Re: [proaudio] Ebuild for avw-lv2 plugings

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Le Sun, 11 Nov 2012 18:45:13 -0600,
Matt Henley <nwmatt@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

Sorry for the delay, but it is a lot to do with the overlay.
> Here is an ebuild I put together for the latest version of the avw-lv2
> plugins.  It has a weird naming scheme for the files that portage did
> not seem to like (avw.lv2.0.0.8) so i renamed as avw-lv2.
> This works on my computer, but its the first I have done in a while..
> please let me know if I made any big mistakes.  I did not fill out the
> header section as that is dependent on the location of the ebuild.

That's exactly what must be done for the overlay.

2 changes was needed. The ebuild need the python eclass to work when
python3 is set as main python version with "eselect python".

The other change was to make repoman happy. The description was too
long and I moved it in metadata.xml.

> Is it best to send embedded in the email or as an attached file?

I prefer attached files. I can read them anyway in claws-mail, and save
them directly.


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