[proaudio] Please bump libsndfile and minicomputer

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The media-libs/libsndfile-1.0.18_pre24 ebuild available in the proaudio
repository doesn't build any more, because 1.0.18 has been released and
the pre24 sourse can't be downloaded. After renaming the pre24 ebuild
and removing the MY_PV / MY_P / S lines, which aren't needed any longer
since the final release has a normal filename, it emerges fine.

Also, could you bump media-sound/minicomputer-1.2 to 1.3? The only
change needed in the ebuild is to remove the gcc43.patch patch which
is not needed any more. The fltk.patch seems to still be needed.

BTW, a couple of months ago I also asked about bumping
media-sound/azr3-jack to 1.0.3 - should I have sent this request
somewhere else?



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