Re: [pok] [POK] writing POK application but running failed

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I have tried to running in gdb, and did not disable the output, in fact, I insert a invocation of pok_cons_write after pok_bsp_init. Which will print some words in partitions-thread but noting in this incorrect problem. So I'm just confused and wondering why. My guess is that maybe the model.aadl is not correct.(because the pok_arch_init will initialize the GDT) Trying to debug with gdb is not workable because there are some sensitive instruction in initialization.  If you could give me some suggestion it will be more helpful. 

Best Regards.
Youren Shen.

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 9:24 AM, Julien Delange <julien@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Well, this is difficult to know since you have made some changes in the kernel. Also, the screenshot does not indicate so much especially if you disable the output. My (simple) advice will be to try to use gdb or any potential debug program in order to try to debug and see what is going on. As this code seems to be related to previous rtems/gsoc efforts, I would also recommend to contact the person who wrote this code, I think I might have some insight and help you to debug it.


On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 8:22 AM, Youren Shen <shenyouren@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi everyone:

I'm trying to running a POK applications. This simple example is writing by someone else. When I'm trying to running it, The qemu opened but not running the pok kernnel rightly.
The snapshot of result is here [1]. The official example partition-threads running successfully. And I noticed the kernel can't running to pok_time_init.

Here is my problem applications:[2]. We have done some change in POK kernel, but the partition-threads share comment code before pok_time_init, which can run successfully.

So, What's wrong with this application?  Thank you. I guess maybe the model.aadl was wrong.

Best Regards.
Youren Shen. 

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