Re: [proaudio] jost 0.4.5 ebuild

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ok, there is a new 0.4.6.

you can do like this:

./compile_libs Release
- include paths : /usr/lib /usr/X86WHATEVER/lib
- compilation build: no -m32 appended

./compile_jost Release
- include paths : /usr/lib /usr/X86WHATEVER/lib
- compilation build: no -m32 appended
- compilation of jostbridge (should not compile here but it's not a problem): no -m32 appended


./compile_libs Release32
- include paths : /usr/lib32 /usr/X86WHATEVER/lib32
- compilation build: -m32 appended

../compile_jost Release32
- include paths : /usr/lib32 /usr/X86WHATEVER/lib32
- compilation build: -m32 appended
- compilation of jostbridge: no -m32 appended

no more sed on library path for 32 compilation as it is done by default changing Release to Release32. also fixed those little path errors (vst path, compile_jost not executable).

let me know if you need more infos

Attachment: jost-0.4.6.ebuild
Description: Binary data

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