Re: [proaudio] fetch errors

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* alex stone [2010-04-12 19:15]:
> > Alex,thanks. Pro-audio lists 2 "0.55.6" versions, not 0.56., as of
> > this moment, with a layman -s update.
> And the errors at the moment are fetch errors, so no download at all.

Right, what I meant is that the Pro-audio overlay has version 0.55.6
which is not installable, since the corresponding upstream release
tar.bz2 doesn't exist any more. The second "0.55.6" you are seein isn't
from proaudio, it's from the main Gentoo portage tree, which has a
different ebuild for the same version of yoshimi. Of course neither this
one can be installed, since they both use the same tar.bz2.

Since it doesn't make much sense maintaining two different ebuilds for
the same package, I think the proaudio one can go, and I'll open a bug
for the version bump in Gentoo. I'm not sure if I should do this just
yet, though... The Gentoo maintainers don't like it very much when
people open bugs for version bumps a few hours after a new releases.
Let's wait a couple of days first.

If you want to install it right now, you can do the version bump
locally: copy the ebuild to yoshimi-0.056.ebuild, edit it to fix the
version in SRC_URI, and run "ebuild ./yoshimi-0.056.ebuild merge".


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