Re: [proaudio] fst fail to build on amd64

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>> Woot. Which version? 
>museseq-1.0_pre1 and museseq-9999

Wow, I can't get museseq-1.0_pre1 to compile at all either. It has a dependency on the 
unstable jack, whereas I use jackdmp (with the normal jack header) with the ** keyword. 
If use --nodeps it still won't compile (possibly as I am using GCC 4.3.1)

>> Last time I checked, MusE 0.9 was so outdated it failed to compile, and
>> MusE 2 SVN still was lacking appropriate MIDI support.
>I get strange results with the svn version:
>WARNING: Cannot lock memory:: Ne peut allouer de la mémoire
>JACK is not running realtime  # it was running rt!

I always used to get this message with earlier versions and just ignored it.. 
>It was also impossible to interconnect Muse with timidity because muse was into
>the MIDI tab and timidity into the alsa one.

So MusE  SVN is actually showing a MIDI device now? Although I take it you didn't test 
this as you are using Timidity I am using outboard MIDI gear exclusively for all my 
I'm going to try and compile again tonight and see what happens. If it works well then 
I don't need to wait for Ardour 3 to stabilise. Although still plan to keep testing.... 
I really actually liked working with MusE and ardour synced via jack transport (1 
workspace for MIDI and one for audio).. as I work in a more traditional work flow.. 
completing all the MIDI stuff then track recording in everything and finishing the 
mixing in ardour. 
>Rosegarden is better for now. 

Aside from the fact that I prefer the MusE interface, I could never get it to sync 
properly to an external MIDI clock, whereas MusE always used to have pretty good MIDI 
sync functionality. (I did do alot of testing from about version 0.3 onwards.)

I will try and compile SVN tonight and report back. If it works with MIDI sync (again) 
then this will dramatically speed up my output. 

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