Re: [proaudio] alsaplayer and CLAM

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if i were writing it, i would have made it in juce :)
cool looking, easy fast and time saving. also makes code readable and
maintainable by anyone. also it doesn't have all those windows bugs you saying !
it just works :) and with it, you can build complex interfaces that
animates or keep
well organic with just little efforts... and to not mention it have a
callback driven audio
interface and audio source system that will let you write little
pieces then plug them in a chain to produce/control/manipulate audio

just my 2 pennies


On 6/21/07, Dominique Michel <dominique.michel@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi list,

CLAM get a new release: 1.1. It is some new configuration options and I will
make new ebuilds this week-end, and maybe make a new one that can be called to
install all the CLAM packages.

AlsaPlayer: the work on the gtk2 interface is going fast. It have some
interesting features for a musician:

- keyboard shortcuts to vary the speed by comma; it's handy to tune the playing
instead of tuning the guitar or the saxophone (also in gtk1)

- looper: loop a selection; handy to loop a part of a song (gtk2 only).

As development is going fast, it is better to use the live ebuild.

I have a few questions: what do you think about the gtk2 interface of
Alsaplayer? Is it better, worst, same shit as before, whatever...

It is a gtk2 related problem with the playlist windows, if we minimize it and
recall it, it doesn't show up at the same size as before. It is a gtk2 bug, not
an alsaplayer bug. Is it better to leave it as it and wait for a possible gtk2
fix for this issue, or to make a separate playlist windows as with the gtk1

Any features request and bug report will be appreciated. About the features
request, keep in mind at AlsaPlayer is a light software and will remain so. In
consequence, it is no plan to add stuff like database support.


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