Re: [proaudio] spring cleanup of the proaudio repository

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OK, I will take a look at the bugtracker, and update some ebuilds of software I use (e.g. csound).


Le 25/02/2010 14:36, Frieder Buerzele a écrit :
Hi there,

I've included recentlly posted fixups from and
bumped some ebuild -- NOT tested

I'd like to update the whole overlay, but thats a huge task
so I need the help you all.

# bugtracker
First have a look at the bugtracker and look which bugs are
still opened. If you can fix it plz create a diff for the
files you modified thats quite simple when u are using the svn
repo directly

all bugs are here:

# ebuilds need update
some things about this packaes: If someone is willing to contribute here
calf -- more useflags are possible
arpage -- dependencies are missing -- also bugs

# repoman
you could also run repoman within the proaudio directory or just for a specific
ebuild -- you will get lots of errors:)

eg: You want to check for errors in the rosegarden ebuilds,
go into its dir on my box this looks like this
cd /home/evermind/overlays/proaudio/trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/rosegarden
repoman *

now you get some output about all QA related problems -- most of the time the package
still compiles but does not comply with the gentoo ebuild standard quality.

Once again, I'd really like to have diff files against everything in the overlay.
That includes:
* if modified Manifest
* if patches added into files/
* the new/bumped/modified ebuild

ok, if you still not able to produce diffs, so you can also send me the whole files, but I really
prefer diffs

thx for your help and send all patches to my email directly

Greetz Frieder

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