Re: [pok-devel] Ocarina/POK Questions (Partitions and Sockets)?

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Le Tue, Mar 06, 2012 at 11:43:48PM -0800, Reder, Leonard J (3496) :
> [snip]

1. No, you cannot bind two AADL processes to a single virtual processor.
   A virtual processor represents the execution context/platform of a
   partition whereas the process model its address space. So, you cannot
   bind two address spaces to the same partition. In that case, you
   should merge all the runtime entities from your processes into a
   single one.

   For your demo, in that case, you should make a refactoring of your
   model and this could be done automatically using model tranformation
   tools, either using OSATE/Eclipse or Ocarina. This is more an
   engineering/tooling issue.

2. POK does not provide socket as POSIX socket. It offers communication
   functions using the raw ethernet device. We do not have TCP/IP stack
   because most of safety-critical systems use different communications
   buses. The goal in POK was to demonstrate the potential of the
   platform to be able to (a) use device drivers and (b) communicate
   within a distributed environment. So, you can still use
   communications, but it will not use traditional sockets.

   You can have a look at the example "network" in the examples/
   directory. This is based on a QEMU emulation on ne2000 cards and
   enables the communication between two partitions located on different
   (simulated) intel processor boards.

Hope that helps,


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