[pok-devel] POK multicore time-space partitioning

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Hello admin,

I'm a Telecom's trainee in an embedded system firm and my project is to use and modify your POK code for implementing it into a Xilinx Zynq.
Now, I have to find how to evolve this monocore code to a multicore 
environment, and specially how to evolve time-space partitioning from 
monocore to multicore.
So, I'm sending you a message to know if you can help me in my research, 
if you can give me some hints about this.
Thank you for your understanding and your possible help.

Sincerely yours,

Julien PIGNOLET | DĂ©veloppeur Electronique&  Logiciel | Electronic&  software Engineering

Mob. : +33 (0)6 08 90 79 54
Mail : jpignolet-ext@xxxxxxxxxxxx

 - Assystem France -

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