Re: [proaudio] Recording through a USB soundcard

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You need to setup ardour for software monitoring... Sorry I'm at work right now and I can't remember exactly how to do that.

On Tue Jul 29 6:58 , "Arve Barsnes" sent:

I recently bought the M-Audio MobilePre USB soundcard for some light
audio recording, but I have one problem with it.

When trying to record through Ardour (and probably everywhere else
too) I can't hear what I'm playing.

Other tracks recorded earlier play just fine, so playback works, and
when I stop recording, whatever I played has been recorded just fine
and can be played back. In other words, it's only monitoring of the
recording input that doesn't work. I don't know if it's an Ardour
problem or something I should be routing in jack, but any tips are
greatly welcomed. The monitoring of what I played worked just fine on
the line-in input of the built-in soundcard, so I'm thinking it's
possibly something outside of Ardour that's causing the problem...



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