Re: [proaudio] ardour

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Cory Bannister kirjoitti:
> I am unable to install any version of Ardour, whether it be Ardour,
> Ardour2, or any CVS build.
> The ardour website has this problem and says it is due to binutils 2.17.
> Have you guys downgraded binutils or is there a work around?
> Cory

That sounds very much like the problem I'm having with building the
ardour/ardour2, I was *just* about to ask advice here :) Are you getting errors
similar to this:
And you are using gcc-3.4.6 and ~x86? I managed to build ardour2 with gcc-4.1.1,
but because the rest of my system is still built with gcc-3.4.6, I got a load of
"unresolved symbols"-errors when trying to run it.

I suppose the best option here is to recompile the whole system with gcc-4.1.1,
but I'm not ready for that yet, it would take a week...

And thanks for the binutils info, I must experiment with it.


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| Jouni 'Mad Max' Rinne      ('x') | - Sledge Hammer                    |
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