[proaudio] [2224] media-plugins/whysynth bump/clean

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Revision: 2224
Author:   gavlee
Date:     2012-09-08 15:59:01 +0200 (Sat, 08 Sep 2012)
Log Message:
media-plugins/whysynth bump/clean

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/ChangeLog
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/ChangeLog	2012-09-06 11:58:32 UTC (rev 2223)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/ChangeLog	2012-09-08 13:59:01 UTC (rev 2224)
@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
 # ChangeLog for media-plugins/whysynth
-# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
 # $Header: $
+*whysynth-20120903 (08 Sep 2012)
+  08 Sep 2012; Gavin Pryke (gavlee) <gavinlee303@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+  -whysynth-20060122.ebuild, -whysynth-20060122-r1.ebuild,
+  -whysynth-20070418.ebuild, -whysynth-20100922.ebuild,
+  +whysynth-20120903.ebuild, -files/whysynth_hacked_eg.patch, metadata.xml:
+  bump. remove 32 KiB patch. repoman clean.
 *whysynth-20100922 (03 Mar 2011)
   03 Mar 2011; Frieder Buerzele <evermind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Modified: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/Manifest
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/Manifest	2012-09-06 11:58:32 UTC (rev 2223)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/Manifest	2012-09-08 13:59:01 UTC (rev 2224)
@@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
-AUX whysynth_hacked_eg.patch 33501 RMD160 ddc164220e9df27d77dd497da6e5a3e9f97e7971 SHA1 bfbb2271df009051ae04d94a274318aed98d2d3e SHA256 896adcbf80f7d7d7318101a758f3a4e009f018c4722aea0c7335dbdb8582932a
-DIST whysynth-20060122.tar.bz2 2033107 RMD160 f31da28d8e99d5b02064dbed3931ee9e0ab0b0ce SHA1 76a2b4fdc213216dfded38f0468bcdb0b1153aa0 SHA256 93e2e784eb68190a0330cc81bd3483a980325f8ac7d7d861c9d586af9a9302ee
-DIST whysynth-20070418.tar.bz2 2065832 RMD160 2d3d859eee415d0e0672047c4b74a61f75b0725a SHA1 f48f528239ed990bed4238134772ea6d9a07ad38 SHA256 5932cac1e874838c22e788a49157cd92c7a8235f625a061070af735d8e340bdb
-DIST whysynth-20100922.tar.bz2 2126947 RMD160 fc07ae9a8d57638caf41c54668384d476c954332 SHA1 3de361f5a4d9be2111cfe2229a79e079e0de5cb5 SHA256 8a82520723bb7cdb788ff76b276418da49aa2cd6bd97801203e362b8fc46723f
-EBUILD whysynth-20060122-r1.ebuild 760 RMD160 2bf4591b69dc9ee416c25097bcfbb6e67b084780 SHA1 15b0f1b4a027d1772be16bba054c76a007979b86 SHA256 6f3b1571bd56cbace570c41b15977fd1b00042e427c5eea2c0821a4f478ac576
-EBUILD whysynth-20060122.ebuild 807 RMD160 8bc75215f358adab63f52d99010b3b0374652e81 SHA1 e1866b2ced098a1237f8184c538c8050c72a9c9b SHA256 842f4140928cbf8b0c6762c778dbab06c5ad4fdcaf751b106e0328a7aa14bae5
-EBUILD whysynth-20070418.ebuild 776 RMD160 fa8f2fda43ce7f7c2623001ae0e2a82c3d9d3a80 SHA1 96e5f69aaf7f47d0ee88458585f159260064fc04 SHA256 64c7a53e039e6d333984741b946034d621dd55d94125ca24aa220ab280846703
-EBUILD whysynth-20100922.ebuild 684 RMD160 8129573beeb4f5575eb4440e061ecf315dd25c80 SHA1 cdb622c8e4ab4ac38a36e170bde213c25e48806d SHA256 e768240086469a141c993ccf3dddd5eb38d6e30a6c0fa921fe0c380323d30832
-MISC ChangeLog 541 RMD160 6e19acd5e3986164ff43a13fde37549958880cd0 SHA1 63069d00ecb5747278d51c04804d910a3f8bdfbc SHA256 9f9a54fa2bc3ec26c937ccda8a6ea77a870a555f2305b86c8cf42f77e4b54267
-MISC metadata.xml 268 RMD160 facc07bd885f20615a1f2555069329c642e1a566 SHA1 2456bdb8a218c9d477d2d6ee4bf158de070c7be4 SHA256 96629b266b743f566c29158d4498edeeb1cd6b1f0cd9629e42d4f10b4da82f89
+DIST whysynth-20120903.tar.bz2 2141470 SHA256 acc0a4c8df1c8f36619861dfa32e3d2850783d462e2afec50c2210b2e3dd8686 SHA512 3f7c5c4abf8ccf4bcc8044f98841db316e81e4dd32a037f97dd6ae2d7133cdef46d341a877ae10f834d617b0120071e2ed728e683c2a2f4f3cee4fc33304fbcd WHIRLPOOL 5c49f43ce8ecccbe4ffbeb3709ecdcf5ee4214c761d99854f4417b7730530445eb53a65866048963df0796934b2166e18696df747667acc89fefa0479076d4d4
+EBUILD whysynth-20120903.ebuild 683 SHA256 9c287a1b1b3e6fb0ae4d8c719ae80ff367efa749d574917d083a967da2812641 SHA512 f29979dadec22470a58348174fa8e61fe39c225e17477e6c0749f31f8984cfc354882510599048beb6bd4320c1fee49b1b79091f6fc8c8c8f9bc945b16f6c393 WHIRLPOOL 1f8c135186b5df747355c189efa85521d93a3fd64f571b332a93027ff7d64d0e9f1c60e809f36d0925b4cca5713f905808e0f0348988f5cbae9d97c7a2e2f3b2
+MISC ChangeLog 876 SHA256 a38fbdb05c5723d0b9b78d053eae7aa81396682943caf8f17c72bfda5697743d SHA512 be0883f24f0431872c9de36867d46f2052f66f459bec2038b9c4c87a63007d22c4cc8dafce8f7ef2bd8e38d32cda036a74ba5f33307fa2f4576b6ca36c1ced4b WHIRLPOOL d186bd733498da1bad1b571cde1862485c25b218c516e8fb1be5b097b3ee0d53e894dbe27fd00e05da34096a7fe79ea33ebff67b7826d0f1d82f3519e16ba6ed
+MISC metadata.xml 246 SHA256 f32f31abe9dcc1f9a5dc9b6a36996d773abd006d92c13c4df48f8d7d1061060f SHA512 327022589c637a14219eb603a62050fbb93b980f4693960c0ac4117b6b483d9f0d9fe1366d8e18227b34373a399aef339f49c16df8ca57b9ec870568a4d394f4 WHIRLPOOL e55381a9a9fd1d0efbe87da1c3aa302efdcf4734827f56273faeb55b17361c529518fcf16ac0946102e26165e8eedba81ab0cd07c7b08ce6bad001e944e43a0f

Deleted: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/files/whysynth_hacked_eg.patch
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/files/whysynth_hacked_eg.patch	2012-09-06 11:58:32 UTC (rev 2223)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/files/whysynth_hacked_eg.patch	2012-09-08 13:59:01 UTC (rev 2224)
@@ -1,664 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur whysynth-20060122/src/dssp_event.h whysynth-20060122-envhack/src/dssp_event.h
---- whysynth-20060122/src/dssp_event.h	2006-01-16 09:54:23.000000000 -0700
-+++ whysynth-20060122-envhack/src/dssp_event.h	2006-12-21 16:56:35.000000000 -0700
-@@ -90,17 +90,9 @@
- struct _y_seg_t
- {
-     LADSPA_Data    *mode;
--    LADSPA_Data    *shape1;
--    LADSPA_Data    *time1;
--    LADSPA_Data    *level1;
--    LADSPA_Data    *shape2;
--    LADSPA_Data    *time2;
--    LADSPA_Data    *level2;
--    LADSPA_Data    *shape3;
--    LADSPA_Data    *time3;
--    LADSPA_Data    *level3;
--    LADSPA_Data    *shape4;
--    LADSPA_Data    *time4;
-+    LADSPA_Data    *shape[4];
-+    LADSPA_Data    *time[4];
-+    LADSPA_Data    *level[4];  /* level[3] always points to a 0.0f */
-     LADSPA_Data    *vel_level_sens;
-     LADSPA_Data    *vel_time_scale;
-     LADSPA_Data    *kbd_time_scale;
-diff -Naur whysynth-20060122/src/dssp_synth.c whysynth-20060122-envhack/src/dssp_synth.c
---- whysynth-20060122/src/dssp_synth.c	2006-01-16 09:55:26.000000000 -0700
-+++ whysynth-20060122-envhack/src/dssp_synth.c	2006-12-21 16:56:35.000000000 -0700
-@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
- {
-     y_synth_t *synth = (y_synth_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(y_synth_t));
-     int i;
--    static float glfo_delay_0 = 0.0f;
-+    static float static_zero = 0.0f;
-     if (!synth) return NULL;
-@@ -190,7 +190,12 @@
-     synth->osc2.sampleset = NULL;
-     synth->osc3.sampleset = NULL;
-     synth->osc4.sampleset = NULL;
--    synth->glfo.delay = &glfo_delay_0;
-+    synth->glfo.delay = &static_zero;
-+    synth->ego.level[3] = &static_zero;
-+    synth->eg1.level[3] = &static_zero;
-+    synth->eg2.level[3] = &static_zero;
-+    synth->eg3.level[3] = &static_zero;
-+    synth->eg4.level[3] = &static_zero;
-     synth->mod[Y_MOD_ONE].value = 1.0f;
-     synth->mod[Y_MOD_ONE].next_value = 1.0f;
-     synth->mod[Y_MOD_ONE].delta = 0.0f;
-@@ -335,17 +340,18 @@
-       case Y_PORT_MLFO_RANDOM_FREQ:   synth->mlfo_random_freq   = data;  break;
-       case Y_PORT_EGO_MODE:           synth->ego.mode           = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EGO_SHAPE1:         synth->ego.shape1         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EGO_TIME1:          synth->ego.time1          = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EGO_LEVEL1:         synth->ego.level1         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EGO_SHAPE2:         synth->ego.shape2         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EGO_TIME2:          synth->ego.time2          = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EGO_LEVEL2:         synth->ego.level2         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EGO_SHAPE3:         synth->ego.shape3         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EGO_TIME3:          synth->ego.time3          = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EGO_LEVEL3:         synth->ego.level3         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EGO_SHAPE4:         synth->ego.shape4         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EGO_TIME4:          synth->ego.time4          = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EGO_SHAPE1:         synth->ego.shape[0]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EGO_TIME1:          synth->ego.time[0]        = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EGO_LEVEL1:         synth->ego.level[0]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EGO_SHAPE2:         synth->ego.shape[1]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EGO_TIME2:          synth->ego.time[1]        = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EGO_LEVEL2:         synth->ego.level[1]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EGO_SHAPE3:         synth->ego.shape[2]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EGO_TIME3:          synth->ego.time[2]        = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EGO_LEVEL3:         synth->ego.level[2]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EGO_SHAPE4:         synth->ego.shape[3]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EGO_TIME4:          synth->ego.time[3]        = data;  break;
-+      /* synth->ego.level[3] always points to a 0.0f */
-       case Y_PORT_EGO_VEL_LEVEL_SENS: synth->ego.vel_level_sens = data;  break;
-       case Y_PORT_EGO_VEL_TIME_SCALE: synth->ego.vel_time_scale = data;  break;
-       case Y_PORT_EGO_KBD_TIME_SCALE: synth->ego.kbd_time_scale = data;  break;
-@@ -353,17 +359,18 @@
-       case Y_PORT_EGO_AMP_MOD_AMT:    synth->ego.amp_mod_amt    = data;  break;
-       case Y_PORT_EG1_MODE:           synth->eg1.mode           = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG1_SHAPE1:         synth->eg1.shape1         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG1_TIME1:          synth->eg1.time1          = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG1_LEVEL1:         synth->eg1.level1         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG1_SHAPE2:         synth->eg1.shape2         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG1_TIME2:          synth->eg1.time2          = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG1_LEVEL2:         synth->eg1.level2         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG1_SHAPE3:         synth->eg1.shape3         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG1_TIME3:          synth->eg1.time3          = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG1_LEVEL3:         synth->eg1.level3         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG1_SHAPE4:         synth->eg1.shape4         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG1_TIME4:          synth->eg1.time4          = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG1_SHAPE1:         synth->eg1.shape[0]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG1_TIME1:          synth->eg1.time[0]        = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG1_LEVEL1:         synth->eg1.level[0]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG1_SHAPE2:         synth->eg1.shape[1]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG1_TIME2:          synth->eg1.time[1]        = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG1_LEVEL2:         synth->eg1.level[1]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG1_SHAPE3:         synth->eg1.shape[2]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG1_TIME3:          synth->eg1.time[2]        = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG1_LEVEL3:         synth->eg1.level[2]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG1_SHAPE4:         synth->eg1.shape[3]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG1_TIME4:          synth->eg1.time[3]        = data;  break;
-+      /* synth->eg1.level[3] always points to a 0.0f */
-       case Y_PORT_EG1_VEL_LEVEL_SENS: synth->eg1.vel_level_sens = data;  break;
-       case Y_PORT_EG1_VEL_TIME_SCALE: synth->eg1.vel_time_scale = data;  break;
-       case Y_PORT_EG1_KBD_TIME_SCALE: synth->eg1.kbd_time_scale = data;  break;
-@@ -371,17 +378,18 @@
-       case Y_PORT_EG1_AMP_MOD_AMT:    synth->eg1.amp_mod_amt    = data;  break;
-       case Y_PORT_EG2_MODE:           synth->eg2.mode           = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG2_SHAPE1:         synth->eg2.shape1         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG2_TIME1:          synth->eg2.time1          = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG2_LEVEL1:         synth->eg2.level1         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG2_SHAPE2:         synth->eg2.shape2         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG2_TIME2:          synth->eg2.time2          = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG2_LEVEL2:         synth->eg2.level2         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG2_SHAPE3:         synth->eg2.shape3         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG2_TIME3:          synth->eg2.time3          = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG2_LEVEL3:         synth->eg2.level3         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG2_SHAPE4:         synth->eg2.shape4         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG2_TIME4:          synth->eg2.time4          = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG2_SHAPE1:         synth->eg2.shape[0]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG2_TIME1:          synth->eg2.time[0]        = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG2_LEVEL1:         synth->eg2.level[0]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG2_SHAPE2:         synth->eg2.shape[1]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG2_TIME2:          synth->eg2.time[1]        = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG2_LEVEL2:         synth->eg2.level[1]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG2_SHAPE3:         synth->eg2.shape[2]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG2_TIME3:          synth->eg2.time[2]        = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG2_LEVEL3:         synth->eg2.level[2]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG2_SHAPE4:         synth->eg2.shape[3]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG2_TIME4:          synth->eg2.time[3]        = data;  break;
-+      /* synth->eg2.level[3] always points to a 0.0f */
-       case Y_PORT_EG2_VEL_LEVEL_SENS: synth->eg2.vel_level_sens = data;  break;
-       case Y_PORT_EG2_VEL_TIME_SCALE: synth->eg2.vel_time_scale = data;  break;
-       case Y_PORT_EG2_KBD_TIME_SCALE: synth->eg2.kbd_time_scale = data;  break;
-@@ -389,17 +397,18 @@
-       case Y_PORT_EG2_AMP_MOD_AMT:    synth->eg2.amp_mod_amt    = data;  break;
-       case Y_PORT_EG3_MODE:           synth->eg3.mode           = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG3_SHAPE1:         synth->eg3.shape1         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG3_TIME1:          synth->eg3.time1          = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG3_LEVEL1:         synth->eg3.level1         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG3_SHAPE2:         synth->eg3.shape2         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG3_TIME2:          synth->eg3.time2          = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG3_LEVEL2:         synth->eg3.level2         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG3_SHAPE3:         synth->eg3.shape3         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG3_TIME3:          synth->eg3.time3          = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG3_LEVEL3:         synth->eg3.level3         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG3_SHAPE4:         synth->eg3.shape4         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG3_TIME4:          synth->eg3.time4          = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG3_SHAPE1:         synth->eg3.shape[0]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG3_TIME1:          synth->eg3.time[0]        = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG3_LEVEL1:         synth->eg3.level[0]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG3_SHAPE2:         synth->eg3.shape[1]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG3_TIME2:          synth->eg3.time[1]        = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG3_LEVEL2:         synth->eg3.level[1]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG3_SHAPE3:         synth->eg3.shape[2]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG3_TIME3:          synth->eg3.time[2]        = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG3_LEVEL3:         synth->eg3.level[2]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG3_SHAPE4:         synth->eg3.shape[3]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG3_TIME4:          synth->eg3.time[3]        = data;  break;
-+      /* synth->eg3.level[3] always points to a 0.0f */
-       case Y_PORT_EG3_VEL_LEVEL_SENS: synth->eg3.vel_level_sens = data;  break;
-       case Y_PORT_EG3_VEL_TIME_SCALE: synth->eg3.vel_time_scale = data;  break;
-       case Y_PORT_EG3_KBD_TIME_SCALE: synth->eg3.kbd_time_scale = data;  break;
-@@ -407,17 +416,18 @@
-       case Y_PORT_EG3_AMP_MOD_AMT:    synth->eg3.amp_mod_amt    = data;  break;
-       case Y_PORT_EG4_MODE:           synth->eg4.mode           = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG4_SHAPE1:         synth->eg4.shape1         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG4_TIME1:          synth->eg4.time1          = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG4_LEVEL1:         synth->eg4.level1         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG4_SHAPE2:         synth->eg4.shape2         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG4_TIME2:          synth->eg4.time2          = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG4_LEVEL2:         synth->eg4.level2         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG4_SHAPE3:         synth->eg4.shape3         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG4_TIME3:          synth->eg4.time3          = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG4_LEVEL3:         synth->eg4.level3         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG4_SHAPE4:         synth->eg4.shape4         = data;  break;
--      case Y_PORT_EG4_TIME4:          synth->eg4.time4          = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG4_SHAPE1:         synth->eg4.shape[0]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG4_TIME1:          synth->eg4.time[0]        = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG4_LEVEL1:         synth->eg4.level[0]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG4_SHAPE2:         synth->eg4.shape[1]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG4_TIME2:          synth->eg4.time[1]        = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG4_LEVEL2:         synth->eg4.level[1]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG4_SHAPE3:         synth->eg4.shape[2]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG4_TIME3:          synth->eg4.time[2]        = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG4_LEVEL3:         synth->eg4.level[2]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG4_SHAPE4:         synth->eg4.shape[3]       = data;  break;
-+      case Y_PORT_EG4_TIME4:          synth->eg4.time[3]        = data;  break;
-+      /* synth->eg4.level[3] always points to a 0.0f */
-       case Y_PORT_EG4_VEL_LEVEL_SENS: synth->eg4.vel_level_sens = data;  break;
-       case Y_PORT_EG4_VEL_TIME_SCALE: synth->eg4.vel_time_scale = data;  break;
-       case Y_PORT_EG4_KBD_TIME_SCALE: synth->eg4.kbd_time_scale = data;  break;
-diff -Naur whysynth-20060122/src/output.wav whysynth-20060122-envhack/src/output.wav
---- whysynth-20060122/src/output.wav	1969-12-31 17:00:00.000000000 -0700
-+++ whysynth-20060122-envhack/src/output.wav	2006-12-25 22:28:59.000000000 -0700
-@@ -0,0 +1 @@
-+RIFFWAVEfmt D\xAC\x88Xdata
-\ No newline at end of file
-diff -Naur whysynth-20060122/src/whysynth_voice.c whysynth-20060122-envhack/src/whysynth_voice.c
---- whysynth-20060122/src/whysynth_voice.c	2006-01-22 10:53:07.000000000 -0700
-+++ whysynth-20060122-envhack/src/whysynth_voice.c	2007-01-11 13:58:42.000000000 -0700
-@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@
-            float start, struct vmod *destmod)
- {
-     int mode = lrintf(*(seg->mode)),
--        i;
--    float f, inv_duration, mult0, mult1;
-+        time, i;
-+    float f, inv_duration, level, mult0, mult1;
-     if (mode == 0) {  /* Off */
-         veg->state = DSSP_EG_FINISHED;
-@@ -89,10 +89,10 @@
-         return;
-     }
--    veg->shape[0] = lrintf(*(seg->shape1));
--    veg->shape[1] = lrintf(*(seg->shape2));
--    veg->shape[2] = lrintf(*(seg->shape3));
--    veg->shape[3] = lrintf(*(seg->shape4));
-+    veg->shape[0] = lrintf(*(seg->shape[0]));
-+    veg->shape[1] = lrintf(*(seg->shape[1]));
-+    veg->shape[2] = lrintf(*(seg->shape[2]));
-+    veg->shape[3] = lrintf(*(seg->shape[3]));
-     if (veg->shape[0] < 0 || veg->shape[0] > 11) veg->shape[0] = 0;
-     if (veg->shape[1] < 0 || veg->shape[1] > 11) veg->shape[1] = 0;
-     if (veg->shape[2] < 0 || veg->shape[2] > 11) veg->shape[2] = 0;
-@@ -109,14 +109,9 @@
-         else if (f > 105.0f) f = 105.0f;  /* ... 8 oughta be enough range */
-         f = pitch_to_frequency(f);
-     }
--    veg->time[0] = lrintf(*(seg->time1) * f * synth->control_rate);
--    veg->time[1] = lrintf(*(seg->time2) * f * synth->control_rate);
--    veg->time[2] = lrintf(*(seg->time3) * f * synth->control_rate);
--    veg->time[3] = lrintf(*(seg->time4) * f * synth->control_rate);
--    if (veg->time[0] < 1) veg->time[0] = 1;
--    if (veg->time[1] < 1) veg->time[1] = 1;
--    if (veg->time[2] < 1) veg->time[2] = 1;
--    if (veg->time[3] < 1) veg->time[3] = 1;
-+    veg->time_scale = f * synth->control_rate;
-+    time = lrintf(*(seg->time[0]) * veg->time_scale);
-+    if (time < 1) time = 1;
-     /* calculate segment endpoint levels, adjusted for velocity
-      * curve at vel_level_sens=0.5 modeled after my TX-7 (gnuplot makes me wet) */
-@@ -133,17 +128,13 @@
-         else
-             f = f0 * (2.0f - s) + f * f * (s - 1.0f);
-     }
-+    veg->level_scale = f;
--    veg->level[0] = *(seg->level1) * f;
--    veg->level[1] = *(seg->level2) * f;
--    veg->level[2] = *(seg->level3) * f;
--    veg->level[3] = 0.0f;
-+    level = *(seg->level[0]) * f;
-     if (mode == 1) { /* simple ADSR */
--        veg->level[0] = f;
-+        level = f;
-         veg->shape[1] = 3;  /* linear */
--        veg->time[1] = 1;
--        veg->level[1] = f;
-         veg->sustain_segment = 2;
-     } else
-         veg->sustain_segment = 4 - mode;
-@@ -152,19 +143,21 @@
-     veg->segment = 0;
-     if (synth->control_remains != Y_CONTROL_PERIOD) {
--        veg->count = veg->time[0];
--        inv_duration = 1.0f / ((float)veg->time[0] + 
-+        veg->count = time;
-+        inv_duration = 1.0f / ((float)time + 
-                                    (float)(Y_CONTROL_PERIOD - synth->control_remains) /
-                                        (float)Y_CONTROL_PERIOD);
-     } else {
--        veg->count = veg->time[0] - 1;
--        inv_duration = 1.0f / (float)veg->time[0];
-+        veg->count = time - 1;
-+        inv_duration = 1.0f / (float)time;
-     }
-+    veg->time = time;
-     i = veg->shape[0];
--    f = start - veg->level[0];  /* segment delta * -1 */
-+    f = start - level;  /* segment delta * -1 */
--    veg->d = eg_shape_coeffs[i][3] * f + veg->level[0];
-+    veg->target = level;
-+    veg->d = eg_shape_coeffs[i][3] * f + level;
-     f *= inv_duration;
-     veg->c = eg_shape_coeffs[i][2] * f;
-     f *= inv_duration;
-@@ -186,6 +179,9 @@
-     f = (float)veg->count;
-     destmod->next_value = (((veg->a * f + veg->b) * f + veg->c) * f + veg->d) * mult1;
-     destmod->delta = (destmod->next_value - destmod->value) / (float)synth->control_remains;
-+    veg->current_segment_time = (float)*(seg->time[veg->segment]);
-+    veg->current_segment_level = (float)*(seg->level[veg->segment]);
- }
- /*
-@@ -236,8 +232,9 @@
- y_eg_release(y_synth_t *synth, y_seg_t *seg, y_voice_t *voice, struct veg *veg,
-              struct vmod *destmod)
- {
--    float f, inv_duration, mult;
--    int i;
-+    int mode = lrintf(*(seg->mode)),
-+        time, i;
-+    float f, inv_duration, level, mult;
-     if (veg->state == DSSP_EG_FINISHED || veg->sustain_segment < 0) /* finished, 'Off', or 'One-Shot' */
-         return;
-@@ -245,22 +242,32 @@
-     veg->state = DSSP_EG_RUNNING;
-     veg->segment = veg->sustain_segment + 1;
-+    if (veg->segment == 1 && mode == 1) {  /* second segment of simple ADSR */
-+        time = 1;
-+        level = veg->level_scale;
-+    } else {
-+        time = lrintf(*(seg->time[veg->segment]) * veg->time_scale);
-+        if (time < 1) time = 1;
-+        level = *(seg->level[veg->segment]) * veg->level_scale;
-+    }
-     if (synth->control_remains != Y_CONTROL_PERIOD) {
-         f = (float)(Y_CONTROL_PERIOD - synth->control_remains) / (float)Y_CONTROL_PERIOD;
--        inv_duration = 1.0f / ((float)veg->time[veg->segment] + f);
-+        inv_duration = 1.0f / ((float)time + f);
-         f += (float)veg->count;
--        veg->count = veg->time[veg->segment];
-+        veg->count = time;
-     } else {
-         f = (float)veg->count;
--        inv_duration = 1.0f / (float)veg->time[veg->segment];
--        veg->count = veg->time[veg->segment] - 1;
-+        inv_duration = 1.0f / (float)time;
-+        veg->count = time - 1;
-     }
-     f = ((veg->a * f + veg->b) * f + veg->c) * f + veg->d; /* current envelope value before modulation */
--    f = f - veg->level[veg->segment];                      /* segment delta * -1 */
-+    f = f - level;                                         /* segment delta * -1 */
-     i = veg->shape[veg->segment];
--    veg->d = eg_shape_coeffs[i][3] * f + veg->level[veg->segment];
-+    veg->target = level;
-+    veg->d = eg_shape_coeffs[i][3] * f + level;
-     f *= inv_duration;
-     veg->c = eg_shape_coeffs[i][2] * f;
-     f *= inv_duration;
-@@ -666,17 +673,17 @@
-     *(synth->mlfo_random_freq)  = patch->mlfo_random_freq;
-     *(synth->ego.mode)           = (float)patch->ego.mode;
--    *(synth->ego.shape1)         = (float)patch->ego.shape1;
--    *(synth->ego.time1)          = patch->ego.time1;
--    *(synth->ego.level1)         = patch->ego.level1;
--    *(synth->ego.shape2)         = (float)patch->ego.shape2;
--    *(synth->ego.time2)          = patch->ego.time2;
--    *(synth->ego.level2)         = patch->ego.level2;
--    *(synth->ego.shape3)         = (float)patch->ego.shape3;
--    *(synth->ego.time3)          = patch->ego.time3;
--    *(synth->ego.level3)         = patch->ego.level3;
--    *(synth->ego.shape4)         = (float)patch->ego.shape4;
--    *(synth->ego.time4)          = patch->ego.time4;
-+    *(synth->ego.shape[0])       = (float)patch->ego.shape1;
-+    *(synth->ego.time[0])        = patch->ego.time1;
-+    *(synth->ego.level[0])       = patch->ego.level1;
-+    *(synth->ego.shape[1])       = (float)patch->ego.shape2;
-+    *(synth->ego.time[1])        = patch->ego.time2;
-+    *(synth->ego.level[1])       = patch->ego.level2;
-+    *(synth->ego.shape[2])       = (float)patch->ego.shape3;
-+    *(synth->ego.time[2])        = patch->ego.time3;
-+    *(synth->ego.level[2])       = patch->ego.level3;
-+    *(synth->ego.shape[3])       = (float)patch->ego.shape4;
-+    *(synth->ego.time[3])        = patch->ego.time4;
-     *(synth->ego.vel_level_sens) = patch->ego.vel_level_sens;
-     *(synth->ego.vel_time_scale) = patch->ego.vel_time_scale;
-     *(synth->ego.kbd_time_scale) = patch->ego.kbd_time_scale;
-@@ -684,17 +691,17 @@
-     *(synth->ego.amp_mod_amt)    = patch->ego.amp_mod_amt;
-     *(synth->eg1.mode)           = (float)patch->eg1.mode;
--    *(synth->eg1.shape1)         = (float)patch->eg1.shape1;
--    *(synth->eg1.time1)          = patch->eg1.time1;
--    *(synth->eg1.level1)         = patch->eg1.level1;
--    *(synth->eg1.shape2)         = (float)patch->eg1.shape2;
--    *(synth->eg1.time2)          = patch->eg1.time2;
--    *(synth->eg1.level2)         = patch->eg1.level2;
--    *(synth->eg1.shape3)         = (float)patch->eg1.shape3;
--    *(synth->eg1.time3)          = patch->eg1.time3;
--    *(synth->eg1.level3)         = patch->eg1.level3;
--    *(synth->eg1.shape4)         = (float)patch->eg1.shape4;
--    *(synth->eg1.time4)          = patch->eg1.time4;
-+    *(synth->eg1.shape[0])       = (float)patch->eg1.shape1;
-+    *(synth->eg1.time[0])        = patch->eg1.time1;
-+    *(synth->eg1.level[0])       = patch->eg1.level1;
-+    *(synth->eg1.shape[1])       = (float)patch->eg1.shape2;
-+    *(synth->eg1.time[1])        = patch->eg1.time2;
-+    *(synth->eg1.level[1])       = patch->eg1.level2;
-+    *(synth->eg1.shape[2])       = (float)patch->eg1.shape3;
-+    *(synth->eg1.time[2])        = patch->eg1.time3;
-+    *(synth->eg1.level[2])       = patch->eg1.level3;
-+    *(synth->eg1.shape[3])       = (float)patch->eg1.shape4;
-+    *(synth->eg1.time[3])        = patch->eg1.time4;
-     *(synth->eg1.vel_level_sens) = patch->eg1.vel_level_sens;
-     *(synth->eg1.vel_time_scale) = patch->eg1.vel_time_scale;
-     *(synth->eg1.kbd_time_scale) = patch->eg1.kbd_time_scale;
-@@ -702,17 +709,17 @@
-     *(synth->eg1.amp_mod_amt)    = patch->eg1.amp_mod_amt;
-     *(synth->eg2.mode)           = (float)patch->eg2.mode;
--    *(synth->eg2.shape1)         = (float)patch->eg2.shape1;
--    *(synth->eg2.time1)          = patch->eg2.time1;
--    *(synth->eg2.level1)         = patch->eg2.level1;
--    *(synth->eg2.shape2)         = (float)patch->eg2.shape2;
--    *(synth->eg2.time2)          = patch->eg2.time2;
--    *(synth->eg2.level2)         = patch->eg2.level2;
--    *(synth->eg2.shape3)         = (float)patch->eg2.shape3;
--    *(synth->eg2.time3)          = patch->eg2.time3;
--    *(synth->eg2.level3)         = patch->eg2.level3;
--    *(synth->eg2.shape4)         = (float)patch->eg2.shape4;
--    *(synth->eg2.time4)          = patch->eg2.time4;
-+    *(synth->eg2.shape[0])       = (float)patch->eg2.shape1;
-+    *(synth->eg2.time[0])        = patch->eg2.time1;
-+    *(synth->eg2.level[0])       = patch->eg2.level1;
-+    *(synth->eg2.shape[1])       = (float)patch->eg2.shape2;
-+    *(synth->eg2.time[1])        = patch->eg2.time2;
-+    *(synth->eg2.level[1])       = patch->eg2.level2;
-+    *(synth->eg2.shape[2])       = (float)patch->eg2.shape3;
-+    *(synth->eg2.time[2])        = patch->eg2.time3;
-+    *(synth->eg2.level[2])       = patch->eg2.level3;
-+    *(synth->eg2.shape[3])       = (float)patch->eg2.shape4;
-+    *(synth->eg2.time[3])        = patch->eg2.time4;
-     *(synth->eg2.vel_level_sens) = patch->eg2.vel_level_sens;
-     *(synth->eg2.vel_time_scale) = patch->eg2.vel_time_scale;
-     *(synth->eg2.kbd_time_scale) = patch->eg2.kbd_time_scale;
-@@ -720,17 +727,17 @@
-     *(synth->eg2.amp_mod_amt)    = patch->eg2.amp_mod_amt;
-     *(synth->eg3.mode)           = (float)patch->eg3.mode;
--    *(synth->eg3.shape1)         = (float)patch->eg3.shape1;
--    *(synth->eg3.time1)          = patch->eg3.time1;
--    *(synth->eg3.level1)         = patch->eg3.level1;
--    *(synth->eg3.shape2)         = (float)patch->eg3.shape2;
--    *(synth->eg3.time2)          = patch->eg3.time2;
--    *(synth->eg3.level2)         = patch->eg3.level2;
--    *(synth->eg3.shape3)         = (float)patch->eg3.shape3;
--    *(synth->eg3.time3)          = patch->eg3.time3;
--    *(synth->eg3.level3)         = patch->eg3.level3;
--    *(synth->eg3.shape4)         = (float)patch->eg3.shape4;
--    *(synth->eg3.time4)          = patch->eg3.time4;
-+    *(synth->eg3.shape[0])       = (float)patch->eg3.shape1;
-+    *(synth->eg3.time[0])        = patch->eg3.time1;
-+    *(synth->eg3.level[0])       = patch->eg3.level1;
-+    *(synth->eg3.shape[1])       = (float)patch->eg3.shape2;
-+    *(synth->eg3.time[1])        = patch->eg3.time2;
-+    *(synth->eg3.level[1])       = patch->eg3.level2;
-+    *(synth->eg3.shape[2])       = (float)patch->eg3.shape3;
-+    *(synth->eg3.time[2])        = patch->eg3.time3;
-+    *(synth->eg3.level[2])       = patch->eg3.level3;
-+    *(synth->eg3.shape[3])       = (float)patch->eg3.shape4;
-+    *(synth->eg3.time[3])        = patch->eg3.time4;
-     *(synth->eg3.vel_level_sens) = patch->eg3.vel_level_sens;
-     *(synth->eg3.vel_time_scale) = patch->eg3.vel_time_scale;
-     *(synth->eg3.kbd_time_scale) = patch->eg3.kbd_time_scale;
-@@ -738,17 +745,17 @@
-     *(synth->eg3.amp_mod_amt)    = patch->eg3.amp_mod_amt;
-     *(synth->eg4.mode)           = (float)patch->eg4.mode;
--    *(synth->eg4.shape1)         = (float)patch->eg4.shape1;
--    *(synth->eg4.time1)          = patch->eg4.time1;
--    *(synth->eg4.level1)         = patch->eg4.level1;
--    *(synth->eg4.shape2)         = (float)patch->eg4.shape2;
--    *(synth->eg4.time2)          = patch->eg4.time2;
--    *(synth->eg4.level2)         = patch->eg4.level2;
--    *(synth->eg4.shape3)         = (float)patch->eg4.shape3;
--    *(synth->eg4.time3)          = patch->eg4.time3;
--    *(synth->eg4.level3)         = patch->eg4.level3;
--    *(synth->eg4.shape4)         = (float)patch->eg4.shape4;
--    *(synth->eg4.time4)          = patch->eg4.time4;
-+    *(synth->eg4.shape[0])       = (float)patch->eg4.shape1;
-+    *(synth->eg4.time[0])        = patch->eg4.time1;
-+    *(synth->eg4.level[0])       = patch->eg4.level1;
-+    *(synth->eg4.shape[1])       = (float)patch->eg4.shape2;
-+    *(synth->eg4.time[1])        = patch->eg4.time2;
-+    *(synth->eg4.level[1])       = patch->eg4.level2;
-+    *(synth->eg4.shape[2])       = (float)patch->eg4.shape3;
-+    *(synth->eg4.time[2])        = patch->eg4.time3;
-+    *(synth->eg4.level[2])       = patch->eg4.level3;
-+    *(synth->eg4.shape[3])       = (float)patch->eg4.shape4;
-+    *(synth->eg4.time[3])        = patch->eg4.time4;
-     *(synth->eg4.vel_level_sens) = patch->eg4.vel_level_sens;
-     *(synth->eg4.vel_time_scale) = patch->eg4.vel_time_scale;
-     *(synth->eg4.kbd_time_scale) = patch->eg4.kbd_time_scale;
-diff -Naur whysynth-20060122/src/whysynth_voice.h whysynth-20060122-envhack/src/whysynth_voice.h
---- whysynth-20060122/src/whysynth_voice.h	2006-01-22 10:49:29.000000000 -0700
-+++ whysynth-20060122-envhack/src/whysynth_voice.h	2006-12-25 20:41:02.000000000 -0700
-@@ -249,13 +249,17 @@
- struct veg
- {
-     int   shape[4];
--    int   time[4];          /* in control ticks, index 0 = T1 adjusted for velocity and keyboard */
--    float level[4];         /* 0.0 to 1.0, adjusted for velocity */
-     int   sustain_segment;  /* 2 for ADSR or AAASR, 1 for AASRR, 0 for ASRRR, -1 for One-Shot */
-     int   state;            /* enum dssp_eg_state (finished, running, sustaining) */
-     int   segment;          /* 0 to 3 */
-     int   count;            /* control ticks until end of this phase */
-+    int   time;
-+    float current_segment_time;
-+    float current_segment_level;
-+    float time_scale;       /* amount to scale envelope times due to velocity time scaling and keyboard time scaling, multiplied by control rate */
-+    float level_scale;      /* amount to scale envelope levels due to velocity level sensitivity */
-+    float target;           /* segment target level */
-     float a, b, c, d;       /* segment shape function coefficients */
- };
-diff -Naur whysynth-20060122/src/whysynth_voice_render.c whysynth-20060122-envhack/src/whysynth_voice_render.c
---- whysynth-20060122/src/whysynth_voice_render.c	2006-01-22 01:20:23.000000000 -0700
-+++ whysynth-20060122-envhack/src/whysynth_voice_render.c	2007-01-12 09:24:03.000000000 -0700
-@@ -319,6 +319,7 @@
- y_voice_eg_set_next_segment(y_seg_t *seg, y_voice_t *voice, struct veg *veg,
-                             struct vmod *destmod)
- {
-     if (veg->segment >= 3) {
-         veg->state = DSSP_EG_FINISHED;
-@@ -347,18 +348,29 @@
-     } else {
--        float f, inv_duration, mult;
--        int i;
-+        int mode = lrintf(*(seg->mode)),
-+            time, i;
-+        float f, inv_duration, level, mult;
-         veg->segment++;
--        veg->count = veg->time[veg->segment] - 1;
-         destmod->value = destmod->next_value;
--        f = veg->level[veg->segment - 1] - veg->level[veg->segment];  /* segment delta * -1 */
-+        if (veg->segment == 1 && mode == 1) {  /* second segment of simple ADSR */
-+            time = 1;
-+            level = veg->level_scale;
-+        } else {
-+            time = lrintf(*(seg->time[veg->segment]) * veg->time_scale);
-+            if (time < 1) time = 1;
-+            level = *(seg->level[veg->segment]) * veg->level_scale;
-+        }
-+        veg->count = time - 1;
-+        f = veg->target - level;  /* segment delta * -1 */
-         i = veg->shape[veg->segment];
--        inv_duration = 1.0f / (float)veg->time[veg->segment];
-+        inv_duration = 1.0f / (float)time;
--        veg->d = eg_shape_coeffs[i][3] * f + veg->level[veg->segment];
-+        veg->target = level;
-+        veg->d = eg_shape_coeffs[i][3] * f + level;
-         f *= inv_duration;
-         veg->c = eg_shape_coeffs[i][2] * f;
-         f *= inv_duration;
-@@ -382,6 +394,61 @@
-     }
- }
-+static inline void
-+y_voice_eg_update_segment(y_seg_t *seg, y_voice_t *voice, struct veg *veg,
-+                            struct vmod *destmod)
-+        int mode = lrintf(*(seg->mode)),
-+            time, i;
-+        float f, inv_duration, level, mult;
-+        destmod->value = destmod->next_value;
-+	veg->current_segment_time = (float)*(seg->time[veg->segment]);
-+	veg->current_segment_level = (float)*(seg->level[veg->segment]);
-+        if (veg->segment == 1 && mode == 1) {  /* second segment of simple ADSR */
-+            time = 1;
-+            level = veg->level_scale;
-+        } else {
-+            time = lrintf(*(seg->time[veg->segment]) * veg->time_scale);
-+            if (time < 1) time = 1;
-+            level = *(seg->level[veg->segment]) * veg->level_scale;
-+        }
-+	//veg->count = (time - 1) - ((veg->time - 1)- veg->count);
-+	//if (veg->count < 1) veg->count = 1;
-+        veg->count = time - 1;
-+	veg->time = time;
-+        f = destmod->value - level;  /* segment delta * -1 */
-+        i = veg->shape[veg->segment];
-+        inv_duration = 1.0f / (float)veg->count;
-+        veg->target = level;
-+        veg->d = eg_shape_coeffs[i][3] * f + level;
-+        f *= inv_duration;
-+        veg->c = eg_shape_coeffs[i][2] * f;
-+        f *= inv_duration;
-+        veg->b = eg_shape_coeffs[i][1] * f;
-+        f *= inv_duration;
-+        veg->a = eg_shape_coeffs[i][0] * f;
-+        i = y_voice_mod_index(seg->amp_mod_src);
-+        mult = *(seg->amp_mod_amt);
-+        if (mult > 0.0f) {
-+            mult = 1.0f - mult + mult * voice->mod[i].next_value;
-+        } else {
-+            mult = 1.0f + mult * voice->mod[i].next_value;
-+        }
-+        f = (float)veg->count;
-+        destmod->next_value = (((veg->a * f + veg->b) * f + veg->c) * f + veg->d) * mult;
-+        destmod->delta = (destmod->next_value - destmod->value) / (float)Y_CONTROL_PERIOD;
-+        // YDB_MESSAGE(YDB_NOTE, " next_segment: eg %p to segment %d\n", veg, veg->segment);
- /*
-  * y_voice_update_eg
-  *
-@@ -404,6 +471,7 @@
-         mult = *(seg->amp_mod_amt);
-         if (mult > 0.0f) {
-             mult = 1.0f - mult + mult * voice->mod[i].next_value;
-         } else {
-             mult = 1.0f + mult * voice->mod[i].next_value;
-         }
-@@ -434,9 +502,14 @@
-         // YDB_MESSAGE(YDB_NOTE, " update_eg: %g -> %g by %g\n", destmod->value, destmod->next_value, destmod->delta);
-     } else {
-         y_voice_eg_set_next_segment(seg, voice, veg, destmod);
-     }
-+    if (veg->current_segment_level != (float)*(seg->level[veg->segment]) || veg->current_segment_time != (float)*(seg->time[veg->segment])){
-+    //if (veg->current_segment_level != (float)*(seg->level[veg->segment])){
-+    //if (veg->current_segment_time != (float)*(seg->time[veg->segment])){
-+        y_voice_eg_update_segment(seg, voice, veg, destmod);
-+    }
- }
- /*

Modified: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/metadata.xml
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/metadata.xml	2012-09-06 11:58:32 UTC (rev 2223)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/metadata.xml	2012-09-08 13:59:01 UTC (rev 2224)
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd";>
-	<herd>no-herd</herd>
 		<name>pro-audio overlay team</name>

Deleted: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/whysynth-20060122-r1.ebuild
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/whysynth-20060122-r1.ebuild	2012-09-06 11:58:32 UTC (rev 2223)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/whysynth-20060122-r1.ebuild	2012-09-08 13:59:01 UTC (rev 2224)
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils
-DESCRIPTION="WhySynth is a versatile softsynth using (DSSI)"
-	>=x11-libs/gtk+-2.0
-	=sci-libs/fftw-3*
-	dev-util/pkgconfig
-	>=media-libs/liblo-0.12
-	>=media-libs/ladspa-sdk-1.0"
-src_unpack() {
-	unpack ${P}.tar.bz2
-	cd "${S}"
-	epatch "${FILESDIR}/whysynth_hacked_eg.patch"
-src_compile() {
-	econf || die
-	emake || die
-src_install() {
-	einstall || die

Deleted: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/whysynth-20060122.ebuild
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/whysynth-20060122.ebuild	2012-09-06 11:58:32 UTC (rev 2223)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/whysynth-20060122.ebuild	2012-09-08 13:59:01 UTC (rev 2224)
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/wine/wine-20050930.ebuild,v 1.9 2006/01/14 18:39:32 vapier Exp $
-DESCRIPTION="WhySynth is a versatile softsynth using (DSSI)"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
-	>=x11-libs/gtk+-2.0
-	=sci-libs/fftw-3*
-	dev-util/pkgconfig
-	>=media-libs/liblo-0.12
-	>=media-libs/ladspa-sdk-1.0"
-src_unpack() {
-	unpack ${P}.tar.bz2
-	cd "${S}"
-src_compile() {
-	econf || die
-	emake || die
-src_install() {
-	einstall || die

Deleted: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/whysynth-20070418.ebuild
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/whysynth-20070418.ebuild	2012-09-06 11:58:32 UTC (rev 2223)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/whysynth-20070418.ebuild	2012-09-08 13:59:01 UTC (rev 2224)
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils
-DESCRIPTION="WhySynth is a versatile softsynth using (DSSI)"
-	>=x11-libs/gtk+-2.0
-	=sci-libs/fftw-3*
-	dev-util/pkgconfig
-	>=media-libs/liblo-0.12
-	>=media-libs/ladspa-sdk-1.0"
-src_unpack() {
-	unpack ${P}.tar.bz2
-	cd "${S}"
-src_compile() {
-	econf || die
-	emake || die
-src_install() {
-	einstall || die
-	dodoc ChangeLog README
-	if use doc;then
-		cd doc
-		dodoc wavetable_guide
-		insinto /usr/share/doc/${P}/
-		doins *.png
-	fi

Deleted: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/whysynth-20100922.ebuild
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/whysynth-20100922.ebuild	2012-09-06 11:58:32 UTC (rev 2223)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/whysynth-20100922.ebuild	2012-09-08 13:59:01 UTC (rev 2224)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils
-DESCRIPTION="WhySynth is a versatile softsynth using (DSSI)"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
-	>=x11-libs/gtk+-2.4
-	=sci-libs/fftw-3*
-	dev-util/pkgconfig
-	>=media-libs/liblo-0.12
-	>=media-libs/ladspa-sdk-1.0"
-src_install() {
-	einstall || die
-	dodoc ChangeLog README
-	if use doc;then
-		cd doc
-		dodoc wavetable_guide
-		insinto /usr/share/doc/${P}/
-		doins *.png
-	fi

Added: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/whysynth-20120903.ebuild
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/whysynth-20120903.ebuild	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-plugins/whysynth/whysynth-20120903.ebuild	2012-09-08 13:59:01 UTC (rev 2224)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+inherit autotools-utils
+DESCRIPTION="A versatile DSSI Softsynth Plugin"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+	>=media-libs/liblo-0.12
+	>=media-libs/ladspa-sdk-1.0
+	>=sci-libs/fftw-3.2.2:3.0
+	>=x11-libs/gtk+-2.4:2"
+	media-sound/alsa-headers
+	virtual/pkgconfig"
+src_install() {
+	autotools-utils_src_install
+	dodoc doc/*

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