Re: [proaudio] HADOPI stuff on Tuxfamily

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I was trying to understand this topic as well. Obviously pro-audio is not in
breach of any copyright unless some upstream developer has stolen code (again
very unlikely).. However I am completely against government monitoring and am a
strong supporter (including some financial support) of the "No Clean Feed"
campaign here in Australia. I was of the understanding that the HADOPI laws were
squashed by the EU, if not then I agree, pro-audio should seek another host.... 



On Wed Apr  1 23:55 , Damien Moody  sent:

>Man, I am SO out of touch with society's little cultural artifacts (and
>don't really care that I'm so out of touch), that I'd paid no heed to
>the date.
>*as Kelso from That 70's Show* Burn! Burrrrn!
>If voting could really change things, it would be illegal. 
>Xavier Miller wrote:
>> 1st of April ;)
>> Damien Moody a écrit :
>>> I just got an email from Tuxfamily to the effect that Tuxfamily
>>> whole-heartedly endorses HADOPI, which, as far as I can figure out from
>>> the unclear and indirect information provided on the net, is a new law
>>> that bars people from the internet if they download pirated material.
>>> If that's what it is, what is the reaction from folks on pro-audio? I am
>>> extremely against any reason for government to monitor and spy on people
>>> for ANY reason. If you got probable cause, move in. If not, butt out.
>>> I would also like to propose, since Tuxfamily apparently intends to spy
>>> on its users now, that the pro-audio project seek to be hosted
>>> elsewhere.

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