Re: [proaudio] Nvidia drivers with RT kernel

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Le Sun, 24 Oct 2010 14:38:29 +0100,
Alex Montgomery <apmontgomery@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> Hello,
> I've been avoiding doing a deep update since the latest nvidia drivers
> have known issues with the RT kernels. However I ran across this
> thread which talks about a working patch that might be maintained by
> the pro-audio overlay:
> it references this bug:
> So basically it looks like there is a working patch for the Nvidia
> drivers to compile against the rt-kernel in the overlay, but the patch
> and fixed ebuild are just sitting on some guy's overlay. Would it be
> possible to integrate this into the pro-audio overlay?
> Cheers,
> -- Alex

Just a little remark about my feeling on this issue. The nouveau driver have
better 2D performances than nvidia. That imply than, if you are not using 3D
softwares, and this list is about pro audio not gaming, you will be better with
the nouveau driver than with the nvidia one.

In general, a graphic card with 3D capabilities is considering itself like
if it was the only one peripheral into the pc. With other words, 3D graphic
cards are issuing a lot of interrupts, and for that are very noisy.

So, someone that is really in need of a rt kernel will be better in most of
the cases with a cheap graphic card and a 2D X server.

Remember, this is just my feeling.


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