these day i write code for application on POK
my application require semaphore.
so i used "pok_sem_create()" function.
uint8_t sid;
pok_ret_t ret;
ret = pok_sem_create(&sid , 5, 5, POK_SEMAPHORE_DISCIPLINE_FIFO);
printf("pok_sem_create return=%d, mid=%d\n", ret, sid);
i received message
" pok_sem_create return=1, mid=0 "
so i ran the pok example about [semaphore]
but i also received same message.
i guess that return code 1 is invalid argument.
so can u check the semaphore function ?
and can u show me the code example?
how do i solve this problem ?
thank you for your attention .
best regards.