Re: [proaudio] rtirq wont merge with newer util-linux

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Richard Connon wrote:
How would using a binary package help?

now fixed

Mark Knecht wrote:
Try emerge -G schedutils and trying the rtirq emerge again.

Sometimes a new package picks up responsibility for an old package.

If that doesn't work we should contact Rui.

- Mark

On 9/8/07, Richard Connon <richard.connon@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Attempted merge gets the following blockers:

# emerge -p rtirq

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild  N    ] sys-process/schedutils-1.5.0
[ebuild  N    ] sys-process/rtirq-20070101
[blocks B     ] >=sys-apps/util-linux-2.13_pre (is blocking
[blocks B     ] sys-process/schedutils (is blocking

Anyone know why this is?

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