if(!check_is_drawable())
-+      return; 
-     m_gc->set_foreground( m_black );
-     m_gc->set_line_attributes( 1,
-                                Gdk::LINE_SOLID,
-@@ -517,8 +529,9 @@
- void
- seqdata::on_size_allocate(Gtk::Allocation& a_r )
- {
--    Gtk::DrawingArea::on_size_allocate( a_r );
-+   Gtk::DrawingArea::on_size_allocate( a_r );
-     m_window_x = a_r.get_width();
-     m_window_y = a_r.get_height();
-@@ -530,7 +543,10 @@
- void
- seqdata::force_draw(void )
- {
--    m_window->draw_drawable(m_gc, 
-+  if(!check_is_drawable())
-+      return;  
-+  m_window->draw_drawable(m_gc, 
-                             m_pixmap, 
-                             0,
-                             0,
-@@ -539,3 +555,24 @@
-                             m_window_x,
-                             m_window_y );
- }
-+    if (!is_drawable()||!is_realized())
-+      return false;
-+    if (!m_gc){
-+      m_window = get_window();
-+      m_gc = Gdk::GC::create( m_window );
-+    }
-+    if(!m_window_x){
-+      m_window_x=m_window_y=10;
-+    }
-+    if(!m_gc){
-+      printstack("check_is_drawable() : could not create GC");
-+      return false;
-+    }
-+    return true;
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/seqdata.h seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqdata.h
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/seqdata.h	2006-03-28 06:36:59.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqdata.h	2007-07-01 10:20:41.000000000 +0200
-@@ -110,7 +110,8 @@
-     void change_horz( void );
-     void force_draw( void );
-+    bool check_is_drawable();
-  public:
-     seqdata( sequence *a_seq, int a_zoom,  Gtk::Adjustment   *a_hadjust );
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/seqedit.cpp seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqedit.cpp
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/seqedit.cpp	2006-05-30 16:04:52.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqedit.cpp	2007-07-01 17:31:55.000000000 +0200
-@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
- #include "event.h"
- #include "options.h"
-+#include "mainwnd.h"
- #include "play.xpm"
- #include "rec.xpm"
-@@ -76,12 +77,15 @@
--seqedit::seqedit( sequence *a_seq, 
--		  perform *a_perf,  
--		  // mainwid *a_mainwid, 
--		  int a_pos  )
-+seqedit::seqedit( sequence *a_seq, perform *a_perf, /* mainwid *a_mainwid, */ int a_pos  )
-+  :ScrolledWindow()
- {
-     /* set the performance */
-     m_seq = a_seq;
-@@ -97,9 +101,10 @@
-     m_pos = a_pos;
-     /* main window */
--    set_title ( m_seq->get_name());
--    set_size_request(700, 500);
-+    set_size_request(250, 500);
-+    set_border_width (0);
-     m_seq->set_editing( true );
-     /* scroll bars */
-@@ -179,7 +184,7 @@
-     /* fill table */
-     m_table->attach( *m_seqkeys_wid,    0, 1, 1, 2, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::FILL );
-     m_table->attach( *m_seqtime_wid, 1, 2, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK );
-     m_table->attach( *m_seqroll_wid , 1, 2, 1, 2,
-     	      Gtk::FILL |  Gtk::SHRINK,  
-@@ -269,12 +274,9 @@
-     set_scale( m_scale );
-     set_key( m_key );
-     set_key( m_key );
- }
- void 
- seqedit::create_menus( void )
- {
-@@ -557,7 +559,7 @@
-     m_entry_name = manage( new Entry(  ));
-     m_entry_name->set_max_length(26);
--    m_entry_name->set_width_chars(26);
-+    m_entry_name->set_width_chars(20);
-     m_entry_name->set_text( m_seq->get_name());
-     m_entry_name->select_region(0,0);
-     m_entry_name->set_position(0);
-@@ -621,11 +623,11 @@
-     m_entry_bus = manage( new Entry());
-     m_entry_bus->set_max_length(60);
--    m_entry_bus->set_width_chars(60);
-+    m_entry_bus->set_width_chars(30);
-     m_entry_bus->set_editable( false );
-     m_hbox->pack_start( *m_button_bus , false, false );
--    m_hbox->pack_start( *m_entry_bus , true, true );
-+    m_hbox->pack_start( *m_entry_bus , false, false );
-     /* midi channel */
-     m_button_channel = manage( new Button());
-@@ -1194,6 +1196,8 @@
- seqedit::name_change_callback( void )
- {
-     m_seq->set_name( m_entry_name->get_text());
-+    if (m_notebook)
-+      m_notebook->set_tab_label_text(*this,(m_entry_name->get_text()));
-     // m_mainwid->update_sequence_on_window( m_pos );
- }
-@@ -1285,12 +1289,12 @@
- }
- void 
- seqedit::on_realize()
- {
-     // we need to do the default realize
--    Gtk::Window::on_realize();
-+    Gtk::ScrolledWindow::on_realize();
-     Glib::signal_timeout().connect(mem_fun(*this,&seqedit::timeout ), c_redraw_ms);
-@@ -1299,11 +1303,10 @@
- bool
- seqedit::timeout( void )
- {
-     if (m_seq->get_raise())
-     {
-         m_seq->set_raise(false);
--        raise();
-+        mainwnd::get_instance()->display_sequence(this);
-     }
-     if (m_seq->is_dirty_edit() ){
-@@ -1328,7 +1331,6 @@
- bool
- seqedit::on_delete_event(GdkEventAny *a_event)
- {
--    //printf( "seqedit::on_delete_event()\n" );
-     m_seq->set_recording( false );
-     m_mainperf->get_master_midi_bus()->set_sequence_input( false, NULL );
-     m_seq->set_editing( false );
-@@ -1337,3 +1339,15 @@
-     return false;
- }
-+seqedit::link_to_notebook(Notebook* tabs){
-+  m_notebook=tabs;
-+  return m_seq;
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/seqedit.h seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqedit.h
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/seqedit.h	2006-05-30 08:24:11.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqedit.h	2007-06-30 17:11:50.000000000 +0200
-@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
- #include <gtkmm/menu.h>
- #include <gtkmm/menubar.h>
- #include <gtkmm/eventbox.h>
--#include <gtkmm/window.h>
- #include <gtkmm/table.h>
- #include <gtkmm/drawingarea.h>
- #include <gtkmm/widget.h>
-@@ -55,6 +54,10 @@
- #include <gtkmm/tooltips.h>
- #include <gtkmm/invisible.h>
- #include <gtkmm/image.h>
-+#include <gtkmm/scrolledwindow.h>
-+#include <gtkmm/box.h>
-+#include <gtkmm/drawingarea.h>
-+#include <gtkmm/notebook.h>
- #include <sigc++/bind.h>
-@@ -66,13 +69,25 @@
- using namespace Gtk;
-+class seqtime;
-+class seqroll;
-+class seqkeys;
-+class seqevent;
- /* has a seqroll and paino roll */
--class seqedit : public Gtk::Window
-+class seqedit : public Gtk::ScrolledWindow
- {
-+ protected:
-+    virtual void on_size_request(Gtk::Requisition* requisition);
-+    virtual void forall_vfunc(gboolean include_internals, GtkCallback callback, gpointer callback_data);
-+    virtual void on_add(Gtk::Widget* child);
-+    virtual void on_remove(Gtk::Widget* child);
-+    virtual GtkType child_type_vfunc() const;
-  private:
-+    ScrolledWindow   *content;
-     MenuBar    *m_menubar;
-     Menu       *m_menu_tools;
-@@ -171,6 +186,8 @@
-     Entry       *m_entry_name;
-+    Notebook    *m_notebook;
-     /* the zoom 0  1  2  3  4  
-                  1, 2, 4, 8, 16 */
-     int         m_zoom;
-@@ -251,7 +268,6 @@
-     void mouse_action( mouse_action_e a_action );
-  public:
-     seqedit( sequence *a_seq, 
- 	     perform *a_perf, 
- 	     // mainwid *a_mainwid, 
-@@ -259,8 +275,9 @@
-     ~seqedit(  );
-+    sequence* get_sequence();
-+    void link_to_notebook(Notebook* tabs);
-     bool on_delete_event(GdkEventAny *a_event);
- };
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/seqevent.cpp seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqevent.cpp
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/seqevent.cpp	2006-05-29 07:19:55.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqevent.cpp	2007-07-01 10:52:23.000000000 +0200
-@@ -135,8 +135,10 @@
- void 
- seqevent::update_sizes()
- {
-+    if(!check_is_drawable())
-+      return;  
--    if( is_realized() ) {
-+    if( is_realized()) {
-         /* create pixmaps with window dimentions */
-         //printf( "update_sizes() m_window_x[%d] m_window_y[%d]\n",
-@@ -168,6 +170,8 @@
- void 
- seqevent::redraw()
- {
-+    if(!check_is_drawable())
-+      return;  
-     m_scroll_offset_ticks = (int) m_hadjust->get_value();
-     m_scroll_offset_x = m_scroll_offset_ticks / m_zoom;
-@@ -180,8 +184,9 @@
- void 
- seqevent::draw_background()
- {
--    //printf ("draw_background()\n" );
-+    if(!check_is_drawable())
-+      return;  
-     /* clear background */
-     m_gc->set_foreground(m_white);
-     m_pixmap->draw_rectangle(m_gc,true,
-@@ -328,8 +333,9 @@
-     unsigned char d0,d1;
-     bool selected;
-+    if(!check_is_drawable())
-+      return;  
-     /* draw boxes from sequence */
-     m_gc->set_foreground( m_black );
-@@ -412,11 +418,12 @@
- void 
- seqevent::draw_selection_on_window()
- {
-+    if(!check_is_drawable())
-+      return;  
-     int x,w;
-     int y = (c_eventarea_y - c_eventevent_y)/2;
-     int h =  c_eventevent_y;  
-     m_gc->set_line_attributes( 1,
-                                Gdk::LINE_SOLID,
-                                Gdk::CAP_NOT_LAST,
-@@ -470,6 +477,9 @@
- bool 
- seqevent::on_expose_event(GdkEventExpose* e)
- {
-+    if(!check_is_drawable())
-+      return true;
-     m_window->draw_drawable(m_gc, 
-                             m_pixmap, 
-                             e->area.x,
-@@ -957,3 +967,24 @@
-         return false;
- }
-+    if (!is_drawable()||!is_realized())
-+      return false;
-+    if (!m_gc){
-+      m_window = get_window();
-+      m_gc = Gdk::GC::create( m_window );
-+    }
-+    if(!m_window_x){
-+      m_window_x=m_window_y=10;
-+    }
-+    if(!m_gc){
-+      printstack("check_is_drawable() : could not create GC");
-+      return false;
-+    }
-+    return true;
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/seqevent.h seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqevent.h
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/seqevent.h	2006-05-26 12:34:19.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqevent.h	2007-07-01 10:43:46.000000000 +0200
-@@ -125,7 +125,8 @@
-     void change_horz( void );
-     void force_draw( void );
-+    bool check_is_drawable();
-  public:
-     seqevent( sequence *a_seq,
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/seqkeys.cpp seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqkeys.cpp
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/seqkeys.cpp	2006-05-18 06:40:15.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqkeys.cpp	2007-07-01 11:02:51.000000000 +0200
-@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@
- void 
- seqkeys::update_pixmap()
- {
-     m_gc->set_foreground(m_black);
-     m_pixmap->draw_rectangle(m_gc,true,
-                              0,
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/seqmenu.cpp seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqmenu.cpp
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/seqmenu.cpp	2006-05-30 15:12:05.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqmenu.cpp	2007-07-04 21:42:38.000000000 +0200
-@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
- #include "seqedit.h"
- #include "font.h"
-+#include "mainwnd.h"
- // Constructor
-@@ -144,6 +145,8 @@
-                     m_mainperf, 
-                     m_current_seq
-                     );
-+            mainwnd::get_instance()->display_sequence(manage(seq_edit));
-         }
-         else {
-             m_mainperf->get_sequence( m_current_seq )->set_raise(true);
-@@ -155,6 +158,7 @@
-                 m_mainperf, 
-                 m_current_seq
-                 );
-+        mainwnd::get_instance()->display_sequence(manage(seq_edit));
-     }    
- }
-@@ -182,8 +186,10 @@
- void 
- seqmenu::seq_cut(){
--    if ( m_mainperf->is_active( m_current_seq ) &&
--            !m_mainperf->is_sequence_in_edit( m_current_seq ) ){
-+    if ( m_mainperf->is_active( m_current_seq ) ){
-+        if(m_mainperf->is_sequence_in_edit( m_current_seq ))
-+            mainwnd::get_instance()->dispose_sequedit(m_mainperf->get_sequence( m_current_seq ));
-         m_clipboard = *(m_mainperf->get_sequence( m_current_seq ));
-         m_mainperf->delete_sequence( m_current_seq );
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/seqmenu.h seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqmenu.h
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/seqmenu.h	2006-05-18 06:39:58.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqmenu.h	2007-07-03 22:27:59.000000000 +0200
-@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@
-     void on_realize();
--    void seq_edit();
-     void seq_new();
-     void seq_copy();   
-@@ -77,6 +76,7 @@
-     int m_current_seq;
-     void popup_menu();
-+    void seq_edit();
-  public:
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/seqroll.cpp seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqroll.cpp
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/seqroll.cpp	2006-05-29 06:58:37.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqroll.cpp	2007-07-01 10:53:46.000000000 +0200
-@@ -260,7 +260,8 @@
- void 
- seqroll::draw_background()
- {
-+    if(!is_drawable() || !m_gc)
-+      return;    
-     //printf ("draw_background()\n" );
-     /* clear background */
-@@ -447,6 +448,8 @@
- void 
- seqroll::draw_progress_on_window()
- {	
-+    if(!is_drawable())
-+      return;
-     m_window->draw_drawable(m_gc, 
-                             m_pixmap, 
-                             m_old_progress_x,
-@@ -473,6 +476,8 @@
- void seqroll::draw_events_on( Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Drawable> a_draw )
- {
-+   if(!is_drawable())
-+      return;
-     long tick_s;
-@@ -489,7 +494,6 @@
-     int velocity;
-     draw_type dt;
-     int start_tick = m_scroll_offset_ticks ;
-@@ -620,6 +624,8 @@
- seqroll::draw_selection_on_window()
- {
-     int x,y,w,h;
-+   if(!is_drawable())
-+      return;
-     if ( m_selecting  ||  m_moving || m_paste ||  m_growing ){
-@@ -721,7 +727,9 @@
- bool
- seqroll::on_expose_event(GdkEventExpose* e)
- {
-+   if(!is_drawable())
-+      return true;
-     m_window->draw_drawable(m_gc, 
-                             m_pixmap, 
-                             e->area.x,
-@@ -739,6 +747,9 @@
- void
- seqroll::force_draw(void )
- {
-+   if(!is_drawable())
-+      return;
-     m_window->draw_drawable(m_gc, 
-                             m_pixmap, 
-                             0,
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/seqtime.cpp seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqtime.cpp
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/seqtime.cpp	2006-03-28 06:36:59.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/seqtime.cpp	2007-07-01 16:56:48.000000000 +0200
-@@ -23,8 +23,11 @@
- seqtime::seqtime(sequence *a_seq, int a_zoom,
--                 Gtk::Adjustment   *a_hadjust): DrawingArea() 
-+                 Gtk::Adjustment   *a_hadjust):  DrawingArea()
- {     
-+    m_window_x = 40;
-+    m_window_y = 40;
-     m_seq = a_seq;
-     m_zoom = a_zoom;
-@@ -54,6 +57,7 @@
-     set_double_buffered( false );
- }
-@@ -64,7 +68,7 @@
-     /* set these for later */
-     if( is_realized() ) {
-         m_pixmap = Gdk::Pixmap::create( m_window,
-                                         m_window_x,
-                                         m_window_y, -1 );
-@@ -83,8 +87,6 @@
-     //Gtk::Main::idle.connect(mem_fun(this,&seqtime::idleProgress));
-     Glib::signal_timeout().connect(mem_fun(*this,&seqtime::idle_progress), 50);
-     // Now we can allocate any additional resources we need
-     m_window = get_window();
-@@ -117,8 +119,7 @@
-     m_window_x = a_r.get_width();
-     m_window_y = a_r.get_height();
--    update_sizes(); 
-+    update_sizes();  
- }
-@@ -169,7 +170,9 @@
- {
-+    if(!is_drawable())
-+      return;
-     /* clear background */
-     m_gc->set_foreground(m_white);
-     m_pixmap->draw_rectangle(m_gc,true,
-@@ -275,6 +278,8 @@
- void 
- seqtime::draw_pixmap_on_window()
- {
-+    if(!is_drawable())
-+      return;
-     m_window->draw_drawable(m_gc, 
-                             m_pixmap, 
-                             0,0,
-@@ -286,6 +291,8 @@
- bool
- seqtime::on_expose_event(GdkEventExpose* a_e)
- {
-+   if(!is_drawable())
-+      return true;
-     m_window->draw_drawable(m_gc,  
-                             m_pixmap, 
-                             a_e->area.x,
-@@ -300,6 +307,8 @@
- void
- seqtime::force_draw( void )
- {
-+   if(!is_drawable())
-+      return;
-     m_window->draw_drawable(m_gc, 
-                             m_pixmap, 
-                             0,0,
-diff -uN seq24-0.8.7/src/sequence.cpp seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/sequence.cpp
---- seq24-0.8.7/src/sequence.cpp	2006-05-30 03:44:51.000000000 +0200
-+++ seq24-0.8.7-olivier/src/sequence.cpp	2007-07-04 17:06:57.000000000 +0200
-@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include "sequence.h"
--#include "seqedit.h"
-+#include "mainwnd.h"
- #include <stdlib.h>
- list < event > sequence::m_list_clipboard;
-@@ -179,7 +179,6 @@
- sequence::~sequence()
- {
- }
- /* adds event in sorted manner */
-@@ -2873,7 +2872,6 @@
- sequence::put_event_on_bus( event *a_e )
- {		
-     lock();
-     unsigned char note = a_e->get_note();
-     bool skip = false;

Modified: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/metadata.xml
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/metadata.xml	2012-12-13 19:13:21 UTC (rev 2355)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/metadata.xml	2012-12-13 20:26:52 UTC (rev 2356)
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd";>
-	<herd>no-herd</herd>
 		<name>pro-audio overlay team</name>

Modified: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/seq24-0.8.7.ebuild
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/seq24-0.8.7.ebuild	2012-12-13 19:13:21 UTC (rev 2355)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/seq24-0.8.7.ebuild	2012-12-13 20:26:52 UTC (rev 2356)
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
 # $Header: $
 inherit eutils
-IUSE="jack lash devel-patches" # cairo"
+IUSE="jack lash devel-patches"
 DESCRIPTION="Seq24 is a loop based MIDI sequencer with focus on live performances."
@@ -20,25 +20,18 @@
 	jack? ( >=media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.90.0 )
-	lash? ( >=media-sound/lash-0.5.0 )"
-	#cairo? ( x11-libs/cairo )"
+	lash? ( virtual/liblash )"
-	dev-util/pkgconfig"
+	virtual/pkgconfig"
-src_unpack() {
-	unpack ${A}
-	cd ${S}
-	#use cairo && use lash && epatch "${FILESDIR}/seq24-0.8.3-dr-lash-cairo.bz2"
+src_prepare() {
 	if use devel-patches; then
 		epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}.prio.diff"
 		epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-menu-changes.diff"
 		epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-label-fix.diff"
 		epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}.olivier.patch"
-		#epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}.olivier2.patch"
-	# fix sigc++ >= 2.2 compile error
 	if has_version ">=dev-libs/libsigc++-2.2"; then
 		epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-sigc22_fix.patch"
@@ -46,9 +39,8 @@
 src_configure() {
 	export WANT_AUTOCONF=2.5
-	#export WANT_AUTOMAKE=1.6
-	if use devel-patches ;then 
+	if use devel-patches ;then
 		autoconf || die "autoconf failed"
@@ -60,13 +52,9 @@
 		|| die
-src_compile() {
-	emake || die
 src_install() {
 	emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
 	dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog README RTC SEQ24
-	doicon ${FILESDIR}/${PN}.xpm
+	doicon "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.xpm"
 	make_desktop_entry "${PN}" "SEQ24" "${PN}" "AudioVideo;Audio;Sequencer"

Added: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/seq24-0.9.2-r1.ebuild
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/seq24-0.9.2-r1.ebuild	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/seq24-0.9.2-r1.ebuild	2012-12-13 20:26:52 UTC (rev 2356)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+inherit eutils
+DESCRIPTION="Seq24 is a loop based MIDI sequencer with focus on live performances."
+IUSE="jack lash"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
+	>=dev-cpp/gtkmm-2.4:2.4
+	>=dev-libs/libsigc++-2.2:2
+	jack? ( >=media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.90 )
+	lash? ( virtual/liblash )"
+	virtual/pkgconfig"
+src_prepare() {
+	epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-lash-fix.diff"
+src_configure() {
+	econf \
+		$(use_enable jack) \
+		$(use_enable lash)
+src_install() {
+	emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
+	dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog README RTC SEQ24
+	newicon src/pixmaps/seq24_32.xpm seq24.xpm
+	make_desktop_entry "${PN}" "SEQ24" "${PN}" "AudioVideo;Audio;Sequencer"

Modified: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/seq24-0.9.2.ebuild
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/seq24-0.9.2.ebuild	2012-12-13 19:13:21 UTC (rev 2355)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/seq24/seq24-0.9.2.ebuild	2012-12-13 20:26:52 UTC (rev 2356)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
 # $Header: $
 inherit eutils
@@ -20,29 +20,20 @@
 	jack? ( >=media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.90 )
-	lash? ( || ( >=media-sound/lash-0.5 media-sound/ladish ) )"
+	lash? ( virtual/liblash )"
-	dev-util/pkgconfig"
+	virtual/pkgconfig"
-src_unpack() {
-	unpack ${A}
 src_prepare() {
 	epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-lash-fix.diff"
 src_configure() {
 	econf \
 		$(use_enable jack) \
-		$(use_enable lash) \
-		|| die
+		$(use_enable lash)
-src_compile() {
-	emake || die
 src_install() {
 	emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
 	dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog README RTC SEQ24

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