Re: [proaudio] jack-svn?

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I'm not sure that I understand the problem you're having.

When you emerge version 0.9999 of Jack, it will be built from SVN.  If you emerge a lower version, it won't.

My understanding is that this was done deliberately, since for some reason (which I don't remember), it was better not to create an additional package called "jack-audio-connection-kit-svn".  This was explained on the mailing list some time ago.

If you have the proaudio overlay installed, you can either emerge jack-audio-connection-kit-0.9999 for SVN, or mask this version for non-SVN.

- Colin

Thanks Colin. If that's the case then it won't help much since the
Gentoo version of Jack would then get dragged in. I currently build
Jack from SVN and have the portage verson blocked out using the
package.provided feature.

I was wanting to build the 102.XX version using emerge if possible. I
guess the por-audio devs haven't provided an SVN version like they
have with other applications.


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