Re: [proaudio] Re: rt-kernel 2.6.19-rt15

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With acpi, if your pc is a laptop, it will just don't work without acpi. With a
desktop, acpi will save you some power (and heat) but the box will run fine
without it. Acpi usually use IRQ 9, a very good IRQ for a sound card.

Yeah, its a laptop. That is the problem, because without acpi my soundcard (hdsp multiface) won't be detected somehow. I fiddled around with this before, as I have a shared IRQ between the nvidia graphics, a usb port and the yenta/hdsp. Its pretty sheit, but what can I do :/
The BIOS will not let me re-assing IRQs neither, so I think I will just need to stick with what I've got.

I have turned off APM now, and the kernel boots fine. Alsa is working and wireless too.. yet, and that is REALLY a bugger, I have already had hard lock-ups during sessions with minimal work-load ( i.e. playing mp3s with rhythmbox over the hdsp sound card). This is pretty bad, I have not had any problems like this with the last dot 18 kernel, so I'll stick with it until something new comes up. Unluckily I don't really know how to produce more info on these lock-ups, otherwise I would be willing to invest some time and provide Ingo Molnar with details...but I don't.

Anyways, thanks for your reply!


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