Re: [proaudio] [1013] bump libgig

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On Do, 13.12.07 10:21 Geoff Beasley <songshop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Thursday 13 December 2007 10:06:22 Thomas Kuther wrote:
> > Oops, that was my fault - I oversaw that they released libgig 3.2.1
> > Will be added in a few minutes :)
> >
> > Did you get from the bug report that you will most likely need
> > gcc-4.2 to compile linuxsampler?
> i have already upped my gcc to 4.2.2, but i'll  lokk out for the
> message.. i'll try to build again... thanks
> g.

Please test all the new linuxsampler things and report. I didn't have
the time to do so (simply version bumped the ebuilds, minor edits here
and there, and hope they are OK - but basically they should :))


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