Re: [proaudio] rt-tester

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  One of the things I think Ingo is working on recently, from a
private email I got asking him some questions while we were debugging
the previous 2.6.16-rt problems, is rt-mutexes. I notice this
afternoon that if I turn on kernel debugging in make menuconfig
(Kernel-hacking -> kernel debugging) then I see an entry 'Built in
scriptable tester for rt-mutexes'. The config symbol is
RT_MUTEX_TESTER. I have no idea if you need this, but it sounds
possible since the rt-tester stuff looks like a python script.

  BE AWARE - rt-mutexes are not production yet and AFAIK haven't even
made it to the mainline -rt kernel. I think they need to see light of
day through the -mm kernels first.

  Anyway, good luck looking into this if you choose. It seems WAY too
experimental for me to work on.


On 5/28/06, Dominique Michel <dominique.michel@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
At mingo's website is a test program to test the premption.

I try to run it, but get always the same error message:

[Errno 2] No such file or directory:

I think at it come from a missing device and at I probably have to enable some kernel option fot that.
Know someone more on this issue and how I can solve this?


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