[proaudio] Re: rt-kernel 2.6.19-rt15

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I just tried and compiled vanilla 2.6.19 with the same .conf and it works. Can I conclude it has to do with the patch set? I don't use fbsplash, and any of the other use flags.

On 1/4/07, karlos <k.gebbert@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
doh, I forgot to attach the file. here it is..


On 1/4/07, karlos < k.gebbert@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello list,

I was just giving the 2.6.19-rt15 kernel a shot, tried to compile it using genkernel. I was not able to actually find where the compilation fails, but its on compiling the modules. I have attached the genkernel.log , could someone take a look and tell me if he/she spots where it fails?
I have noticed that parts of suspend to disk has been merged into the kernel, did anyone have a try with it yet?

Thanks for helping,


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