Re: [proaudio] Real-Time for audio playback?

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On Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 7:31 PM, Grant <emailgrant@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm looking for ways to improve the digital audio playback on my
> Gentoo system.  I'm bypassing dmix by sending audio output straight to
> my USB DAC by specifying "plughw:0,0" in mpd.conf.  Would the
> Real-Time kernel be beneficial?  I've heard there are ALSA latency
> tweaks that can be made as well?
> - Grant

Is there a reason that you need lower/known latency in your audio
path? I.e. - is it important that there's 2.4mS from when it comes of
the hard drive until it becomes audio?

Most people here are using the jack-audio-connection-kit and
jack-enabled audio apps to create something approaching the way a
studio controls its audio path.. This allows multiple audio apps all
the gain access to the sound card in a latency controlled manner.

I don't know what dmix actually is. I don't use it myself. Maybe
someone else can comment on that. If it's some automagic way of mixing
sound from different apps then getting rid of it is (IMO only) a good
idea in terms of sound quality.

What rt-sources does for you is allows you to get your latency much
lower than vanilla-source/gentoo-sources. (I.e. - off disk and out to
the speakers faster) It doesn't change the sound of anything. Using
Jack will allow you to see how you're doing with your hardware.

Hope this helps. Feel free to ask questions. I know you're new to this
topic. This is a friendly list where folks aren't expected to know the
answer before they ask the question.


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