Re: [proaudio] subversion use flags?

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Am Samstag, den 03.05.2008, 16:20 -0700 schrieb Mark Knecht:
> I'm bring up a laptop in Gentoo. A couple of questions:
> 1) subversion is a dependency of layman but the instructions on the
> pro-audio install page don't get it loaded. (emerge -av layman) Does
> the ebuild for layman itself not have the proper dependencies in it?
Well, layman doesn't exactly depend on subversion. There are a couple of
overlays that can be used without subversion. I added info to the
pro-audio install page.

> 2) For subversion, what flags are really required? By default it's
> wanting to build apache2 and mysql. That's a LOT of overhead for
> someone to check out jack-audio-connection-kit. What flag are folks
> using?
I think mysql is pulled in by apache (not sure though).
Apache should only be pulled in, if you have the apache2 use flag set.
This kind of make sense: If you have apache installed you are probably
on a server machine and if so, you probably want to serve repositories
as well.
Could you check if your apache2 use flag is set? One way would be
euse -i apache2
taking into account also your profile settings.
Also you could try
USE="-apache2" emerge -va subversion


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