[proaudio] [1464] * That quite a big commit, some stuff might be broken.

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Revision: 1464
Author:   marcochapeau
Date:     2009-04-29 22:40:44 +0200 (Wed, 29 Apr 2009)

Log Message:
* That quite a big commit, some stuff might be broken.
* 2.7.1 should still work the same
* 2.8 is very much experimental
* See Changelog for details

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ChangeLog
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ChangeLog	2009-04-28 16:40:27 UTC (rev 1463)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ChangeLog	2009-04-29 20:40:44 UTC (rev 1464)
@@ -2,6 +2,20 @@
 # Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
 # $Header: $
+  28 Apr 2009; Marc-Olivier Barre <marco@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; 
+  * bump to ardour-2.8.ebuild
+  * note: 2.8 voluntarily has no keyworkds yet
+  * Try to make all the ebuilds look a litle more homogeneous
+  * Version 2.7.1 remains the same. It'll be removed when 2.8 works right
+  * First attempt to get a sys-libs flag everywhere so the devs are happy (see gentoo bug #263364))
+  * Disable the cflag patch for now (non working with 2.8, still needed ?)
+  * Remove some old unused patches:
+    -ardour-2.4-gcc43.patch
+    -ardour-2.4-find_soundtouch.patch
+    -ardour-2.3.1-find_soundtouch.patch
+    -ardour-2.4.1-find_soundtouch.patch
+    -ardour-2.0.3-cflags.patch
   14 Mar 2009; Frieder Buerzele <evermind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
   fix added taglib dep (thx Olof)

Modified: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/Manifest
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/Manifest	2009-04-28 16:40:27 UTC (rev 1463)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/Manifest	2009-04-29 20:40:44 UTC (rev 1464)
@@ -1,27 +1,10 @@
-AUX ardour-2.0.3-cflags.patch 1205 RMD160 e7b3c10835fb4228603f3c9455809bfab5847a3e SHA1 22260d62a9ff67baeed07f5fdc6f4dcf95656ddd SHA256 892180ba5e622219def261a647e80f7214bb3f6ce829804a11a25ae57d2ea4be
 AUX ardour-2.0.3-sndfile-external.patch 1409 RMD160 cbc6381f17a7978caa56aff0d5e0ce8b64f7161d SHA1 6559d30abdc3a89121097ed2649872806ce4a736 SHA256 71542baed4deeae9505107973361a5aab06f49ceaeb3bf7d2e7c5ffd73cc604d
-AUX ardour-2.3.1-find_soundtouch.patch 854 RMD160 0d5eb1c4b508ecf4065abff6ae478d1c205e6e0c SHA1 335b1f2e847de16f443773a024494851d0514073 SHA256 6996c289b5711a5552c2d2dc841226b1b749a2a51a6044e32264a7007de5384d
 AUX ardour-2.4-cflags.patch 1199 RMD160 32e6f8c22e1f83072f3183a26f02c2e66fe61401 SHA1 bf6c46463df21a2cc431fa17180fe91069a99a21 SHA256 ba59b111d4d93081aa743793d3307e18c6a06560e1500c3700ee0930df7f2f5b
-AUX ardour-2.4-find_soundtouch.patch 854 RMD160 0d5eb1c4b508ecf4065abff6ae478d1c205e6e0c SHA1 335b1f2e847de16f443773a024494851d0514073 SHA256 6996c289b5711a5552c2d2dc841226b1b749a2a51a6044e32264a7007de5384d
-AUX ardour-2.4-gcc43.patch 12717 RMD160 6e1a76ce2a5b85a049513ee7d32a70467ea0fc12 SHA1 7b618d17c1e9bf2b533c2b51639e95f2a71790de SHA256 8e7e130ce67cc6541c3a94a8485e59580ec79362868362682ddbe38408c711b2
-AUX ardour-2.4.1-find_soundtouch.patch 854 RMD160 0d5eb1c4b508ecf4065abff6ae478d1c205e6e0c SHA1 335b1f2e847de16f443773a024494851d0514073 SHA256 6996c289b5711a5552c2d2dc841226b1b749a2a51a6044e32264a7007de5384d
-DIST ardour-2.0.5.tar.bz2 2777524 RMD160 eb278fbd7121707b9b7d4dfbb1e2088ef36cb1d4 SHA1 9a3adea22c5f182832b90506cb354097c21caa4f SHA256 976b87920a3bd481b06edcbc756d1c5425397286f9b2a14546705a1f60a60848
-DIST ardour-2.1.tar.bz2 2788128 RMD160 70796eb07911c5301049fb2d2749cbaa7a04ba4d SHA1 fcfb1230b9e7ec42c0044be89a6e25aa31a75658 SHA256 160482d87d8eb2188481fc42d7f6442efe6bff38544a321a79e2e23a7aa9501b
-DIST ardour-2.2.tar.bz2 4296980 RMD160 ec1e00a546b51e3f8fd8afb0b6d661df66862cd1 SHA1 195ba17570102dcb7fb09d40457b4afefbd3e16a SHA256 fc0d405e1e1d31b3e353095db67b7dc874c201ff43954751b72f57ae836799ee
-DIST ardour-2.3.1.tar.bz2 4348658 RMD160 39a2e240700410e97583c70c8f27086d4823c92b SHA1 bce5a495bb2406277a45ff67423a3f04b443071c SHA256 bb93e70ec608143e5a94cbee809ae5a7fcbb5f89a2c18fe03ac9c2ad00aa6651
-DIST ardour-2.4.1.tar.bz2 3147427 RMD160 cad214271af97707da76701d2e8c65cb7b598e5f SHA1 d7c2f786711fc98598a090aa076a91bcd444b0e4 SHA256 29d6ca482e13e58058616b6118a0d036429db2141fbd95811d7ad7536690484e
-DIST ardour-2.4.tar.bz2 4395397 RMD160 3517dae2500d8cbbd029be7bd56ab414160e9ae5 SHA1 fa9766b1cb13f625cf7837368c0cea2ad7c9586f SHA256 f1dd159aa18e2ecb060d8be239c5b5086cddee329a4739b2185f577a5223cc13
-DIST ardour-2.5.tar.bz2 3254328 RMD160 81961248b48f5a9cd1eed0f1010e02f3236da6dc SHA1 6d3d563cc11772d4d6de6f89551dd89e43466f84 SHA256 735611e2fe44626adbb46567b14c3d9e700bb8ad0556dafa0688ea87032d14a3
 DIST ardour-2.7.1.tar.bz2 3313029 RMD160 7488169a28610550a93b700dd7949b8ffad2431e SHA1 3e8a6425bcfe5efbba0cfba44f0f63799e735cdb SHA256 102b99716ea99bbe66ad57abd1a1bf39d904068e76cb222d68f7acb78c63c864
-EBUILD ardour-2.0.5.ebuild 3900 RMD160 fbc3280df4a258eb8d5096895d9900fe904ba3dd SHA1 443378b09402874398717f7fa52c1eb01e5f2aad SHA256 8a9746117c71f4b26b500ebd178875e3d8536a125706f6e9a8461b69c4bc8b86
-EBUILD ardour-2.1.ebuild 4205 RMD160 c1009642cb3ab16b14663fd9903b7f2be417445d SHA1 d51e9d56bd8dfba515ab83bf186225473ba031cc SHA256 8022e867006cf705163b6928c705a010e3dbb75f50f73f271a1191dc34aeca6a
-EBUILD ardour-2.2.ebuild 4205 RMD160 74950f3ef10f5330949d7ccb0d13ed287db965aa SHA1 d0fd6eb6b4e4587f11bece468895922e8f270de8 SHA256 906c66c2efb70f1163c84170d530ef8091f8b4cba97a83cf28b32b82243c1aa7
-EBUILD ardour-2.3.1.ebuild 4335 RMD160 d014b0d33d4f91171f9d1fdf0a5edef21203f346 SHA1 a6cc6129a0dd006fcd0bd90d4afc4f7c54494056 SHA256 bdba75247f86b18dc64347c5fbc2ccf8894dee39fc559f289e60ede67dc3530b
-EBUILD ardour-2.4.1.ebuild 4587 RMD160 774a2de068f524d896a7fba0dede1da0c8b725c4 SHA1 049cb7be8eb7a1f91e6f4fd390d99d2410cf9957 SHA256 57edf5dfbcd842ddef9dda6ae232a6d0e4627a888e2af24c8799d9c1ee7fa1f3
-EBUILD ardour-2.4.ebuild 4453 RMD160 dc5fdf49c476d32113860118c5fcb7b4fae1f1ee SHA1 c8484b8f857453afe657d9f0de58d8a7a6a6ff9a SHA256 a209caa3d6bf0ffe53d8f7c8e18e58273cc2d60751ac6f55124a78024a665c96
-EBUILD ardour-2.5.ebuild 4720 RMD160 9a8e48500b7e2156e6f91c96b30eb2d6899a037d SHA1 cf83c1b06283cb7f114883980deb869726c0dc36 SHA256 245f3a4c48fd7282335d406029efbde6aa8759667dd5a8eef63a7b6cee14f787
+DIST ardour-2.8.tar.bz2 3382438 RMD160 1d3f8e0ad79f0945bb52ae1760cbf2d78d38cffc SHA1 8cdd68e4dc3b7fcabb9b1ea1f59791932ca6281c SHA256 1d12b41c2b07119f4df8e1deda03990f74d2972ee23ba7a87abcb9c5818bb868
 EBUILD ardour-2.7.1.ebuild 3166 RMD160 0d2a89fd529ead34962fc7889e99745760fc91f6 SHA1 b6d23ca54d3ba7a6518a291fb354b34401c36c08 SHA256 6d5837d6b20b82429f012e56fc4dcba760fa268342df3b630e9393c79d9c546f
-EBUILD ardour-2.9999.ebuild 3496 RMD160 179e9f95f43b59495b5ce67444c18c8c08217178 SHA1 a4b022be68aba8070e37754d907b1e5fdfbae191 SHA256 fb5c350c0b9532d5479db1696531307eccbc163d09d7bdb7f04724fae5185033
-EBUILD ardour-3.9999.ebuild 3068 RMD160 5ec1b15bb49fb12e543af6f9dc7e16b00ac319bf SHA1 af087bf3e52dfc0c1d36ed946f37e7b3e50e8cf7 SHA256 f7eaaf845784f90d39efb0771a21aec17b492ddfedd0c4dc6e5e9025f5f51ae7
-MISC ChangeLog 2455 RMD160 08eb14b1cd6e22e763256ec8a948f378d280febe SHA1 6dcd641666e079a8e8f395a4b31d18e53edc515b SHA256 72d98574471482b66237f29e490af02a507c73d64bdcbe460a8d9d6c71aa150b
+EBUILD ardour-2.8.ebuild 3842 RMD160 aaf143030ec2c5239e965684a59de92dcd409a32 SHA1 005d6a90c3b64b290ac5e285405c96569990d8c6 SHA256 c2475bd1434bd1845bda566f788482bdaa9241f170d24f6dd07321e2c1b43719
+EBUILD ardour-2.9999.ebuild 3936 RMD160 7a77e11d8b5e3c1574ef7fdfb5a3272baa2fd3d9 SHA1 958b7b56f68fda200e5210e83b118bbc86113da7 SHA256 661ea9378d468a017a0440154ee30d9a2664c7651696b3e6e2945664f7e2ea46
+EBUILD ardour-3.9999.ebuild 3188 RMD160 0573d6862b4004510511e6290bb72f06b199efc3 SHA1 b7e16c41dda5c4d201bc46f04ab901f70dba7a7e SHA256 f67428f6532c59bcf94a4caf7108d30bb6bef7ee379e9817a5eb05d3a1b5f380
+MISC ChangeLog 3118 RMD160 32afb6715eb28f0e439b847580ea2fe5b89a39fd SHA1 6bba458f605c8b653357d20294a44c5eb4dc56c9 SHA256 14ffa569e33acb23468449625206ec542ba57a135e0ad308dad161916e3f3f27
 MISC metadata.xml 268 RMD160 facc07bd885f20615a1f2555069329c642e1a566 SHA1 2456bdb8a218c9d477d2d6ee4bf158de070c7be4 SHA256 96629b266b743f566c29158d4498edeeb1cd6b1f0cd9629e42d4f10b4da82f89

Deleted: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.0.5.ebuild
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.0.5.ebuild	2009-04-28 16:40:27 UTC (rev 1463)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.0.5.ebuild	2009-04-29 20:40:44 UTC (rev 1464)
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs flag-o-matic scons-ccache vst
-DESCRIPTION="multi-track hard disk recording software"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-IUSE="altivec debug fftw nls sse vst"
-# Note: internal libs fail for gcc-4.2 in ardour-2.0.5, so we enable SYSLIBS
-# by default until we have a patch
-	>=media-libs/liblrdf-0.4.0
-	>=media-libs/raptor-1.4.2
-	>=media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.101.1
-	>=dev-libs/glib-2.10.3
-	x11-libs/pango
-	>=x11-libs/gtk+-2.8.8
-	media-libs/flac
-	media-libs/alsa-lib
-	>=media-libs/libsamplerate-0.1.1-r1
-	>=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.0
-	dev-libs/libxslt
-	>=media-libs/libsndfile-1.0.16
-	gnome-base/libgnomecanvas
-	>=dev-cpp/gtkmm-2.10
-	dev-cpp/glibmm
-	>=dev-cpp/libgnomecanvasmm-2.10.0
-	dev-cpp/cairomm
-	>=dev-libs/libsigc++-2.0
-	media-libs/libsoundtouch
-	dev-libs/libusb
-	fftw? ( =sci-libs/fftw-3* )"
-	sys-devel/libtool
-	dev-libs/boost
-	dev-util/pkgconfig
-	>=dev-util/scons-0.96.1
-	nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )"
-pkg_setup() {
-	if ! built_with_use dev-cpp/gtkmm accessibility; then
-		eerror "dev-cpp/gtkmm needs to be built with use accessibility"
-		eerror "in order to build ${PN}"
-		die "gtkmm was not built with use accessibility"
-	fi
-	if use amd64 && use vst; then
-		eerror "${P} currently does not compile with VST support on amd64!"
-		eerror "Please unset VST useflag."
-		die
-	fi
-src_unpack() {
-	# abort if user answers no to distribution of vst enabled binaries
-	if use vst; then
-		agree_vst || die "you can not distribute ardour with vst support"
-	fi
-	unpack ${A}
-	cd "${S}"
-	epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.0.3-sndfile-external.patch"
-	epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.0.3-cflags.patch"
-	ardour_vst_prepare
-ardour_use_enable() {
-	use ${2} && echo "${1}=1" || echo "${1}=0"
-src_compile() {
-	# Required for scons to "see" intermediate install location
-	mkdir -p "${D}"
-	#local FPU_OPTIMIZATION="$((use altivec || use sse) && echo 1 || echo 0)"
-	cd "${S}"
-	tc-export CC CXX
-	add_ccache_to_scons
-	# Avoid compiling x86 asm when building on amd64 without using sse
-	# bug #186798
-	# NOTE: this doesn't work
-	#use amd64 && append-flags "-DUSE_X86_64_ASM"
-	# touching FPU_OPTIMIZATION only if sse altivec is enabled, otherwhise
-	# don't even specify it
-	local myconf=""
-	(use sse || use altivec) && myconf="FPU_OPTIMIZATION=1"
-	scons \
-		$(ardour_use_enable DEBUG debug) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable NLS nls) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable FFT_ANALYSIS fftw) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable VST vst) \
-		SYSLIBS=1 \
-		DESTDIR="${D}" \
-		PREFIX=/usr \
-		${myconf} \
-		|| die "scons make failed"
-src_install() {
-	scons install || die "make install failed"
-	doicon "${S}/icons/icon/ardour_icon_mac.png"
-	make_desktop_entry ardour Ardour ardour_icon_mac.png "AudioVideo;Audio"
-	if use vst; then
-		mv "${D}"/usr/bin/ardourvst "${D}"/usr/bin/ardour2
-	fi
-pkg_postinst() {
-	ewarn "---------------- WARNING -------------------"
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "Do not use Ardour 2.0 to open the only copy of sessions created with Ardour 0.99."
-	ewarn "Ardour 2.0 saves the session file in a new format that Ardour 0.99 will"
-	ewarn "not understand."
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "The simplest way to address this is to make a copy of the session file itself"
-	ewarn "(e.g mysession/mysession.ardour) and make that file unreadable using chmod(1)."
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "---------------- WARNING -------------------"
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "If you use KDE 3.5, be sure to uncheck 'Apply colors to non-KDE applications' in"
-	ewarn "the colors configuration module if you want to be able to actually see various"
-	ewarn "texts in Ardour 2."

Deleted: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.1.ebuild
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.1.ebuild	2009-04-28 16:40:27 UTC (rev 1463)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.1.ebuild	2009-04-29 20:40:44 UTC (rev 1464)
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs flag-o-matic scons-ccache vst
-DESCRIPTION="multi-track hard disk recording software"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-IUSE="altivec debug fftw nls sse sys-libs vst"
-	>=media-libs/liblrdf-0.4.0
-	>=media-libs/raptor-1.4.2
-	>=media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.101.1
-	>=dev-libs/glib-2.10.3
-	>=x11-libs/gtk+-2.8.8
-	media-libs/flac
-	media-libs/alsa-lib
-	>=media-libs/libsamplerate-0.1.1-r1
-	>=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.0
-	dev-libs/libxslt
-	gnome-base/libgnomecanvas
-	dev-libs/libusb
-	fftw? ( =sci-libs/fftw-3* )
-	sys-libs? ( >=dev-libs/libsigc++-2.0
-		>=dev-cpp/cairomm-1.0
-		>=dev-cpp/gtkmm-2.10
-		>=dev-cpp/glibmm-2.4
-		>=dev-libs/atk-1.6
-		>=x11-libs/pango-1.4
-		>=dev-cpp/libgnomecanvasmm-2.12.0
-		>=media-libs/libsndfile-1.0.16
-		>=media-libs/libsoundtouch-1.0 )"
-	sys-devel/libtool
-	dev-libs/boost
-	dev-util/pkgconfig
-	>=dev-util/scons-0.96.1
-	nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )"
-pkg_setup() {
-	if use amd64 && use vst; then
-		eerror "${P} currently does not compile with VST support on amd64!"
-		eerror "Please unset VST useflag."
-		die
-	fi
-	if use sys-libs;then
-		ewarn "You are trying to use the system libraries"
-		ewarn "instead the ones provided by ardour"
-		ewarn "No upstream support for doing so. Use at your own risk!!!"
-		ewarn "To use the ardour provided libs remerge with:"
-		ewarn "USE=\"-sys-libs\" emerge =${P}"
-		if ! built_with_use dev-cpp/gtkmm accessibility; then
-			eerror "dev-cpp/gtkmm needs to be built with use accessibility"
-			eerror "in order to build ${PN}"
-			die "gtkmm was not built with use accessibility"
-		fi
-		epause 3s
-	fi
-ardour_use_enable() {
-	use ${2} && echo "${1}=1" || echo "${1}=0"
-src_unpack() {
-	# abort if user answers no to distribution of vst enabled binaries
-	if use vst;	then
-		agree_vst || die "you can not distribute ardour with vst support"
-	fi
-	unpack ${A}
-	cd "${S}"
-	# SYSLIBS also use external sndfile
-	use sys-libs && epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.0.3-sndfile-external.patch"
-	ardour_vst_prepare
-src_compile() {
-	# Required for scons to "see" intermediate install location
-	mkdir -p "${D}"
-	#local FPU_OPTIMIZATION="$((use altivec || use sse) && echo 1 || echo 0)"
-	cd "${S}"
-	tc-export CC CXX
-	add_ccache_to_scons
-	# Avoid compiling x86 asm when building on amd64 without using sse
-	# bug #186798
-	# NOTE: this doesn't work
-	#use amd64 && append-flags "-DUSE_X86_64_ASM"
-	# touching FPU_OPTIMIZATION only if sse altivec is enabled, otherwhise
-	# don't even specify it
-	local myconf=""
-	(use sse || use altivec) && myconf="FPU_OPTIMIZATION=1"
-	scons \
-		$(ardour_use_enable DEBUG debug) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable NLS nls) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable FFT_ANALYSIS fftw) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable VST vst) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable SYSLIBS sys-libs) \
-		DESTDIR="${D}" \
-		PREFIX=/usr \
-		${myconf} \
-		|| die "scons make failed"
-src_install() {
-	scons install || die "make install failed"
-	doicon "${S}/icons/icon/ardour_icon_mac.png"
-	make_desktop_entry ardour Ardour ardour_icon_mac.png "AudioVideo;Audio"
-	if use vst; then
-		mv "${D}"/usr/bin/ardourvst "${D}"/usr/bin/ardour2
-	fi
-pkg_postinst() {
-	ewarn "---------------- WARNING -------------------"
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "Do not use Ardour 2.0 to open the only copy of sessions created with Ardour 0.99."
-	ewarn "Ardour 2.0 saves the session file in a new format that Ardour 0.99 will"
-	ewarn "not understand."
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "The simplest way to address this is to make a copy of the session file itself"
-	ewarn "(e.g mysession/mysession.ardour) and make that file unreadable using chmod(1)."
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "---------------- WARNING -------------------"
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "If you use KDE 3.5, be sure to uncheck 'Apply colors to non-KDE applications' in"
-	ewarn "the colors configuration module if you want to be able to actually see various"
-	ewarn "texts in Ardour 2."

Deleted: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.2.ebuild
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.2.ebuild	2009-04-28 16:40:27 UTC (rev 1463)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.2.ebuild	2009-04-29 20:40:44 UTC (rev 1464)
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs flag-o-matic scons-ccache vst
-DESCRIPTION="multi-track hard disk recording software"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-IUSE="altivec debug fftw nls sse sys-libs vst"
-	>=media-libs/liblrdf-0.4.0
-	>=media-libs/raptor-1.4.2
-	>=media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.101.1
-	>=dev-libs/glib-2.10.3
-	>=x11-libs/gtk+-2.8.8
-	media-libs/flac
-	media-libs/alsa-lib
-	>=media-libs/libsamplerate-0.1.1-r1
-	>=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.0
-	dev-libs/libxslt
-	gnome-base/libgnomecanvas
-	dev-libs/libusb
-	fftw? ( =sci-libs/fftw-3* )
-	sys-libs? ( >=dev-libs/libsigc++-2.0
-		>=dev-cpp/cairomm-1.0
-		>=dev-cpp/gtkmm-2.10
-		>=dev-cpp/glibmm-2.4
-		>=dev-libs/atk-1.6
-		>=x11-libs/pango-1.4
-		>=dev-cpp/libgnomecanvasmm-2.12.0
-		>=media-libs/libsndfile-1.0.16
-		>=media-libs/libsoundtouch-1.0 )"
-	sys-devel/libtool
-	dev-libs/boost
-	dev-util/pkgconfig
-	>=dev-util/scons-0.96.1
-	nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )"
-pkg_setup() {
-	if use amd64 && use vst; then
-		eerror "${P} currently does not compile with VST support on amd64!"
-		eerror "Please unset VST useflag."
-		die
-	fi
-	if use sys-libs;then
-		ewarn "You are trying to use the system libraries"
-		ewarn "instead the ones provided by ardour"
-		ewarn "No upstream support for doing so. Use at your own risk!!!"
-		ewarn "To use the ardour provided libs remerge with:"
-		ewarn "USE=\"-sys-libs\" emerge =${P}"
-		if ! built_with_use dev-cpp/gtkmm accessibility; then
-			eerror "dev-cpp/gtkmm needs to be built with use accessibility"
-			eerror "in order to build ${PN}"
-			die "gtkmm was not built with use accessibility"
-		fi
-		epause 3s
-	fi
-ardour_use_enable() {
-	use ${2} && echo "${1}=1" || echo "${1}=0"
-src_unpack() {
-	# abort if user answers no to distribution of vst enabled binaries
-	if use vst;	then
-		agree_vst || die "you can not distribute ardour with vst support"
-	fi
-	unpack ${A}
-	cd "${S}"
-	# SYSLIBS also use external sndfile
-	use sys-libs && epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.0.3-sndfile-external.patch"
-	ardour_vst_prepare
-src_compile() {
-	# Required for scons to "see" intermediate install location
-	mkdir -p "${D}"
-	#local FPU_OPTIMIZATION="$((use altivec || use sse) && echo 1 || echo 0)"
-	cd "${S}"
-	tc-export CC CXX
-	add_ccache_to_scons
-	# Avoid compiling x86 asm when building on amd64 without using sse
-	# bug #186798
-	# NOTE: this doesn't work
-	#use amd64 && append-flags "-DUSE_X86_64_ASM"
-	# touching FPU_OPTIMIZATION only if sse altivec is enabled, otherwhise
-	# don't even specify it
-	local myconf=""
-	(use sse || use altivec) && myconf="FPU_OPTIMIZATION=1"
-	scons \
-		$(ardour_use_enable DEBUG debug) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable NLS nls) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable FFT_ANALYSIS fftw) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable VST vst) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable SYSLIBS sys-libs) \
-		DESTDIR="${D}" \
-		PREFIX=/usr \
-		${myconf} \
-		|| die "scons make failed"
-src_install() {
-	scons install || die "make install failed"
-	doicon "${S}/icons/icon/ardour_icon_mac.png"
-	make_desktop_entry ardour Ardour ardour_icon_mac.png "AudioVideo;Audio"
-	if use vst; then
-		mv "${D}"/usr/bin/ardourvst "${D}"/usr/bin/ardour2
-	fi
-pkg_postinst() {
-	ewarn "---------------- WARNING -------------------"
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "Do not use Ardour 2.0 to open the only copy of sessions created with Ardour 0.99."
-	ewarn "Ardour 2.0 saves the session file in a new format that Ardour 0.99 will"
-	ewarn "not understand."
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "The simplest way to address this is to make a copy of the session file itself"
-	ewarn "(e.g mysession/mysession.ardour) and make that file unreadable using chmod(1)."
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "---------------- WARNING -------------------"
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "If you use KDE 3.5, be sure to uncheck 'Apply colors to non-KDE applications' in"
-	ewarn "the colors configuration module if you want to be able to actually see various"
-	ewarn "texts in Ardour 2."

Deleted: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.3.1.ebuild
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.3.1.ebuild	2009-04-28 16:40:27 UTC (rev 1463)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.3.1.ebuild	2009-04-29 20:40:44 UTC (rev 1464)
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs flag-o-matic scons-ccache vst versionator
-DESCRIPTION="multi-track hard disk recording software"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-IUSE="altivec debug nls sse sys-libs vst lv2"
-S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-$(get_version_component_range 1-2 )"
-	>=media-libs/liblrdf-0.4.0
-	>=media-libs/raptor-1.4.2
-	>=media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.101.1
-	>=dev-libs/glib-2.10.3
-	>=x11-libs/gtk+-2.8.8
-	media-libs/flac
-	media-libs/alsa-lib
-	>=media-libs/libsamplerate-0.1.1-r1
-	>=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.0
-	dev-libs/libxslt
-	gnome-base/libgnomecanvas
-	dev-libs/libusb
-	=sci-libs/fftw-3*
-	sys-libs? ( >=dev-libs/libsigc++-2.0
-		>=dev-cpp/cairomm-1.0
-		>=dev-cpp/gtkmm-2.10
-		>=dev-cpp/glibmm-2.4
-		>=dev-libs/atk-1.6
-		>=x11-libs/pango-1.4
-		>=dev-cpp/libgnomecanvasmm-2.12.0
-		>=media-libs/libsndfile-1.0.16
-		>=media-libs/libsoundtouch-1.0 )
-	lv2? ( =media-libs/slv2-9999 )"
-	sys-devel/libtool
-	dev-libs/boost
-	dev-util/pkgconfig
-	>=dev-util/scons-0.96.1
-	nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )"
-pkg_setup() {
-	if use amd64 && use vst; then
-		eerror "${P} currently does not compile with VST support on amd64!"
-		eerror "Please unset VST useflag."
-		die
-	fi
-	if use sys-libs;then
-		ewarn "You are trying to use the system libraries"
-		ewarn "instead the ones provided by ardour"
-		ewarn "No upstream support for doing so. Use at your own risk!!!"
-		ewarn "To use the ardour provided libs remerge with:"
-		ewarn "USE=\"-sys-libs\" emerge =${P}"
-		if ! built_with_use dev-cpp/gtkmm accessibility; then
-			eerror "dev-cpp/gtkmm needs to be built with use accessibility"
-			eerror "in order to build ${PN}"
-			die "gtkmm was not built with use accessibility"
-		fi
-		epause 3s
-	fi
-ardour_use_enable() {
-	use ${2} && echo "${1}=1" || echo "${1}=0"
-src_unpack() {
-	# abort if user answers no to distribution of vst enabled binaries
-	if use vst;	then
-		agree_vst || die "you can not distribute ardour with vst support"
-	fi
-	unpack ${A}
-	cd "${S}"
-	# SYSLIBS also use external sndfile
-	#use sys-libs && epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.0.3-sndfile-external.patch"
-	epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-find_soundtouch.patch"
-	ardour_vst_prepare
-src_compile() {
-	# Required for scons to "see" intermediate install location
-	mkdir -p "${D}"
-	#local FPU_OPTIMIZATION="$((use altivec || use sse) && echo 1 || echo 0)"
-	cd "${S}"
-	tc-export CC CXX
-	add_ccache_to_scons
-	# Avoid compiling x86 asm when building on amd64 without using sse
-	# bug #186798
-	# NOTE: this doesn't work
-	#use amd64 && append-flags "-DUSE_X86_64_ASM"
-	# touching FPU_OPTIMIZATION only if sse altivec is enabled, otherwhise
-	# don't even specify it
-	local myconf=""
-	(use sse || use altivec) && myconf="FPU_OPTIMIZATION=1"
-	scons \
-		$(ardour_use_enable DEBUG debug) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable NLS nls) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable VST vst) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable SYSLIBS sys-libs) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable LV2 lv2) \
-		DESTDIR="${D}" \
-		PREFIX=/usr \
-		${myconf} \
-		|| die "scons make failed"
-src_install() {
-	scons install || die "make install failed"
-	doicon "${S}/icons/icon/ardour_icon_mac.png"
-	make_desktop_entry ardour Ardour ardour_icon_mac.png "AudioVideo;Audio"
-	if use vst; then
-		mv "${D}"/usr/bin/ardourvst "${D}"/usr/bin/ardour2
-	fi
-pkg_postinst() {
-	ewarn "---------------- WARNING -------------------"
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "Do not use Ardour 2.0 to open the only copy of sessions created with Ardour 0.99."
-	ewarn "Ardour 2.0 saves the session file in a new format that Ardour 0.99 will"
-	ewarn "not understand."
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "The simplest way to address this is to make a copy of the session file itself"
-	ewarn "(e.g mysession/mysession.ardour) and make that file unreadable using chmod(1)."
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "---------------- WARNING -------------------"
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "If you use KDE 3.5, be sure to uncheck 'Apply colors to non-KDE applications' in"
-	ewarn "the colors configuration module if you want to be able to actually see various"
-	ewarn "texts in Ardour 2."

Deleted: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.4.1.ebuild
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.4.1.ebuild	2009-04-28 16:40:27 UTC (rev 1463)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.4.1.ebuild	2009-04-29 20:40:44 UTC (rev 1464)
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs flag-o-matic scons-ccache vst versionator patcher
-DESCRIPTION="multi-track hard disk recording software"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-IUSE="altivec debug nls sse +sys-libs vst lv2 freesound -custom-cflags"
-	>=media-libs/liblrdf-0.4.0
-	>=media-libs/raptor-1.4.2
-	>=media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.101.1
-	>=dev-libs/glib-2.10.3
-	>=x11-libs/gtk+-2.8.8
-	media-libs/flac
-	media-libs/alsa-lib
-	>=media-libs/libsamplerate-0.1.1-r1
-	>=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.0
-	dev-libs/libxslt
-	gnome-base/libgnomecanvas
-	dev-libs/libusb
-	=sci-libs/fftw-3*
-	sys-libs? ( >=dev-libs/libsigc++-2.0
-		>=dev-cpp/cairomm-1.0
-		>=dev-cpp/gtkmm-2.10
-		>=dev-cpp/glibmm-2.4
-		>=dev-libs/atk-1.6
-		>=x11-libs/pango-1.4
-		>=dev-cpp/libgnomecanvasmm-2.12.0
-		>=media-libs/libsndfile-1.0.16
-		>=media-libs/libsoundtouch-1.0 )
-	freesound? ( net-misc/curl )
-	lv2? ( =media-libs/slv2-9999 )"
-	sys-devel/libtool
-	dev-libs/boost
-	dev-util/pkgconfig
-	>=dev-util/scons-0.96.1
-	nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )"
-pkg_setup() {
-	if use amd64 && use vst; then
-		eerror "${P} currently does not compile with VST support on amd64!"
-		eerror "Please unset VST useflag."
-		die
-	fi
-	if use sys-libs;then
-		ewarn "You are trying to use the system libraries"
-		ewarn "instead the ones provided by ardour"
-		ewarn "No upstream support for doing so. Use at your own risk!!!"
-		ewarn "To use the ardour provided libs remerge with:"
-		ewarn "USE=\"-sys-libs\" emerge =${P}"
-		if ! built_with_use dev-cpp/gtkmm accessibility; then
-			eerror "dev-cpp/gtkmm needs to be built with use accessibility"
-			eerror "in order to build ${PN}"
-			die "gtkmm was not built with use accessibility"
-		fi
-		epause 3s
-	fi
-ardour_use_enable() {
-	use ${2} && echo "${1}=1" || echo "${1}=0"
-src_unpack() {
-	# abort if user answers no to distribution of vst enabled binaries
-	if use vst;	then
-		agree_vst || die "you can not distribute ardour with vst support"
-	fi
-	unpack ${A}
-	cd "${S}"
-	# SYSLIBS also use external sndfile
-	use sys-libs && epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.0.3-sndfile-external.patch"
-	# optional custom cflags
-	use custom-cflags && epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.4-cflags.patch"
-	# find libsoundtouch
-	epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-find_soundtouch.patch"
-	# GCC 4.3 fix
-	epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.4-gcc43.patch"
-	# set up VST stuff
-	ardour_vst_prepare
-src_compile() {
-	# Required for scons to "see" intermediate install location
-	mkdir -p "${D}"
-	#local FPU_OPTIMIZATION="$((use altivec || use sse) && echo 1 || echo 0)"
-	cd "${S}"
-	tc-export CC CXX
-	add_ccache_to_scons
-	# Avoid compiling x86 asm when building on amd64 without using sse
-	# bug #186798
-	# NOTE: this doesn't work
-	#use amd64 && append-flags "-DUSE_X86_64_ASM"
-	# touching FPU_OPTIMIZATION only if sse altivec is enabled, otherwhise
-	# don't even specify it
-	local myconf=""
-	(use sse || use altivec) && myconf="FPU_OPTIMIZATION=1"
-	scons \
-		$(ardour_use_enable DEBUG debug) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable NLS nls) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable VST vst) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable SYSLIBS sys-libs) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable LV2 lv2) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable FREESOUND freesound) \
-		DESTDIR="${D}" \
-		PREFIX=/usr \
-		${myconf} \
-		|| die "scons make failed"
-src_install() {
-	scons install || die "make install failed"
-	doicon "${S}/icons/icon/ardour_icon_mac.png"
-	make_desktop_entry ardour Ardour ardour_icon_mac.png "AudioVideo;Audio"
-	if use vst; then
-		mv "${D}"/usr/bin/ardourvst "${D}"/usr/bin/ardour2
-	fi
-pkg_postinst() {
-	ewarn "---------------- WARNING -------------------"
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "Do not use Ardour 2.0 to open the only copy of sessions created with Ardour 0.99."
-	ewarn "Ardour 2.0 saves the session file in a new format that Ardour 0.99 will"
-	ewarn "not understand."
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "The simplest way to address this is to make a copy of the session file itself"
-	ewarn "(e.g mysession/mysession.ardour) and make that file unreadable using chmod(1)."
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "---------------- WARNING -------------------"
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "If you use KDE 3.5, be sure to uncheck 'Apply colors to non-KDE applications' in"
-	ewarn "the colors configuration module if you want to be able to actually see various"
-	ewarn "texts in Ardour 2."

Deleted: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.4.ebuild
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.4.ebuild	2009-04-28 16:40:27 UTC (rev 1463)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.4.ebuild	2009-04-29 20:40:44 UTC (rev 1464)
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs flag-o-matic scons-ccache vst versionator patcher
-DESCRIPTION="multi-track hard disk recording software"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-IUSE="altivec debug nls sse sys-libs vst lv2 freesound"
-S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-$(get_version_component_range 1-2 )"
-	>=media-libs/liblrdf-0.4.0
-	>=media-libs/raptor-1.4.2
-	>=media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.101.1
-	>=dev-libs/glib-2.10.3
-	>=x11-libs/gtk+-2.8.8
-	media-libs/flac
-	media-libs/alsa-lib
-	>=media-libs/libsamplerate-0.1.1-r1
-	>=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.0
-	dev-libs/libxslt
-	gnome-base/libgnomecanvas
-	dev-libs/libusb
-	=sci-libs/fftw-3*
-	sys-libs? ( >=dev-libs/libsigc++-2.0
-		>=dev-cpp/cairomm-1.0
-		>=dev-cpp/gtkmm-2.10
-		>=dev-cpp/glibmm-2.4
-		>=dev-libs/atk-1.6
-		>=x11-libs/pango-1.4
-		>=dev-cpp/libgnomecanvasmm-2.12.0
-		>=media-libs/libsndfile-1.0.16
-		>=media-libs/libsoundtouch-1.0 )
-	lv2? ( =media-libs/slv2-9999 )"
-	sys-devel/libtool
-	dev-libs/boost
-	dev-util/pkgconfig
-	>=dev-util/scons-0.96.1
-	nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )"
-pkg_setup() {
-	if use amd64 && use vst; then
-		eerror "${P} currently does not compile with VST support on amd64!"
-		eerror "Please unset VST useflag."
-		die
-	fi
-	if use sys-libs;then
-		ewarn "You are trying to use the system libraries"
-		ewarn "instead the ones provided by ardour"
-		ewarn "No upstream support for doing so. Use at your own risk!!!"
-		ewarn "To use the ardour provided libs remerge with:"
-		ewarn "USE=\"-sys-libs\" emerge =${P}"
-		if ! built_with_use dev-cpp/gtkmm accessibility; then
-			eerror "dev-cpp/gtkmm needs to be built with use accessibility"
-			eerror "in order to build ${PN}"
-			die "gtkmm was not built with use accessibility"
-		fi
-		epause 3s
-	fi
-ardour_use_enable() {
-	use ${2} && echo "${1}=1" || echo "${1}=0"
-src_unpack() {
-	# abort if user answers no to distribution of vst enabled binaries
-	if use vst;	then
-		agree_vst || die "you can not distribute ardour with vst support"
-	fi
-	unpack ${A}
-	cd "${S}"
-	patcher "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.0.3-cflags.patch" -a -f
-	# SYSLIBS also use external sndfile
-	use sys-libs && epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.0.3-sndfile-external.patch"
-	epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-find_soundtouch.patch"
-	ardour_vst_prepare
-src_compile() {
-	# Required for scons to "see" intermediate install location
-	mkdir -p "${D}"
-	#local FPU_OPTIMIZATION="$((use altivec || use sse) && echo 1 || echo 0)"
-	cd "${S}"
-	tc-export CC CXX
-	add_ccache_to_scons
-	# Avoid compiling x86 asm when building on amd64 without using sse
-	# bug #186798
-	# NOTE: this doesn't work
-	#use amd64 && append-flags "-DUSE_X86_64_ASM"
-	# touching FPU_OPTIMIZATION only if sse altivec is enabled, otherwhise
-	# don't even specify it
-	local myconf=""
-	(use sse || use altivec) && myconf="FPU_OPTIMIZATION=1"
-	scons \
-		$(ardour_use_enable DEBUG debug) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable NLS nls) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable VST vst) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable SYSLIBS sys-libs) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable LV2 lv2) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable FREESOUND freesound) \
-		DESTDIR="${D}" \
-		PREFIX=/usr \
-		${myconf} \
-		|| die "scons make failed"
-src_install() {
-	scons install || die "make install failed"
-	doicon "${S}/icons/icon/ardour_icon_mac.png"
-	make_desktop_entry ardour Ardour ardour_icon_mac.png "AudioVideo;Audio"
-	if use vst; then
-		mv "${D}"/usr/bin/ardourvst "${D}"/usr/bin/ardour2
-	fi
-pkg_postinst() {
-	ewarn "---------------- WARNING -------------------"
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "Do not use Ardour 2.0 to open the only copy of sessions created with Ardour 0.99."
-	ewarn "Ardour 2.0 saves the session file in a new format that Ardour 0.99 will"
-	ewarn "not understand."
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "The simplest way to address this is to make a copy of the session file itself"
-	ewarn "(e.g mysession/mysession.ardour) and make that file unreadable using chmod(1)."
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "---------------- WARNING -------------------"
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "If you use KDE 3.5, be sure to uncheck 'Apply colors to non-KDE applications' in"
-	ewarn "the colors configuration module if you want to be able to actually see various"
-	ewarn "texts in Ardour 2."

Deleted: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.5.ebuild
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.5.ebuild	2009-04-28 16:40:27 UTC (rev 1463)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.5.ebuild	2009-04-29 20:40:44 UTC (rev 1464)
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit exteutils toolchain-funcs flag-o-matic scons-ccache vst versionator patcher
-DESCRIPTION="multi-track hard disk recording software"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-IUSE="altivec debug nls sse +sys-libs vst lv2 freesound custom-cflags"
-	>=media-libs/aubio-0.3.2
-	>=media-libs/liblrdf-0.4.0
-	>=media-libs/raptor-1.4.2
-	>=media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.109.2
-	>=dev-libs/glib-2.10.3
-	>=x11-libs/gtk+-2.8.8
-	media-libs/flac
-	>=media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.14a-r1
-	>=media-libs/libsamplerate-0.1.1-r1
-	>=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.0
-	dev-libs/libxslt
-	gnome-base/libgnomecanvas
-	dev-libs/libusb
-	=sci-libs/fftw-3*
-	sys-libs? ( >=dev-libs/libsigc++-2.0
-		>=dev-cpp/cairomm-1.0
-		>=dev-cpp/gtkmm-2.10
-		>=dev-cpp/glibmm-2.4
-		>=dev-libs/atk-1.6
-		>=x11-libs/pango-1.4
-		>=dev-cpp/libgnomecanvasmm-2.12.0
-		>=media-libs/libsndfile-1.0.16
-		>=media-libs/libsoundtouch-1.0 )
-	freesound? ( net-misc/curl )
-	lv2? ( >=media-libs/slv2-0.6.0 )"
-	sys-devel/libtool
-	dev-libs/boost
-	dev-util/pkgconfig
-	>=dev-util/scons-0.96.1
-	nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )"
-pkg_setup() {
-	if use amd64 && use vst; then
-		eerror "${P} currently does not compile with VST support on amd64!"
-		eerror "Please unset VST useflag."
-		die
-	fi
-	if use sys-libs;then
-		ewarn "You are trying to use the system libraries"
-		ewarn "instead the ones provided by ardour"
-		ewarn "No upstream support for doing so. Use at your own risk!!!"
-		ewarn "To use the ardour provided libs remerge with:"
-		ewarn "USE=\"-sys-libs\" emerge =${P}"
-		if ! built_with_use dev-cpp/gtkmm accessibility; then
-			eerror "dev-cpp/gtkmm needs to be built with use accessibility"
-			eerror "in order to build ${PN}"
-			die "gtkmm was not built with use accessibility"
-		fi
-		epause 3s
-	fi
-src_unpack() {
-	# abort if user answers no to distribution of vst enabled binaries
-	if use vst;	then
-		agree_vst || die "you can not distribute ardour with vst support"
-	fi
-	unpack ${A}
-	cd "${S}"
-	# SYSLIBS also use external sndfile
-	use sys-libs && epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.0.3-sndfile-external.patch"
-	# optional custom cflags
-	use custom-cflags && epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.4-cflags.patch"
-	# find libsoundtouch
-	esed_check -i -e 's@\(libraries.*\)libSoundTouch@\1 soundtouch-1.0@g' SConstruct 
-	# fix gcc 4.3
-	cd  libs/surfaces/tranzport/
-	esed_check -i -e 's@\(#include <tranzport_control_protocol.h>\)@\1\n#include <cstring>@g' screen.cc
-	cd -
-	# set up VST stuff
-	ardour_vst_prepare
-src_compile() {
-	# Required for scons to "see" intermediate install location
-	mkdir -p "${D}"
-	#local FPU_OPTIMIZATION="$((use altivec || use sse) && echo 1 || echo 0)"
-	cd "${S}"
-	tc-export CC CXX
-	add_ccache_to_scons
-	# Avoid compiling x86 asm when building on amd64 without using sse
-	# bug #186798
-	# NOTE: this doesn't work
-	#use amd64 && append-flags "-DUSE_X86_64_ASM"
-	# touching FPU_OPTIMIZATION only if sse altivec is enabled, otherwhise
-	# don't even specify it
-	local myconf=""
-	(use sse || use altivec) && myconf="FPU_OPTIMIZATION=1"
-		eerror $(scons_use_enable lv2 LV2)
-	escons \
-		$(scons_use_enable debug DEBUG) \
-		$(scons_use_enable nls NLS) \
-		$(scons_use_enable vst VST) \
-		$(scons_use_enable sys-libs SYSLIBS) \
-		$(scons_use_enable lv2 LV2) \
-		$(scons_use_enable freesound FREESOUND) \
-		DESTDIR="${D}" \
-		PREFIX=/usr \
-		${myconf} \
-		|| die "scons make failed"
-src_install() {
-	escons install || die "make install failed"
-	doicon "${S}/icons/icon/ardour_icon_mac.png"
-	make_desktop_entry ardour Ardour ardour_icon_mac.png "AudioVideo;Audio"
-	if use vst; then
-		mv "${D}"/usr/bin/ardourvst "${D}"/usr/bin/ardour2
-	fi
-pkg_postinst() {
-	ewarn "---------------- WARNING -------------------"
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "Do not use Ardour 2.0 to open the only copy of sessions created with Ardour 0.99."
-	ewarn "Ardour 2.0 saves the session file in a new format that Ardour 0.99 will"
-	ewarn "not understand."
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "The simplest way to address this is to make a copy of the session file itself"
-	ewarn "(e.g mysession/mysession.ardour) and make that file unreadable using chmod(1)."
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "---------------- WARNING -------------------"
-	ewarn ""
-	ewarn "If you use KDE 3.5, be sure to uncheck 'Apply colors to non-KDE applications' in"
-	ewarn "the colors configuration module if you want to be able to actually see various"
-	ewarn "texts in Ardour 2."

Copied: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.8.ebuild (from rev 1462, trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.7.1.ebuild)
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.8.ebuild	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.8.ebuild	2009-04-29 20:40:44 UTC (rev 1464)
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+inherit eutils toolchain-funcs fdo-mime flag-o-matic versionator
+DESCRIPTION="multi-track hard disk recording software"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
+IUSE="altivec debug freesound nls sse lv2 vst sys-libs"
+	media-libs/aubio
+	>=media-libs/raptor-1.4.2
+	>=media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.116.2
+	>=dev-libs/glib-2.10.3
+	>=x11-libs/gtk+-2.8.8
+	media-libs/flac
+	>=media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.14a-r1[midi]
+	>=media-libs/libsamplerate-0.1.1-r1
+	media-libs/liblo
+	>=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.0
+	dev-libs/libxslt
+	media-libs/vamp-plugin-sdk
+	=sci-libs/fftw-3*
+	freesound? ( net-misc/curl )
+	lv2? ( >=media-libs/slv2-0.6.1 )
+	sys-libs? ( >=dev-libs/libsigc++-2.0
+		>=dev-cpp/glibmm-2.4
+		>=dev-cpp/cairomm-1.0
+		>=dev-cpp/gtkmm-2.8
+		>=dev-libs/atk-1.6
+		>=x11-libs/pango-1.4
+		>=dev-cpp/libgnomecanvasmm-2.12.0
+		>=media-libs/libsndfile-1.0.16
+		>=media-libs/libsoundtouch-1.0 )"
+		# currently internal rubberband is used
+		# that needs fftw3 and vamp-sdk, but it rocks, so enable by default"
+	sys-devel/libtool
+	dev-libs/boost
+	dev-util/pkgconfig
+	dev-util/scons
+	nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )"
+ewarn "You need to manually download the source from http://ardour.org to use
+this ebuild. Place it in your distfiles directory."
+	einfo "this ebuild fetches from the svn maintaince"
+	einfo "ardour-2.X branch"
+	# issue with ACLOCAL_FLAGS if set to a wrong value
+	if use sys-libs;then
+		ewarn "You are trying to use the system libraries"
+		ewarn "instead the ones provided by ardour"
+		ewarn "No upstream support for doing so. Use at your own risk!!!"
+		ewarn "To use the ardour provided libs remerge with:"
+		ewarn "USE=\"-sys-libs\" emerge =${P}"
+		epause 3s
+	fi
+	if use amd64 && use vst; then
+		eerror "${P} currently does not compile with VST support on amd64!"
+		eerror "Please unset VST useflag."
+		die
+	fi
+src_prepare() {
+	use sys-libs && epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.0.3-sndfile-external.patch"
+#	Doesn't apply to 2.8 anymore. Do we need a new patch ?
+# 	how can we extract the -march flag from our system CFLAGS and add it to the
+# 	scons ARCH variable ?
+#	epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.4-cflags.patch"
+src_compile() {
+	# Required for scons to "see" intermediate install location
+	mkdir -p ${D}
+	local myconf=""
+	(use sse || use altivec) && myconf="FPU_OPTIMIZATION=1"
+	! use altivec; myconf="${myconf} ALTIVEC=$?"
+	! use debug; myconf="${myconf} ARDOUR_DEBUG=$?"
+	! use nls; myconf="${myconf} NLS=$?"
+	! use vst; myconf="${myconf} VST=$?"
+	! use sys-libs; myconf="${myconf} SYSLIBS=$?"
+	! use sse; myconf="${myconf} USE_SSE_EVERYWHERE=$? BUILD_SSE_OPTIMIZATIONS=$?"
+	! use lv2; myconf="${myconf} LV2=$?"
+	# static settings
+	myconf="${myconf} DESTDIR=${D} PREFIX=/usr KSI=0"
+	einfo "scons configure options : \"${myconf}\""
+	cd ${S}
+	scons ${myconf}	${MAKEOPTS} || die "compilation failed"
+src_install() {
+	scons install || die "make install failed"
+	if use vst;then
+		mv "${D}"/usr/bin/ardourvst "${D}"/usr/bin/ardour2
+	fi
+	newicon "${S}/icons/icon/ardour_icon_mac.png" "ardour2.png"
+	make_desktop_entry "ardour2" "Ardour2" "ardour2" "AudioVideo;Audio"
+pkg_postinst() {
+	fdo-mime_mime_database_update
+	fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
+	ewarn "---------------- WARNING -------------------"
+	ewarn ""
+	ewarn ""
+	ewarn "The simplest way to address this is to make a copy of the session file itself"
+	ewarn "(e.g mysession/mysession.ardour) and make that file unreadable using chmod(1)."
+	ewarn ""

Modified: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.9999.ebuild
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.9999.ebuild	2009-04-28 16:40:27 UTC (rev 1463)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.9999.ebuild	2009-04-29 20:40:44 UTC (rev 1464)
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
 # $Header: $
-inherit exteutils fetch-tools scons-ccache subversion vst
+inherit eutils toolchain-funcs fdo-mime flag-o-matic subversion versionator
 DESCRIPTION="multi-track hard disk recording software"
@@ -13,23 +15,24 @@
-IUSE="nls debug sse altivec vst sys-libs"
+IUSE="altivec debug freesound nls sse lv2 vst sys-libs"
-	>=media-libs/aubio-0.3.2
-	>=media-libs/raptor-1.2.0
-	>=media-libs/libart_lgpl-2.3.16
-	>=media-libs/ladspa-sdk-1.12
-	>=media-libs/libsamplerate-0.0.14
+	media-libs/aubio
+	>=media-libs/raptor-1.4.2
+	>=media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.116.2
+	>=dev-libs/glib-2.10.3
+	>=x11-libs/gtk+-2.8.8
+	media-libs/flac
+	>=media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.14a-r1[midi]
+	>=media-libs/libsamplerate-0.1.1-r1
-	>=dev-libs/libxml2-2.5.7
+	>=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.0
-	>=dev-libs/glib-2.10
-	>=x11-libs/gtk+-2.6
-	>=media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.100.0
-	>=gnome-base/libgnomecanvas-2.0
+	freesound? ( net-misc/curl )
+	lv2? ( >=media-libs/slv2-0.6.1 )
 	sys-libs? ( >=dev-libs/libsigc++-2.0
@@ -41,20 +44,19 @@
 		>=media-libs/libsoundtouch-1.0 )"
 		# currently internal rubberband is used
 		# that needs fftw3 and vamp-sdk, but it rocks, so enable by default
-	>=dev-libs/boost-1.33.1
-	sys-devel/bison
-	sys-devel/autoconf
-	sys-devel/automake
-	>=dev-util/pkgconfig-0.8.0
-	>=dev-util/scons-0.96.1
-	nls? ( >=sys-devel/gettext-0.12.1 )"
+	sys-devel/libtool
+	dev-libs/boost
+	dev-util/pkgconfig
+	dev-util/scons
+	nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )"
 	einfo "this ebuild fetches from the svn maintaince"
-	einfo "ardour-2.0.XXX branch"
+	einfo "ardour-2.X branch"
 	# issue with ACLOCAL_FLAGS if set to a wrong value
 	if use sys-libs;then
 		ewarn "You are trying to use the system libraries"
@@ -106,22 +108,37 @@
 	! use vst; myconf="${myconf} VST=$?"
 	! use sys-libs; myconf="${myconf} SYSLIBS=$?"
 	! use sse; myconf="${myconf} USE_SSE_EVERYWHERE=$? BUILD_SSE_OPTIMIZATIONS=$?"
+	! use lv2; myconf="${myconf} LV2=$?"
 	# static settings
-	myconf="${myconf} PREFIX=/usr KSI=0" # NLS=0"
+	myconf="${myconf} DESTDIR=${D} PREFIX=/usr KSI=0"
 	einfo "${myconf}"
 	cd ${S}
-	escons ${myconf}	${MAKEOPTS} || die "compilation failed"
+	scons ${myconf}	${MAKEOPTS} || die "compilation failed"
 src_install() {
-	escons DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "make install failed"
+	scons install || die "make install failed"
 	if use vst;then
 		mv "${D}"/usr/bin/ardourvst "${D}"/usr/bin/ardour2
-	doicon "${S}/icons/icon/ardour_icon_mac.png"
-	make_desktop_entry ardour Ardour ardour_icon_mac.png "AudioVideo;Audio"
+	newicon "${S}/icons/icon/ardour_icon_mac.png" "ardour2.png"
+	make_desktop_entry "ardour2" "Ardour2" "ardour2" "AudioVideo;Audio"
+pkg_postinst() {
+	fdo-mime_mime_database_update
+	fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
+	ewarn "---------------- WARNING -------------------"
+	ewarn ""
+	ewarn ""
+	ewarn "The simplest way to address this is to make a copy of the session file itself"
+	ewarn "(e.g mysession/mysession.ardour) and make that file unreadable using chmod(1)."
+	ewarn ""

Modified: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-3.9999.ebuild
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-3.9999.ebuild	2009-04-28 16:40:27 UTC (rev 1463)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/ardour-3.9999.ebuild	2009-04-29 20:40:44 UTC (rev 1464)
@@ -11,17 +11,18 @@
-IUSE="altivec debug lv2 freesound nls sse surfaces"
+IUSE="altivec debug freesound nls sse lv2 vst sys-libs"
-	>=media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.109.2
+	>=media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.116.2
@@ -67,35 +68,33 @@
 		-i libs/ardour/SConscript
-ardour_use_enable() {
-	use ${2} && echo "${1}=1" || echo "${1}=0"
 src_compile() {
 	# Required for scons to "see" intermediate install location
-	mkdir -p "${D}"
+	mkdir -p ${D}
-	local FPU_OPTIMIZATION=$((use altivec || use sse) && echo 1 || echo 0)
-	cd "${S}"
+	local myconf=""
+	(use sse || use altivec) && myconf="FPU_OPTIMIZATION=1"
+	! use altivec; myconf="${myconf} ALTIVEC=$?"
+	! use debug; myconf="${myconf} ARDOUR_DEBUG=$?"
+	! use nls; myconf="${myconf} NLS=$?"
+	! use vst; myconf="${myconf} VST=$?"
+	! use sys-libs; myconf="${myconf} SYSLIBS=$?"
+	! use sse; myconf="${myconf} USE_SSE_EVERYWHERE=$? BUILD_SSE_OPTIMIZATIONS=$?"
+	! use lv2; myconf="${myconf} LV2=$?"
-	tc-export CC CXX
+	# static settings
+	myconf="${myconf} DESTDIR=${D} PREFIX=/usr KSI=0"
+	einfo "${myconf}"
-	scons \
-		$(ardour_use_enable NLS nls) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable DEBUG debug) \
-		DESTDIR="${D}" \
-		$(ardour_use_enable FREESOUND freesound) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable LV2 lv2) \
-		$(ardour_use_enable SURFACES surfaces) \
-		SYSLIBS=1 \
-		PREFIX=/usr || die "scons failed"
+	cd ${S}
+	scons ${myconf}	${MAKEOPTS} || die "compilation failed"
 src_install() {
 	scons install || die "make install failed"
+	if use vst;then
+		mv "${D}"/usr/bin/ardourvst "${D}"/usr/bin/ardour2
+	fi

Deleted: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/files/ardour-2.0.3-cflags.patch
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/files/ardour-2.0.3-cflags.patch	2009-04-28 16:40:27 UTC (rev 1463)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/files/ardour-2.0.3-cflags.patch	2009-04-29 20:40:44 UTC (rev 1464)
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Index: ardour-2.0.3/SConstruct
---- ardour-2.0.3.orig/SConstruct
-+++ ardour-2.0.3/SConstruct
-@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ subst_dict = { }
- opts = Options('scache.conf')
- opts.AddOptions(
-     ('ARCH', 'Set architecture-specific compilation flags by hand (all flags as 1 argument)',''),
-+    ('CFLAGS', 'Set custom CFLAGS',''),
-     BoolOption('AUDIOUNITS', 'Compile with Apple\'s AudioUnit library. (experimental)', 0),
-     BoolOption('COREAUDIO', 'Compile with Apple\'s CoreAudio library', 0),
-     BoolOption('DEBUG', 'Set to build with debugging information and no optimizations', 0),
-@@ -668,14 +669,18 @@ if env['ARCH'] != '':
- # prepend boiler plate optimization flags
- #
--opt_flags[:0] = [
--    "-O3",
--    "-fomit-frame-pointer",
--    "-ffast-math",
--    "-fstrength-reduce",
--    "-pipe"
-+if env['CFLAGS'] != '':
-+    opt_flags[:0]=env['CFLAGS'].split()
-+    opt_flags[:0] = [
-+        "-O3",
-+        "-fomit-frame-pointer",
-+        "-ffast-math",
-+        "-fstrength-reduce",
-+        "-pipe"
-     ]
- if env['DEBUG'] == 1:
-     env.Append(CCFLAGS=" ".join (debug_flags))
-     env.Append(LINKFLAGS=" ".join (debug_flags))

Deleted: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/files/ardour-2.3.1-find_soundtouch.patch
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/files/ardour-2.3.1-find_soundtouch.patch	2009-04-28 16:40:27 UTC (rev 1463)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/files/ardour-2.3.1-find_soundtouch.patch	2009-04-29 20:40:44 UTC (rev 1464)
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
---- SConstruct.orig	2008-02-07 16:44:02.000000000 +0100
-+++ SConstruct	2008-02-07 16:44:28.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1006,9 +1006,9 @@
- #    libraries['flowcanvas'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='flowcanvas', LIBPATH='#/libs/flowcanvas', CPPPATH='#libs/flowcanvas')
-     libraries['soundtouch'] = LibraryInfo()
--    #libraries['soundtouch'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs soundtouch-1.0')
-+    libraries['soundtouch'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs soundtouch-1.0')
-     # Comment the previous line and uncomment this for Debian:
--    libraries['soundtouch'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs libSoundTouch')
-+    #libraries['soundtouch'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs libSoundTouch')
-     libraries['appleutility'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='libappleutility',
-                                             LIBPATH='#libs/appleutility',

Deleted: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/files/ardour-2.4-find_soundtouch.patch
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/files/ardour-2.4-find_soundtouch.patch	2009-04-28 16:40:27 UTC (rev 1463)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/files/ardour-2.4-find_soundtouch.patch	2009-04-29 20:40:44 UTC (rev 1464)
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
---- SConstruct.orig	2008-02-07 16:44:02.000000000 +0100
-+++ SConstruct	2008-02-07 16:44:28.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1006,9 +1006,9 @@
- #    libraries['flowcanvas'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='flowcanvas', LIBPATH='#/libs/flowcanvas', CPPPATH='#libs/flowcanvas')
-     libraries['soundtouch'] = LibraryInfo()
--    #libraries['soundtouch'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs soundtouch-1.0')
-+    libraries['soundtouch'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs soundtouch-1.0')
-     # Comment the previous line and uncomment this for Debian:
--    libraries['soundtouch'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs libSoundTouch')
-+    #libraries['soundtouch'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs libSoundTouch')
-     libraries['appleutility'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='libappleutility',
-                                             LIBPATH='#libs/appleutility',

Deleted: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/files/ardour-2.4-gcc43.patch
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/files/ardour-2.4-gcc43.patch	2009-04-28 16:40:27 UTC (rev 1463)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/files/ardour-2.4-gcc43.patch	2009-04-29 20:40:44 UTC (rev 1464)
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-diff -up ardour-2.4/gtk2_ardour/actions.cc.gcc43 ardour-2.4/gtk2_ardour/actions.cc
---- ardour-2.4/gtk2_ardour/actions.cc.gcc43	2008-03-31 08:07:53.000000000 -0400
-+++ ardour-2.4/gtk2_ardour/actions.cc	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
- */
-+#include <cstring>
- #include <vector>
- #include <string>
- #include <list>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/gtk2_ardour/editing.cc.gcc43 ardour-2.4/gtk2_ardour/editing.cc
---- ardour-2.4/gtk2_ardour/editing.cc.gcc43	2008-04-05 15:34:10.000000000 -0400
-+++ ardour-2.4/gtk2_ardour/editing.cc	2008-04-05 15:34:21.000000000 -0400
-@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
- */
--#include <string>
-+#include <cstring>
- #include "editing.h"
-diff -up ardour-2.4/gtk2_ardour/editing_syms.h.gcc43 ardour-2.4/gtk2_ardour/editing_syms.h
-diff -up ardour-2.4/gtk2_ardour/fft_result.cc.gcc43 ardour-2.4/gtk2_ardour/fft_result.cc
---- ardour-2.4/gtk2_ardour/fft_result.cc.gcc43	2008-04-05 16:47:41.000000000 -0400
-+++ ardour-2.4/gtk2_ardour/fft_result.cc	2008-04-05 16:53:14.000000000 -0400
-@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
- #include <fft_result.h>
- #include <fft_graph.h>
- #include <cstdlib>
-+#include <cstring>
- #include <string>
- #include <cmath>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/ardour/buffer.h.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/ardour/buffer.h
---- ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/ardour/buffer.h.gcc43	2007-05-10 07:30:33.000000000 -0400
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/ardour/buffer.h	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
- #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600
- #include <cstdlib> // for posix_memalign
- #include <cassert>
-+#include <cstring>
- #include <ardour/types.h>
- #include <ardour/data_type.h>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/ardour/port.h.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/ardour/port.h
---- ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/ardour/port.h.gcc43	2007-05-10 07:30:33.000000000 -0400
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/ardour/port.h	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
- #ifndef __ardour_port_h__
- #define __ardour_port_h__
-+#include <cstring>
- #include <sigc++/signal.h>
- #include <pbd/failed_constructor.h>
- #include <ardour/ardour.h>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/ardour/silentfilesource.h.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/ardour/silentfilesource.h
---- ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/ardour/silentfilesource.h.gcc43	2008-01-30 15:29:38.000000000 -0500
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/ardour/silentfilesource.h	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
- #ifndef __ardour_silentfilesource_h__ 
- #define __ardour_silentfilesource_h__
-+#include <cstring>
- #include <ardour/audiofilesource.h>
- namespace ARDOUR {
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/audioanalyser.cc.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/audioanalyser.cc
---- ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/audioanalyser.cc.gcc43	2008-02-16 16:52:28.000000000 -0500
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/audioanalyser.cc	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
- #include <ardour/readable.h>
- #include <ardour/readable.h>
-+#include <cstring>
- #include "i18n.h"
- using namespace std;
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/recent_sessions.cc.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/recent_sessions.cc
---- ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/recent_sessions.cc.gcc43	2008-01-29 13:21:54.000000000 -0500
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/recent_sessions.cc	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
- */
- #include <cerrno>
-+#include <cstring>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <algorithm>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/sndfilesource.cc.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/sndfilesource.cc
---- ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/sndfilesource.cc.gcc43	2008-02-27 10:21:21.000000000 -0500
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/sndfilesource.cc	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
- #include <cerrno>
- #include <climits>
-+#include <cstring>
- #include <pwd.h>
- #include <sys/utsname.h>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/utils.cc.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/utils.cc
---- ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/utils.cc.gcc43	2008-03-26 21:21:32.000000000 -0400
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/ardour/utils.cc	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
- #include <cstdio> /* for sprintf */
- #include <cmath>
- #include <cctype>
--#include <string>
-+#include <cstring>
- #include <cerrno>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <sys/types.h>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/midi++2/fd_midiport.cc.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/midi++2/fd_midiport.cc
---- ardour-2.4/libs/midi++2/fd_midiport.cc.gcc43	2007-09-27 00:20:36.000000000 -0400
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/midi++2/fd_midiport.cc	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <cerrno>
-+#include <cstring>
- #include <pbd/error.h>
- #include <pbd/pathscanner.h>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/midi++2/midi.cc.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/midi++2/midi.cc
---- ardour-2.4/libs/midi++2/midi.cc.gcc43	2007-05-10 07:30:30.000000000 -0400
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/midi++2/midi.cc	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
-     $Id: ardour-2.4-gcc43.patch,v 1.1 2008/04/20 16:54:46 aballier Exp $
- */
--#include <string>
-+#include <cstring>
- #include <cstdlib>
- #include <midi++/types.h>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/midi++2/midichannel.cc.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/midi++2/midichannel.cc
---- ardour-2.4/libs/midi++2/midichannel.cc.gcc43	2007-05-10 07:30:30.000000000 -0400
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/midi++2/midichannel.cc	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
-     $Id: ardour-2.4-gcc43.patch,v 1.1 2008/04/20 16:54:46 aballier Exp $
- */
-+#include <cstring>
- #include <midi++/types.h>
- #include <midi++/port.h>
- #include <midi++/channel.h>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/midi++2/midiparser.cc.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/midi++2/midiparser.cc
---- ardour-2.4/libs/midi++2/midiparser.cc.gcc43	2007-05-10 07:30:30.000000000 -0400
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/midi++2/midiparser.cc	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
- #include <cstdlib>
- #include <unistd.h>
--#include <string>
-+#include <cstring>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <iterator>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/midi++2/mtc.cc.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/midi++2/mtc.cc
---- ardour-2.4/libs/midi++2/mtc.cc.gcc43	2007-05-10 07:30:30.000000000 -0400
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/midi++2/mtc.cc	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
- #include <cstdlib>
- #include <unistd.h>
--#include <string>
-+#include <cstring>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <midi++/types.h>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/pbd/base_ui.cc.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/pbd/base_ui.cc
---- ardour-2.4/libs/pbd/base_ui.cc.gcc43	2007-05-10 07:30:44.000000000 -0400
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/pbd/base_ui.cc	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
--#include <errno.h>
-+#include <cerrno>
-+#include <cstring>
- #include <pbd/base_ui.h>
- #include <pbd/error.h>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/pbd/mountpoint.cc.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/pbd/mountpoint.cc
---- ardour-2.4/libs/pbd/mountpoint.cc.gcc43	2007-09-24 11:42:04.000000000 -0400
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/pbd/mountpoint.cc	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
- */
- #include <cstdio>
-+#include <cstring>
- #include <string>
- #include <limits.h>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/pbd/pathscanner.cc.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/pbd/pathscanner.cc
---- ardour-2.4/libs/pbd/pathscanner.cc.gcc43	2007-05-10 07:30:44.000000000 -0400
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/pbd/pathscanner.cc	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
- #include <cstdlib>
- #include <cstdio>
-+#include <cstring>
- #include <vector>
- #include <dirent.h>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/pbd/pbd/ringbuffer.h.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/pbd/pbd/ringbuffer.h
---- ardour-2.4/libs/pbd/pbd/ringbuffer.h.gcc43	2007-05-10 07:30:44.000000000 -0400
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/pbd/pbd/ringbuffer.h	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
- #ifndef ringbuffer_h
- #define ringbuffer_h
-+#include <cstring>
- #include <glib.h>
- template<class T>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/pbd/pool.cc.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/pbd/pool.cc
---- ardour-2.4/libs/pbd/pool.cc.gcc43	2007-07-05 23:11:52.000000000 -0400
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/pbd/pool.cc	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
-     $Id: ardour-2.4-gcc43.patch,v 1.1 2008/04/20 16:54:46 aballier Exp $
- */
-+#include <cstdlib>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <vector>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/FFT.cpp.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/FFT.cpp
---- ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/FFT.cpp.gcc43	2007-12-11 10:30:32.000000000 -0500
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/FFT.cpp	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
- #include <fftw3.h>
-+#include <cstdlib>
- #include <cmath>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <map>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/main.cpp.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/main.cpp
---- ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/main.cpp.gcc43	2007-12-11 10:27:07.000000000 -0500
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/main.cpp	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
- #include "RubberBandStretcher.h"
-+#include <cstdlib>
-+#include <cstring>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <sndfile.h>
- #include <cmath>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/RingBuffer.h.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/RingBuffer.h
---- ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/RingBuffer.h.gcc43	2007-12-11 10:27:07.000000000 -0500
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/RingBuffer.h	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
-+#include <cstring>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #ifndef _WIN32
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/StretchCalculator.cpp.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/StretchCalculator.cpp
---- ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/StretchCalculator.cpp.gcc43	2007-12-11 10:27:07.000000000 -0500
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/StretchCalculator.cpp	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
- #include "StretchCalculator.h"
-+#include <algorithm>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <deque>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/StretcherProcess.cpp.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/StretcherProcess.cpp
---- ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/StretcherProcess.cpp.gcc43	2008-01-09 10:19:25.000000000 -0500
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/StretcherProcess.cpp	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
- #include "StretcherChannelData.h"
- #include "Resampler.h"
-+#include <cstring>
- #include <cassert>
- #include <cmath>
- #include <set>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/Thread.cpp.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/Thread.cpp
---- ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/Thread.cpp.gcc43	2007-12-11 10:27:07.000000000 -0500
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/Thread.cpp	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
- #include <iostream>
-+#include <cstdlib>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <time.h>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/Window.h.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/Window.h
---- ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/Window.h.gcc43	2007-12-11 10:27:07.000000000 -0500
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/rubberband/src/Window.h	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
-+#include <cstdlib>
- #include <cmath>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <map>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/surfaces/tranzport/screen.cc.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/surfaces/tranzport/screen.cc
---- ardour-2.4/libs/surfaces/tranzport/screen.cc.gcc43	2008-04-05 16:55:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/surfaces/tranzport/screen.cc	2008-04-05 16:55:39.000000000 -0400
-@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
-  *   */
- #include <tranzport_control_protocol.h>
-+#include <cstring>
- void
- TranzportControlProtocol::screen_clear ()
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/vamp-sdk/vamp-sdk/hostext/PluginLoader.cpp.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/vamp-sdk/vamp-sdk/hostext/PluginLoader.cpp
---- ardour-2.4/libs/vamp-sdk/vamp-sdk/hostext/PluginLoader.cpp.gcc43	2008-01-25 11:05:47.000000000 -0500
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/vamp-sdk/vamp-sdk/hostext/PluginLoader.cpp	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
- #include <fstream>
- #include <cctype> // tolower
-+#include <cstring>
- #ifdef _WIN32
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/vamp-sdk/vamp-sdk/PluginAdapter.cpp.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/vamp-sdk/vamp-sdk/PluginAdapter.cpp
---- ardour-2.4/libs/vamp-sdk/vamp-sdk/PluginAdapter.cpp.gcc43	2008-01-10 08:48:10.000000000 -0500
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/vamp-sdk/vamp-sdk/PluginAdapter.cpp	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@
- #include "PluginAdapter.h"
-+#include <cstdlib>
-+#include <cstring>
-diff -up ardour-2.4/libs/vamp-sdk/vamp-sdk/PluginHostAdapter.cpp.gcc43 ardour-2.4/libs/vamp-sdk/vamp-sdk/PluginHostAdapter.cpp
---- ardour-2.4/libs/vamp-sdk/vamp-sdk/PluginHostAdapter.cpp.gcc43	2008-01-10 08:48:10.000000000 -0500
-+++ ardour-2.4/libs/vamp-sdk/vamp-sdk/PluginHostAdapter.cpp	2008-04-05 15:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
- #include "PluginHostAdapter.h"
-+#include <cstdlib>
- namespace Vamp
- {

Deleted: trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/files/ardour-2.4.1-find_soundtouch.patch
--- trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/files/ardour-2.4.1-find_soundtouch.patch	2009-04-28 16:40:27 UTC (rev 1463)
+++ trunk/overlays/proaudio/media-sound/ardour/files/ardour-2.4.1-find_soundtouch.patch	2009-04-29 20:40:44 UTC (rev 1464)
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
---- SConstruct.orig	2008-02-07 16:44:02.000000000 +0100
-+++ SConstruct	2008-02-07 16:44:28.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1006,9 +1006,9 @@
- #    libraries['flowcanvas'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='flowcanvas', LIBPATH='#/libs/flowcanvas', CPPPATH='#libs/flowcanvas')
-     libraries['soundtouch'] = LibraryInfo()
--    #libraries['soundtouch'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs soundtouch-1.0')
-+    libraries['soundtouch'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs soundtouch-1.0')
-     # Comment the previous line and uncomment this for Debian:
--    libraries['soundtouch'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs libSoundTouch')
-+    #libraries['soundtouch'].ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs libSoundTouch')
-     libraries['appleutility'] = LibraryInfo(LIBS='libappleutility',
-                                             LIBPATH='#libs/appleutility',

Mail converted by MHonArc 2.6.19+ http://listengine.tuxfamily.org/