I was trying that on my 2006.1 install yesterday. The problem I get is at the
kernel compilation failed early with this modification. So I set the file in
its original state and it compiled without problem. Have you try to compile a
I have not applied the patch but only modified input.h by hand. Maybe at it is
something more in the patch.
I get one more problem with it. I have done a first kernel without bootsplah
and this one work fine. After that, I reinstalled the rt-sources with
fbsplash and vesafb-tng. As gensplash was not installed on the system, it was
necessary to modify input.h and run a make modules-prepare in the kernel tree.
It did it fine. But I get an error when compiling the kernel, so I reversed the
modification in input.h. Now, I get an error at boot time with this kernel
about a wrong module format or something like that. It appear to early in the
boot process and I don't find this error in my log files.
It is very strange because I have exactly the same kernel in my old install,
and it work like a charm. I want to unmerge rt-sources as well as the
lib/modules directory and remerge rt-sources and do a fresh kernel compil with
it. But I am busy with something else just now.