Re: [proaudio] Adding pro-audio overlay does not work properly

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Andre Hinrichs wrote:
Hi List!

Since a while (approx. two days) the pro-audio overlay is in a wrong directory, which causes emerge not to find the ebuilds anymore.

Path in /usr/portage/local/layman/make.conf is

But in that path only a trunk directory is found.

Correct path would be

So, either the path in make.conf has to be fixed (if layman supports that), or the directory structure has to be changed.
The (new) directory for proaudio-dev should be a separate overlay then.

I know this and was already mentioned here
proaudio is the regular overlay
proaudio-dev is a overlay with lots of broken ebuilds so consider if you also want
to add this also to your overlay.

A temporary solution was posted on the forums
I've added it here

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