Re: [proaudio] libflashsupport-jack with V4L1 removed

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Le Wed, 12 Oct 2011 11:36:58 +0200,
Goran Mekic <meka@xxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> Hello,
>      This is my first post to this list, so excuse me if I did
> something wrong. Attached are two files,
> libflashsupport-jack-9999.ebuild.patch is output of "svn diff", and
> the other file is the patch removing V4L1 support. Is this the right
> format to submit patches? Regrets!

Thanks for the patches.

And yes, I think that it is OK with those patches. I will try to apply
them later. The good thing with patches is that it is easier and
faster to review the changes.

You changed the KEYWORD from "" to ~amd64. This is a live ebuild
(as indicate revision .9999). We do respect the gentoo policy regarding
the KEYWORD. Is is explained somewhere in the doc (ebuild _howto or the
devman I guess) than ~arch is for ebuilds that need more testing, and
"" (no keyword) is for ebuilds that cannot be tested. Typically, an
ebuild that cannot be tested is a live ebuild that will download a
source code that can change at any time. So the original KEYWORD was
the correct one. You must write ** into your package.keywords.

~arch will be OK for a new ebuild that download an archive that
doesn't change with time. And in that case, it is better to specify
both ~amd64 and ~x86 even if you can test only one of those arch. We
are an overlay with limited man power and we don't open bugs in order
to test the different architectures. It is specific cases where only
x86 will work, but with most of the ebuilds, it will be no problem to
specify the 2 archs, even if you can test only one of them. Well, this
is my opinion, but I am not the only one here.

Also, with a loopback, you wont need libflashsupport:
The flash player wont appear in qjackctl's graph. You will get a cloop
and ploop instead (for capture and playback loops), and flash will
connect to them trough ALSA. The plus is that you can connect and
disconnect the cloop and the ploop without to crash the ALSA program.
You can even stop and restart the jack server without problem, the sound
will be back when you restart JACK. And you will also get an outstanding


> --
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