Re: [proaudio] Realtime (RT) Kernel wiki article

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On Do, 13.12.07 20:31 Dominique Michel <dominique.michel@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

> I found this Gentoo Realtime Guide:
> It appear that the WIKI article need some update.
> 1) We must include some words about the caps USE flag
> 2) When using realtime-lsm, or realcap with recent kernels, we must
> said that the capability module must not be loaded because this will
> prevent the realcap to load. (The gentoo article is not so clear here)
> 3) I am not sure, never tried it, but for someone using the realcap
> modules, it must not be needed to compile and install the capability
> module because it will never be used. The system will use realcap
> instead! It seams here that both the wiki and the gentoo guide are
> wrong, even if this will not arm.
>  # lsmod|grep cap
> realcap                 3464  0 
> commoncap               3072  1 realcap
> When loading the capabilty module, I get the same, but with
> capability instead of realcap. And I cannot load realcap anymore, so
> capability is not needed at all in that case, only commoncap.
> 4) When using (PAM-)rlimits, we must add that capability must be
> loaded at boot time and added in autoload.
> Can someone confirm or infirm the 2 last points before I made the
> changes.
> Cheers,
> Dominique

It looks like as of upcoming 2.6.24, security modules will not be
loadable at runtime, and therefore realtime-lsm will die.

I would wait and see what happens there, because maybe it would be
wasted energy.

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