Re: [pok] problem with the network example

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On 05/12/2011 10:35 AM, Jens Halbig wrote:
I've tried the network example with the normal network settings
(~/pok/misc/mk/ and with some additional options for qemu
but it doesn't work.

Is it possible that the rtl8029 network driver of pok doesn't work?

It used to work, at least when I worked on POK. Can you tell me what is your version of QEMU ?

The pci_register(&(dev.pci)) function (called from rtl8029_init ())
returns "1" but according to the source file (rtl8029.c) it should be
"0". Where is the problem?

I'm not a magician lord and I cannot guess until I have your precise configuration. So, can you tell me which version of GCC and QEMU you use ?

Also, thanks to avoid ***any*** personal mail and use the mailing-list of pok (pok@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and pok-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx). There are especially made for that purpose and this is the official channel to discuss about pok.


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