Re: [proaudio] NTPL issue with linuxsampler

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On Mo, 10.12.07 09:30 Geoff Beasley <songshop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Monday 10 December 2007 09:19:05 Thomas Kuther wrote:
> > Gee,
> >
> > Seems more people are getting this.
> thanks for the link Tom. I've got 2.6.1 atm. maybe i'll try 2.7...
> i just built successfully on another machine with 2.4-r3.
> thick plot.. :)
> g.

Well, upgrading wasn't the solution it seems.
But as you are also getting this, we should start looking into the
linuxsampler configure script to see if the "buggy NPTL detection" is
buggy. Because I do not think that this is a glibc bug, actually.

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