[proaudio] ANN: changes to live (cvs/svn) ebuilds

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according to  http://dev.gentoo.org/~genone/docs/KEYWORDS.stupid
all keywords for live-ebuilds (-9999) should be set to

as KEYWORDS="-*" means: known to not work.

So a empty KEYWORDS variable is best as you never know when such
a ebuild fails or not.

further discussion about KEYWORDS you can find here:

To unmask a new package we now have to use:

and for unmasking
echo "media-sound/rosegarden **" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords

For easier transition I wrote a script which tries to convert

the script could be found in the overlay root:
(and should also be executed there)

./convert_live_keywords -cp

This change is going to happen later that day

Greetz Frieder

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