Re: [proaudio]

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The addpredict statement does not allow to write anything outside the
sandbox. So it may be hacky, but it's harmless.

But effectively the sed methodology is more employed.


On Mon, 5 Oct 2009 10:38:40 -0400, Daniel Johnson
<il.basso.buffo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I've had issues with this before where the drobilla builds wanted to
> touch multiple files related to ldconfig.  As I recall, I fixed the
> issue with a one-line sed script that changed /sbin/ldconfig to
> /bin/true in the wscript/scons config files.  This seems to be a
> cleaner approach to me; addpredict and friends seem like hacky
> workarounds.
> I'm working from memory here since I unmerged the drobilla apps/libs
> from my system a few months ago.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 10:10 AM, Matt Henley <nwmatt@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> If the problem can be fixed with the addpredict, I will do that
>> tonight and post the ebuilds to the list (if there are no other
>> problems for me).

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