[pok] Fwd: [pok-devel] Paper on POK at WCET'12

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Dear POK users,

 For your information, a paper about POK, I had never heard about this
 project so, this is nice to see that the project is used.
 However, the authors did not send any contribution to the project and
 it does not seem that the modified source code is available. If you
are aware of its availability, it would be great to integrate the
modification to the trunk.

 Best regards,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Julien Delange <julien@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 9:31 AM
Subject: Fwd: [pok-devel] Paper on POK at WCET'12
To: pok-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dear POK users,

For your information, a paper about POK, I had never heard about this
project so, this is nice to see that the project is used.
However, the authors did not send any contribution to the project and
it does not seem that the modified source code is available.

Best regards,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jérôme Hugues <Jerome.HUGUES@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 12:41 PM
Subject: [pok-devel] Paper on POK at WCET'12
To: pok-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dear all,

I just noticed this paper, assessing and enhancing POK timing
predictability as part of the WCET'12 workshop,


see the paper

A Time-composable Operating System (slides, paper)
Andrea Baldovin, Enrico Mezzetti and Tullio Vardanega

I tried to find the code developed, but could not find anything so far :(
It would be great to have part of their contributions integrated

Jérôme Hugues, ISAE/DMIA
Jerome.HUGUES@xxxxxxx - (+33) 5 61 33 91 84
FN:Hugues Jérôme
TEL;type=WORK;type=pref:+33 5 61 33 91 84
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