Re: [proaudio] regression digressions

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On Thu Feb 19 22:03 , Jean-Baptiste Mestelan  sent:

>2009/2/18 kRAkEn/gORe kunitoki@xxxxxxxxx>
>> It was a dark night, pitch black...
>> my new kernels are practically unusable, my machine slowdown as it is carrying
a dino on the back, and i experience high iowait times when doing a simple find /
>> that makes my mouse skip and jump everywhere.
>> anyone experienced slowness in the latest kernels ?
>> this is not only an old bug (introduced in 2.6.18) but it is getting less
attention from the kernel developers than what it should.
>> lately, i've experienced more kernel regression than plain software
regression. I thought the opposite.
>> Cheers
>> Lucio
>> p.s. i'm again back to 2.6.18 or 2.6.16-rt22 as nothing can compare in speed
and responsiveness !
>Hi Lucio.
> Still running on here, which is the last stable version
>I could emerge (and which suits me fine). This was the version used by
>pure:dyne last time I checked.
>I tried, and reported here that it broke support for MIDI
>over USB. Other than that, and quite frankly, I do not tend to notice
>a big difference in responsiveness from user apps, between two
>versions of the realtime kernel ?

I'm using ... I have no problems with USB MIDI at all, (am happily
running about 20 MIDI ports over 4 devices)... 

I have not experienced slowness, the issues described above or increased latency
with this kernel at all.. The only thing I have noticed is on shutdown,most of
the system powers down except it fails to completely shut off the power and still
sends the last frame to the screen...

I have heard that 2.6.28 is actually very good even without the rt patches but
have seen on LAU that there are already 2.6.29 rt patches in progress.

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